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@JimmyHoffa agreed
i'll spend time re-tabbing code before i work on it if it's wrong
Ctrl-k-d in visual studio. Reformat according to user defined style.
apple [ or ] more a tab left or right; good enough in most cases
textwrangler doesn't have an entire document reformat function (i dont think)
4 hours later…
7 hours later…
not bad, huh ?
Did you notch the 2x4 to fit your level?
That's a zero clearance heater, right?
no, i used my fist and pounded the level into the 2x4
yes i followed the instructions - 14 inches from the floor (or any surface) minimum - 4 inches from anything above it
the heat vents are in front of the 2x4s
its designed to be installed into a wall - this was not something i rigged to be like this
plenty of room on either side for the window and closet trim - little drywall today and some paint - easiest thing i've done to this house
@lsiunsuex What I meant was, did you notch the 2x4 for the sole purpose of leveling the unit?
oh no no - the unit sticks out from the 2x4 wall about 4 more inches - its 9 inches in total at the apex of the curve - 4 inches behind, 4-5 inches in front
@lsiunsuex My concern was with the insulation being so close to the side of the unit.
so the level is sitting on top of the fireplace in front of the 2x4
i'd think that to (about the insulation) but the instructions said it was of no concern so...
Wait... Is that a cord and plug device?
the heating element is the big black section at the bottom of the unit; everything else is the flame effect / lights - i touched it all over the place after it ran for an hour - the only place it was warm was below it
yes, with the option to switch it to being hard wired which i plan to do before i drywall
Oh, okay. I thought you were going to have a cord dangling out from below.
You're going to have to provide access to the wiring.
dad suggested i don't hard wire the unit but put an electrical box on the 2x4 at the bottom with an outlet, then just plug it in to that outlet, in case we ever need to unplug it
That would solve the problem.
Or get a switch rated for the proper current, and wire that up in a box on the underside.
the wall with the closet is a strait shot to the attic; i left an outlet in the attic just incase i ever needed to bring a vacuum or something up there; i'll tap into the 2nd connection point of that
Then if you need to shut it down, you simply flip the switch. Plus the wiring is accessible.
double gang ? 1 outlet, 1 switch - then i score another outlet there for whatever un forseen addition in the future ?
Sounds good.
i like the unit - 198 sq ft room - after a couple hours i was sweating last night. might have to put one in the kitchen; always liked the look of a fireplace in the kitchen
Agree that a combination AFCI/GFCI breaker is a good idea, but disagree that GFCI won't provide any benefit. Since KnT is exposed wiring, there is a high risk of accidental electrocution, and a GFCI may detect and stop that from becoming fatal. — BMitch 17 mins ago
"KnT is exposed wiring"???
"It consisted of single-insulated copper conductors" From Wikipedia.
@lsiunsuex - Don't you have some homework to do over on Meta?
@Tester101 KnT degrades into exposed wiring.
@ChrisCudmore Then you have bigger problems than a GFCI can solve.
yes, i do - paid work first...
Wait.... Mods don't get paid? Then why would anyone do it?
They used to be paid in swag, but the swag well seems to have dried up.
I've still got the pencils.
Tshirt and Hat.
@ChrisCudmore love of the game? it's really not all that much work, unless you're an SO mod
they do make a donation in your honor every year...
@waxeagle Your BS detector needs recalibrating.
@ChrisCudmore I'm actually serious about the not much work part
A: 2013 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

lsiunsuex 1) How much available time do you have to perform moderation activities and when (time of day and timezone) do you expect to perform most of these activities? I am currently a professional freelances; aside from life activities, I'm always in front of a laptop. 2) Do you have experie...

screw it, only took < 10 minutes
I don't know what the flag volume here is, but it can't be more than C.SE where we have about 300+ flags a month. It takes me about 10 minutes in the morning to clear the queue and I'm really the only mod actively doing flag handling there right now.
Does C.SE descend into holy war ever?
And how many atheist trolls do you get?
@ChrisCudmore heh, our participants are fairly well behaved, but yes occasionally.
@ChrisCudmore a couple a month? It was worse at the beginning before we had mods, but we're pretty quick on batting down the trolls.
No, on C.SE you don't bat down the trolls. You smite them.
Last time I was there, it seemed pretty RC heavy. Is that still the case?
@ChrisCudmore it's mixed. Part of the problem is randoms from the net wander in and when asked to provide a meaningful scope they immediately add "What's the catholic answer"
because the catholics claim to be the biggest (even if a lot of the folks they claim are nominal)
@waxeagle Nominal, but dedicated. They go to church on Sunday.
