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Oh man, @TheEvilGreebo your blog post is awesome! :D
morning, DIY!
@AarthiDevanathanΨ I wanted to publish it all day yesterday. Self-control is hard.
Hmm. I could swear I posted a comment to UpTheCreek about working on his accept rate
And he's gone from 0 to 60% which suggests that he saw the comment...
so why can't I find it? I was going to praise him for the improvement :)
Did you check your activity tab? It could've been deleted by a moderator.
Its not on my activity tab
whcih if it were deleted I'd expect it to be missing
Maybe you mind melded with UpTheCreek ;)
I don't remember eating his brain...
Bahleetions are the worst!
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Sorry, in english?
@TheEvilGreebo i dislike it when stuff get deleted. i cannot see nothing.
Double negative - so you can see something - so ... what do you see??? CONFESS!!!
@TheEvilGreebo SHE'S MY SISTER AND MY DAUGHTER. /chinatown
also, we scared somebody away :(
Eh? Did we?
@TheEvilGreebo someone's avatar just floated away. shrug
@AarthiDevanathanΨ I blame you and your lack of Halloween spirit
@TheEvilGreebo :(
@TheEvilGreebo nice job on the floor! what a difference. Always good to see people do things right, instead of just putting another layer over top.
@Tester101 Thanks :)
1 hour later…
"minor beam surgery" ??????????????????????????
Those YHL folks are a) insanely clean and b) pro photographers. That ain't no cell phone pic.
i'm thinking...i should invite them to write for the diy blog.
Go on....what's the motivation for them?
we could offer them adspace and I have some money in the budget.
I could get them a tool / item on their wishlist as a thank-you.
You're the traffic expert. But, it seems like we already fished their readership with the contest right? Will a blog make them more likely to stick around?
I'm not saying I wouldn't welcome their contribution, I'm sure it would be great. I'm just not so sure about "paying" people to come be part of our community.
@SteveJackson Oh, gosh. They already know about us, yeah. Hmm. I guess my thinking is that DIY readers....love them some DIY. It couldn't hurt, but I'd wait on it for another 3mos, til y'all have more blog posts and I have more leverage.
Ha ha! happy dance @AarthiDevanathan is stuck with us :)
@SteveJackson hahaha you guuuuuuys i adore y'all. I just want y'all to be able to keep up chatter in here without me driving it, lol
Ok that's annoying - gots to go
2 hours later…
I was trying to make this into a gravatar last night, but I SUCK at image editing.
I LIKE that... I see what you're doing
gimme... 15 minutes
And I'm gonna use diff images cause yours are fuzzy
that is, if you don't mind
and do we have a pic of the diy pencils somewhere?
@TheEvilGreebo kinda:
@SteveJackson perfect
@AarthiDevanathanΨ You'd look funny in his logo ;)
@TheEvilGreebo fuzzy!
i'll do it better
background preference, steve?
@TheEvilGreebo stoppit!
stoppit what?
@TheEvilGreebo nope
:2163gimme like 5 secs
i'm still on the speed square
@TheEvilGreebo oh ok
i got the pencils in hi res. and not blurry
gmail to me?
you can get my email from profile right?
@TheEvilGreebo Mine was bright orange - that's why I went with black and white on the edges :)
@TheEvilGreebo cna i post in here?
Easy to find tho
@SteveJackson find the pics? that's fine. it's all CC
man finding a 6" putty knife pic w/o a watermark is a pita
@AarthiDevanathanΨ no, my speed square - sorry.
idk why they rotated but yeah
I can't take it straight on without getting a reflection in it
original idea:
got one
I like the pencils better though
want me to use caulk? no ok
what about just 1 pencil for an | instead of I
better dimensions
Hi @BMitch, @Sasha - just amusing ourselves until the Project Updates start
@SteveJackson, amuse away, don't mind me if I'm quiet, lot going on
Hey there @Sasha. :D Always happy to see a new face.
now where to post it
i needed a media host, used the blogger
@TheEvilGreebo Awesome! And way better letter D.
@TheEvilGreebo pencil needs to be brighter, hmm.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ I blame the source image
@TheEvilGreebo and hmm. you can click "upload" next to the chat box, and imgur (our speshul host) will handle it
@TheEvilGreebo i can make it brighter.
oh hey look at that, an upload link
it's that time
Welcome to Project Update Thursday!
