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Can't really label a DnD class for him
I think Elijah was a Light Cleric. He called fire down from heaven once. And also created rain and drought, which is "Control Weather", a 8th level Cleric spell
He also instant-transmissioned to heaven via fire horse chariots, and you kind of have to be a light cleric in order for God to be like "You get to go to heaven with these sick fire-horses"
fire horse chariots are cool
@bobble Further proof Moses is a druid: Moses was a shepherd, and God spoke to him via burning bush
Why am I like this
this started as me trying to distract you from stress
I am excited for the campaign tomorrow though
I'm curious to see what our quest would be now that uh we reached Glaevale
I don't know if Lae wants to go to Faerunwind yet. He doesn't want to endanger his friends but knows they'll tag along anyways, and doesn't want them to get hurt
But he really wants to know what happened there
Hm, maybe Jesus was a Divine Soul Sorceror
Can you be a sorceror if you're God?
@Graylocke, care to weigh in on the above?
We're trying to decide what class Jesus was
Ooh o.O;
In PF I would maybe say Oracle?
Because they are kind of like uh... I guess they are to Cleric as Sorcerer is to Wizard?
So not cleric :P
Possibly a Life Oracle... I think they get the "pass through an area and heal people around you" type of things... which seems... on point
Cleric is possibly the closest 5e class though
But can a deity be a cleric?
(refrains from Christian-theology nerding)
Well ... then we get into weird philosophical debate that is different according to who is talking about it >.>;
During Jesus-as-man time... I mean. Eh. I am not qualified for theological discussions.
Jesus: Life Cleric. Deity: God the Father. (*Special note: Jesus is still God, but like also a human. Go Trinity)
in PSE D&D Chatroom, 2 days ago, by Sciborg
"Forgive me. When in communion with Pan, I forgot myself." They blink again. "I am one, and he is we."
(BTW: the reason I picked Oracle from PF was: These divine vessels are granted power without their choice, selected by providence to wield powers that even they do not fully understand. Which in a way is sort of closer than Cleric because Jesus was following God not according to the religion at the time... I guess... I am wording this very badly)
Anyway, I am probably not the best person to ask :P
Switching topics before it gets weird: What is Pathfinder?
It was an offshoot from D&D at e3.5
Oracle was actually one of my favourite classes >.>;
Which may have biased my response ^^:
But also Summoner... which I also liked.
You got your own special summoned creature... like a bigger familiar... and it could change as you got more levels.
very anime ;p
and the druid pic by default has a snow leopard... so... more points for PF :p
As for where the party goes now... I don't know... I think we need to find out who is killing the dragons and why >.>;
Because... I get the distinct impression that we have now twice had visions about a dragon losing it and burninating the world
and we should confirm who hired the mercs at any rate >.>;

The Classes of Biblical Figures.

46 mins ago, 34 minutes total – 62 messages, 3 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by bobble

because I will re-read this later
(yawns softly and curls in a ball of floof) why is it so cold in the middle of summer -.-;
tucks blanket around floofball
urf - I just noticed that the puzzle I've tried and broken twice already has updated again :(
@bobble tailhugs a bobble did you pick from your mega list of spells?
Cure Wounds, Hold Person, Bless, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon, Enhance Ability
and the Spiritual Weapon will be a glowy satyr which deals damage by headbutting
Alternatively, Hold Person on meanies and let Lae poke 'em
and Guidance, Druidcraft, Enhance Ability for out-of-combat shenanigains
Bless/Lesser Restoration/Cure Wounds being just generally useful
I like glowy satyr headbutt spell ^^;
So good
I have a whole 2 spell slots.
@Graylocke Wow, I have more spell slots than you. That's... sad
But I have now more than doubled my number of spells... and a bunch of them don't require spell slots to cast, confusingly -.-;
though some take me 10min to cast >.>;
When a Ranger has more spell slots to cast -_-;
also I recover them quicker, so I guess that's a thing
So for some I can just take 10min to cast without a spell slot.
@bobble Pokey pokey
And a lot are cantrips...
... and I can cast Hex in the same turn as Eldritch Blast!
(some things I have been learning - it is possible to cast multiple spells in a turn depending on what they are o.o)
also Astrid has 30HP! tanky cleric they are, tanky indeed
clerics are pretty tanky ;p
(we need Astrid to be up long enough to heal us from whatever foolish decisions we have made...)
I have 26 health
@Graylocke Lmao yes
I have 20hp... except when I have 30.
