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@amWhy you think you can scare the demon? :-)
@quid ;D
@quid I think @AlexanderGruber and Xander might be onto something! (See image immediately above your last comment!
I think moderators need to wear uniforms! Can we have an election between nominated uniform designs for mods? Yes, I'm being silly tonight, in a fun way ;D
@quid I suspect @Alexander spiked the milk from our cow!
8 hours later…
I didn't know that tesla used that...
@Euler2 You don't take that serious, do you ?
Haha I did it
I always do it
3 hours later…
@amWhy this is what mse looked like in 2013. we can see you there :)
seems like you are a very old mse user
@Euler2: amWhy completed 10 years recently. Myself 8 years. You can check such info about users on their profile page. For example see my profile.
@XanderHenderson No, this is what @AlexanderGruber would look like if he wore such a hat:
@ParamanandSingh And I'm in-between at 9.
I wonder what it will be like a decade from now.
@user21820: funny picture. In this mode no one can recognize the person wearing the hat
@user21820: covid situation is getting worse in India. I don't even know what will happen by next year. Decade is much longer.
@ParamanandSingh Well it's a hat mod so...
(Pun intended.)
@ParamanandSingh Uh sorry I didn't intend to bring up thoughts on the pandemic. Just about what Math SE would look like in a decade.
No issues.
@user21820 As far as mathse is concerned, my only hope for future is that PSQ problem will be solved.
Else there is not much hope left.
@ParamanandSingh Lol okay.
Will be away for a bit.
i am only 5 months old here
@Euler2: don't worry. It's not a competition about seniority. Enjoy your time here.
@ParamanandSingh neither i consider it to be
@Euler2 It seems like there are no or very little amount of PSQs back then, huh.
@soupless Yup, probably because students didn't yet know they could dump their lazy questions here. At that time, most of the questions were not homework, so there was little precedent for students to think they could treat it like yahoo answers. Unfortunately, things got worse later.
Can we include something like this to the tour?
The how-to-ask page is already linked from the ask-question page. The problem is that the people using the system don't use closure and deletion enough.
Moreover, SE was designed to support SO, so there was little concern for making sure the system was suitable for a math Q&A. In particular, it's much less of a problem on SO to impose context requirements, simply because in many cases you actually do need the full context (i.e. code), to the point that there are well-known acronyms like MWE.
If you look at the mod elections on SO, many candidates offer up their extremely high close+delete statistics as part and parcel of justification for why they would be good mods...
That should not be the only factor, right? Or am I wrong?
@soupless Of course that is not the only factor. Far from it, but it shows that firm attitude against bad questions is considered integral to moderatorship on SO.
And it's not surprising for the reason I stated; poor-context questions on SO are actually difficult to answer!
The problem is that math homework questions are so "stock" that people can guess the question even from semi-gobbledygook.
@user21820 Oh. I didn't realize that statistical data about C/D are for the firm attitude, which makes a good moderator
5 hours later…
@user21820 :57680466 Yes, I did notice that the hat looked a "wee bit" to large for the image's head! ;D How did you do that?
2 hours later…
^^^ *too
@amWhy are you hung over today?
@quid I'm recovered now! ;D
@amWhy good:-)
But judging from this image:
9 hours ago, by user21820
user image
I don't think Alexander has! ;D
How'd your weekend go, @quid?
Three day countdown, @quid!
@amWhy not bad.
@quid So "good", or "ok" or "neutral"? (I'm still waiting for the day you report: "great!", "splendid", "wonderful" ... ;D
@amWhy ok+
@quid Yay! ;D
Did you see my "Three day countdown...." comment, @quid? I really have been looking forward to this, for close to a year!! (Context, chess!)
I thought that was, it but doesn't it start on monday?
@quid Yes, you are right. (And before you smirk, you are NOT always right!) For some reason I was remember the 20th of April. So ... drum roll ... two days and counting, though for you, you could argue it is only one day away! ;D
@amWhy exactly. Likely it's 1 1/2
@quid I find it sometimes annoying, the way SE reports "days left", or "hours left" before the end of an election, (or the end of one's suspension!), etc.
@amWhy yes it can be confusing.
@quid I'm fine with UTC, but I can never remember which: It rounds up the the minute (say 8 minutes, for 7:01 - 8.00 minutes; then when 7:00 min. left, it rounds up to 7 minutes until exactly six minutes. Or else the opposite. But It's not a problem, only occasionally annoying. ;D
It's now still 36 hours to go but soon it'll be 35.
I'll leave for now. I might be back latter. See you!
See you!

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