@ChrisCudmore depends on where, but yeah they tend to be very dedicated
My wife is Polish, so obviously she's catholic. I agreed to allow the kids to go to first communion in the catholic church, but no further. The priest and the parents at catechism class are just shocked that we don't have the kids in catholic school (Which is constitutionally guaranteed, and fully funded in Canada.)
I have to keep my mouth shut. I'm adamantly against the use of public funds for religious education.
@ChrisCudmore Polish = Catholic? Automatically?
@TheEvilGreebo With a 98% certainty
It's actually difficult for them to separate what's a Polish tradition and what's a Catholic tradition. The two are so tightly entwined.
@ChrisCudmore that's basically how much of Latin America works as well
because Catholocism absorbs the culture around it (synchretism) it becomes very hard to cleave the two apart
@Tester101 so it is. I figured all the fuss with all the knobs and tubes was to prevent current from passing to the structure (e.g. moist wood), which it is, and yet the wires are insulated, just poorly.
Still, since most KnT would have been installed probably 50 years or so ago, I'd say any insulation is well degraded by now, as @ChrisCudmore says.
I hear Tim Horton calling me.
@ChrisCudmore What's he calling you? If he's calling you funny names again, we can give him a mod slap. :)
@BMitch If you're touching exposed wiring, you have bigger problems than a GFCI can solve.
@Tester101 It can't solve your problems, but it can make them a little less likely to be fatal. Still, the combination AFCI/GFCI is the best option since over current and arcing are the most likely issues with old wiring like that.
I'm not sure a combination AFCI/GFCI/overcurrent/short-circuit breaker is available from all manufacturers.
Since I haven't gone breaker shopping, I'm curious, they make AFCI's without GFCI protection?
Alright! All the platforms are up! Let the mudslinging begin!
any ideas on how to share a unique id across 2 mysql tables ?
Weak entity relationship?
trying to build a portion of this CMS - There are pages and then sub pages. Both can have various content - but i don't want 2 separate tables for the content (pages_content and pages_sub_content) - i want 1 content table to apply to both - but i need the content table to differentiate if the content belongs to the page or the sub page
So Pages_Sub_Content.Parent should be a FK references Pages_Content.ID
@lsiunsuex you want a 1 to 1 relationship?
@TheEvilGreebo good question. Missed that.
ugh CMS... nobody should have to build CMS anymore..
like a tree - many pages. many sub pages can belong to a page. many content entries can belong to a page or sub page.
those are miserable
You want a parent child relationship
top level would have no parent ID
which i have between the pages and pages_sub
i think pages_content just gets 2 keys. pages_id and pages_sub_id - and which ever one != 0, use that
why are you asking share across 2 tables when you dont want 2 tables
oh i see
Can the same content item belong to more than one page?
no i lost it again
@lsiunsuex honestly if they are the same there is technically no reason to have them in seperate tables. just have it have a parent field that is a FK of the table id
So we actually want three tables. Pages, pages_sub, and contents.
@waxeagle i thought about that - right now (table) pages has a has_sub_page (int) 1 field - 1 = yes
@ChrisCudmore yes
and the data from contents can go on a page or a subpage.
if 1 content can only apply to 1 page or sub page then content just needs a fk to page_id
@TheEvilGreebo but the ids for page and subpage have to be unique across both tables.
@BMitch I think almost all AFCI breakers don't offer GFCI protection.
and that's the root of the question
Can you combine subpage into page? use a Parent field, null if top level, page ID if subpage. This allows for sub sub pages if you want.
@ChrisCudmore thats what i'm thinking
@waxeagle 1 table for pages - page_id and parent_page_id - use to define parent child relationship
content table only needs page_id for which it applies
@Tester101 so I'm finding, I give it another 5-10 years before almost all breakers will have combination protection.
just add a field to pages called is_sub_page - set it to 1 if it is and then the content table only belongs to the pages table
@ChrisCudmore exactly what i was saying
@lsiunsuex no, give it a parent, otherwise you don't know who its parent is
if you give it a parent you know its a sub and the flag is redundant
sorry, yes, that to - sub_page_id and tie that to the main page
oh oh - thats a good idea
@lsiunsuex Only allows one sub_page. You have a linked list, not a tree.
table page ( page_id primary key identity, parent_page_id fk page.page_id)
table content (content_id primary key identity, page_id fk page.page_id)
The other option is to make a lookup table (pageID, Sub_PageID)
1 11
1 12
1 13
@ChrisCudmore yes that would allow for the same sub to exist on many parents
goes from 1.n to n.n
cannot see images sorry
really, i could drop has_sub_pages and just check if parent_id != 0
imgur blocked. i have a request in to unbock it but i expect that will be ignored
well no
has_sub_pages implies children
parent_id != 0 / null = has parent, so IS child
@TheEvilGreebo Do you haz teh codez?
right but if i did "select * from pages" and then "select * from pages where parent_id=$row['id']" i'd get the sub pages for the parent page i'm editing
@Tester101 sorry?