Oh my goodness I just finished DMing and you guys have been busy in here xD
hang on hang on backreading
'borg has arrived!
tailhugs the borgborg
i'm dying laughing, i NEED to tell you the story of this session today
it was so good
please do
so this is the party that has the druid and the rogue and the thiev-y characters and they're all really chaotic good and edgy and we goof around with that stuff a lot
and there's a running party joke that the only genuinely Lawful Good character in the party is our halfling ranger, who is canonically very immature and an orphan with no father figure
so today the characters had to visit a store, and it was our edgy rogue guy and our edgy sorcerer guy and the tiny halfling
oh no
the halfling proceeded to notice that the store had a 50% discount for parents and kids, because it was like a Bring Your Kid Shopping Day
... lol
we proceeded to literally have the halfling pretend he was the adopted son of the two extremely edgelord evil/chaotic rogue/sorcerer characters and roleplayed an entire shopping trip complete with the halfling whining, the cashier mistaking them for tired dads, etc
and by the end we were just sobbing laughing on the discord call
and i CAN'T even
it was hysterical
was this what you anticipated when you declared Bring Your Kid Shopping Day?
that wasn't even the best part
so by the end we're all laughing and it was really funny and the characters are leaving the store, and the halfling player suddenly gets serious and says in character "i really liked having dads for a day"
and the edgy, chaotic neutral sorcerer looks down and gently puts his arm around him and is like "you can be my stupid kid any day" and it was beautiful
Character Moments!
and this is the edgy edgelord who is never nice to anyone, so it was so adorable
@Sciborg Awwweeee that is so wholesome and funny
and at the end the player who plays the halfling is like "can you guys just be my dads"
sorcerer player: "yes"
@Sciborg Are you going to be okay running two games tomorrow btw?
awr <3
Because if Kith and Johnny go, and then the Timid Trio goes...
that should be fine! no worries
Hm, okay
I'm also unsure of what time I'd be available
So the trial starts at no later than 5:15, but it could theoretically start earlier?
I'd be down to do it tonight if you're not too tired
I was going to look at your argument tonight, North
I was actually joking :P I have a lot of work to get done tonight bc I won't be able to do it tomorrow
'borg, do you have anything to add to Which Class Was Jesus?
Honestly can't argue with Cleric, it fits
But can God be his own cleric?
The whole True Resurrection and Reincarnation thing
There's no other 5e class that has divine spells of sufficient power >.>;
And he can canonically make food appear
Also, can you cast True Resurrection when you're dead O_o
Technically, Miracle could have dealt with that...
@Sciborg True, he did multiply food
@Graylocke Hehe, Wish
No... Miracle
Miracle is more powerful than Wish really... ;p
Maybe God is the higher level cleric and Jesus is just his lower-level cleric son :p
It has deity level GM intrusion ;p
@Sciborg Hm, that's bordering on sacrilegious 'borg -_-;
Maybe Jesus is a sorceror. Because sorcerors are born with magical gift, and since Jesus is God....
God is cool with people joking about him, i imagine
i don't think he minds
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Hence Oracle! Divine power from birth not from worship!
but Oracle isn't a 5e class .-.;
I still wish it were >.>;
@Sciborg you played PF?
maybe something like Mystic, but i don't think that is a legal class anymore
PF as in Pathfinder?
yus ^^;
yup, i mostly play the 2.0 version nowadays
i struggle more on the rules than i do with D&D
there are so many rules o-o
yeah I looked at 2e and it's... confusion.
@Sciborg Unless you're part of the Westeboro Baptist Church who claims they're Christian....
you remember PF1 though?
i think you misspelled "the most broken game to ever exist" :p
@PrinceNorthLæraðr They don't seem to exhibit many qualities, to be honest >.>;
but yeah i played some 1.0, it was a ride
@Sciborg 2e? yes... it is... borked...
my favorite thing about Pathfinder 1.0 was the massive variety of classes, races, etc in comparison to D&D
1 is fun and customisable and everyone gets cool things
2 is... a whirlwind of tables
they even had built in "hey you don't have to conform to gender norms! you can be anything!" and i loved that, d&d didn't have that for a long time
like there were some races who were just straight up encouraged to be genderfluid/nonbinary/etc because they had different conceptions of gender, etc and i always thought that was really neat
yes - PF1 was very "be whatever you want" and made it very easy to do exactly that, with very handwavy things about how you can pretty much reskin anything you want.
