@ChrisCudmore Access is a desktop relational database with an extremely powerful front end for form and report creation, using VBA as its scripting language, and with a built in back end engine that sucks monkey balls
@TheEvilGreebo yeah. people here keep getting into trouble with it. they develop some nice small app that is useful for them, or their group, then their department starts using it, then their entire division uses it and then it's "oh shit, we better get this on the intranet"
Yup. My formal Normalization was all Relational algebra. It would have been better to give us a bunch of fields and tell us to play with it until it worked well.
@TheEvilGreebo not sure they teach much access in school these days...I mean if you're going to take a course in access can't they just teach you how to use a real database?
Long time ago. Things have really changed as I understand it (before my time). We purchased the MCS division of Nortel about ... oh 3 yrs back now and added a lot of cool stuff to our line
None of which I can talk intelligently about other than it's really cool sounding :)
@ChrisCudmore I consulted for 15 years. I can BS with the best of them. ;)
We must dynamically insure that our key resources are leveraging our values in synergistic alignment with our core values while simultaneously empowering our employee culture.
@ChrisCudmore at least with the growler you've got to make the specific trip to the growler shop and it's only good for so long...(which is why I still keep bottles around :))
once you pop it open it's really only good for about the next day and a half
I'm wondering if I'm going to end up needing to put tile in my basement. We've got carpet in there right now and it doesn't seem like it should have a water problem, but...
I was making a reference to the flap in Minnesota or some similar place where ppl are complaining cause Canadians are coming to the US to buy cheap product
@ChrisCudmore I can assure you that I will not shoot you. I cannot speak for my countrymen as they're are far too many redneck assholes that I claim no responsibility for.
I see in another question that the compressor in a fridge has oil in it, and that it has the ability to get dirty over time. Based on the knocking sounds of my fridge, I wonder if it's due for an oil change.
Is it possible for the average person to change the oil in a fridge?
@BMitch gotcha, I see our walmart's/drug stores here in GA selling AC coolant by the can, but I swear I've read/heard that you're not supposed to be allowed to work on it yourself, so yeah may vary by state
@BMitch yeah I dunno, probably at least very similar, there aren't that many refrigerants IIRC
I'm going to be tearing up a sizable cement area on my property, and I'm looking to invest in a durable set of noise cancelling headphones that will protect my ears from the noise. Obviously it won't be silent, but it would be nice to have something that would dampen the sound of a jackhammer a b...
I think @Tester101 and I are reversing roles on who wants to try to save a question, I'm thinking a good answer could have gone into the pros and cons of ear plugs, over the ear muffles, electronic noise canceling, etc.
I'm just reminded of my step mom chasing my dad around the yard with a broom because he couldn't hear her yelling for him over the leaf blower and ear protection. Apparently the neighbors think my parents are a little nuts now.