@lsiunsuex correct
Select * from pages where ID = @pageID or ParentID =@pageID order by Parent Page id
would give you parent at the top,
my issue was with the name "has_sub_pages" implies a different meaning than what you said you used it for
and sub pages below.
i'm using has_sub_pages just as a flag = 0 = no sub pages, 1 = yes
@ChrisCudmore true - course if you have sub-sub pages you have a new problem
has sub pages is irrelevant, as the query will work without it.
right, now it will
@ChrisCudmore yes
@TheEvilGreebo Yes.
if you want the whole tree you need a recursive algorythm
then my content only applies to the pages table "select * from pages_content where pages_id=$row['id']
that is, if there are sub subs
If you go with a lookup, you could also add an ORDERING field that allows you to specify which sub page goes where. Allowing you to insert something without renumbering.
@ChrisCudmore if you leave space in your numbers anyway ;)
no, their not getting that. they shouldn't even be getting this, but i don't feel like building 10 front end pages with the appropriate backend for them, so i'm building this so i dont have to sit here and code all of them
@TheEvilGreebo that's only if you allow for a case where it goes n-deep. from the discussion here we only go 2 deep. Because an n-deep case needs to be a single table representation.
@ChrisCudmore it will; every page has gotten an ordering function :(
1 deep max. they didn't pay for this, let alone anymore. it's only to save me time; not to give them added value
@waxeagle I thought I said that
you probably did I'm only half paying attention
if there are sub-subs you go 2 deep. if you allow sub sub subs its 3 deep. at some point you go to recursion :)
@TheEvilGreebo which is like going to plaid...only with lambda calculus
1 infinite loop? (no pun intended)
@waxeagle She's gone from suck to blow!
huh - theverge.com/2013/10/29/5041682/… motorola is actually gonna build that modular phone
@lsiunsuex its something of the same transition computers have made...in complete reverse
the universe has fully contracted and now it's exploding again
my room sucks, how do you improve it
@EnglishMaster run it in reverse ?
sorry, I didn't explain it well enough
My room has very stinky odor all the time. My mom explained it's smell of single man, but I don't really understand what she means by that.
I cannot simply make my room smell nicer and fresher
@EnglishMaster febreeze works wonders
Get the dirty laundry out of the room.
Take it out in the morning to the laundry room. It makes a huge difference.
Cleaning would be a start.
make sure you don't have old food laying around
or dirty dishes
Q: How do I make my room stop smelling so bad?

InquilineKeaMy parents keep on complaining about the smell, but I don't smell anything at all. I've put in two odor-maskers, but they're not helping at all. I also try to ventilate, but it's almost always way too cold to open the windows here (yes, even in the middle of summer right now - Seattle has been ...

Ok, thanks all.
check for dead animals too. never know when a cat died under the bed (or brought in a dead mouse) or something...
"The band’s problems are laid bare early with “We Exist,” a mid-tempo sulker that initially sounds like Fleetwood Mac trying to moonwalk through “Billie Jean” in uncomfortable footwear. "
@lsiunsuex yeah, they have to keep making them to retain the license
Singer is back directing though
thought xmen 3 was haleigh berry's last one
@lsiunsuex this one has both casts they probably didn't need her for real long
thats why there wasn't a 4th - they didn't want to break the continuity
don't get me wrong; i love the comic book movies when their done right (ahem, green lantern) but theres a crap ton of content in the avengers universe still to be developed - xmen is soooo early 2000s
@lsiunsuex I agree, it's complicated though due to licenses. Fox owns X-men and a few other properties (Fantastic Four) and in order to maintain those licenses they have to continue to produce new content
for sure; i understand and have read that
obviously, nothing is ever in the interest of the consumer; only the corporation
the licensing is introducing interesting complications for Marvel in their new TV show. they can't rely on "it's a mutation" for their supers' abilities
...I have a DIY!
This one I can actually do.
I'm going to run cat6 in my house
I have a crawl space and an attic, suggestions? I'm thinking crawl-space. It's considerably simpler to work in and get to etc
My only problem will be the initial: I need to get a cable from my NID down there for the DSL modem. The interior POTS lines are '73 garbage and cannot support any level of quality internet, so I presently have a decent quality cable going from NID->through window->to DSL modem heh. But the first step of my DIY will be getting a quality cable (cat6 terminated with RJ-11s) from NID following the POTS path into the house and hoping it goes down to crawl-space
only other uncertainty I have is whether there's any power availability in the crawl-space for modem + switch
@JimmyHoffa do you really want your modem + switch in a crawl space? wouldnt you rather have it in a closet that's readily accessible in your house?
