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Don't forget that there'll be a discussion on how we promote the site happening here at 21:00 UTC
Oh hey, and @KarlKatzke is in here, too! :D I'd been hoping to bump into you!
Hiya! Figured I'd drop in for a bit. I'm at my day job, so I'm not going to be very responsive, but...
me too, but I figured I would see what was going on
@KarlKatzke @auujay Nah, no worries. The real Chat doesn't start for...2 hours still, and we're talking site promotion. Be as attentive as you can!
I'm just happy more than just me is in this room right now celebrates small victories
Heh. Well, I'm glad to see a DIY advice site that's curated and has good questions and good involvement -- unlike most of the big DIY forums out there. shudder
I take it you surf those forums a good deal? Can you tell me more about them? I'm something of a layperson, so I just cycle through them for stats more than content.
@KarlKatzke That's one of the reasons Stack Exchange works so well. People want to get involved in helping the site (what ever the subject) stay on track. Don't be shy if you feel you can help with edits etc. Anyone can suggest an edit.
The biggest one is diychatroom.com -- it's part of a pretty large network of DIY/contractor websites. There's not much in the way of curation or way to filter wheat from chaff, though.
There's a lot of area specific ones. One of the ones I find the most helpful focuses specifically on tile (floors, showers, granite, etc.) is johnbridges.com/vbulletin ... it's great because it tends to attract a lot of professionals. You'll often find it as the first google result when searching.
Oops -- that was johnbridge.com/vbulletin ...
The johnbridge site it great, that is probably the only other one I look at besides this one (Home Improvement).
Yeah, these days it is. I hung out at the diychatroom family of sites but they make my head hurt. I also contribute a lot to a local one that's for people in my neck of the woods. It's mainly helpful because the people already generally know one another.
I was considering recruiting directly from diychatroom
Because, as you said, they're giant. They're probably the most obvious competitor based on size alone.
I'm not sure they'd take kindly to "recruiting" ... the owner of the site and related sites makes a lot of money off of advertising.
Ooh. Gotcha.
I tend to think of the Stackexchange sites more like a big expanded ask.metafilter.com ... but the problem stackexchange has versus the diychatroom and the johnbridge.com is that there's no place for people to tell their stories as they're working through projects.
If you look at johnbridge.com, you'll see that the moderators go out of their way to keep an entire 'thread' going for people to tell about their projects.
These threads are among the most visited on the site, and also keep the users coming back to the site.
Theoretically, this space, chat, is where stuff like that is supposed to go.
@ChrisF could we make rooms specifically for project-sharing and updating?
The StackChat model basically functions like a thread anyway, with the backscroll/transcript acting as old pages.
@KarlKatzke There could be a DIY blog attached to the site if enough people were interested. You could use use to tell the story of your project - especially if it linked back to questions you asked during it.
Yeah, the blog is actually a really good idea.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ I don't see why not. That might be a first step to seeing if there was an appetite for a blog
@ChrisF -- I think that it would need to be more like a per-user blog.
If we did that, d'you think we'd get more participating in chat and on the site at large? Should we just try it since it's not really a costly thing?
The problem is getting other people to come in and look at it, then.
I realize that this gets into features/coding type of thing, but -- what I'd like to see in that realm is a little icon on my user icon that says I've got a new blog post on my personal project journal
(That's the ideal, we can figure out what's reasonable)
@KarlKatzke The blog would be a site blog, but the posts would be attributed to the user. It's a WordPress blog, so I think we might be able to thread by user.
Would it help google search traffice? If we had blogs of projects, new users may find those during a normal internet search for "bathroom remodel" etc.
@auujay The blogs are indexed yes.
I think it probably would help google search traffic... that's one of the other big issues with traffic to diy.stackexchange. I don't see it pop up in search results.
But we appear to be getting ahead of ourselves (sort of). The discussion proper isn't due to start for an hour ;)
laughs and I have a meeting in the office in....3 minutes.
BUT. This is actually really useful! Karl, auujay, could you two sort of bat ideas back and forth a little while I'm away? the more outlandish the idea the better. i'm all about starting giant ridiculous out of the box and then honing it in to be something more feasible
grin I'm always one for batting things around. Ideas, walls, tools, small household animals...
Er, maybe not the animals, but everything else should be aok
ps: for now, play like money's no object. I want no holds barred on ideas.
Here's an example of a community blog with restoration/renovation/home projects: projects.rejuvenation.com
It's actually owned/run by Rejuvenation... rejuvenation.com
@ChrisF I think you're on the right track, the SE side is really a Q and A site, and it is very good at that. If you're talking about an entire DIY community site, the SE part is only a portion of it.
What would be useful though is links to various projects that are described and hosted elsewhere (eg, on other people's blogs ,or pages, or even pro pages). Having an organized and vetted list of these, possibly with voting somehow, which can be useful in answers would be a great way to tie it in.
For example, every entry would be a link to the site/blog/whatever, be tagged "tiling" "bathroom" "electrical" "retrofit" "carpet" "stairs" etc.. and then can be voted on so the good ones bubble up
Add it to the tag wiki?
When someone asks a question like "How do I ensure my 70-year-old floor is level before I tile?" you can provide answer to the specific question, and quickly find a relevant blog/whatever that talks about tiling in general and walks through the whole process
That might also have the interesting side effect of bringing the expert blogger into the diy.stackexchange fold
@SteveJackson That's a good idea- though each link really needs multiple tags (eg, it would be nice to see only links with tile AND shower tags..), and I think the voting would be useful to keep the higher quaility sites bubbled up
Yeah, there are a lot of those guys around, and I kinda think some of them might see DIY.SE as competition to their blog. If instead, it drives traffic to them it would be good
Voting would also be useful to keep the external links mechanism from being hijacked by a particular vendor.
@gregmac @SteveJackson Welcome! :D
To start things off there's already a question on this topic on meta:
Q: How do we promote our site?