@AarthiDevanathan the pencil also wasn't perfectly straight relative to the camera
get me a brighter, perfectly aligned one and I can fix that pixelating effect on the edge
@BMitch Thanks dude! :D
@TheEvilGreebo okay. i'll do that in a minute :D
who'd like to go first?
/me passes the mic like a hot potato
I have no project updates this week. </done>
I broke my streak and went back to Habitat this weekend to hang some drywall
@TheEvilGreebo ahahaha
@BMitch oooh. talk us through it! aka me, 'cause i suck
well, our donors gave us all 5/8" fire rated, 12', so it was a practice in team work to move the stuff
all of the utilities are running through bulkheads, drywalled behind with 1/2", so the joints between the two will be fun for the mudders
and we're hanging the ceilings on sound attenuation channel, so short metal screws, lots of fun
@BMitch So how does that work on a habitat house? Does an experienced person take the lead or you just roll with not so great seams?
but I'm happy that we are smart enough to use a drywall lift
we get at least one leader in each team, and one house leader in each unit
you're hanging 1/2" and 5/8" on the same wall?
@TheEvilGreebo yup, the mudders are going to hate us
thats going to be very visible
The mudders will mutter while they mud the wall!
donated materials, volunteer labor, renovated structure, what could possibly go wrong
we're actually the 3rd renovation, and each time, walls were pushed out
we bumped out the back and both sides 15'
could you remove the 1/2" to get an even surface?
can't take out the 1/2", it's going behind the bulkheads for various utilities (low ceilings everywhere)
fortunately, you only see a couple inches of 1/2" before it goes behind the bulkhead space
wait does the 1/2" stop AT the bulkhead?
trim it back?
1/8" furring strips, to build out the framing members?
nope, 1/2" on the wall, and a bulkhead structure built on top of it, I'm guessing they did this for air leaks
<-- is a snit about even walls
we go through some blower tests to get green ratings for these projects
<-- confused. post pix nao plz
@TheEvilGreebo stay away from our projects, you don't want to see what it looks like after volunteers put it up
@BMitch I will come to your projects and ruin your volunteer's self esteem! MUAHAHHAHAA
lol, I spend a good hour teaching volunteers how to cut drywall, screw it in, what types of screws to use where, etc
some of them haven't swung a hammer before, others are former contractors, always an interesting mix
@BMitch That had sorta been what I was wondering. I mean you can smooth out an 1/8" and make it look nice, but it would take me a long time and I've done hundreds of hours of mudding. I can't imaging someone just starting out being able to do anything but slap it on.
@SteveJackson for that reason, we contract out the mudding
@SteveJackson /agree 100% - to get a 1/8" gap looking good you need to feather that over about 2 feet
@SteveJackson slapping it on == texturing!
detexturing a textured wall sucks
Aha. And @NiallC should probably join your Habitat group.
I think we'll get the 1/8" gap covered over a 3" span before it goes behind a bulkhead, so they'll probably taper nothing, just fill it all with mud
had a wall that was all ... whats the word where its like stalactites (only on a wall)...
I even have my own drywall lift.
@NiallC I need to worship you now
@BMitch I like the idea of a 1/8" shim strip at the joint to even it up
@BMitch OK, but don't get creepy or anything. :p
@SteveJackson Pass the eye bleach please
@TheEvilGreebo that would be good if we could plan ahead
well the future homeowner can fix it if he likes ;)
@SteveJackson ripped from holding drywall up with one hand while screwing it in with the other?
heck, I'm pretty sure we were supposed to get the floor leveled, but I can feel the rise and fall as I go between the various foundations (from the different renovations)
When Niall C hangs drywall, he holds the screw still and spins the house around them
@NiallC Obviously you're ambidextrous.
considering how much this place has been renovated over the years, I can't imagine how they'll ever get it to pass a blower test, I see expanding foam everywhere
So habitat contracts out plumbing, electrical, mudding - what else?
@SteveJackson foundation, plumbing, electrical, hvac, mudding, brick, roofing, and often the siding if it gets too high
Arlington required that we contract out all the load bearing renovation work too
@BMitch That's probably reasonable :)
And depending on the place, we may also contract out the windows.
Basically, they don't want any volunteers to fall
I contracted out my second story windows. Wasn't worried about falling as much as dropping a $900 window.
we had a half dozen people working on some 3rd story windows years back, you have to shove the thing entirely out of the house and then put it back in from outside, and the people on the ladders can't really reach out to hold the first end that's shoved out. Exciting isn't the right word for it
I'm thinking habitat stories could become a running feature for the blog, @BMitch
@SteveJackson I may have to go anonymous for that to avoid getting anyone in trouble :)
@BMitch Just post as @TheEvilGreebo :)
well, that's my excitement, who else has a good story?