@waxeagle Thinking about that, but then I have to run all cables to that space. I could use one of those big-O hole wall-plates where you run a cable-bundle out of it
or I could put like 8 wall-plates in that space lol
but every wall-plate in the house needs to run to that switch, seems reasonable to put that switch/modem in the crawl-space so all the wall-plate cables just run down there and not back into the interior of the house anywhere
plus, my crawl-space is really not bad at all. I'm a short feller so I can walk hunched in there and it's well-lit
covered in carpet as well (obviously not installed, just carpet-over-dirt)
nice big door from the lower level to get into it
@waxeagle maybe I will do this though... really I only plan on putting in 2 wall-plates, so it would be 2 RJ-45s and 1 RJ-11 (run to the NID)
I wish you could get big cable runs in amounts smaller than 1000', that's expensive and I can't need more than 250' (I can't imagine needing that much even)
@JimmyHoffa go in with a friend?
@JimmyHoffa You'll be surprised how much you use
@NiallC. Nah, I has small house and I'll do a run of ~75' to one wall-plate, ~50' to another, and ~75' from NID, and that's if I do a closet job with a lot of leeway, I think I'd rather do the crawl-space just because it'll be cleaner to the house and that would use considerably less
@waxeagle O you know what... I do have a friend who ran some cable in his house last year, he might still have a grip of a spool left...
Don't recall if he got a spool for it or not
No write-ins? What kind of election is this.
@Tester101 A sham! I demand a recount!
Strange that nobody from the last election ran in this election.
Wasnt' there a rage quit last time?
Does anybody here think I'm being dingy for even thinking it's worth running cat6-a from my NID considering it's just going to be terminated RJ-11(or 12? Not certain about a NID)
@JimmyHoffa put it between the studs in a structured media cabnet
@ChrisCudmore yup, but he returned eventually
@BMitch how about between the floor joists in my crawl space?
(I don't have a 'media cabinet')
@JimmyHoffa trap door? Will you have a button by your desk that makes it open up and drop people randomly into the crawl space?
@BMitch trap door? I have a tri-level, the crawl space is not insignificant and has a nice entry-door on the bottom level
@JimmyHoffa baa, you're not going to make the cut in the evil genius contest
Your position is secure @TheEvilGreebo
the closest I can think of to a living space to put this stuff would be my kitchen has the counter/cabinet end where the dining room is, and there's one corner of the cabinetry that's inaccessible from inside the kitchen so there's a cabinet door on the other side. It's so out of the way it's useless for kitchen purposes... I could run cable into that little cabinet
@JimmyHoffa I ran cat5e for all my phone wiring
@BMitch I'm not going to bother running any POTS, It's useless. The house has it and I'll leave it alone, but I'm just going to run a single jack to the NID on a quality cable because the '73 POTS cabling in the house is more than worthless for data
cable really does go faster than you think it will. It's not just point to point, there's routing around obstructions, the up and down the walls, and leaving some extra at the ends to work with
When you run two cat6 cables per room (phone and ethernet) that 1000' spool starts to look better and better
@BMitch my house is maybe ~75' on one side by ~125' the other direction? It would be really hard for me to go through a lot of cable when it's all just going to run obstructionless through the crawl space (which isn't as large as described above)
@BMitch What if I run 3 cat-6 cables at all? that's all I wish to do. I'm not a fan of doing more than I have use for, and I only have use for network run from-NID, to-Office, and to-LivingRoom
@BMitch I'm of the mind if I need more than one connection in a given space, I'll put a hub/switch there, no reason muddying the walls with more guff
I wired every room in the house, no point going through all the effort to only half do the job. It's more work to pull all the tools back out to wire one more room than it is to wire all the rooms up front.
Leave a string in the walls so you can pull more cable should you need to.
When I did it, it was 1 network line, 1 phone line, 2 cable lines (cable and antenna)
@BMitch Oh but there is: a significant portion of the house will be very difficult to reach, the other portion of the house will be obscenely easy to cable, so there's good reason to only do half of it heh
@ChrisCudmore That's the thing, nothing is going into walls, all exposed in crawl space
When I did previous renovation work, I ran conduit to some of the more hard to reach areas. Made running the second cat5 and coax much easier
@BMitch Yeah, some day in the distant future I might get this involved with doing stuff to my house... but for now, I want to stay the hell out of the walls. That's a pain in the arse.
the only tricky-into-the-wall part I'll be doing is getting the run to the NID outside from the crawl-space, I'll have to follow the current POTS and figure out how to get it into the crawl-space from there
If you're going to rip them open, do it early and get it over with so you can enjoy the result.