PF1 is an ally and we stan :D
i enjoyed playing it a lot
and all the prototypes were far more open to diverse cultures, genders and sexualities
but anywhom
D&D did not encourage diverse humans for the longest time, they only really added different races and ethnicities of humans in 5e
Hehe, I tried to click on the Westboro Baptist Chruch's website, and my school blocked it as " Violence/Undesirable". That is the first time I have ever seen my school block a website for that reason
up until then it was just "ta-da you're white"
it was a bummer obviously. i liked that 5e expanded and encouraged you to be a different ethnicity of human
yep - human are apparently all the same otherwise you reduce diversity from not being an elf o.o;
what a stupid idea -.-;
I also like how 5e elaborated on like "hey, you don't have to be gender/sexually conformant to society because we probably got way too much backlash for making every cis, white, and straight"
yeah literally that was the reason
Wow, Wikipedia denotes the Westboro Baptist Church as a cult group
but progress is progress i suppose
(nods) I think the whole Background thing is one of my favourite 5e improvements
since it was an optional and slightly too complicated PF1 thing
Background is cool
Though I keep forgetting I get a trait from my background -_-;
i liked that Tasha also expanded on races and was like "hey, sometimes you have different bloodlines!" and allowed you to get powers from multiple races
@Sciborg Wait... what?
What's the limit on that? Like obviously it can't just be like all the races
there's new Tasha rules where you can be half-human half-tiefling, half-dwarf/half-elf, etc
it's limited but it is nice to give some more variety
And which traits do you get?
you basically pick one Major trait from your main bloodline and one Minor trait from your minor bloodline, if i remember correctly
@Sciborg Instead of just half-elf half humans? :P
so like if you're half-tiefling half-elf, and tiefling is your main bloodline, you get one major tiefling power and some smaller elf powers
Ah, I see
it's nice for variety :) since not everyone is half-elf yeah
Though half-elf is one of the most popular races
It is funny how like pretty much all the other races get like a subrace and human used to be just
Well - weirdly it has been said that it was done that way to avoid racisim.
avoiding it in the "pretending it doesn't exist" way rather than calling attention to it.
Which is... also... racist.
so.. yanno
yeah. whitewashing is kinda just as bad
"I don't see color" is just a way of saying "What makes you and I different isn't something I'll acknowledge"
it's like when they cast a movie set in Asia but are scared of being "racist" so they just frickin cast all white people
yeah well they never explicitly said "everyone is white" they just never actually showed anyone who wasn't -.-;
which is ... dumb -.-;
@PrinceNorthLæraðr this
@Sciborg smh
Just get someone
looking at you, Great Wall and Last Airbender movie
also - they lean heavily on tropes anyway because it is pretty stockfantasy
Who knows about a country in Asia (like a Chinese cultural PhD professor if you're shooting something in China) and get an Asian cast
See this is why I'm really happy about Black Panther
Ghost in the Shell
ughhhh Ghost in the Shelllll
that made me SO ANGRY
Predominantly black cast (with some small white characters), and I don't know much about Africa, so I can't say too much, but like they incorporated African culture as far as I can tell in Black Panther. I know for certain the cast had to learn Xhosa
Good job Marvel and Disney
Black Panther was a beautiful movie for so many reasons, and that was one of them
American film director: "Hm, this is a story consisting of a predominantly non-white cast. Let's just shoot a white person... who's made to look not white
Yeah which is great - but look at the complaints if there are "too many" movies that involve non-white non-straight and/or non-male lead characters (eyeroll)
movie: has all white characters
critics: i see no issue here
movie: has literally one gay or trans character
Okay, though to be fair, I know the Ancient One in Doctor Strange was white, but gosh I love that actress so much
same with games ;p
She's such a good actress
@Sciborg Hehe, "political message"
last of us 2: has one (only one) nontraditional female character and one (only one) trans character
even giving players the option to do these things and it becomes that.
Though there are movies that I think try too hard
"choose any character you want" is apparently too political.
And then it just kind of becomes cringe-y
i was so thrilled when i booted up Cyberpunk 2077 and discovered i could make a trans male character
like, they're not forcing you to do it, but you can and that makes some people happy who want to do it. why is that the end of the world
Like making an all-female cast of Ocean's 8. Idk. That movie just felt... too
I don't know about the right word
I wish they'd done more with the fact that they had an all-female cast
(What would be nice is if there were more writers who could write female characters ;p)
(Say... more female writers...)
yeah... i think there are movies that swing too far in the other direction and push it too hard. i would have liked ghostbusters reboot more for example if they had actually written the female characters as different characters, but all four of them were the same character and the chemistry sucked because of it.