Jan FabryThis essential question wasn't asked yet, so here we go. This is rapidly becoming a hot issue across the entire network: how to promote your site and how to reach out to the experts and pundits in your industry. We can come up with budgets and promotions but — more than any other ...

Have a quick look to see what's already been suggested.
And, in case you're wondering who the heck I am:
Q: Who is Aarthi Devanathan and why is she changing so many posts?

Aarthi Devanathan ΨI'm a StackExchange employee and I'm here to improve the quality of the site. I'm editing question titles to improve their readability and just generally working to make this site even more awesome. If I edit a question title and you don't happen to like it, or you felt it was better the way it ...

I've been assigned to help promote the site. :D It's, literally, my job and stuff.
I'll include the discussions above in the transcript that I'll create so none if goes to waste.
And we're like literally jealous of your job and stuff. ;)
@KarlKatzke laughs Good to hear it! I've grumbled about DIY a little -- you guys are so quiet! -- but I actually really do like this site. I learn so much with every edit.
I think the main problem with us being 'quiet' is that DIY is not used much. I would like to end that 'quiet' as well because I appreciate the careful hand with which the StackExchange sites are tended; I've been a member of ServerFault for a few years.
@ChrisF Awesome -- There was some really good discussion happening a few hours prior to the official start.
@KarlKatzke It's something we're seeing with a number of the newer sites. This site did graduate, so that means the traffic has been on the up. But @ChrisF mentioned that we've plateaued lately. That part needs to change.
@KarlKatzke @Aarth
We were talking prior to the official start about 'competitors' -- One of the 'challenges' that promoting the StackExchange concept over similar sites is that the similar (and successful) sites are mostly forum-type websites... the only Q&A type site that I know of that's similar is Ask.metafilter.com
Sorry - looking for code completion - the problem we noticed during beta is that it just takes longer to have multiple DIY questions, as opposed to programming or server problems
Yeah, diychatroom is probably closest to what we are/want to be, but their signal-to-noise ratio is reportedly high
So the question is if we want to, as a community, ask for some of the same types of features that the forum type sites have in order to improve user visits. DIYChatroom and others tend to attract people that hang out, and, well, chat ... where diy.stackexchange tends to attract people who ask a question, get an answer, and leave.
@SteveJackson That part could change with more users, though, and more traffic. My thing is that I can't tell if we've got a huge turnover or just a click-through-not-stay kind of rate. yes those are the technical terms not
The good thing about the SE Q&A is that the "threads" are kept on track. You don't have to wade through potentially off topic posts to find the answer you're looking for.
That's the biggest sell about the SE platform at large.
Yeah -- I tend to refer to that 'feature' as 'Curated'
@KarlKatzke There's chat for chat. Perhaps we need to promote that more on the site.
@ChrisF Different kind of chat, really.
I think we do. I think maybe having a room specifically for people to chat/update about projects -- the "noise" on other sites -- could help, too.
It's already there on the side bar, but only on the main page, not the question pages.
Chat's where, oh, idk, we post animated gifs and pics of cute animals/kids and complain about the mods and so forth ;)
@KarlKatzke Not sure I follow what you mean.
@ChrisF - The kind of chat that I mean is the back and forth that happens over a period of days in blog comments or a forum thread; this sort of chat is more for a meeting.
We would need to seed this project chat, that might be a good thing to try at least
@KarlKatzke But it doesn't have to be. That's just how we're using it right now. Parenting chat is almost always active and we talk about so much more than just site promotion.
A project-specific chat would be fairly costless to set up, as well. It's just another room.
Promoting it would be the bigger question. The current site chat link shows this chatroom. We could have it show the other as well. Doesn't SuperUser have something like that? Or Gaming or Photog?
