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4:32 PM
Hello :-)
I finally printed the pcb for using the 555 and finalized the circuit. It works reliably, but I now see the circuit you use which is much simpler...
I run the 20 unit-tests and also some position-read in loop and found no issue over thousands of tests.
main components re:
- 74HC126D x2: used for 5V to 3.3V conversion and full-duplex to single-duplex enabling/disabling
- 555: used in monostate retriggering to enable TX and disable RX
- A mosfet pair of transistors for making the "NOT" of the TX-en to RX-en
With this, I will start a community answer to the stackexchange question, that you can edit/complete as you want. We will (I hope) continue to write here, but probably for new challenges and not just for Hiwonder servos (also I think you are already with more advanced stuff than the Hiwonder servo)

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