I have IKEA coming on Saturday.
@TheEvilGreebo omg
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Did they decide to move the whole store into your apartment?
@SteveJackson that'd be the easier solution
@SteveJackson nope. just a few things.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ woo hoo, make sure to get some extra saw dust and glue in case any parts are missing <ducks/>
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Will you get to earn your IKEA assembly merit badge this weekend?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ be sure to use your new drill
@BMitch rofl
@AarthiDevanathan, ok Ms. IKEA, what did you buy? (gotta try to keep this conversation going)
@BMitch lolol sooo
i bought: HOPEN bedframe + midbeam, slatted bed base, MICKE desk, NISSE desk chair, and a MINUT lamp
and coathangars.
But no lingonberries
@AarthiDevanathanΨ ohh, coat-hangars, what are you going to use those for?
@BMitch @AarthiDevanathan dearest
(don't say for rewiring the lamp, don't say for rewiring the lamp...)
@BMitch surprised that they're made of wire
@SteveJackson mine are wood, actually.
This has promise
@SteveJackson that's a coat rack....
@AarthiDevanathanΨ IKEA disagrees with you:
Hanger with 3 knobs, silver color
@SteveJackson alas no lingonberries. i was late to a party.
@SteveJackson :O
@AarthiDevanathanΨ @AarthiDevanathan I am dissapoint
@TheEvilGreebo you tagged me twice?
for my winter coats, which are heavy
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Did I? Oh, I guess so. Did it break you?
@TheEvilGreebo nope, just took me by surprise
OK! More project updates! Where's @ChrisF? I know he had an actual project.
Can you drag him away from the Narwahls?
@theevilgreebo tries to tag himself, but there are rules against that sort of thing in a family friendly channel
@SteveJackson i'll see if i can find him
@SteveJackson that said, I will post stuff from my Great Ikea Assembly project. Which I'll be doing after work all next week, as i'm working an event this weekend.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Awesome! For the blog?
How about @Tester101, @NiallC, @Doresoom, any projects going on in your parts?
@SteveJackson sure. :D
I mowed the grass. Begrudgingly - as it is October. I hope to do insulation this weekend.
Took the trash out last night. That counts as home improvement, right?
@NiallC Absolutely! Did you treat yourself to a beer afterwards?
Actually, while y'all are here... does anyone have any suggestions for where I might find the 14' drywall panels that US gypsum and other manufactures claim they make
@SteveJackson no, just curled up on the couch with the puppies. Even better than beer.
@NiallC WIN!
@SteveJackson :)
No projects from me this week, I'll be opening up the attic floor this weekend to run some new cable for a porch light. diy.stackexchange.com/questions/9478/…
@NiallC probably custom order
never seen anything bigger than 12' in big box stores
hoping @TheEvilGreebo 's oscillating saw trick works.
@TheEvilGreebo me neither, maybe you can get it as a custom order, particularly for commercial projects
@Tester101 do some practice cuts first;)
@Tester101 if not, see an an oscillating @TheEvilGreebo works :)
You could also use a zipsaw but precision on those is a bear
@BMitch It works for my wife! (rimshot)
I knew that was a bad idea as soon as I hit enter
@TheEvilGreebo I'm afraid you might be right
@BMitch I'm nothing if not juvenile and predictable
and on that note, I'm also outta here - special dinner tonight at Stony River Steakhouse. YUMMM
@NiallC I'd just ask at a big box if you have one nearby. I had to custom order the fire-resistant stuff before - wasn't a big deal. I'm sure there's a minimum order size though, hopefully you don't need one sheet.
/waves @TheEvilGreebo
@NiallC contact the local lumber store, sometimes they have stuff like that since they are usually more contractor oriented.
@SteveJackson No, it's a 12'4" wide room and I don't want to have to cut up 12' or 8' panels if I can avoid it.
@tester101 I'll try that, but I know a lot of places only want to deal with professionals, not Johnny DIYs like me.
@NiallC if you had a 12'4" panel, would you have clearance to get it into the room and on the wall in one piece?
@NiallC Money is money. I have yet to find a business that refused to take my money.
Other than AAA
They wouldn't let me buy a map, because I wasn't a member.