@KarlKatzke Ah - more of a discussion around a problem. Well chat doesn't have to be real-time. With the @lert notifications you can spread it out and you can always create a new room for a specific question
@AarthiDevanathan That's true... I guess I'm not sure how it would look, since I haven't used chat much. I think of it more like an instant message chat room rather than something that persists.
Which might be a common misconception amongst users.
And that's fair, because that's how it's been so far. I'm not saying you're wrong -- far be it from me to do so!
Chat persists. There's the transcript here for this room for example.
@KarlKatzke If that's true -- and it may very well be -- then we need to make it clear to our users that Chat's there for more than just site promotion talks.
Hanging out in threads might drive repeat traffic, but would it grow the site? Would I be more likely to think of a new question if I was already here?
One thing that I've had suggested is to have regular events in chat. We'd feature/promote them for the first few weeks, then let them live o ntheir own.
Yeah, but who goes to read the transcript? It's not on the front page, and there's no links between a user's profile and their chat participation, for instance. I guess I'm seeing the use of chat for other purposes as someone with a hammer (chatroom) thinking everything's a nail.
If there's anything you thing is wrong or missing from the site on a technical level please post a question on meta. The mods get a notification and the developers do look across the whole site. If something's important I will always raise it on Meta Stack Overflow if necessary.
And me working in the SE Global Domination HQ slash trolling this site hardcore means I'll definitely see it and bother people about it.
Trollin' trollin' trollin', keep those mods a trollin'...
laughs I'm not a mod anymore, but yes, the sentiment is there.
Anyone any ideas for spreading the word that the site exists - either virtually or in the real world?
I'm looking at trade shows and buying ads on prominent DIY/home reno blogs.
We're also working on sponsoring giveaways on those blogs
But I don't really know what spaces DIYers spend time in, virtually and Really
Well if we want to spread the word to "users", I'd think getting on with HGTV or something would be effective, but I'm not sure how to reach the experts unless we set up a booth at the lumber yard.
Heh. @ChrisF, that links back to what I was saying about having a space to host project spaces. If it were ME, the way I'd do is find a way to give each user who is a DIYer like me a space to post their projects, sort of like a mini blog, that reflects in their user page. Then I'd add it to my sig line on all of the DIY sites I regularly troll, and users would end up finding it via that.
But that's sort of something we'd have to develop.
And it'd be cool if it could get tied back into the voting system and the badges system.
@AarthiDevanathan One of the reasons I asked about the top user swag earlier was thinking that it might be cool if it included cards people could put up in their local DIY stores. I know it wouldn't be major coverage, but it would be a start.
@KarlKatzke My only question about that is, well, i used to trawl forums too, and I often just turned off seeing people's custom sigs entirely. Would that really be a way to promote the site effectively? would sites like diychatroom feel like we were poaching if we did that?
@ChrisF Unfortunately, it's something of a catch-22; DIY needs to be bigger for us to get promo materials faster, but we can't be bigger until we have promo materials. Same thing is happening in Parenting.
Even if we did have swag yesterday, y'all couldn't receive it for 2mos
If it's the users posting "Come see what I'm working on: diy.stackexchange.com/userproject/karlkatzke"; then it's different from Aari Devanathan's account going "Visit diy.stackexchange.com!"
@Karl okay, I see what you're saying. And yeah, that could be really effective. @ChrisF asked and learned that the blogs are all wordpress
so, like if you look at blog.stackexchange.com
@KarlKatzke It would have to be a link from your profile rather than on the page itself. Actually if you go to your profile page now and hit "edit" you'll see spaces to enter links to Facebook, LinkedIn etc. The developers are working on how this will be displayed right now.
each entry has its respective author under the subject
we could tag and filter
You can also include links in your "about me" section of your profile.
@gregmac @NiallC @auujay @BMitch what do you guys think?
