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so, after making pizza saturday in about 30 degree wind light snow, i've decided to frame in this room
there are 4 walls in total (only picture i had)
NONE of them are load bearing - do i need a permit ?
one of the 4 openings i'll put a nice bi-fold french glass door
the 2 openings on either side of the oven, i'll build counter tops and a work area
plan (roughly): remove the aluminum on the header right now - lay 2 rows of concrete block filled with concrete just to prevent rot against snow in the winter on the wall; frame a regular everyday 2x4 wall - 3/4 plywood exterior - vinyl siding, insulate it, drywall or concrete board depending on if i tile the walls near the oven. probably remove the vinyl on the ceiling and drywall it - add lighting
the wall opposite the oven has a nice anderson crank window - i think i would relocate that to the left of the oven to provide light and ventilation without opening the door
maybe eventually do something to the floor - terrazo or something kinda cool - maybe something with a italian theme as its a brick pizza oven
once the room is closed in, i think i'd also remove the siding on the inside of the room and drywall it - no need to have exterior materials in a space thats now an enclosed room...
spammy bugger
technically if you're enclosing a room you're changing the footprint of the home - so yes you need a permit. You also technically need a permit for electrical, plumbing and hvac
anytime you do them
not that people always get them...
no spam :( will make a great blog post
just kidding ;)
i'm catching up on forums/emails this morning - so much to read
so little worth it ;)
yeah, i did a lot this weekend haha
plan wise - sounds ok though ? i mean, other than the concrete block, which i dont think is an issue, i'm just building a wall and drywalling it - nothing i haven't done in the rest of this house
I'm not best person to ask
sounds like you want to do a 3 season room?
plus I'm distracted, can't focus on it atm
its early, i know :)
year round - if i insulate it well - the heat from the oven when we use it will keep the space warm while we use it - all of this would be just to block the elements (wind / snow / rain) while we use it
I believe most codes require that if a room is to be fully enclosed it must be "warm" - aka - hvac
Does anyone here practice pair programming?
i practice drunken programming on fridays
Note to self, do not pull updates from the repository on Monday.
@BMitch lol funny
proving once and for all that female programmers are as common as unicorns
tell that to my coworker christin
then she doesn't exist - shes a figment of your imagination
You can have a pic of her desk
Fixed Income Operations Associate?
theres another christin t in baltimore but on facebook, no photos of her dog, works for t r price and looks like a model
You're a little scary
i know
After seeing that, I'd be afraid of being a woman in IT
I think they are all teachers because the crazy people can be banned from school grounds
but theres a lesson here - i have access to nothing more than the next nerd - just running special google queries
in other words - always always remember, never put anything out there you dont want people to know
I've got access to binoculars, but I'm not hiding in the bushes behind my neighbor's house at night
Another lesson is that at least one woman in IT knows how to hide her online identity :)
@BMitch would make a great horror movie if you did though haha
so then like my friend says... only close off the room on either side of the oven - no need for an expensive glass french door, no need to keep the space heated like the @TheEvilGreebo says and it'll block enough of the wind / rain / snow
maybe - to me thats leaving the room unfinished.
thought these stores have a hands off policy - if someone steels something, let them go and let the police deal with it
@lsiunsuex Like you comply with corporate policy 100% of the time? ;)
anyway it was a security officer - not much point of a security officer who doesn't secure
though a choke hold isn't exactly established valid arrest procedure...
And the Mayor of Toronto has been kicked out of office!
Conflict of Interest. Court just ruled.
He solicited for charity using city letterhead. Was ordered to pay any funds received back. The conflict occurred when he voted in council to overturn that order. (Voting on an issue in which he had a pecuniary interest, and not declaring the conflict.)
yup thats pretty clear
not sure if i should be happy that i've been asked to waste my entire day (possibly 2) converting a logo to a vector by hand cause no one remembers what font it was done in or if i should be made cause its an insult to my intelligence / skill
Were I you I'd claim ignorance of how to even begin
(Because I'm ignorant of how to even begin...)
with adobe illustrator - insert the logo as an image - lock the layer - then take the pen tool - trace each individual piece of the logo - then begin refining it with the other pen tools. use guides and rulers to make letters attributes consistent - color it at the end - SAVE often
its labor intensive, but pretty easy (for me) cause i know how to do it
@lsiunsuex And you should replace that junction box with an appropriate mixed-voltage box. The one you have shown there is not acceptable.
? its a double gang box
i put a mixed voltage splitter in the middle (from home depot)
@lsiunsuex You understand I'm not going to read that, right?
to separate the mixed voltage
You lost me at "with adobe illustrator"
I'm smart enough to NOT learn things I don't want to do. :)
@lsiunsuex Fair enough. I didn't notice the separator.
The photo does not show one.
Where can one see this separator?
i didnt take a picture of it - eventually i was so pissed that the light switch burned out i said f' taking pictures and went to home depot
So long as you know you need a separator.
Dude speaking of pissed - I bought a TKO knock out toilet flange ... and when I did what it said to knock out the cap, the whole flange broke
split right down the pipe
took it back to HD, told the lady there about it - she was like " meh" and stuck an RTV sticker on it...
just wrap it up in duct tape
lol no thank you
it's already rained sewage in our kitchen enough
in the lab, we had people commonly dumping reactive chemicals. So all the sewage systems are tanked, treated and released
the "best" non-reactive piping at the time it was built was glass.... so we had exposed glass sewer lines overhead
eventually somebody decided to paint these pipes black.
