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@Carcer Ranged hole punch.
Rated by holes per hour.
License required for use of devices capable of producing 200 or more holes per hour.
At a range.
Since holes are dangerous, when they are put in people.
3 hours later…
One thing I am unequivocally not looking forward to in university is having to explain my tics over and over and over. And having to reassure people that I'm fine, they don't need to do anything, (mostly the latter) over and over and over.
I realize that it looks scary from the outside (honestly, it's scary on the inside too, but I got used to it mostly), and the fact is if someone spends any significant amount of time in my presence I will tic in front of them.
I've mostly avoided having to explain myself recently, because I kept the circle of people I interacted with small, and all of those people knew already. And that circle was even smaller during the pandemic.
People are surprised by my tics; I'm not "obviously" disabled (can I use that word? I think so) and I go around looking like a normal person until I start spasming.
in conclusion, fork tics
6 hours later…
3 hours later…
@Someone_Evil We gonna revisit dont guess the system?
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, it just fell onto the back burner and at risk of stretching the metaphor almost behind the stove. I'll do another check on the draft at least. Thanks for keeping me on it
@Someone_Evil funny story, I thought I destroyed my oven one time. I had it pulled out to work on the wiring, and I heard a loud pop and saw a spark fly. I checked the breaker, and the oven wasn't getting any power.
So I'm thinking a fried the circuit board.
Turns out my breakers were just mislabeled and I hadnt actually reset the oven.
@ThomasMarkov I thought my wifi was busted yesterday after a power outage, but it turned out my stupid surge protector has a 'master' plug and the 'master' wasn't yet on.
@Someone_Evil Just wanted to make sure we didn't lose it, we're a month out now from this community supported response to your post about late votes to policy metas.
@ThomasMarkov Yeah, it's partially just about putting words together
@Someone_Evil Yall still hear from Rubiksmoose much?
There's one other thing which came up, which is that we haven't got a good lock (as suggested here). I'll bring it up there too, but there is no lock type that will stop answers without also preventing votes and comments, so might just go with having it closed
@ThomasMarkov I have nothing to report, unfortunately :(
@Someone_Evil Ah, so we couldnt vote or comment on the question during the lock period?
@Someone_Evil Is it time to start thinking of a new election?
@ThomasMarkov No, Wiki Answer stops those too for some reason
@NautArch There are things relating to that question that I can't talk about. And I don't want to say much more than that. I don't know when you'll find out more, but it should be reasonably soon.
@Someone_Evil Fair enough, but I'm not the only stackizen thinking about this. It's been awhile and right now we really just have one visible mod doing visible mod things (you). That may not be actual or accurate, but that's my feeling.
Part of that is active time due to timezones. I'm around during US workhours, which is when most of our activity is. links is Aus. @V2Blast seems to operating similar to that, but I'll let them speak to why if they wish
@Someone_Evil Sure, but I the public activity doesnt seem to have them in it much. And you're really the only one that participates in meta. It just feels, from my viewpoint, that there isn't really leadership here besides yourself.
And with Rubiks more MIA than the others, the end feeling is that we have one mod: you.
And that's not fair to you or to the community.
If we do another election, I think I'm going to have to ask the question: will you stop participating publicly once you become a mod. Because if that answer is yes, I don't think that's good.
FWIW mods shouldn't have the whole leadership role. But the hat fits us best maybe
You have a fair point, but I'm not really able to reassure more than that atm
Okay, this seems to have been going on for quite awhile. Is there a point when something will be said that isn't just "not now."
@NautArch Yes. I'll make an enquiry on timescale though and see what I'm able to talk about. FWIW we found out something just today, so I might be erring on the side of not saying anything when I'm missing details
I found a SEDE query that counts publicly visible actions
I made a graph that may help give some perspective on what we're seeing.
I just found something really cool.
@Someone_Evil The correlation coefficient between my site actions and your site actions over the past year is -.52
@ThomasMarkov Could you run that for the past couple elections? I'd like to see if my theory of become mod, become less visible is accurate.
Yeah, I can do that.
Though I expect there to be some reverse survivorship bias
But maybe thats the explanation
We'll see.
@ThomasMarkov I don't really know what that means, or certainly not what it shows
And just so it doesn't go unsaid, most of the actions for which you need a diamond isn't visible. Or not SEDE visible, which I suppose is its own distinction
And there is a standard election question about this, no?
@Someone_Evil It means you are more active on the site when I am less active.
@ThomasMarkov On what sort of scale?
There was a six week period from mid january to the end of february where my activity dropped linearly by week by 50%, from 80 to 40 actions per week
In that time period, your activity increased by 50%, from 13 to 25 actions per week
Then over the next 5 weeks, we both returned to base line, I went from 40 to 75ish actions per week and you went from 25 back down to 10ish actions per week
@NautArch Let moderators handle their internal workload and manage elections. They'll know when they need more moderators. Visible activity doesn't correlate to moderator activity (lots of it can be completely invisible), and the moderator team is more than large enough to handle moderators needing absence for a while. When there are activity issues, the details are almost always confidential—mod A is inactive, shared the details with mods B onwards, but it isn't mod B's place to tell.
If there's actual issues that might be due to less moderation capacity, bring up those issues with mods.
Absences are often due to highly personal circumstances: medical issues, family issues, crunch periods at work, etc. Someone I work with on a hobby project has spent the last year with almost no capacity for that hobby project because of school being remote from home now.
@doppelgreener I usually do, but when I believe there is an issue with lack of visible moderation, I still feel I should say something (so I did.)
And often times, the folks deep in the issue don't see how deep they are.
@NautArch fair, i'm more considering your frustration with the answers you were getting (the replied message here)
It takes someone outside to say something in order to resolve it.
or apparent frustration anyway
@doppelgreener This isn't the first time I've asked, nor recently. But it's the same answer. SO yeah, i'm frustrated because I think it may be causing harm to the site.
4 hours later…
@Someone_Evil I go to sleep late and wake up late, that's about it :P
I'm also often on Eastern Time even though I'm in Europe :)

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