I learned about diy.stackexchange from being on SO. If I had not learned about it from there, I would think the only other thing would be google searchs for my actual questions. That is how I found the johnbridge site.
I thought @gregmac's idea from earlier was a good one. If we can drive some traffic towards existing blogs, we might get some in return.
OK, so it's possible to give everyone their own walled garden where they can link to their involvement with the community. My only concern then is attracting users to the blogs from people's profiles. I don't read profiles that much.
Well @AarthiDevanathan's work on the question titles should help Google searches a bit.
@ChrisF Dear Gods, I hope so.
I also do watch some of the home improvement shows on TV but I don't really read too many mags. I did get a few of the old house magazines from the library at the start of my most recent project.
The other thing is don't be afraid to edit posts to include more relevant information as well.
I personally would LOVE to sponsor stuff with TOH, but I honestly have no idea how. They're so established that they don't really need external funding. Being here since '77 helps, I guess. wry grin
That can only help with searches. Include the correct technical terms - particularly in answers. You need to be a bit more careful with questions to make sure you don't make them redundant
Have we tried "cold-emailing" people like "Ask the builder", TOH, Bob Villa, Mike Holmes, etc?
Heh. That's true. And Mike Holmes publicly loathes DIYers. ;)
@SteveJackson I follow Bob Vila on twitter. He doesn't engage terribly much with fans who don't have Real Problems.
I also follow a lot of the DIYNetwork stars. Some are more twitter-active than others.
How much do TV stations want for sponsoring programs? If we got a spot even on a smaller channel it would improve our visibility.
I've had more luck with home reno blogs -- Young House Love, This Dusty House, Joey and Lana Make a Home
@KarlKatzke - which is funny because watching his show makes me think 99% of pros don't do it right either. He is probably me main motivation to do it myself as I don't want some contractor cutting corners I don't know about.
Isn't it ironic that a guy who loathes DIYers inspires so many of them to "Do it Right!"
The other thing I thought of was getting some sort of deal with the home improvement websites both in the States and Europe/UK. Get our ads on their sites in return for sponsored tags.
@auujay I know ... he says in all his books that he'd rather people hired GOOD pros rather than DIY, but I've not yet been able to tell good from bad until I'd tried the job myself and learned enough about it to actually do it right.
But back on topic...
I dunno about ironic; maybe just good marketing.
@ChrisF Sponsored tags is something I'm nervous about; we'd have to talk to Community Team, Dev team, and maybe a few other estab'd mods to work out the logistics of that. my opinion only
We shouldn't forget that DIY is apparently HUGE in Canada
Half the builders' trade shows are in Winnipeg or Toronto
What about Habitat for Humanity? Can we get involved with them somehow, point the volunteers back to the site?
@SteveJackson Oooh. I like this.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Agreed. I know there was all sorts of outcry on Stack Overflow when some of the more generic tags got sponsored. Just an idea I was throwing out there.
No no it's a Good Idea. I'm just playing devil's advocate, 'cause I don't want it to seem like we're just like, "oh hey sponsoring!"
I'd rather we spent money than took money, backwards as that may sound.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Perhaps the places to hit will depend on where most users come from.
I'll be frank: I have a budget for us. I can put money aside for us.
@ChrisF Yeah that's a big part of it, too. If we don't have a lot of CAN users, we should get some.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ I was thinking that by offering sponsored tags we'd in turn be able get our ads on their sites at better rates and in better places.
do we have any data from the web site logs regarding where people are coming from?
or where they live?
@Aarthi, not ignoring you, still catching up on the chat thread.
Yes, actually, I just got that file. Let me check it.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ going back to this - how about just getting some business cards printed up and sent out independent of the top user swag?
@BMitch No worries. I just wanted to be sure your opinion was being considered. I've seen you around the site and stuff.
