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Tell me...why would this get a down vote...I answerd the question like was requested...should of listed more quotes??? I had more...

@wax eagle, can u help???
4 hours later…
@rob I thought the answer was pretty good, myself. I'm not sure who down-voted it or why, but I wouldn't sweat it. Different people have different opinions on what a good answer is, and you can't please everyone.
However, looking at the question itself, it's pretty clearly a "list question" Probably ought to be closed and not answered at all. you could go on an on with what various prominent theologians said about it.
@DavidStratton I like your previous profile picture - the one with the cute toddler. What ever happened to it? :(
@david stratton, thx.... I was surprised it was allowed and it went so long w/o an answer...
you are correct as the fact is there are large amounts of theologians out there with opinions and as there was no particular request for the type of theology I used
@DavidStratton and who gets to decide who's "prominent"
multiple beliefs even a satanist. But I guesd for me as I like to improve myself, I would love to know why the person that down voted me didnt like the answer and what they would of thought the correct response would of been....not like they didnt have plenty of time to put their own hahaha....
@rob you've got a couple of spelling errors in the first 'graph too if you wanted to pop in and edit those quickly
What ones???
I am a bad speller
@rob serched -> searched and anset -> answer
helps if you use a browser with an integrated spell check, Firefox and Chrome both have that
and IE has a couple of add ons that can add the functionality
Im on my daughters kindle...my comp is down...
ah, not sure if silk has a spell check, haven't used it much.
Ah i c... thx
I do like firefox though!!
I'm partial to Chrome at the moment, though I still use Firefox at work
I have used chrome and im not opposed to it...i used to use another years ago but cant think of it at the moment...
Edit done...thx wax I apreciate it...always do with constructive criticism
Would be nice if someone votes down that they say why...it could even be done w/o letting us know who...
If the were afraid of retaliation ...
@rob that's been suggested many times, and generally rejected.
@rob variety of reasons, the first one is that they want to keep voting anonymous. The second is that downvotes aren't very significant in terms of reputation hit. and the third is that they don't want to discourage people from downvoting by making it harder than it already is.
You should have a valad reason if you are going to hurt someone...
first and foremost, all posts should be judged on their merit (ie content). If it's good, it should be upvoted, if it's bad or wrong it should be downvoted
Feedback could be anonymous on the down vote...
so we don't take downvotes personally
meh, that'd require actual development time which can be better spent elsewhere
and a seperate subsystem from those that already exist which just adds to the confusion, and again, makes downvoting (Something we want people to do) harder
But thats even more reason to give feedback so one can improve the posting ability...
that's why there is a little popup that encourages the downvoter to leave a comment
not everyone wants to. Sometimes they don't have anything constructive to say
Oh...didnt know that...
or someone else has already covered their thoughts on it
I dont think, aside from monty, anyone left reason why they were negative about me...
But still i dont c why its hard for soneone to leave a reason...they know why they did it...if it was honest and if they want to help...if i leave a negative i will leave a reason so the other can grow...i mean SE is suppose 2b here to help right???
Hey ttu l8er...thx again 4 ur help ¢0:
@rob yes, and in general I agree, downvotes should come with comments. But there are times when there just isn't anything constructive you can think of to say. In that case you've got the Bambi quote. "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"
@waxeagle @rob I second the Thumper principle
I don't think my question on the Small Catechism is a good question after all.
First off, the question presumes that there is already data about the current practice of morning, evening, and table prayers.
Q: Hello! Are there any liberal Christians here?

GravitonI have a question directed at liberal Christians who don't believe in resurrection. And then my question is closed because "liberal Christians" is a not well-defined terminology. I don't want to start another question "whether "liberal Christians" is well-defined or not", so I just hope that t...

