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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in username (1): Why is System process listening on Port 80? by nICEsCREAM on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): PHP is_embed error showing up by rolzan on wordpress.SE
@SmokeDetector tp- undisclosed affiliation.
@SmokeDetector fpu-
fp- feedback received on [MS] PHP is_embed error showing up
@Someone_who_likes_SE I'm pinging @Makyen who's one of the admins, and will be able to take care of that.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer, messaging number in answer, pattern-matching email in answer, +1 more (443): What is a "spellcaster" for the purpose of magic item attunement? by Justinah Anne PHILIPS on rpg.SE
sdc watch-number 2349130256489
sdc watch supremespellssolutions(?:@gmail\.com)?
@Someone_who_likes_SE Done. cc @cigien
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): Sữa nghệ Curcumin by Thảo Nhi Shop on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Sữa nghệ Curcumin
sdc watch thaonhi\.com\.vn
sdc watch-number 0971507323
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, blacklisted user (72): AM/PM Essentials Jeunesse - Thảo Nhi shop ✏️ by Thảo Nhi Shop on stackoverflow.com
@Makyen Thanks a lot!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Additional exhaust vents needed for whole house fan by Tom Dibble on diy.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): SealReportについて ✏️ by bookbear on ja.stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): SealReportの利用方法について by bookbear on ja.stackoverflow.com
Makyen/EC2-linux: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
teward/Osiris: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 9b641e587 (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of 0971507323 by cigien) (running on teward/Osiris, Python 3.8.5)
Restart: API quota is 17880.
[ metasmoke-deploy ] deploy started by Undo
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci: rubocop failure on 83117be: Your tests failed on CircleCI
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Need a script to open and closes a videogame every 4 minutes by Nathaniel Nagy on stackoverflow.com
[ metasmoke ] GitHub Action workflow rubocop: failure on 83117be by Undo1 in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Execute/Deploy SQL script to sql server through Devops. what are possible options? by dbglider Inc. on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Chinese character in title, mostly non-latin body, mostly non-latin title (243): 闫丽梦的虚假研究 #郭文贵 班农 闫丽梦 by MEN Y on meta.SE (@Ollie)
[ metasmoke-deploy ] deploy started by Undo
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on 190c2d4: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
[ metasmoke ] GitHub Actions: success on 190c2d4 by Undo1 in the master branch
[ metasmoke-deploy ] deploy started by Undo
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on 50b831a: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
[ metasmoke ] GitHub Actions: success on 50b831a by Undo1 in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer, repeating characters in answer (264): Me comi una olla de porotos by Federico Hipperdinger on es.stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Me comi una olla de porotos
[ metasmoke-deploy ] deploy started by Undo
[ metasmoke ] ci/circleci success on 7145a57: Your tests passed on CircleCI!
[ metasmoke ] GitHub Actions: success on 7145a57 by Undo1 in the master branch
@metasmoke Ooh. I quite like how these look: i.imgur.com/AZpjAgC.png
Nice change, Undo!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): How To Continuously Deliver database changes within devops pipeline by dbglider Inc. on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Database DevOps with SQL Server for DML Operations by dbglider Inc. on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title (193): Thailand Online Casino Game by Scr 99thailand on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Thailand Online Casino Game
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Automating (DevOps) the deployment of SQL Server Databases with Large Datasets by dbglider Inc. on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body, shortened url in body (86): Why tinyurl produce 2 different links for same URL? by Melvyn York on webapps.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in answer (36): Why cant i replace another - with /? by simu XD on stackoverflow.com
New metasmoke user 'sta' created
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body, potentially problematic ns configuration in body (97): spamassassin not sending a mail by Saravana Babu on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in body (96): Conditional Field In A Form (Mailchimp) by Nisaaa on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (78): How to convert windows bat file into exe? by NeonNationGG on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer (77): Is it possible to use Il2CppDumper on android? by Abhi on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Luncheon meat detected, no whitespace in answer (137): How to covert this list of strings into integers by user16331110 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body (1): Reddit Frugal Male Fashion - Forbes Magazine by frugal male fashion on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body, potentially bad keyword in body (3): Instructions to do kasa login by cameralogin on askubuntu.com (@Ollie)
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Instructions to do kasa login
sdc watch forbesmagazine\.net
@SmokeDetector tpu- 4 identical answers in the last 2 hours, very promotional. I've custom flagged.