@ChrisF Business cards alone or flyers, posters, and other paper products?
@auujay As moderators we have the location you entered (if any) into your profile. We can also see IP addresses but only on individual users. I think we'd have to talk to the developers to get totals.
Okay, I don't have Google Analytic geog data but
questions about electrical junction boxes are our 5th largest search term that leads to the site
and the first term that isn't diy.se outright
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Yes, any of those. I was thinking cards as a lot of stores in the UK have boards where local businesses can put up a stack of their cards for customers to take. As I said it would be hit and miss where they went up, but people could hit all the stores in their area.
That's not a bad idea. I'll put it on the list.
PS: star chat messages with ideas y'all like. I'll reread the transcript later, but starring helps me see what everyone likes. :D
Actually, I'd rather ask this: why do you hang out at the other DIY forums/sites? What makes them interesting to you?
Re Habitat for Humanity, I've spent I don't know how long trying to get the guys there to just use a mailing list rather than cc'ing everyone on an email. That was for the experienced who tend to be old retired guys.
For the rest, I imagine the biggest barrier is that they just want a quick answer and may not be willing to take the time to create an account.
We could sponsor builds in different parts of the country/world; that might help drive traffic our way. But the bounce rate is something to consider, yeah.
@BMitch You can post questions and answers without registering. We just want a name and e-mail address
@Aarthi: They do love sponsors. :)
It does cause moderation problems when people lose their cookies though :(
@BMitch Doesn't everyone? ;) If we did HfH, though, do they support their sponsors really well?
And how much attn to sponsors do the builders/contractors/architects/electricians really pay?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ They advertise the sponsors for a project on a large tarp attached to the trailer, couple photo ops, etc.
Plus, we get a LOT of questions about Moen; maybe a sponsored Moen tag might not be a bad idea. reading through our search analytics results
I think it'd be nice to get some of the old retired guys on here. They often have far better advice than us newbies who are learning as we go... ;)
Agreed! Isn't that why @shirlockhomes is one of our top users? :D
@KarlKatzke The advice is good as long as they aren't grumpy about it :)
Hahaha. I've seen them somewhere on the internet. ummm
The advice can be more entertaining when they are grumpy, though. :)
Back to the original question, how much is SE spending on Google ads?
They're at @AskTheBuilder, I think.
@BMitch Right now? I don't think we do any Google spending. Google finds us on its own.
People type in keywords and usually we rank up in the searches. 40% of DIY questions (based on a random sample) are on the first page of google, usually in the top 5 spots
I did that measurement myself. Feel free to ask about it.
Google is by far the best source for search engine visits. Out performs all the others put together by a factor of 10.
In terms of driving new users, that may be the best place to spend money
possible. do you mean buying keywords or Ads or something else?
When someone searches on this old house, hgtv, diy, etc, get an ad up there
diy.se isn't rated very high in the main body of the results.
what do you mean?
But for the regulars that are here, I think a blog would be a great way to build more of a community so we can describe our latest adventure.
When you search for a DIY topic, you'll usually turn up johnbridges & diychatroom and a few other sites -- I have never seen diy.se on the main page of google results.
(And I spend a lot of time searching for DIY topics... :D )
oh wow, really? phooey.
well one way to improve that is to have (a) better titles, and (b) better questions with (c) fuller tags.
Basically we need to show that there's enough of us willing to contribute to the blog.
yeah, I don't know why, Aarthi. DO you have access to the webmaster tools that help index the site more completely?
we also have a bounce problem; most people who come to the site stay for 15 seconds and then peace out never to return.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ do tags really help search rank?
Q: Is it time for a Home Improvement blog?

