@TheDragonOfFlame it's a few days old, but i think that's true for plenty of other things too. "Naturally curious" is a personality trait that expresses itself differently between people. Some will want to take everything apart, some will want to spend ages on wikipedia, some will get sidetracked asking too many questions, some will want to go exploring around their city and surroundings. These can be completely different characters each expressing natural curiosity differently.
Meanwhile Korra and Asami could both have "Bi as heck" written on their sheets but with totally different implications: Asami's suave and knows her power, Korra turns into an enormous dork around someone at tractive.
You could make the case that Korra and Asami should instead be written to say how being bi as heck manifests, but you could also say the same for the naturally curious character.
Every personality trait is basically ambiguous without a shared understanding of what exactly it means for that specific individual.