@Tester101 I had a mortgage company refuse my check
apparently the last payment needs to be a certified check, even if they send you a regular bill for it
@BMitch checks != money. lots of places don't take checks.
@BMitch Yes, it's straight in the front door, onto strategically placed drywall lift and onto wall or ceiling.
I won't be doing anything in the near future though... don't want to be opening walls coming up to winter.
@Tester101 Ahh...you didn't offer them enough money (map + membership)
@NiallC I'd go for 8', keep staggering the joints in different places to use up the last partial piece.
whenever I try to use a full board that's a tight fit for anything other than a floor to ceiling piece, I end up with bad gaps because something wasn't square, and the corners get beat up trying to get it into place.
@bmitch Yeah, been there. :) I'll think about the 8' suggestion. It's a lot of waste, but drywall isn't too expensive.
Look sharp, officer on deck.
Nothing much to update on the project front. Got the expensive restoration glass fitted, but with the weather turning and me back at work it's been slow progress on the windows
@ChrisF I know that feeling, more projects than time to do them all
@ChrisF, BTW, I'm 9 upvotes from being able to lend you a hand, or cause more chaos, TBD.
@BMitch I'll see what I can do (within reason) to get you closer to 10K. @Tester101 is nearly there too. Having 4 10K users will make things a lot smoother.
@BMitch I'd vote on 9 of your answers (if I could find 9 I didn't already upvote), but last time I tried bumping people up the system took all the votes away :(
at my current rate, I should be able to help you out in about 2 days even without the extra help
just have to get a few good questions, or go digging through the unanswered pile, or do a mass wiki update :)
@Tester101 You need to take your time, do it too quickly and the system thinks you're engaging in vote fraud. Do a couple every hour (but don't say I told you that)
I'd like to get to 10K, if only for personal pride - it will be the 5th site I've made 10K on :)
@Tester101, I'd like to upvote this one just for the picture, but since I'm pretty sure the fire rating of osb and plywood are pretty similar, I held back.
A: What is better for a roof, plywood or OSB?

Tester101It could be that they are trying to slow down a fire from spreading. The material at the edges might be more fire resistant, so the fire will spread to adjacent buildings more slowly, allowing the occupants more time to escape. You might be able to verify this by checking the local fire codes fo...

it still gets a thumbs up from me
@BMitch Yeah I only posted the answer for the picture, I was grabbing at straws on that one. Didn't expect to get upvotes.
I went through votes like crazy a while back, but only to get the badge
@BMitch I have no such scruples :)
@BMitch though I have burned both in bonfires, and I will say OSB burns faster. The fire actually burns through it, where it burns from the edges in on plywood.
hmm, interesting
If you really want to impress the ladies, you can stand on the plywood for quite some time when it's in the fire.
@Tester101 Nothing impresses the ladies like a trip to the emergency room :)
@SteveJackson that's how you pickup the nurses :)
Of course, voting @BMitch up has cost me my 3rd spot in the all time list ;)
You can test it out... cut a 1'x1' piece of each (OSB, Plywood), and hold a blow torch to the center. the torch will bun through the OSB faster, while the plywood will mostly deflect the flame.
@BMitch Couple advantages I can think of - whatever you did is probably not the stupidest thing they've seen that night. Also, no where to go but up :)
@Tester101 I desperately want this on youtube.
@ChrisF haha, I passed a vote or two your way, you looked so close to 10k
@BMitch @ChrisF it's hard for me to find answers from you guys I haven't voted up already. (I'm a voteaholic).
I still can't get over you Americans calling plaster "mud". I have to think every time what it is you're talking about. Dry wall (for plasterboard) is OK for some reason.
@Tester101 Yep - you're our all time top voter - diy.stackexchange.com/users?tab=voters&filter=all
@Tester101 you're in 1st place on the voters list
@ChrisF, great minds...
LOL: I had the same link ready to go. Tester is running away with it
@ChrisF plaster is plaster, mud = joint compound.
I need to vote more - but I'm bad at voting on all sites.
@Tester101 Exactly. What do you call plaster?
@Tester101 Ah - that would explain my confusion
@ChrisF nobody uses plaster here any more.
it's all drywall.
except for science projects.
We still have lots of old houses with solid interior walls and all multistorey buildings have interior load bearing walls too.
Turf/Sod is worse. I can see why sod would be a strange term in the UK, but turf to Americans is artificial grass.