Tester101Now that Stack Exchange sites can have a blog associated with them, is it time for an Home Improvement blog? Explanatory blog post Guidelines for getting started.

Sign up here.
yes. hmm. let me show you:
@ChrisF the trick is that DIY projects are often few and far between, but each is worth a blog
Kinda out there, but I'm thinking along the lines of how Careers relates to SO: Can we set up some sort of location based rep system that would encourage contractors to join the site? So contractors have incentive to give answers and provide expertise because it will drive work?
I suspect that most users do not realize how quickly they could get an answer to their question
so instead of asking their question they look to see if someone has already asked it
@ChrisF I had +1'd it, do I need to comment too to show support?
and if they don't find it they move on to the next site
@BMitch Then we need a lot of people to sign up.
@BMitch - do we have enough pictures and enthusiasm to seed a blog with past projects
well generally tags are the first part of a google search result
so for this question:
@BMitch Yes or post an answer showing that you'd contribute. The rules about not posting comments as answers are laxer on meta.
Q: How do I install an electrical outlet on a live circuit?

GusIn my dorm room closet, there is a junction box with a blank plate (no outlet). Inside there are three wirenuts (hot, neutral, ground). I know it is generally unsafe to do any work on a live circuit, so I will see if I can set the circuit breaker. If I cannot, is there a safe(ish) way to perfor...

it shows up in Google searches as electrical - How do I ...?
Actually, speaking of blogs: if until we got the blogs set up, we did a regular chat day in a DIY room, like a "Project Promotion Thursday" type event, would that suffice until the blog went live?
As in, a weekly, all-day "event" where we have people posting pics and comments and updates in chat.
@ChrisF done, how many more do we need to rope in?
that could be a triple-positive: promote your project, have enough time to make some progress, and promote chat use
@BMitch Don't know. I'll have to ask. But the more the merrier. The team want hard evidence for things not just hearsay :)
And the more follow-through you have, the better that looks for everyone
Something else we ought to look at is getting the unanswered questions total down. If most questions have answers people will be more willing to post their own (hopefully). Nothing turns me off a forum more quickly that seeing unanswered posts.
We have a 96% answer rate, though
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Which is good.
but we want 100%
It's especially important that our front page be answered questions. ALL answered questions.
Please also flag anything you think is off topic or otherwise needs attention that you can't give it.
A high answer rate is good, but as Shirlock says, if you don't know what you're doing, don't give advice since you could injure someone (or just make the problem worse).
Hence why I don't answer a lot of questions.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Are you saying that that question should have more tags for better searchability? Say "safety" and "closet" too?
@BMitch Of course.
Ha, closet maybe not, but safety yes. The main tag shows up in googles, the rest help as well.
(Sorry for slow responses, not really here)
I've answered....two questions on DIY? this was one and I was like "eeeeeurghh" about it.
Q: How strong is wood?

evil ottoHow much load can a board support, if it is supported only at the ends? At the moment my specific problem is hanging a tire swing between two trees, and depending on which trees I choose they could be 10, 12, or 14 feet apart (center to center). If I securely attach a 2x4 to the trees and hang ...

