I think Elijah was a Light Cleric. He called fire down from heaven once. And also created rain and drought, which is "Control Weather", a 8th level Cleric spell
He also instant-transmissioned to heaven via fire horse chariots, and you kind of have to be a light cleric in order for God to be like "You get to go to heaven with these sick fire-horses"
I'm curious to see what our quest would be now that uh we reached Glaevale
I don't know if Lae wants to go to Faerunwind yet. He doesn't want to endanger his friends but knows they'll tag along anyways, and doesn't want them to get hurt
(BTW: the reason I picked Oracle from PF was: These divine vessels are granted power without their choice, selected by providence to wield powers that even they do not fully understand. Which in a way is sort of closer than Cleric because Jesus was following God not according to the religion at the time... I guess... I am wording this very badly)
Anyway, I am probably not the best person to ask :P
so this is the party that has the druid and the rogue and the thiev-y characters and they're all really chaotic good and edgy and we goof around with that stuff a lot
and there's a running party joke that the only genuinely Lawful Good character in the party is our halfling ranger, who is canonically very immature and an orphan with no father figure
so today the characters had to visit a store, and it was our edgy rogue guy and our edgy sorcerer guy and the tiny halfling
we proceeded to literally have the halfling pretend he was the adopted son of the two extremely edgelord evil/chaotic rogue/sorcerer characters and roleplayed an entire shopping trip complete with the halfling whining, the cashier mistaking them for tired dads, etc
and by the end we were just sobbing laughing on the discord call
so by the end we're all laughing and it was really funny and the characters are leaving the store, and the halfling player suddenly gets serious and says in character "i really liked having dads for a day"
and the edgy, chaotic neutral sorcerer looks down and gently puts his arm around him and is like "you can be my stupid kid any day" and it was beautiful
they even had built in "hey you don't have to conform to gender norms! you can be anything!" and i loved that, d&d didn't have that for a long time
like there were some races who were just straight up encouraged to be genderfluid/nonbinary/etc because they had different conceptions of gender, etc and i always thought that was really neat
yes - PF1 was very "be whatever you want" and made it very easy to do exactly that, with very handwavy things about how you can pretty much reskin anything you want.
Hehe, I tried to click on the Westboro Baptist Chruch's website, and my school blocked it as " Violence/Undesirable". That is the first time I have ever seen my school block a website for that reason
I also like how 5e elaborated on like "hey, you don't have to be gender/sexually conformant to society because we probably got way too much backlash for making every cis, white, and straight"
i liked that Tasha also expanded on races and was like "hey, sometimes you have different bloodlines!" and allowed you to get powers from multiple races
Predominantly black cast (with some small white characters), and I don't know much about Africa, so I can't say too much, but like they incorporated African culture as far as I can tell in Black Panther. I know for certain the cast had to learn Xhosa
American film director: "Hm, this is a story consisting of a predominantly non-white cast. Let's just shoot a white person... who's made to look not white
Yeah which is great - but look at the complaints if there are "too many" movies that involve non-white non-straight and/or non-male lead characters (eyeroll)
movie: has all white characters critics: i see no issue here movie: has literally one gay or trans character critics: WHY CAN'T THEY JUST KEEP POLITICS OUT OF MOVIES, JESUS
yeah... i think there are movies that swing too far in the other direction and push it too hard. i would have liked ghostbusters reboot more for example if they had actually written the female characters as different characters, but all four of them were the same character and the chemistry sucked because of it.
@Graylocke does it count if all the stories in my head have female/nonbinary folks falling in love with other female/nonbinary folks while doing epic adventures against evil
It is one of the things that annoys me in a number of movies... especially when there is a kick-ass female character who suddenly stops being kick-ass and becomes the whole damsel-in-distress as soon as she decides she's in love with the "main character" mostly because the male character has been lame until that point. I really hate that trope.
yeah. there are lots of tropes that result from writers pushing too far in the other direction and trying to make every female character "BADASS" to the point of being not a good character anymore and being sexist again
"Ah yes, this character has uh absurd superpowers but urm doesn't want to show it because her society says it's not okay but realizes that it's okay to have superpowers"
Also, when you take out Mushu, the movie CANNOT be good
when i briefly wrote small opinion pieces for my college newspaper, i wrote a piece once about the "Extreme Female Badass Tropes" that movies fall into when they're trying too hard and circle back around to being sexist again
my favorite scene from the current story-in-my-head is when two old friends negotiate the future of the rebellion over coffee. does it matter that they're female? no. are they completely awesome? yes.
my favorite test to do on my own stories is still the Bechdel test. "do two women with names discuss something that isn't a man" is such a brilliant test
@Graylocke they're only in my head... i worry that i would be terrible at writing them down, plus there's never really conclusions, just more adventures
The Bechdel test is basically a test to perform on your stories and plots where you ask yourself a) do i have two named female characters, b) do they talk to each other, c) about something not related to a man.
at any point in the plot is there a scene with two female characters who actually have names in the movie... and they have a conversation NOT about a male character.
at this point i find myself just including scenes where my female characters discuss philosophy and science and talk about their dreams because i hate the trope so much