now that i have experience laying brick and building a pizza oven... last year the gas insert fireplace in our family room started having problems (barings on the fan are going and is in general, pretty out of shape)
the insert sits inside of a brick fireplace - i can only imagine it was functional at 1 point in time
why cant i pull the insert, fire brick the inside (as i did to build my oven)? done and done?
@Tester101 true. we had someone inspect the gas insert (what let us know it wasen't servicable anymore) - can have someone actually check the brick enclosure also
based on the $$$ i spent on the oven, rebuilding the fireplace could be cheaper than buying a new insert
In engineering, if you have a piece that connects two other pieces at an angle, what is the correct term to describe said piece? Like the green piece shown in the following diagram:
FIY: It might also be referred to simply as "a 90". "Hey Gus, This vent is going to run right into this friggin' wall. Pass me a couple 90's, so I can fix the engineers f*** up."
shit. the more i think about it, the more i think its not real; the TV is on top of the mantel which means a real chimeney doesn't exist. i know the gas insert vents out the wall.
no way in hell venting a wood fireplace out the wall is legal / up to code
more so than the want to have a fireplace, its really rather poorly insulted behind the gas insert - ie: cold air is already coming in through the insert. so at the very least, i think i'm gonna take out the insert, insulate and dress it up
laying brick and using an existing chimney on an outside patio is one thing. inside the house with only a metal pipe as exhaust is completely different.
pull the insert, insult it, make it pretty with some drywall, etc... and possibly use that space for TV components and get them off the top of the mantel as the wife has been begging of me...
it would and i've considered it - i've planned to completely gut the mantel wall, build a new one that would account for components and be able to support an electric fireplace hanging off of the wall
i can get a nice electric one for < $1000. gas / real wood are usually $2000+ for nice ones
gas is cheap in buffalo, electric tends to be more of a bill we've found
i've talked about this before here i think. i'd gut it, build a false wall about 2 feet from the exterior wall - couple inches wider than the tv. hand the tv on the false wall. shelves behind the false wall for components. hang the fireplace on the false wall below the tv with a mantel between them
in wall speakers, etc... lots of work but not a huge expense
14 years old, the bearings on the fan are dead and it makes a grinding noise when its running. problems with the pilot. because of its age, its not serviceable anymore
ie: no parts
some of the screws that allow access to the maintenance areas are stripped, so he (the dude who inspected it) would have had to drill them
@Aaron The guys where I used to work, used these for temporary snow fences. They used a bobcat to yank them out of the ground, at the end of the season.
but the cold line prior to the water heater - even though I drained the lines there was still water in them. Enough so that I simply could not get a good join
so i ended up pulling out all the copper from the main shutoff to the w/h
I'm fairly confident that 1) the draw is adequate as-is, but could be improved by increased suction created by sealing the the back wall. This is because before the abortive attempt involving the duraflame log, we had a few wood-only fires and it worked well with a minimum of smoke leak 2) We had the fireplace, chimney, and ash drop inspected by a fireman lieutenant who does inspections in his spare time. He pronounced the fireplace structurally intact and gave us the go-ahead to use it. I'm really interested in focusing my question on how to do this project, not whether it's safe. — g33kz0r11 mins ago
This is concerning. "I'm really interested in focusing my question on how to do this project, not whether it's safe."
shit happens. fire gets to hot and the glass shatters. my uncle broke his bi-folding glass doors - the fact of the glass shattering should enlighten the person that the fire they were building was too big
one of my startups - we've obtained just over 100 users from the local college - in regards to dentistry, there are just over 300 students in this local college - so we've captured roughly 1/3rd of that population - over 70 of them, are attending an event we're holding this thursday, which is F'ING awesome
costing us a fortune ($32 / person) but awesome
the vast majority of signups came from 1 student who wanted to be involved and helped spread the word across the campus
HOW do i find that person at the other 66 schools ? :)
this is the best part. we've offered $150 gift card to a great local restaurant - all they had to do was go to the website and make a comment on a post about how to expand into other schools. of the 100+ students notified about this contest, 2, TWO, made a comment
love my dremel multi tool when it doesn't clog with dust and stop working
this event on thursday is a social event - we're inviting the top 10 professional dentists from the area and its a social night - they can ask questions, advice, etc... i intend to ask them why their not interacting with the website more, etc...
if i need to change something - no problem
the boss seams to think students don't want to post to the discussions because we require they use their real name. which in this day and age, i think is ridiculous
or that they don't want to make a stupid comment - which is ridiculous also - its a community for students, thats heavily moderated. if there was any off topic comments, they would be delt with immediately - so there shouldn't be fear of peer prosecution or the like
Using real names on SE might cause loads of folks to get fired. I'm going to assume the vast majority of folks contribute to the site while their supposed to be working, since weekends tend to be fairly slow.
lets look at this also then - all of the people that signed up for the website, have friended us on facebook - all of them. and on facebook, their real name is exposed
@lsiunsuex I doubt that's the issue. It was probably just either a lack of motivation ($150 would have been plenty of motivation for me) or lack of ideas
$150 gift card winner will be picked at random at the event - content of the comment has no impact on it. "use social media" would have sufficed as a comment
My wife has 3 fb accounts she uses for her zynga time sinks
but regardless - I still think its probably just motivation and lack thereof
you're dealing with college students. You're not gonna find that many extra-credit type go-getters - especially in a field as already taxing as dentistry
and this weekend i rolled out an update that removed the "login wall" so content is exposed to the main site without logging in or registering. you cant participate without logging in, but now google can come by and index and we can cross post to facebook to drive content
"usually" events are technical - last time it was training on an Ivoclar digital camera (about $140k piece of equipment) - this event is purely social - no specific topic - just go out, talk to some dentists and shoot the shit
thats why i hope this thursday is productive for me - find out what they want out of the site, what works, what doesn't
@lsiunsuex I think you're missing what I'm saying. Maybe your users, don't really have a need for your service. Maybe a website is not the answer for them.
By "technical" I mean "computer geeks". "non-technical", would be the rest of the population.
the app would be done but i have to find out how to take a photo that was taken with the camera and scale it down - the app was uploading the photos full scale to the server and taking to long
my partner is for the most part - i pay for hosting and that stuff - he pays for the events and travel
in other words: no venture, no angels, just some pocket change, etc...
this event so far is our most expensive one - $32 a head is no joke - i told him, we may as well get a limo and a photographer and call it a wedding at that price
the video on the main page has been converted to html 5 but can load flash if needed - the resume section is flash cause it requires recording over webcam and the ignitetalks videos are still in flash - haven't had time to convert them to html5 video yet. no flash otherwise though
@Tester101 curious about the app comment. elaborate?
i trust in my partner that this idea (the website) in general is a good idea
i trust that once we build some critical mass with students we'll have sponsors
we have 2 sponsors that are very interested as of events that took place this last thursday / friday
so, as him and i discussed saturday, i am not to worry about where money will come from, as hes not to worry about back end changes or how shit is done (so long as its done)
120 users in 2 months of being live we consider to be good (given how targeted the market is)
knowing our current total $$ investment, 1 sponsor makes us profitable
Anyone know how well sharkbites handle repeated pulling and twisting?
Well, I went with a normal sillcock and then connected it using PEX piping within the wall (which was WAY easier than soldering it... I highly recommend the gator bites fittings for anyone who doesn't want to solder). At any rate, I'll just have to drain the sillcock in late fall. At least my one in the front is frost-free. — jwir37 mins ago
the power outlet where my tv was plugged in lost power all of a sudden. However, when I plug in a receptacle tester, the power goes back on but when I remove the receptacle tester, power goes off again. What seems to be the problem.