@NiallC No worries. Chime in if you can, since you're a Top User and we love you. from all of us at SE
Hmm, looking back, that question is actually a REALLY GOOD example of why our site is the bestest.
Bunch of good things in here -- I will be interested to see a summary if someone could post one in Meta. But for now, I am burning daylight and have tile to lay!
Well the hour is just about up so it might be time to wrap up this chat.
It may be blasphemous to say, but one of the key groups to attract here are contractors, and they are doing this for money. Maybe we should make the site more attractive to those that are looking to get more business.
@BMitch Not blasphemous -- a very good point.
Things like their contact info in the pop-up bubble
or a way to quickly search for experts in your area
@BMitch Too much self promotion is frowned upon on SE - but DIY might be the exception.
@ChrisF It may have to be, at least early on.
Motor Vehicles is having something of the same problem.
Mechanics and maint professionals are in it to win it. And by win it, i mean be profitable
They can include their website and other links in their profile. Which is no different from all the other sites.
Truth. And their avatars can be of themselves and/or their business
There was a question about Urls as user names or in avatars on MSO and Jeff said that it was OK.
Yeah, we've gotten the Official A-Ok for that.
So there are ways that contractors could promote themselves within the current rules.
Yes. Maybe...
Anything else we can do to make this more attractive to contractors? I'm thinking about a find a local expert link, which right now would only point to Shirlock :)
We could have something like my pitchfork that contractors can put in their usernames to indicate their contractor-ness?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ And here I just thought you had a cool name.
@BMitch I would LOVE to see @shirlockhomes in here. I totally want to pick his brain. I bet he'd have some great ideas to being professional contractors in
@BMitch laughs
Q: What is the meaning of CHAOS? Is it related to the PSI (Ψ) character?

Joel SpolskyI've seen a number of users with a PSI character in their names doing strange mysterious things on some Stack Exchange sites. What does it all mean?

A: What are the pros and cons of solatube vs velux solar tubes?

Brucemy name is Bruce and I work with VELUX. I would like to provide you with some insights into our SUN TUNNEL skylight products. The reflectivity of the tunnel material used by Solatube is 99% reflective, while the tunnel material used by VELUX is 98% reflective (rigid tunnels). However, the VELUX...