@waxeagle That's the crux of the issue and why I think that's a "list question" that could go on and on and on and on... heck, I have a hundred people in my local Church that I could arbitrarily call "prominent" and post their opinions. That question ought to be closed.
6 hours later…
@TRiG Ouch! Clearly, as suggested by Aspermoth in comments, the real Reepicheep is out of action and has been replaced by an evil cyborg duplicate / ghostclone / mirror-universe doppelganger for the duration of the chapter.
The narrative gravity behind "Reepicheep is awesome" is so strong that we just have to construct ludicrous explanations like this.
Also Puddleglum is awesome.
And not only because he is played by Tom Baker.
@JamesT You're right, of course.
3 hours later…
@waxeagle I thought for sure you used the word irrelephant in here, but I couldn't find it. This is a pretty comprehensive list:
@fredsbend try the rpg room :)
I also saw this one. SE now has an answer:
@waxeagle I don't think I've ever been in there.
@fredsbend can't see image host on SE plz?
betta, or verse?
I havent watched the BBC Narnia stories inna long time...
@Anonymous, I couldnt find your catechism question.
I think there is always a good way to give criticism ... Jesus always did...and supposedly what he did so can we...right??? But I do think if we have the right mindset we can give proper cretique...
Thats all...
@waxeagle Well, I'm with Rob here. The only time I have downvoted without comment is when it is like the fourth time the same user has done the same thing. Otherwise, I have plainly told them the answer sucks. Example.
@fredsbend Generally agree, there are specific sites where I'm more or less likely to leave a comment. And it generally depends on whether or not I feel like dealing with the backlash over my opinion
Though often the whiny "leave a comment when you downvote" is more annoying than just leaving the comment
@waxeagle I understand that. SE has taught me when to walk away though. Sometimes, I just never reply.
@waxeagle lol
I just leave a comment of my own on my post. Example
1 hour later…
Actually I was thinking...if you cant say anything nice then dont say anythi g at all...wouldnt that mean dont leave a down vote without positive construction???
Or would the down vote be thought of as not speaking...like throwing a tomato at an actor...hahaha...
@rob more as a quiet way of voicing descent.
Fine line...hehehe...
@waxeagle personally, I think I always leave a comment unless it should be obvious, though I won't defend myself if they care to argue with me on it
if they don't like it, they can fix it
if they don't think the fix is worth it, they can live with the down vote
but then again, that's also the way I hope to be treated, I have no problem with someone downvoting my answer, I just like to know why so I can either disagree at the cost of 2 rep or fix it to be better if I agree
but I do understand why it isn't the policy to require that
but yeah, downvotes aren't for "hurting someone"
they are for encouraging good questions and answers
@AJHenderson that should be the big take away
the downvote text for questions:
> This question does not show research effort, is not clear or is not useful
and for answers
they are simply a way to lend credence to a question or answer as being useful
> This answer is not useful
That's the only guidance given for downvoting
if you think it is more harmful than helpful, downvote
it's nothing personal, its about judging content
if you think it can be improved, comment and explain how
so if you can't offer constructive criticism, I'd say don't comment. Just downvote and leave it at that, but if you can, I generally encourage providing that feedback as most people will generally find it useful
but sometimes they won't
4 hours later…
- Source from a torrented file.
@aj henderson, yeah I pretty much like your ides also...
Q: If American Churches paid taxes, how much revenue would that generate?

AviI recent Cracked.com photoplasty contest produced this image: Is this image correct? Would taxing churches generate that much money, and would that much money be enough to cover food stamps and house the homeless? At what tax rate would churches have to be taxed (e.g. a corporate tax rate, sma...

@JamesT Actually, I prefer Kristycat's explanation: Repicheep is in character, but he's forgotten what story he's in. He makes perfect sense in the context of a knight going out into the world to "actively look for funky stuff to investigate, challenges to overcome, damsels to rescue, etc., for precisely the reason of "because it's there!"
He makes no sense at all in the context he's actually in: on a quest with a sworn purpose, with no sensible reason for dilly dallying, and with an heirless monarch as one of their number.

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