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7:54 AM
@KorvinStarmast To be fair, it is not just about the show and lore handling - I heard that now Galadriel has been turned into some sort of "war princess", which gives me a weird "Xena" vibe
Problem is that the little I saw before deciding that my time could be better employed on something else was a product team that verbally abused fans for "daring to tell them how to do their work" or claims that they "don't understand a thing about LOTR" (weird to say that when some of those fans were also members of Tolkien-related associations).
On top of that Amazon mismanagement with a whole cargo of assorted scandals like payed reviews on many sites, removal of negative feedback both from third parties AND the Amazon Prime site (for a while, you couldn't post any review for the show - the ui was just MISSING) etc
11 hours later…
6:32 PM
@SPArcheon Galadriel is written as though she didn't live in the undying lands, didn't live through the first age, didn't serve in the court at Doriath and learn from Melian the Maia, never figured out how to behave at Court, isn't over 4000 years old, but is instead a high strung, stubborn, and emotionally scarred women who is mad at everyone ... until she gets to go on a horsie ride with Elendil. It's strange. The writers did her character no favors at all. Some of the other ones are OK.
They also rewrote the lore such that Gil Galad more or less banished her to the Undying lands and put her on a ship to get her to shut up. That is bass ackwards from the actual ban of the Valar as regards the Noldor. We knew they'd have to fill in a lot of blank space in the second age, but what they did was mind bendingly bad in some cases.
The characters of Elindil and Miriel show a bit more fidelity to the lore, but they turned Isildur into a whinging little teeange drama-case. A bit of a disappointement, but I gues they need to have him start low so that he can grow over the course of (cough) money grab (cough) five seasons.
A lot of the visuals, though, are excellent, and when they first sail into the hidden harbor in Numenor, the capital city, they got the look and feel very right. :)
I find the halfling/hobbits/harfoots arc very hard to stomach, but it will hopefully improve. The Elrond/Durin friendship is doing OK, Celebrimbor is stiff and barely a factor. The "here's what was going on in the lands east of the Anduin" bit has its ups and downs but I like it.

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