sdc watch scr99thai\.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklists reloaded at rev e03d05d98 (tripleee: ! Watch IP (running on teward/Osiris)
Makyen/MS-Relay: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev c17b6b9eb (Makyen: MS instance: prevent automatic revert to earlier commit) (running on Makyen/MS-Relay, Python 3.6.12)
iBug/Lily: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
!!/watch- dbglider\.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad ip for hostname in answer (94): How to inject HTML code into every delivered HTML page? by HTML on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Wire raspberry pi tft display, so as to keep the GPIO pins available for use by pycvalade on raspberrypi.SE
sdc watch dbglider(?!\.com)
@SmokeDetector tpu- Spam domain. Text is copied from another answer serverfault.com/a/768751. I've custom flagged.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in answer (1): Regular decrease in the atomic radius of 3d series by Mirror View on chemistry.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more (491): https kit co DrCharlesStanleyCBD charles stanley cbd gummies by Charlgu mmies on askubuntu.com (@Ollie)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body, potentially bad keyword in body (2): VTL Max shop for are free of terrible side results by VTL Max on meta.SE (@Ollie)
@cigien It would be good if this was written to avoid detecting the username. The user is also blacklisted, so watching this in a way which detects the username will result in 2 detections for the next post the user writes, regardless of what the content is. That seems a bit harsh, and not unlikely to result in autoflagging, if they happen to hit some other detection, even if not spam.
sdc unwatch dbglider(?!\.com)
sdc watch dbglider(?!\.com|\sinc\.)
@Makyen Ok, that makes sense. I've adjusted the watch (hopefully correctly), so it avoids detecting the username, as well as the domain.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): PhpWord doesn't replace text by Alex on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad pattern in url answer, pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (139): what happens if you add the concentration of BOTH product and reactant at equilibrium by JanieClarke on chemistry.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title (98): Charles Stanley CBD Gummies by Roanimaxko on drupal.SE
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Charles Stanley CBD Gummies
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): How to find Doctor email lists? by doctoremaillsits on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] How to find Doctor email lists?
sdc watch physician-data\.com
naa- feedback received on [MS] PhpWord doesn't replace text
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): How to move my 3D print file on the Z-axis in Creality slicer software? by ridhimasharma on 3dprinting.SE
sdc watch stratasys\.co\.in
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): I cant click search button by AHMET TAŞ on stackoverflow.com
fp- feedback received on [MS] I cant click search button
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, misleading link, potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in username (86): How do I get this URL without considering the Apache settings? by McAfee Activate on stackoverflow.com
sdc watch uscomoffice\.com
sdc watch officecommsoffice\.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in answer (1): How to install mcrypt extension in xampp by Sazid Mandal on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Misleading link, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in username, blacklisted user (96): How do I transfer my Microsoft Office setup to a new PC? by McAfee Activate on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tpu- undisclosed affiliation.
Makyen/EC2-linux: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
teward/Osiris: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 7582f0b8c (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of officecommsoffice\.com by cigien) (running on teward/Osiris, Python 3.8.5)
Restart: API quota is 15851.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (40): Cucumber сценарий выполняется два раза подряд by Nick Petrych on ru.stackoverflow.com (@VictorVosMottor)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (40): How is 172ms block propagation possible? ✏️ by user2229336 on ethereum.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): UTM parameter in url getting lost upon moving to next page by Ajay on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): OAuth Callback failing by noonecious on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): Remove APK from library in Google Play Developer Console by Sophia Amelia on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, bad keyword in body, bad pattern in url body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +2 more (579): Selzi a Ke to : This Is Natural Suppl ement by TerlierVilim on superuser.com
fp- feedback received on [MS] How is 172ms block propagation possible?
fp- feedback received on [MS] OAuth Callback failing
!!/watch wisereviews\.com\.au
@SmokeDetector copy pasted from support.discord.com/hc/en-us/profiles/1505615160041-kronya with spam link
[ SmokeDetector ] GitHub Actions: success on d6343ec by tripleee in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected, toxic answer detected (158): Kanji that represent "Death before Dishonor" meaning by douchbag1227 on japanese.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): How can I validate a form with regex before it is submitted? by Jay on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (61): How do i create an bootable ISO File from USB Flash drive? by abds69 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Senior Living Northridge | Assisted Living & Dementia Care Los Angeles by Anjali Gusain on meta.SE (@Ollie)
!!/watch-number (818) 698-2319
!!/watch paradiseinthevalley\.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, blacklisted website in answer (265): Warning. Boot script table modified!!! Please contact vendor. (Lenovo BIOS Issue) by Scott on askubuntu.com (@Ollie)
@metasmoke JeffSchaller salvageable with a simple edit (already done) so not really TP
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): Why should you Outsource Tax Processing? by orangeiq on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): downloading NodeJS on Host by iHapiW on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Why should you Outsource Tax Processing?