@MatthewPK No need to separate the box. NEC 300.3 (C)(1) 600 Volts, Nominal, or Less. Conductors of ac and dc circuits, rated 600 volts, nominal, or less, shall be permitted to occupy the same equipment wiring enclosure, cable, or raceway. All conductors shall have an insulation rating equal to at least the maximum circuit voltage applied to any conductor within the enclosure, cable, or raceway.
NEC 800.133(A)(1)(c) Communications conductors shall not be placed in any raceway, compartment, outlet box, junction box, or similar fitting with conductors of electric light, power, Class 1, non-power-limited fire alarm, or medium-power network powered broadband communications circuits.
Exception No. 1: Where all of the conductors of electric light, power, Class 1, non–power-limited fire alarm, and medium-power network-powered broadband communications circuits are separated from all of the conductors of communications circuits by a permanent barrier or listed divider.
@lsiunsuex Looks like you will need a divider.
thats what i used
omg, they used times in the original logo - how disgusting
@Tester101 Right, an appropriate separator must be used.
When possible, I prefer to use a stud to divide any power from data wiring. The fewer chances they have of crossing (and sending 120v over a data wire) the better.
I wonder if I need to replace the recessed lights in the bedroom with IC rated fixtures if I'm going to roll out this insulation
trying to quit smoking. god withdrawal sucks
@lsiunsuex Have you tried e-cigs?
i've tried everything - e-cig, patch, gum, lossogen
nothing works for me
Change how you talk to yourself.
I smoked from 14-22. I was at 3 packs a day when I quit cold turkey.
This sounds simplistic but the brain is a computer that doesn't know truth from fiction - it believes what it hears the most
and right now you're telling your brain that nothing works for you
when I quit I had a mantra - any time I felt the urge I spent a minute or so telling myself, speaking in the present tense, how much I hated smokes, how I ddin't want a cig, how I couldn't stand the taste, smell, etc., how I didn't feel the cravings
and so forth
my g/f at the time would say it to me as well
@lsiunsuex I've heard Chantix works remarkably well
i quit in 93. it's been almost 20 years and in all that time I've had one puff off of one cigar and i couldn't stand it, and have not been tempted by cig smoke at all
there's this absolutely horribly written book called "What to Say When You Talk to Yourself" by Shad Helmsetter
it reads like a 3rd grader wrote it but the concepts actually make sense
@Aaron I've heard that, too. But also that when it doesn't work you need to watch for the signs. I had a cousin who used it with great success, and I had an Uncle who literally had the "thoughts of suicide" side-effect for a long time before he decided to stop taking it.
i do tell myself how much i hate the taste (which i do)
its important not to think negatively either - thinking (conscious action) is the same as speaking as far as your subconscious is concerned
@MatthewPK absolutely, as with any prescription medication, one should be in frequent contact with one's physician, and especially for Chantix, have a good support network (friends, etc) that you will listen to
@Aaron If the occasional suicide doesn't bother you...
those are all good points @TheEvilGreebo - i'll try that
Medically induced coma.
@lsiunsuex You will succeed. :)
sleeping helps with cravings until i actually wake up and crave one haha
If you sleep long enough, you won't be addicted anymore (physically, anyway).
god, its been 14 years :(
18 through current (32)
And it won't be 15
and by the time you turn 52 all the damage you've done will be undone
<--- 1 year from total recuperation :)
how the hell did you smoke 3 packs a day?
@TheEvilGreebo You have to change your name for the day, you're actually being nice and supportive.
even if i'm getting drunk off my ass i only manage to consume 1.5 packs / day
@Tester101 That chat handle makes you look fat.
That's better.
@lsiunsuex 2-3 packs a day - closer to 2 most days
but I was in college and drank a lot ;)
i have 1 pack + 4 cigs left - if i can stretch it and come off slowly over the next day or 3
i'm trying to tell myself that i dont need it, but if i do i have some to get by
@lsiunsuex Stop trying to tell yourself. Start telling yourself.
the shitty part is 1/4 of this company (over 50 employees) smoke - so i could bum one from anyone i wanted. no one would deny me
Your mind has to hear it over, and over, and over - remember every time you say something OTHER than "I am an ex smoker, I do not like cigarettes" you're going backwards
any luminaire studs or hickeys as on
"luminaire stud?"
i was gonna google that but um... no
In regards to a light fixture mounting, this would be the steel strap that spans between the mounting screws of the ceiling box. The light fixture comes with a threaded stud which screws into the hickey. The light fixture is then screwed into or lock-nutted to the threaded stud.
Hope this answers your question.
shop.oreilly.com/category/deals/cyber-monday.do even o'reilly is having a cyber monday sale
@Aaron Luminaire Stud
didnt know that had a name
I have my doubts about "hickey"
kind like the difference between a female and male adaptor on PC equipment. try explaining that to someone. "the male adaptor plugs into the female adaptor. get it? see the rod there? it goes in the hole."
@lsiunsuex Yeah, ppl don't always believe me when I explain that
@Tester101 and whats the metal plate with the 2 slots and hole in the middle called for 1000 points
@Tester101 Doohickey ?
Fixture strap
why is there a plate there?
DIY chatroom jeopardy
what purpose does the fixture strap serve?
on the hickey
i misread that
ok - change question - what's the purpose of the hickey having 2 nuts connected together?
no, I tihnk the hickey is the strap
and the stud is the circular piece with threads hat goes in the middle of it
it allows for wiring
so you put a hickey on the nipple
and people said DIY jobs couldn't be sexy
I learned to juggle during compilation cycles
learn to juggle - then when someone tries to interfere with your juggling ask them why they want to handle your balls ;)

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