It's not that bad repairing walls. It's about a 1/2 hour work a day for 3 or 4 days.
It's drying time that kills.
Once you get over the fear of breaking drywall, it's quite liberating.
@BMitch I don't suspect I ever will though. Other than the one wood-panel wall, some day in the future I'll tear that down, re-insulate, and sheetrock it.
@NiallC. splat. Thank you.
I had a hard time telling if this was spam or just some misplaced enthusiasm for a product:
> A product called MantleMount has temperature sensitive handles to warn of temperatures over 110 F. It is designed for mounting flat screen TVs up to 100 lbs. over a fireplace, and has the ability to allow anyone to easily raise or lower it. Just Google MantleMount.
True spam would have linked directly to the product site.
But it's pretty spammy.
posted here and here
@ChrisCudmore They may have been trying to avoid any automated blocks. Not sure spammers know that most of the spam protection here isn't automated.
That's the kind of thing I mentioned in my questionnaire post that I'd like to be able to investigate
And a question that should have been in the questionnaire: with @BMitch hogging the mod hammer all the time, what would you pick from the mod toolbox to squish spammers?
@NiallC. I think I'm the only one around that doesn't mind touching the thing with all the spammer goo on it.
@BMitch ewww
@ChrisCudmore they're messy when they go splat. Which reminds me, I should be doing my laundry.
1 hour later…
vote early, vote often
has the vote started?
@TheEvilGreebo it started yesterday, that's when I voted
I waited until there was time to read the questionnaire results: meta.diy.stackexchange.com/questions/890/…
does it matter? I'm clearly the winner ! :)
heh, y'all fielded a solid candidate pool :)
it was tough picking which one of you I liked the least
See who voted, and then ask yourself, when's the last time I sucked up to them: diy.stackexchange.com/help/badges/91/constituent
i suppose we can't see the running tally
@TheEvilGreebo nope, the only results available will be the text file you download at the end.
I'm always thrown off by seeing a name with a couple hundred rep and a diamond by their name on this site. Am I a bad mod for not knowing all our SE overlords by name?
@BMitch not in the least
knowing the com team is importantish, but not knowing the devs is completely forgiveable
SE employee #3, DIY user #2, and I had no clue of his existence, for shame.
He seems to be an expert in lubrication and squeaking.
@ChrisCudmore se employees don't
Looks ex officio
@BMitch IIRC he is #2 everywhere
He's a mod on everything. Qui Custodes Custodiat? He does.
@waxeagle I'm reminded of the Austin Powers scene, "Who does #2 work for?!"
@ChrisCudmore nope, that's the com team...he's just a dev
I would completely fail the test, they've got a lot of employees, including a surprising number of people in sales: stackexchange.com/about/team
@BMitch yeah their 2 new offices (London and Denver) are basically entirely sales for careers.so
and ads as well I guess, but their big money maker is the careers site
I'm digging the animated pictures on mouse-over.
Wasn't there another candidate?
@ChrisCudmore there was someone else, name is slipping my mind because they were a low rep that didn't spend a lot of time here. Likely withdrew when everyone else put their name in.
That's too bad.
I have to say, it's hard enough choosing between everyone that's running. All good candidates.
Yeah. There's no one I'd rage quit to.
Sometimes I feel bad for a quick VTC as a dup, worried that they may have had a different question. Then they come along and say that it was very helpful. There are some small joys in moderating.
He left a comment on Greebo's nomination
Ah yes, I remember the dino
That's right.
cool guy, mod of bicycles
my world is shattered thought they were the same dude
occasionally non-unique usernames are confusing
Maybe we should all change our names to "tester101" to see how confusing it gets, it would be like the "amigos amigos amigos" scene in "the three amigos"
@BMitch Doctor.
This needs some love.
Q: Do I need to add roof vents if I close off a small attic space in the garage?

gregmacI have a small section of roof over the front of my garage, which I would like to insulate and drywall (making my garage fully insulated). It is 39" high, and 54" by 17', framed with 2x4 trusses, and facing almost directly north (I don't think it ever gets direct sun). I'm located in south ea...

I'd just put in some foam and go with a hot roof, but I don't know if that's correct.
@JimmyHoffa Doctor.
i feel like a brain surgeon when i use a Dremel Multitool with a cut off wheel
if it wasn't for all the blood, you'd think half these girls were "working"

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