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@Aaron Is your ladder review, ready for publishing?
i'm rapidly coming to love FluentAssertions
.OnlyContain(b=>b.WorkflowStatusID == (int)WorkflowStatusType.Active)
.Any(d=>d.WorkflowStatusID == (int)WorkflowStatusType.Delayed
|| d.WorkflowStatusID == (int)WorkflowStatusType.SecondDelay));
1 hour later…
Is this a shopping or a homebrew electrical question? diy.stackexchange.com/questions/18374/…
@TheEvilGreebo His or mine?
i don't run my integration tests every time ... thankfully
I never get tired of those "Downfall" parodies
@Tester101 Almost, just need to swap in one of the pictures and copy-edit it
its official - my current project now has > 2000 tests
You should get Kent Beck to visit and give you an award.
our entire >million LOC web app -> 0 tests :)
@TheEvilGreebo That explains why you have time to hang out in chat rooms :)
@BMitch love :D
that or my machine is slow as molassas
I have begun to build the paint locker
@ArgentoSapiens Cue dramatic "dun dun dunnnnnnn" music!
Precisely right.
It is going to cost as much as a lot of new paint. But it's too late now.
The die is cast.
In Soviet Union, Rat chases Cat!
and on that note : /afk for a few hours (bike ride time)
@waxeagle Tests are for the weak. Real programmers do it right the first time.
@ChrisCudmore real programmers also break production regularly :P
That which does not kill production only makes it stronger
2 hours later…
Having nearly killed production one too many times, I'll take the tests. Releases that don't break production are better for raises. ;)
Can one of you mods just kill this chat line?
can't you edit/delete it?
@Aaron gone
@TheEvilGreebo should have been able to
@TheEvilGreebo I waited too long
@Aaron do you need me to delete the quote of it too?
@waxeagle yeah I suppose, if you don't mind
@Aaron there is a flag option there for the future, but I'm not sure how it works (and I don't want to accidentally hand out a half our suspension)
@waxeagle yeah, but that RINGS THE ALARM BELL
I wasn't that pressed about it
@Aaron lol yes :)
don't need to call in all the blues
@Tester101 the Werner ladder post is ready for review
A: TV mounting with long reach

BobI've had good experience with large articulating mounts from monoprice.com. And they're pretty inexpensive.

I'm almost tempted to call that spam
except he's not a n00b
Electric heat is 100% efficient, all the electricity consumed is converted to heat. — Tester101 55 mins ago
@Tester101 Don't make me go to skeptics again! ;)
@TheEvilGreebo actually can't electric heat be >100% efficient?
(there was something about this in my thermo course and I'm forgetting)
@waxeagle It can when it lights your house on fire.
A: How efficient is an electric heater?

Pavel RadzivilovskyThe efficiency is 100%, which is considered a poor heating efficiency. It is 100% because all light, motion, etc produced by the heater at some point becomes dissipated to heat. Same heating efficiency have all other completely-in-door devices: heating with a TV set is as efficient as an electr...