@AarthiDevanathanΨ One of the good things about DIY is it's inherently geographic: unlike say, a consultant or contract programmer on SO, a contractor answering questions on SE is not hurting their business
An example of the kind of commercial representation I'd like to see
@NiallC That's a good example. He declares himself in the answer and provides useful information which is all within the current rules.
Agreed -- that's a really good self-promotion thing; they own up to it and then make their pitch in a balanced way
@gregmac And that's something we'd definitely need to demonstrate to them when we woo 'em
@AarthiDevanathan perhaps you should contact Bruce to help him monitor the site for questions he can answer. This one is the only one he answered.
Yeah I can do that.
The other part of that is attracting the pro sites/bloggers, like we were discussing earlier
Which I'm doing to some degree; Todd Franzel and I are talking.
eg, sites along the lines of say, Bob Vila, who I would imagine, see DIY.SE as competition to their own sites
Scratch that; I know he takes indiv questions.
He does so on Twitter constantly
It may also be helpful to make the favorite tags easy to understand and have a simple way to notify users of tags they want to be notified of in a periodic digest. Or perhaps have it only send a notice if the question has gone unanswered for too long. There are a lot of pros out there that don't want to keep refreshing a website.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ So that's what we were talking about earlier, prior to the start of this chat. In response to a question like "How do I mitre my joints so they don't open up?" it would be great to answer the specific question for the scenario, and then post a link to homeconstructionimprovement.com/…
We should definitely flesh out the tag wikis
@gregmac Which, incidentally, is how I answer questions on Parenting. And why I can answer questions on Parenting.
what we were discussing was having a list of such links, that could have tags and votes, for reference. So when you're answering a question, you can quickly search for links tagged as "mitre" and find that link
And by "notice" I was referring to emails
That could go up as a community wiki questions -- who are some online experts with great advice and dedicated websites?
tag wikis are not enough though, imho. Eg, a link about how to do tile backsplashes may be tagged as "grout, tile, backsplash, kitchen". clearly I don't want to edit 4 wiki pages and put the same link ,and theres no way to search multiple tags
@gregmac If there already "reference" answers then we should be using them in our answers. Summarise the information and post a link to the best page on the web.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ that's tough though. You get a list of possibly hundreds of sites.. where do you start?
Ugh that's true.
to be effective, the search needs to show something more like 5-10 possible relevant links. Kind of like the search that appears below your summary when you're making a new question - I find that is very effective
And another suggestion for site usability, allow people to answer questions from the smart phone apps (which I believe is an API change)
When you post an answer, a box can come up and say "Here's a list of possible sites that can help answer this question: ........ Have another one to submit? click here", and list the sites based on question tags, keywords, and sorted by highest votes
@gregmac Nope, I'm good now.
@BMitch I've answered questions from a smartphone.
it would require another concept to be added to SE though - site links, that can have tags, and votes
But we have such a high bounce rate already. Would that really help our site?
@gregmac from the app or webpage?
Well my time is up, so I'm going to call an official halt to the chat. Feel free to carry one. I'll create bookmark of what we've discussed so far and post it in an answer to the meta question.
Oh! I did want to say this, though:
I've really enjoyed having everyone in chat tonight. This has literally been the single most productive conversation I've been able to have in here, haha.
As such, I'll be around most of the day tomorrow as well. I would love it if people wouldn't mind, well, "knocking" and coming in and we can expand upon any/all of the ideas we mentioned in here together.
Plus, most of the day tomorrow, CHAOS team at large will be around me. Six other voices added to the mix can't hurt.
As far as bounce rate, yes, it will send people away from the site. But the point is that if you're doing a complete kitchen reno, and posting about it, a blog is the place to do that. When you answer, you can say "I ran into that problem to, try doing blah blah. Here's a link to how I did this whole thing... "
Transcript is bookmarked here:
A: Chat session to discuss ways of promoting the site

ChrisFThe chat happened. You can see what we discussed by reading the transcript. Please add anything else you can think of as answers to this question or this older question.

Night all.
Furthermore, I want to thank everyone for participating. You all rock!
/waves @ChrisF.
Have a Good night!
@ChrisF Thanks Chris!
My hope would be that in doing that, you get more hits because the answers are more effective, and as we discussed, the pro bloggers are more likely to use this as their QA site if they can drive traffic back to their own sites
Anyways, thanks guys. nice to actually use the chat. :)
Agreed! This was awesome. Please come by tomorrow. I'll be the lonely soul sitting in here, pathetically.
Reviewing the transcript.
All alone.
@NiallC Also on the smartphone topic, let someone get notices via the app, read comments via the app, etc.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ despair.com/loneliness.html
I had to put that on a sales guy's door years ago. He would come in, say hi, go into his office and take calls until lunch, 5 feet away and hardly saw him :)
@bmitch: OK, I understand now. Yeah, I used a web browser
@NiallC yup, the app uses the API, and the API doesn't allow logins, so there's a lot of work to be done by the SE devs for that.
Okay y'all, this has been awesome, but I have to go home some time. So I'm going to peace out. Thanks so much, again, for coming in and participating. This was seriously awesome. For realsauce.
g'night @aarthi
Same here, wait, I work from home.
Ok, time to go downstairs for dinner, take care!
@BMitch you'd just leave the office, yeah? ;)
take care, everyone! hopefully i'll see you tomorrow! :D

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