@chrisf Congrats
Hope they stick.
@bmitch You're next
@SteveJackson Sod's not a strange term - it's an archaic one though.
@ChrisF we do drywall on load bearing, it's becoming difficult to find anything that knows how to do plaster
@NiallC Whoo! We need a cake or something!
Round of applause for ChrisF
Gone are the days of folks doing crown molding with plaster.
@BMitch Oh right - so it's solid wall with a drywall skin? It actually makes sense - it's easier to run cables through the gap than have to dig out a channel in the brick
@Tester101 That would be expensive to get done these days. We replaced the moulding in our hall with precast plaster of paris
@bmitch Congrats
@ChrisF load bearing is just a standard wall, doubled up top plate for fire/structure at joints, but it's more about where you place them and carrying the load to the joists and next floor.
Enjoy your shiny new tools link :)
@NiallC woo hoo! Thanks!
@ChrisF us cheap Americans use crappy painted pine/plastic junk for crown.
BMitch joins the 10K club!
@Tester101Gotta run to a meeting but I'll rummage through your ouevre later
@SteveJackson woot
@ChrisF @BMitch congrats!
does a happy dance
@BMitch I don't get to see the "you have new privileges" banner :( I hardly ever see the "you've got a badge" banner either.
@chrisf: though now that @BMitch is over 10k, I saw some answers in there that should be migrated to gardening.
me == nothing if not cruel.
can I migrate myself out of a moderator position
@NiallC OK - flag away. I check with the gardening mods :)
@NiallC I was thinking something similar - I wonder what would happen to the boards if @Tester101 took away all his upvotes :)
@BMitch There's no migration path to Gardening on the close menu as the site's still in beta. Only mods can do it.
Thanks for joining us for Project Update Thursday! See you all next week!
@ChrisF would you mind bookmarking this for me? I gotta roll~~~
@SteveJackson Votes are locked after 5 minutes (I think) so he couldn't take them away unless all the posts were edited.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ OK
I'll keep my mods slow to start, don't want to break everything in the first second
Or @BMitch or anyone else, really.
@ChrisF I figured the devs were smarter than that :)
I'm happy to bookmark if @ChrisF is busy
@BMitch It's OK - just done it.

Project Update Thursday 13th Oct 2011

2 hours ago, 1 hour 59 minutes total – 230 messages, 7 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 43 secs ago by ChrisF

I figured, it takes a while to go up through the screens to find the start
@BMitch If posts are manually deleted or when they're migrated you lose the points but they're not taken away immediately, so your "headline" reputation would still be over 10K so you'd still have access to the tools.
If you were the recipient of a serial up-voter then the vote fraud scripts would kick in and take the votes away and then do a recalculation on your reputation. At that point if you dropped below 10K you'd lose access to the tools until you climbed above that point again.
Good to know, though I'm pretty sure I'll be well clear of 10k in a few days, there have been a lot of random votes for old questions showing up in my stats
If you go to the /reputation page you'll see what your real reputation is and have the option to perform the recalculation yourself (max of once per 24 hours)
Shame @AarthiDevanathan's gone - does she usually post the bookmark link to a meta question?
she did a long time ago, but I haven't noticed it in a while, then again I've been bad and ignoring meta
@ChrisF, as a 10k mod, will my new close votes cause an immediate close, or does that open happen for elected mods?
@BMitch Only diamonds get binding votes - your vote is still a normal 1 of 5 vote.
The big thing you get is the tools menu so you can see the questions with close and delete votes in a list.
gotcha, I went looking all over for that detail on meta.so and in the faq's, was afraid of having an accidental binding vote
going through the tools now, lots of interesting stats and details there
Close votes do decay, so if you see something in the list that's only got one or two votes and you think it really should be closed still flag it. I do check the lists from time to time (and I'm sure the other mods do too) but we can miss stuff
yup, btw, just saw this old post from @AarthiDevanathan, she was doing fully summaries for a while, but has since stopped. Looked like a fair bit of work unless you're keeping notes during the chat:
Q: Do you all like Project Update Thursday?

Aarthi Devanathan ΨNow that we've had two Project Update Thursday sessions, I figured I'd ask: how are we liking them? I intend to continue them (they've got multiple net benefits, which I've mentioned before) but I'm curious to see if y'all are enjoying them. Our first Project Update Thursday was pretty successfu...

Thanks. I've added a new answer with a link to tonight's chat.

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