is the effect I'm remembering
heating with a TV set is as efficient as an electric heater.
Light is energy too, is it not?
@Aaron That's a bad example IMO.
@waxeagle An electric heat pump can have >100% efficiency if you define efficiency as Heat output (in joules) over Electrical input in joules. This only seems to violate the laws of thermodynamics. What's really happening is electricity is being used to MOVE heat. That is, the point of a heat pump isn't to convert electrical energy to heat energy. We're taking heat energy that already exists, and are delivering it to where we want it.
But, if you're talking about a conversion source of heat, then no. You can't get more joules out than you put in.
Sheesh. I just wanted to rib Tester about his love of the Skeptics site.
@TheEvilGreebo we've each got our loves. On an unrelated note, did I mention I have more balls being delivered? I'm getting them before they go under.
@BMitch I'm drawing a blank - have I been party to prior discussions of your balls?
@ChrisCudmore right, that's what I was remembering from my thermo course :)
And @Tester101 doesn't exactly love the skeptics site - that was my little joke
@TheEvilGreebo a certain now contraban kind of balls
Oh, please, enlighten me about @BMitch 's balls
I think the starred entries sum it up nicely
@BMitch What are you going to do when the magnetic field from your "collection" starts wiping your credit cards, causing homing pigeons to crash into your house, etc.
@NiallC. declare victory!
wait you don't mean buckyballs do you?
@TheEvilGreebo yup, I'm loading up on cheap buckyballs
I got me some bucky cubes - how can they be contraband?!
direct from the manufacturer, from what I can tell, I'm guessing it's a going out of business sale
last week was 5 orders of the 125 ball sets for $5 each plus $6 flat rate shipping
@BMitch preeze to rink me to zis sale!
half day sale, all over
@BMitch Now i haz a sad
Is buckyballs really going out of business?
I saw a bunch of ads in the paper that they put out saying 'yes, we know they're not toys, so DONT GIVE THEM TO YOUR KIDS'
don't know, but they were selling a lot of cheap balls for the past few weeks and showing lots of stuff out of stuck
woah, deja vu. I think there's a glitch in the matrix
Oh whoops I forgot I posted it last night in here
what has been seen cannot be unsceen
@BMitch but what has been misspelled can be corrected
anyway it can to be unseen. Look - aaron's picture is gone - he unseen it.
@TheEvilGreebo There's no hiding from the blues
Some of these physics questions are a little off the wall
Q: Why doesn't air freeze?

DracoI am in no way experienced in the Physics field so this question may seem a bit silly but i'd appreciate an answer :) Why doesn't air freeze?

@TheEvilGreebo We're on a mission from God.
@Aaron air can freeze. it just doesn't get cold enough
It's funny. BB2K was such a crappy movie, but so good musically.
crap i launched all my tests not just my unit tests
oh well better safe than sorry
/me wanders off for 10 minutes
I recommend xkcd's what-if feed, if you don't already have it
I lol'ed at the "just kidding" part
Those wickedlasers are serious lazerz
@TheEvilGreebo No need for skeptics. Electric heaters really are 100% efficient (not counting heat pumps, which can be greater than 100%).
@Tester101 You ruin my fun, you know, when you don't pick up on the mocking...
@TheEvilGreebo Should I ask the question on Skeptics, and use my comment as a source?
You have fun with that ;)
speaking of laser pointers, I found out (quite accidentally) that if I use a UV laser pointer on my glasses they trigger the transitions
at first I thought I'd ruined my glasses cause the beam hit a lens and suddenly there was this black line on my glasses
Joule heating, also known as ohmic heating and resistive heating, is the process by which the passage of an electric current through a conductor releases heat. It was first studied by James Prescott Joule in 1841. Joule immersed a length of wire in a fixed mass of water and measured the temperature rise due to a known current flowing through the wire for a 30 minute period. By varying the current and the length of the wire he deduced that the heat produced was proportional to the square of the current multiplied by the electrical resistance of the wire. :Q \propto I^2 \cdot R This relat...
@TheEvilGreebo Does that mean you can't burn your retinas out with a laser pointer (as long as you're wearing your glasses)?
@Tester101 Somehow I don't think so. I didn't point it at my eyes, of course.
it was during a D&D game - we project the map on a screen and use the pointers a lot
anyway I got a little creative - after a particularly dick move by the DM I looked at him with my glasses reading "**** YOU"
Q: Clothing rails, how to fit into plasterboard to hold adequate weight

user7550I am converting hallway storage into a wardrobe. The dimensions are h 234cm W 132cm D 45cm I would like to put up two rails for clothing and some shelving for lose items My question is how would I fit the rails into plasterboard style walls so they can support the weight of potentially many ...