!!/watch orangeiq\.com\.au
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching product name in body, +2 more (587): What is Vivid Life Skin Serum UK? by aanajinsi on drupal.SE
tpu- feedback received on [MS] What is Vivid Life Skin Serum UK?
!!/watch-force ketocomplete\.co\.uk
@tripleee That pattern looks like it's already caught by Bad keyword in answer and Bad keyword in body Append -force to the command if you really want to add this pattern.
@tripleee thank you for the edit; since it wasn't a 1-rep user, I assumed they'd know better.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): I cant click search button by AHMET TAŞ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklists reloaded at rev 10ac29685 (tripleee: ! Watch IP (running on teward/Osiris)
[ SmokeDetector ] GitHub Actions: success on 10ac296 by tripleee in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Regex: allow semicolons within HTML tags and around pipes by Crowd Stage on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): How to check if a node in k8s cluster got rebooted by Jakub Siemaszko on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer, blacklisted user (72): Set Hive priory for individual query/ connection by Crowd Stage on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body, blacklisted website in body, potentially bad keyword in body (169): What are Six Tips To Know You Chose The Correct College Major by Emily Moore on stackoverflow.com
!!/blacklist-website warriorplus\.com
[ SmokeDetector ] GitHub Actions: success on 2e3610f by tripleee in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector ] GitHub Actions: success on 3538a7e by tripleee in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): I can't save QR codes on my Linux directory using java by user16316341 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Body starts with title and ends in url, potentially bad keyword in body (98): Ищем верстальщика, который сможет сделать письма для email в html by Katya Ivanova on ru.stackoverflow.com (@VictorVosMottor)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Cannot read property 'fetch' of undefined - any assistance appreciated by Delta_Bravo92 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in title, repeating characters in title (66): FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUC U ALL FOR CLOSING THIS ✏️ by user260541 on stats.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword in link text in answer, pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (246): Which is the BEST way to optimize a web site for faster download and SEO? by Pooja Sharma on stackoverflow.com
!!/watch- gapinfotech\.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (66): Solve a Rubik's Cube by Cube Lelo on codegolf.SE (@hyper-neutrino)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in title (2): Need website like popl.co to share with link using NFC tag by sherry on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially problematic ns configuration in body (1): Use asyncio.wait_for wrap asyncio.open_connection timeout incorrect,also async_timeout ✏️ by jimifoot on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): When is a second milah required by teshuva_seeker on judaism.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (40): how to take the values of text boxes and display it into a note pad by Palladex casual on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector recruiting ad
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in link text in body, blacklisted website in body (263): How Bulk SMS Marketing is Important for a Spa and Salon Organization by Sanjay Baghel on serverfault.com
!!/watch cubelelo\.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklists reloaded at rev b360cb80e (tripleee: ! Watch IP (running on teward/Osiris)
[ SmokeDetector ] GitHub Actions: success on b360cb8 by tripleee in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): How should my conlang enable arbitrarily large integers to be said? by Thomas on conlang.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (185): How does Shutterstock keep getting my latest debit card number? by alexander castro on security.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body (71): Buy Cheap OfficeWorks Computer Chairs for Sale - Desk Chairs- Easymart Australia by Lucy Brown on meta.SE (@Ollie)
!!/watch easymart\.com\.au
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially bad keyword in username, potentially problematic ns configuration in answer, username similar to website in answer, blacklisted user (140): What is the industrial equivalent of a dimmer switch for resistive heaters? by Shiva Heater on electronics.SE
[ SmokeDetector ] GitHub Actions: success on b60d59f by tripleee in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklists reloaded at rev b60d59f5b (tripleee: ! Watch IP (running on teward/Osiris)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer, potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (82): How to have 2 sitemaps - 1 for main site the other for wordpress in subfolder by Sujit Biswas on webmasters.SE
Makyen/MS-Relay: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev c17b6b9eb (Makyen: MS instance: prevent automatic revert to earlier commit) (running on Makyen/MS-Relay, Python 3.6.12)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): Group by clause and list by Karan Guleria on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (34): What anime is this character from? by WitekWitek123 on scifi.SE
iBug/Lily: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
!!/watch buyforpantry\.com
@tripleee That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body Append -force to the command if you really want to add this pattern.