@Graylocke does it count if all the stories in my head have female/nonbinary folks falling in love with other female/nonbinary folks while doing epic adventures against evil
@Sciborg It just felt like they were swapping genders out without doing anything interesting with the characters
Like "oh it's all female now, we're so progressive UwU"
It is one of the things that annoys me in a number of movies... especially when there is a kick-ass female character who suddenly stops being kick-ass and becomes the whole damsel-in-distress as soon as she decides she's in love with the "main character" mostly because the male character has been lame until that point. I really hate that trope.
ugh, can I complain about the Mulan remake?
yeah. there are lots of tropes that result from writers pushing too far in the other direction and trying to make every female character "BADASS" to the point of being not a good character anymore and being sexist again
@bobble yes... and also yes.. and furthermore yes.
@Sciborg The original Mulan was like... actually good in the whole "girls-don't-need-to-be-defined-by-society"
The remake was just like
the remake completely missed the point
"Ah yes, this character has uh absurd superpowers but urm doesn't want to show it because her society says it's not okay but realizes that it's okay to have superpowers"
Also, when you take out Mushu, the movie CANNOT be good
I am glad we are all in violent agreement about this stupidity though -.-;
It makes me feel better
when i briefly wrote small opinion pieces for my college newspaper, i wrote a piece once about the "Extreme Female Badass Tropes" that movies fall into when they're trying too hard and circle back around to being sexist again
Ugh, the remake was just so bad in so many different ways
@Sciborg Exactly. You need to make the character still feel real and believable
like just.... just write women as characters. that's all we ask :p
they don't have to be badasses. just make them characters
A few good kick-ass badass girl characters are cool. But they don't all have to be that
also - you don't need to make gender or sexuality or ethnicity the focus of a character...
it isn't a trait to ham up
none of them are
they aren't personality types
Like the damsel in distress isn't bad if like you know... actually no that's just a dumb trope in general I retract my previous statement above
well ... having a character need to be rescued is fine
well, i mean, you can have a female character in distress - as long as it's not her whole character
and as long as you've got men needing help sometimes to balance it out :p
all the time starts to be dumb...
I feel like female characters either just get objectified or just becomes a "male stereotype" character
the real problem is that it is lazy writing
this character has 3 qualities, and they only need be those 3 things
Because humans definitely work that way
lazy writing can very easily lead to sexist and poorly-written characters
my favorite scene from the current story-in-my-head is when two old friends negotiate the future of the rebellion over coffee. does it matter that they're female? no. are they completely awesome? yes.
they don't need to be a full person, just as long as they keep showing off the 3 tags we have stuck on their forehead
... am i biased? yes
@bobble I hope you write these down >.> or dictate them somewhere...
my favorite test to do on my own stories is still the Bechdel test. "do two women with names discuss something that isn't a man" is such a brilliant test
it immediately shows you the problem points
@Sciborg what is weird is how often things fail -.-;
@Graylocke they're only in my head... i worry that i would be terrible at writing them down, plus there's never really conclusions, just more adventures
it's INSANE how many things fail the Bechdel test even in 2020 :p
Black Panther passes, by the way :p
multiple times, if i remember correctly
@Sciborg ? Explain? Kind of confused
The Bechdel test is basically a test to perform on your stories and plots where you ask yourself a) do i have two named female characters, b) do they talk to each other, c) about something not related to a man.
it's INCREDIBLE how often things fail that.
at any point in the plot is there a scene with two female characters who actually have names in the movie... and they have a conversation NOT about a male character.
That is... so true
which seems EASY TO PASS
it's DEPRESSING how often things fail
I feel like 80% of movies fail at "do I have two female characters with names"
yup, a ton of movies fail at step one.
Everybody is Bond's toy
and if they do, is one of them an "evil sexy" villian that is evil because she's sexy?
at this point i find myself just including scenes where my female characters discuss philosophy and science and talk about their dreams because i hate the trope so much
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I was mildly impressed that he flirted with the bad guy in one movie, but it was a very mild form of impressed.
@bobble Ugggghhhh, I HATE the Femme Fatality trope SO MUCH
@bobble Oh yeah! Sex is evil! But only if you are a woman...
i love how we're all just collectively ranting about how terrible Hollywood is at gender
You know what the problem with the Femme Fatality trope is?

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