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@Akixkisu The idea that the only reason I might suggest an improvement is that I misunderstood something is disrespectful at best. I wasn't saying your answer wasn't useful, but that it could be more useful if it gave a clearer premise to agree or disagree with. Please try to communicate more respectfully. It might be a dialect thing, but where I am from emphasis on your is extremely rude and usually implies stupidity or incompetence on the recipients part.
@linksassin While this may be an artifact of the hazards of the text-based medium, it came off to me with a harsh tone when I saw it ... and given my mood at the time, I am glad I just stepped away and did not add fuel to the fire. Been grumpy enough lately as is.
"Per my last email". Lol
I mean, when IM first started, you had to add "lol" to everything, just so it didn't sound harsh
Even when you were being serious
"I am very concerned about your behaviour lately, you've got everyone concerned. Lol"
@linksassin Mind if I move that convo to dragons?
@NautArch By all means.
2 messages moved from TRPG General Chat
2 messages moved from TRPG General Chat
6 messages moved from TRPG General Chat
@linksassin Grazie
10 hours later…
@linksassin Noted. The intention of using that emphasis is that I believe there are other misunderstandings that the change does not address, so it means to address your misunderstanding in particular, but not theirs - other misunderstandings.
But you still think that "In its current form it isn't particularly helpful in guiding our actions moving forward.", so I clearly failed at doing that.
To leave the context here in case that you might delete the comment like the other one:

"It is a statement of a thing that is happening. That isn't what I am saying. What I am saying is that since this answer doesn't portray it either as a good or bad thing, what are we meant to do with that information?"
"If you instead portray it as a good thing and receive upvotes, we know it is a thing we should continue doing. If you portray it as a bad thing, and it gets upvoted, then it is something we should address. In its current form it isn't particularly helpful in guiding our actions moving forward"
5 hours later…
I've been receiving death threats lately from people at school so if I don't return to the chat room soon maybe remember that.
@Catofdoom2 That seems serious. Should probably document those and report it to the administrators.
@MikeQ they are girls so the admins won't do anything. I reported them the last 2 times something like this happened. but they won't kill me, they'll have there boy friends beat me but none of them will kill me.
@Catofdoom2 make sure however you've told them to leave an official paper trail
at least if it anything happens, then you can point to that as evidence
Okay, I'm going to stop the converation about bullying and death threats. This is a serious thing you are saying @Catofdoom2 and it does need to be reported to the school. But it isn't really appropriate here. MOving to Dragons, but be careful, please.
6 messages moved from TRPG General Chat
@AncientSwordRage funny thing is if i insult any of the girls (like the time I called one of them a donkey) I'll get in trouble and everything else but girls don't get in trouble for anything.
1 message moved from TRPG General Chat
Tell parents & admins. Write down dates, times, specifics, etc.
@Catofdoom2 This is our overflow room for sensitive topics, feel free to keep talking here, but remember our own code of conduct as well.
@Catofdoom2 You can report it to the police as well.
At the very least the police should keep hold of that report for some amount of time
this is all dependant on where you live though, I guess
I also recommend reviewing some of the options here (if you're in the US):
@Catofdoom2 See above
@ThomasMarkov ok
@ThomasMarkov golf clap nice resource for the issue at hand.

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