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allo allo
what's going on?
I have a prescription for eardrops - 4 drops, 4 times a day
how the hell am I supposed to count the drops when I'm putting them in my OWN EAR?
and i'm going to look really silly with my head down on my desk for 5 minutes this morning
@TheEvilGreebo oh. UH. Mirror?
@TheEvilGreebo lol yes. slacking at work so early! ;)
i'm supposed to insert the tip of the dropper into the ear enough to touch the base of the canal... need someone to look straight down intot he ear to count drops...
ok putting my head down for 5 minutes per doctor's orders
bah 3 mins will have to do
my desk was decidedly uncomfortable
@TheEvilGreebo yours doesn't move like ours do, huh?
your desk moves?
how do you write?
not constantly! i can shift it up and down.
ah, no, mine is fixed to a cubical wall
@TheEvilGreebo :( sadfaces!
I appreciate your sympathy. :)
@TheEvilGreebo everywhere should have nice things like we do
sadly the best i can do is send you pencils. :(
What kind of pencils?
@TheEvilGreebo carpenter's pencils!
with the diy branding and logo
from like last week
I like pencils :D
I accept your offer of pencils. Please fax them to me.
Sep 20 at 19:53, by Aarthi Devanathan Ψ
user image
@TheEvilGreebo laughs faxing MIGHT be hard.
Stop your complaining, this is a problem solving site! Solve some problems!
nice pencil - like the color
sigh Fine, EMAIL will work.
@TheEvilGreebo it's quite nice, actually!
@TheEvilGreebo :O i hope you have a 3d printer, then
Even if I did I don't think they'd write well in that case
Well then we seem to be at an impasse.
@TheEvilGreebo unless you trust USPS.
Trust the Government. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
have you been posting winners of the giveaway items?
@TheEvilGreebo not yet, so far as I can see.
That sander DOES look nice but I'll refrain, I have sanders and someone else can use it more than me
@TheEvilGreebo tomorrow's the impact driver.
What's Friday?
@TheEvilGreebo milwaukee drill
Nice prices :)
@TheEvilGreebo laughs yeah, @BMitch and @KarlKatzke were great and helped me out a lot.
What I need is a new compound miter w/ a stand... can you arrange that for a giveaway? ;)
@TheEvilGreebo lol uhhhhhh
You're going to waffle, aren't you? I can tell!
@TheEvilGreebo start a blog, get 64mil hits a year, and i'll do it.
I happen to be a web programmer. I can set it up to get 65 mil hits in a DAY... so... YOU'RE ON! :)
@TheEvilGreebo note that 63.999mil of those hits should be from people, not the apache benchmark tool.
@AarthiDevanathan, don't make technical deals with nerds, they always find a technicality
@BMitch rimshot
@BMitch thank you for clarifying by the way.
@TheEvilGreebo oh god, what have i done.
I can get 64mil hits for diy se, but I don't think the web admin would be very happy with me
@BMitch lol possibly not.
I used to apache benchmark spammer websites until I literally melted my network switch.
Hehehehe. That sounds like something I'd do.
@BMitch You think I can't make Apache think they're 65 mil distinct hits? snort
@BMitch oh god. how. i didn't even think that was possible OH HEY @KARL.
My ISP has started metering though. :(
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Surrender now and just buy me the saw and stand. ;)
@TheEvilGreebo Depends on where they come from. 65 million hits all coming from an Amazon ECC IP?
yeah, I cut back when I needed my VOIP to work
@TheEvilGreebo nevarrrrr
@KarlKatzke he works for amazon?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ No -- Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud -- you can rent CPUs to do things like host websites. Or spam websites.
@KarlKatzke I'm not sure what that is, so I'll go with "no" ;)
bah, spoofing is more fun :P
@TheEvilGreebo We were looking at saws and stands, but I think I vetoed all of them because they were either of limited utility -- 10 inch single-bevel chop boxes are really only good for the most basic of trim work -- and the budget didn't let us get something really nice.
@KarlKatzke that looks like it's DDoS-ready
I think Amazon has a great business model, rent out web site time to spammers, and to the spam fighters trying to bring down the spam sites.... profit!
@AarthiDevanathanΨ They sort of frown on DDOS/spamming. It's a good way to go to jail because they work closely with the feds.
@KarlKatzke Agreed - I have a 10" and its just not up to the job. I want a nice 12" compound slider
I also want to win the lottery, but see where that's gotten me so far... :/
@TheEvilGreebo That's what I told Aarthi, which is why one isn't offered.
One with a laser sight is even better, i was really bummed when mine burned out
I don't actually use the laser sight ever... I don't trust them to stay in alignment.
@KarlKatzke wait, refresh my memory on this again?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Whenabouts was the conversation where we talked about which tools to offer in the giveaway? 2 weeks ago? 3?
@KarlKatzke yeah that was like last week
Mine was perfectly aligned - exactly on the left side of the blade. It was sweet
i meant more, I remember us talking about the saws, but i don't remember talking about 12" compound sliders
I have a bad memory, so I don't remember when it was.
A 12" compound slider would have been way more than a 10" single bevel
@TheEvilGreebo that's true. it came to, what, like $500 for that alone?
oh yeaaaah
That sounds like the neighborhood
i remember this now
Alex said to go wit hthe less expensive one
Specifically look down to where I pasted in the link for the deWalt one.
That DeWalt would do nicely - 10" slider will suffice ;)
Hehe. I think it was out of the budget. :(
mmhmm. well, we didn't want to spend that much on a single giveaway. 10% of the budget there? ehhhh
1 hour later…
<-- busy. and sick.
<-- has a painful ear infection
Not fair, Karl got an Awww
:( I just have a cold/flu bug that's been going around.
But in an on-call week, the liklihood of me getting enough rest to get over it ...
everyone is ill of late.
i actually think I got my ear infection from working on the kitchen. I think some old gross food dirt from under the old sink got in my ear while I was under the sink
but who knows
Ah, the hazards of home improvement.
Actually I know dirt got in there cause I saw it when I cleaned my ear w/ a qtip
i just think it was gross old food dirt
so i'm going to vacate this conversation for a little while lest i, too, revisit lunch in a bad way.
Yeah, that'll definitely do it.
sorry, tmi there I'm sure
Not to me. :) Or really anyone that gets dirty on a regular basis.
Here's what I looked like after cutting a hole for a fan vent in a friend's roof...
You have a third eye
The other guys helping this guy with his place made fun of me like you can't believe for wearing that dorky headlamp while I was working ... until they realized how handy it was to have both hands free to work, and started borrowing.
*borrowing it
Oh no I appreciate the head lamp completely.
But in the picture it looks dorky. ;)
It looks dorky all the time, not just in the picture. The picture was taken just after I'd crawled down out of the attic and was trying to catch my breath. I had so much crap in my hair, beard, and all over my arms and chest from cutting that hole that I had to go outside and wash myself off with the hose.
We sprayed cellulose insulation into the attic a couple years back - OH MY GOSH the dust...
Spraying cellulouse is a tyvek-suit-and-full-face-respirator job.
For us it was a long sleeves and a basic dust mask job
the dust sticking to the light pull chain was an inch thick... that was neat
Yeah, spraying any insulation material from now on for me is a tyvek suit job. I had a bunch of skin irritation problems from working up in the "greenfiber" stuff that's spread in my attic.

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