tpu- feedback received on [MS] What anime is this character from?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, blacklisted website in answer (265): In the movie Contact, why would Hadden live on an airplane or space station? by Sara on scifi.SE
!!/watch przechowalnia24\.pl
!!/watch okoliceciala\.pl
!!/watch ledholo\.com
[ SmokeDetector ] GitHub Actions: success on 9c1ab4e by tripleee in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklists reloaded at rev 9c1ab4e37 (tripleee: ! Watch IP (running on teward/Osiris)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (66): US visa after UK drink driving offense by Driving Defences on travel.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, blacklisted website in answer (265): "Plastifying" rusty integrated dish drying rack (food contact) by Audrey on diy.SE
!!/watch drivingdefences\.co\.uk
[ SmokeDetector ] GitHub Actions: success on 6977078 by tripleee in the master branch
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (272): Using ispell/aspell to spell check camelcased words by spellshub black magic 4 love on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer (81): MicroSD card not recognized anymore by Android phone by Amelia Lopez on android.SE (@AndrewT.)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer (87): Robocopy move old files instead of override by DemoManIT on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] No whitespace in body, no whitespace in title (168): sdashjdkjsahdkasdhjas ✏️ by Murat Sina on math.SE
!!/watch recover-androiddata\.com
tp- feedback received on [MS] sdashjdkjsahdkasdhjas
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (40): Blender video editor blank render ✏️ by Sebastian on blender.SE
!!/watch abestguide\.in
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body (264): The High-Quality Fake Money Online? by undetectablefake on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): How to reduce CSS size of my website? I want to speed up my website? by user1026585 on meta.SE (@Ollie)
tpu- feedback received on [MS] The High-Quality Fake Money Online?
!!/watch- undetectedcounterfeits\.com
!!/watch- undetectedcounterfeits(?!\.com)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in title (1): Powered by Google no show when use plugin chauffeur booking by Mariusz Skierkowski on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with a link in answer, link at end of answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (229): How to fix issue of "brittle tests" while testing real data from database with Integration Tests by Dereement on stackoverflow.com
!!/blacklist-website- swipe22\.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Shortened url in answer (57): How to calculate sprint capacity? by Agile Scrum on pm.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title, blacklisted user (73): binance clone from zodeak by rachel on bitcoin.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer (80): edit layout on woocommerce snippet by Matteo Vanello on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] edit layout on woocommerce snippet
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in title (1): Best Mobile App Development Company in UK? by Chimpare Design on stackoverflow.com
sdc watch- chimpare\.com
PR#6565 ("Ollie: Watch chimpare\.com") opened by SmokeDetector
sdc watch-number- 01329 609 260
PR#6566 ("Ollie: Watch 01329 609 260") opened by SmokeDetector
!!/approve 6566
tpu- feedback received on [MS] binance clone from zodeak
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (71): edit layout on woocommerce snippet by Matteo Vanello on stackoverflow.com
fp- feedback received on [MS] edit layout on woocommerce snippet
fp- feedback received on [MS] edit layout on woocommerce snippet
naa- feedback received on [MS] edit layout on woocommerce snippet
@SmokeDetector This is not actually spam, even though it might look like it. OTOH, I don't have a problem with it being blocked by the system. It's actually the question author trying to respond to someone in comments asking them for a link to their website. So, at a minimum, it was information requested by an (presumably) unrelated person, which makes it not-spam.
@Makyen I saw that after the question edit. Switched to naa-.
teward/Osiris: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
Restart: API quota is 12479.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially problematic ns configuration in body (1): Nextjs Sitemap not fetch by Google search console by Pasindu Prabhashitha on webmasters.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): SQlite3 not recognized in command prompt by Sai H. on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Straight Line from Coast by Jeffrey Kaplan on gis.SE
fp- feedback received on [MS] Straight Line from Coast
naa- feedback received on [MS] SQlite3 not recognized in command prompt
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer, repeating characters in answer (264): Error: a certificate chain processed,but terminated in a root error .Net Framework 4.7 by ygyg on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title (193): Is dietary supplement NR (NAD+ precursor) likely to boost a papillary thyroid microcarcinoma? by Martin on medicalsciences.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially problematic ns configuration in body (1): Form submission going to blank page by Arbaaz on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): Group by clause and list by Karan Guleria on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, username similar to website in answer (127): How can I fix this persistently leaky shower faucet? by Sedco Plumbing on diy.SE
!!/watch- sedcoplumbing\.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Masturbating in Ramadan by Ahmad on islam.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): How to add NFC read feature to my website by sherry on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Uncaught ReferenceError: io is not defined. I am making a video chat app by sohanshanbhag on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (40): Black-quads artifact on rendering by Grainster Dima on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Unable to parse the Test logs in windows machine using Nxlog by rafal on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially problematic ns configuration in body (1): xcode 13 executable file not found by AndreaNic on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in answer (36): how to convert list of strings to list of guids by Ahmed Shaker on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Инициализация списка как аргумент по умолчанию by ohmywollie on ru.stackoverflow.com (@VictorVosMottor)
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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