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13:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

do you have internet service on it?
Tester, you will be happy to know I installed GFIs on all my 120 VAC on the Pearl
Puttin WiFi in the Marina this spring
Smart ass!! lmao
90.2 Scope. (B) Not Covered.
(1) Installations in ships, watercraft other than floating buildings, railway rolling stock, aircraft, or automotive vehicles other than mobile homes and recreational vehicles
I feel safer with it onboard with shore power connected
@shirlockhomes niceeee
Sweetheart I missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
figured you didn't love me anymore
Aw shucks, @shirlockhomes
I could never.
Just been busy! And I just got back from vacation. My cousin got married!
Thank god you didn't!!! hehe
I hear you are a mucky muck now
Vacation???? nice, where did you go? anyplace good?
Went abroad! To India
My cousin's family is all there, soo...
I'm hardly mucky-muck -- just stuck keeping tabs on all the mods!
That is great. I bet you enjoyed it. they must be very proud of you
:) It was really nice to see my extended family!
But being cooped up with my mother 24/7 was a bit much, haha.
Oooh. @Aarthi is middle management now.
I went to Florida, was hoping to see you there!
Ya, she is being modest again
@KarlKatzke ha!
@shirlockhomes oh man, I want to go to Miami again so badly
it's been ages
Ugh. Miami is a cesspool. I hate going there.
We did the east and west coast. looking to buy a snowbird place
party town Miami
I'm gonna be a senior biker dude. lol
ride a Harley to all the Tiki Bars
when I'm not on the boat, that is
are you gonna store the harley in fl? or carry it on the boat
hah. I'd skip miami and just go to the bahamas and drink Kalik
AArthi, invite to Maine in summer still open, my hot son may even be here!!!! lol
@Aarthi how long was that wedding, did you do the full week of events, or just show up for a few days?
He's a software engineer in CT
watches the match maker work his magic
since no one is talking HI, I figure set up A little romance.
I think you scared her away, kinda like this guy:
@shirlockhomes laughs
@BMitch wedding was a 2-day affair, I was abroad for 10 days
I love that Vid. hilarious
I did that to an Acura salesman
poor bastard. bet he peeed his pants
I did it in a BMW lmao
No, he was actually fine with it. He knew what the car was capable of
@Aarthi that's about all of an Indian wedding I could handle too
@BMitch heh
There's a specific Acura -- the MDX with SH-AWD -- that really cannot be flipped. You can throw it into a gravel-covered corner at 50 mph and do a 90-degree turn and it will just DO IT
@Aarthi I stood out as the tall white guy carrying around a bottle of water and who couldn't understand a word anyone was saying, but it was fun.
I almost took out a guard rail in a small drift. scard me too!!!!!!!!!!!!
@BMitch awww you were that guy
@shirlockhomes yikes!
@shirlockhomes Nah, that's the fun part. The best part is that my dad works for Honda of America directly with most of the dealers nationwide, and as soon as I walk into any dealership and drop his name I get the royal treatment. I can test drive anything I want alone without a salesman and without signing any papers.
man, the google reader people are coming out in strength
@Aaron My pitchfork is lit.
@KarlKatzke dayum
@KarlKatzke oh snap
@KarlKatzke good, mine too
I switched my search to Bing as soon as I saw the announcement. I'm looking for an alternative to gmail and switching away from all the google services I can.
@KarlKatzke there's @live.com
it's hotmail 2.0 basically
Eh, I'm trying not to go full microsoft.
@Aaron I'm sad, shifted everything over to netvibes this morning. But there's a reason I host my own email.
I hate hosting my own mail; dealing with spam protection is a beast.
Who'd have thought in 1995 that almost 20 yrs later, Microsoft would be the LEAST evil of the techs?
I'm hoping to upgrade my 386 soon. lol
the thing is there are some good apps that are useful, but I need to keep the same list of read items on desktop, phone, ipad, etc
Installed spam assassin on a linux box, still have a 3rd party with the front end mail server that I pop from, I just run imaps and mail filters before it reaches my phone/laptop.
BMitch: I think your assassin killed the party!
Let's talk about that test drive again. :)
So, foam pipe insulation, how tight does it need to fit around the pipe for it to be worthwhile
No, I almost crapped my pants when the car broke loose. lol. And I'm used to performance cars
I measured one of the hot pipes and it is 7/8" OD so 3/4" pipe but it seems a little looser than I really expect it to, and the 1/2" insulation doesn't fit
snug and taped
as long as you tape it closed, doesn't matter if it's a bit loose
with what tape?
I use good grade duct tape or tyvec tape
Gentlemen, it's been a pleasure, but I must be off.
Adios, adieu, farewell! <3
nice to see you again Aarti
@Aarthi thanks for hanging out!
@shirlockhomes The pleasure is all mine, dear Shirlock
you guys just shut up!!!! lolo
Hey all!
hey Josh
@waxeagle always <3
@joshmax Welcome to the party josh
Ya Aarthi, better say goodbye to all the guys so they won't be jelous. hehehehehe
Been a while... I got pinged in a chat earlier for having some posts ready on the blog site :)
OH NO!!! did BMitch delete one of yours too?
haha, no I finally finished one that I started ... like... a year ago :S
Hello @joshmax
@Aaron hey hey
we are picking on moderators, I think.
@joshmax: Do you have an after picture on the hardwood?
way too kind
@ChrisCudmore the one I added is the best I could get right now. :/
@shirlockhomes true - but it's funny
No Superman pics?
how about....
There you go Tester!!!!!
You guys are incouragable
That is a great new word which I will use in the future
@joshmax hey, it's the year of motion control.
better link:
SWARM technology
@Aaron thank you, sir.
@waxeagle ...... wha-huh?
guess I missed the memo
@joshmax leap motion coming in the next couple months (dev kits shipped already), and there is anothing one I can't remember the name of but it's an arm band controller that is set to ship later this year
myo, that's the other one
@waxeagle what's that got to do with picking on moderators? :P
@joshmax minority report in the "what I think I do" panel :P
The awesome thing about that particular episode is that if you pay attention, at least once he erases the board and then writes the exact same thing on it
Oh, when are we doing project updates? It is thursday, right?
We did that. You talked about moving a closet.
Thanks for joining Project Update Thursday
@KarlKatzke that was it, party's over now, sorry, you can hate me for that.
I also happened to have re-sided my house in the past few weeks. But I guess I"ll have to save that for the next time I randomly wander into a project update.

Project Update Thursday - 2013/03/14

2 hours ago, 2 hours total – 298 messages, 11 users, 4 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by BMitch

@KarlKatzke Shucks, that would have been a good update
Well, next update I'll have the adventure of finishing the trim and painting the whole mess.
Picked up 15 gallons of paint at Lowe's the other day.
Teaser picture of my gorgeous and talented fiancee caulking the nail holes on the hardi:
@KarlKatzke is that the same werner I reviewed?
@Aaron Pretty sure it is, or it might be the next model up. Note there's two of them. I also have the scaffold piece that goes between them.
13:00 - 20:0020:00 - 22:00

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