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12:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

well, there it goes, another PUT is over, just like that
Thanks for joining us for Project Update Thursday! We'll see you next week!
But hey, this was super fun! nonstop chatting for two hours. I'm so proud! wipes away a tear
One project update - check. Funny pictures - check. Making Aarthi defensive - check. Yep, I think we're done for this week :)

Project Update Thursday - 27th Oct 2011

2 hours ago, 2 hours 13 minutes total – 314 messages, 9 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked 19 secs ago by BMitch

And notice that @shirlockholmes wasn't here, which brings the secret identity thing back into play I think.
oh did we stop doing numbers? I'm okay with that
I blame ChrisF for the change in direction
@SteveJackson lol. one hour left of work & I have yet to finish this block of coding...
Ahhh. Well that's fine by me. We're on #09
we'll have to do something super fun for our #10
A game? A game!
I'm assigning the design of a game of some sort to....
Musical chairs?
@BMitch and @SteveJackson.
I will catch you all later :) Fun chatting w/ you.
@joshmax Cheers~!
hmm, @ChrisF, can the bookmark names be changed after the fact, like an edit button somewhere that I haven't seen?
not it!
sorry @SteveJackson, it's all up to you now :)
Hi guys, forgot it was thursday! lol
haha, you missed the whole thing @shirlockhomes, welcome!
ya, story of my life
Hey @shirlockhomes
Shame you missed the event -- but that's okay! :D
I'll go back and read all the fun I missed
Awww! That's so sweet.
I'm pretty sure @AarthiDevanathan just logged in on another window to try to disprove the secret identity question when we raised it :)
ya I was answering some questions, forgot it was thursday already
AArthi and i got a secret club thing going too. lol
@BMitch Yes, you caught me. I'm seekritly our top user. He hasn't appeared on a podcast before or anything.
@shirlockhomes fistbumps
Actually, I do have a question for those of you still around:
what are some of the largest "traditional" media spaces for DIY?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ it is the best SE podcast that I've ever heard
Like, This Old House magazine, HGTV/DIYNet, etc?
@BMitch Everyone keeps telling me that. I'm going to listen to it tonight.
if you guys heard my voice on podcast, you know we aren't one in the same
@BMitch Agreed. That was a fun podcast.
I had a blast. was nervous, but really had fun
I tried listening to a few of the other podcasts after that, but @shirlockhomes raised the bar too high
my son was my tech director from other room. lol
TY blush
@BMitch Y'all are going to be disappointed if I'm coming up with games. I have vague recollections of horrible drinking games and currently play fun toddler games like "Get back here" and "Stop slamming the door"
I listened to a few also, but had no idea what they were talking about
my kid had 3 laptops running, video links, monitors. lololol
I just showed my office this convo and the verdict is clear: @shirlockhomes you are adorable.
@shirlockhomes Yours was one of the few that didn't go horribly wrong for a couple minutes :)
now I am really blushing.....
hope it is mostly girls there! lmao
Lol yes!
CHAOS is....5/8 female.
actually there were a lot of tech problems at first. but solved them here, my internet connection didn't like all the extra stuff my son had put online at same time
I'm equal opportunity adorable. lololol but prefer the females think that.
sounds like y'all had a sweet setup going on. Does you son do audio/video things professionally?
no. he is a computer engineer and gets carried away
LOL Par for the course then; we tend to go overboard here, too!
my son just got a super computer at RIT. and he got to write the undergrad ciriculum
he is setting it up and gets to use it for his thesus
actually, RIT for the SC, he just gets to play with it. lol
I see tester and mitch both got 10k. congrats guys!
@Tester101 @BMitch they did awesome!
You've passed 20k, yourself. That's gotta be rad.
they always have valuble answers and comments
lost track after awhile.
I give most of my HI education credit to Habitat and my dad
i still get a lot of points for old answers.
habitat is agreat program
Our local chapter had a 10 week class for the house leaders, 1 night a week
I have a retired builder friend that donates a lot of time to habitat
actual textbook to learn from and everything
I may get involved in a year or so. gotta retire soon, I hurt!
nice. it has come a long way
but the only reason I know about code questions now and then is if we did it wrong and the inspector tells us to fix it
@BMitch That's neat.
my long time friend and town building inspector retired this year, gonna miss him. hw would let me go in his office in town hall and use all his books etc. if I had a question, I;d just call him anytime
@shirlockhomes Awww! Hurt is bad!
@shirlockhomes the good house leaders know what they are doing and direct others to do it for them
my wife dropped a kayak on my chest sunday, broke more ribs. just recovered from 2 broken ribs in Aug
we've got a lot of regular retirees, I'm one of the rare ones that isn't retired
@shirlockhomes I think you'd be hurting just sitting around from that!
it is nice you can spend time there.
@shirlockhomes gasp :O
@shirlockhomes ouch!
damn pointy ends hurt. lol
and of course on my right side. right handed
just get more IB's
carpenters eat IB's like M&M's lol
ibuprofens? d'aww
especially old ones like me
sadly, i must be off now -- got places to go, soccer matches to lose....
@shirlockhomes awww! <3
be carefull. broke the first two playing softball
@shirlockhomes eek!
I promise to be careful!
And, I hope to see you next week at 3pm :D
have fun Aarthi :)
We call Advil "candy" in my office. "Can I have a couple candy?"
@shirlockhomes Thank you, love! <3
@SteveJackson bahahaha nice.
/waves bye everyone!
Bye @AarthiDevanathan - enjoy yourself!
bye bye
I've got to get myself out of this chair, heal quick @shirlockhomes, later folks
later all.
12:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

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