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@Iain That could be... a mite confusing.
If we want an SF community blog do we have to share it with the SE folks then ?
we did discuss it but it was some time ago
I don't think blogoverflow existed at the time and not it does it seems opportune
The confusing point mostly lies in naming. We'd end up with two "Server Fault Blog" entities for two separate purposes.
Hold on a sec...
Hey @Zypher
yo just following your link
standing in the DC so ... so will dissapear at points
Ah, gotcha.
@Iain One point I didn't recall until now... I don't think this will generally quite work in exactly that setup, naming matches aside. We usually structure blogs so that, eventually, both of those such addresses will go to the same place. So for example, the gaming blog is at both gaming.blogoverflow.com as well as blog.gaming.stackexchange.com.
but, my stance on this is the same as when it was last brought up. As long as the official blog of the SE Sysadmins is a different blog than the Official blog of the SF Community i'm all for doing a community blog
however i wouldn't be opposed to a <cool sysamdin blog name>.stackexchange.com for the official SE one and give blog.sf back to the community
@Zypher This is the approach I was thinking would be best. Since having the blog for the Server Fault community, well, not be the Server Fault Blog would be... mindbreaking.
oh god why do these servers take so long to boot
@GraceNote ah - didn't realise it was structured like that
and the last time we discussed it we ceded blog.sf to you guys @Zypher
but if you guys giving it back to the community is the only way to go then we can ask the community how they want to proceed if at all
@Iain Sorry, caught up on things dancing left-and-right here.
On this matter, I'd have to do the general "See if the community can support a blog" thing that I do for establishing any blog on the network first. Check who is willing to write, how much, how often, etc.
We can do the whole "What shall our cool SE Sysadmin Blog be named?" discussion once we note that there is enough support for a Server Fault community blog to sustain itself.
thecave.stackexchange.com or bellyofthebeast.stackexchange.com, obviously.
2 hours later…
@GraceNote If you want to do that fine, or you can point me at one you've already done and I'll raise it on our meta

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