what's the fitting called that you ca mount on the wall and drop a rail into ?
@TheEvilGreebo that's kind of awesome
@waxeagle The party enjoyed it. :)
(our last session was an attempt (and failure) to TPK us, I'm not a fan of the DM right now)
@Tester101 find your God**** studs
@Aaron 's in trouble with @Tester101
Where am I supposed to put my pictures?
@Aaron What pictures?
@ChrisCudmore bacon prices have been on the rise lately :(
@Tester101 whatever pictures I want to hang on the wall
My farmer/butcher hasn't raised his yet.
Home, dry maple cured bacon. $4.00 a pound.
however boston butts have been pretty cheap this summer (~2/lb)
@ChrisCudmore that's pretty close to the store prices for off brand stuff
Is that what we'd typically call Pork Butts?
Yeah, but it's much tastier.
About the same price as a wet cured brand name.
@ChrisCudmore probably, butt portion of the shoulder (large rectangle of meat :P)
With a flat "blade" bone in it?
@Aaron On a freestanding shelf, a shelf secured to studs, a nail/screw in a stud, a picture rail (attached to studs).
We get them on special at 99c/lb several times a year.
@ChrisCudmore cheapest I've gotten one this year was $1.30/lb and that was a serious special
@ChrisCudmore thanks :)
@EvilG integrated your comment, thanks!
@waxeagle This is an awesome picture. Nicely done
@ChrisCudmore thanks. wish my yard was in slightly better shape (the weeds sticking up in the back bother me :P) :)
@TheEvilGreebo Are you talking about a French cleat?
more like a grommet with an open top you can drop a clothing rail into
Or even just a board mounted between two studs that you can screw to.
@ChrisCudmore That's what I was thinking of
I've definitely seen that before
yeah - me too - and i've seen it where that board is notched to hold the clothing bar
but i've also seen drop in kind of slots that hold the bar... though that may have been more of a shower curtain context
@TheEvilGreebo with one on each side?
yeah or 1 notched side and one drilled out side
@TheEvilGreebo makes sense
I've got some in an old closet like that. One side is drilled, and the other is notched to drop the other end in. The notch is at a 45 degree angle, sloping down from the back of the closet so that when you tug on the hangers it won't pop out.
@ChrisCudmore smart
@waxeagle what are studs measured at in metric countries, though?
Same Idea, but drilled into a 1" thick board mounted to the studs.
I mean his A has 16" to 24" centers
@Aaron no idea
The drywall anchors at HD, some of them are rated for 50-75lbs per
@Aaron yeah, but clothes get heavy fast. and even if the anchors are rated for that, is th drywall?
@Aaron The problem is, when you go to grab a shirt and it gets hung up on the hanger. You could yank the rail right out of the wall.
Anchors may be rated at 50-75 lbs. But that's probably 50-75 lbs. when the anchors completely ripped out of the wall. Not to mention it was in brand new drywall, which was installed correctly.
@Aaron whats YMMV in metric :P
@waxeagle - naturally
@Aaron Not sure, but I'd guess 400 / 600 mm.
If you have toggle bolts in drywall behind a hanging rail support like that, and you pull hard enough to yank the rail out of the wall, I must not be using hangars correctly
@Aaron All I'm saying is if you do it right, you'll be able to train a gymnast in the closet and never have to repair loose rails.
next project: installing banister rails
we took them off when we painted and never reinstalled
@Aaron Attach them to studs!
If programmers use rubber ducking to work through problems, builders should use Mike Holmes-ing.
Tell that face you want to use drywall anchors for your banisters.
I need a better stud finder that works for plaster though
Me too. I've not found one yet that works 100% of the time.
I usually use a finish nail and tack hammer. Then just patch the small holes and touch up the paint.
2 hours later…
Sometimes you can make an educated guess. Studs would be next to any light switches or outlets on the wall, and hopefully 16" OC from that point. You may find nail holes in trim which should be on the studs. And one side of each wall should be on a stud. That said, much of that is the case with drywall so you may have less luck with older homes and plaster walls.

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