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4 hours later…
@BMitch Can't the SE admins institute a hellban
Also, isn't SE full of programmers? Can't somebody write a virus program, that could redirect him away from the site whenever he tries to view it?
2 hours later…
After 140 users voted the answer up, and countless comments on how good the answer is. One user decided that the answer wasn't so great, and cast a down vote. Thank you Reid, for pointing out that when measuring the height of a tree with a stick, the distance from your shoulder to your eye is too great a discrepancy.
Either he's in a plane flying around the world, or he's using a proxy. Seems like a lot of work just to be a pain in the ass.
<- Bows as @TheEvilGreebo enters
Good morning sire.
All hail @TheEvilGreebo, uncontested overlord of SE!
Where's my coffee? Bring me my coffee!
And the head of a peasant!
@NiallC. BMitch slap applied.
I'm sorry... Did you say pheasant, or peasant?
@BMitch Is that 4 or 5 accounts now?
Your coffee, m'lord
And your pheasant head.
Welcome @Sisir. Would you like a giant coffee or a pheasant head?
@Tester101 :P Just had my coffee :)
Anything else we can help you with, then?
@Tester101 I think it's only 4. I'm about to go through them, note where they're coming from, and delete all posts as being from a user that made multiple accounts. Shouldn't be long before account #5 shows up.
Are you sure KDG is the same?
@Tester101 that would be user 15160. diy.stackexchange.com/users/15160
Ah, now I see the KDG pictures, yup, same guy, adding that to my list now
Someone told me they were giving out pheasant heads in here. Where do I claim mine?
oh, I'm sorry. We don't give pheasants to peasants.
1 hour later…
@TheEvilGreebo Stop answering the questions people actually ask, and start answering the questions they meant to ask.
23.5 Million CPS
Working on the Mathematician acheive. 128 of the first 3 buildings, then 64, 32... down to one condensor
Farms are now 4 billion
Oh, free acheivement. alt-shift-numlock to turn on mouse keys. Mouse over cookie and mash the numpad + as fast as you can for the "Click Really Fast" ach.
i didn't touch it overnight then bought 12 condensors
I went with upgrades. I currently have 6 condensors.
There's synergy in this game.
I have almost all the 10% cookie upgrades
what is it you're playing again?
cursors are nice
As I told you yesterday. Don't make any plans.
lol i can't do this now :(
Play for about 1/2 an hour and then let it run minimized for the rest of the day.
1.4 cps. i'm so awesome
Saving up for the Bingo hall. 4x Grandmas.
I'm at 29 mill, since about 3:00 last night.
trying to trigger the grammapocalypse?
Jesus. Just got my 5th yearling on SO
Time flies.
My strategy - buy whatever's cheapest
30 cursors, 17 grammas, 4 farms so far
Works for a while. Now get some of those upgrades. They stack.
i'm not clicking the cookie
oh they help cursors?!
@TheEvilGreebo there's an achievement for never clicking it.
how can you never click it
lots of good support for cursors and grammas
@TheEvilGreebo gold cookies. that's a second or third time through type acheivement though.
When you stop actively monitoring the game, just buy the most expensive thing you can afford.
Or you cheat, like a dirty stinking cheater.
There's an achievement for that too.
Ooh! Flag warning!
My first one!
golden cookies?
They appear every 5-15 minutes.
Some give lotsa cookies, others launch the 7x multiplier for 77 seconds.
Somewhere on the page
Floating on a layer above. They fade in and out. About half the size of the big cookie.
Apparently there's a rare Chain cookie that gives 6, 66, 666, 6666, 66666, if you get them all, up to 13 digits. (But it's random how many beyond 5 it goes)
i'd have to be watching all the time to catch those
and i can't really do that
Price doubles every 5 purchases.
new strategy - when I look at the screen buy from bottom up whatever I can
you all suck
I said that already.
My export is broken, just gives me a blank textbox in the popup
i guess it's stuck on my server
@TheEvilGreebo sell a grandma. There's an achievement
thats just wrong
i want just enough cursors to wrap the cookie
That's 100.
function click_cookie( ){
document.getElementById("bigCookie").click( );
setInterval("click_cookie( )", 1);
@ChrisCudmore 50
100 wraps it twice
Paste that in your javascript console.
damn cursors get expcnsive around 40
@TheEvilGreebo lol, mine cost over a billion cookies
I've got 129 current price is 1,014,174,449
lol i'm at 49
1 more for a full loop
check that 2 billion
Price multiplier is 1.15 per item
1.15 ^ 5 = 2.01 So it doubles every 5 items.
140 cursors, they cost 4.7B now
Cookies all the way down achieved.
500 billion cookies made
i'll be there in ~5 min
had to go do some brick work for the guy that laid my patio
wtf - like i've done it my whole life; got right to work, mortar mixed perfectly, everything nice and level
Here, have a cookie, I've got billions.
still playing that game, haha
Mostly it's playing itself
oooh, Frenzy with autoclick enabled. Nice
With 6 billion people in the world, I'm producing enough cookies to give each person in the world a cookie every 2 minutes.
over a trillion cookies baked
843 Million
And 50 million CPS
Off now. Will leave it running until tomorrow.
Should leave me with 3.5 Trillion in the morning. Mega Upgrade time!
@ChrisCudmore I want a cookie now
getting hard to not be able to buy something now
It gets hard again.
That's what she said
give it a few minutes
well i meant more than just upgrades i meant the whole choice of things to buy
What the hell is with this?
spam account posting questions..?
Can we fix this in some way? because this just makes me probably unlikely to answer a question posted by a user with low rep again
@gregmac spam flag best you can....it's been happening
how would I know that question was spam?
looks like a legit question to me.
@gregmac well in this particular case the user is asking pretty much that same question repeatedly
hm ok.. i didn't notice.
and I guess if they're deleted I can't find them now
yeah, and spam is deleted in a special way even for mods that makes it harder to find
@gregmac Sorry about that. The guy opened up 5 different accounts so far. That was the only question I was really torn about because you posted a useful answer. Keep an eye out for photos like these:
yeah it was pretty silly
or like this:
@ChrisCudmore were you on drugs yesterday?
Damn, deleted question doesn't let the auto-quoting work...
> Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like? --ChrisCudmore
Speaking of people on drugs...
He and I have an agreement
So that's how tornadoes form
too soon?
uh oh, guess what day it is...
Welcome to Project Update Thursday
So I got nothing, and by that I mean I still have no countertop. Which reminds me, I need to call those countertop people to see why they're dragging their feet.
Disco is back, baby!
I bought a solid blade attachment for my weed wacker.
Now you can really do some wacking
And I keep finding yellow jacket nests
Disco is an old tradition around here, the only way to stop it is to have a PUT discussion.
I've been using a leaf blower to encourage them to leave and not come back
(posting random humorous pics can also make the disco ball go away faster)
I figured flagging a mod was hard
You may have a dozen disco balls suddenly appear if you did that
So does the leaf blower work, or just really annoy them?
Girlfriend is begging for raised garden beds too.
Umm, the first time it worked great because the nest broke off and rolled down the driveway
The second time it wouldn't budge but I kept the from stinging me so "work" yes, I'd say it "worked"
I recall my childhood when my dad got rid of a nest up in the tree with a shotgun. There was a bang and then a mad race to get back in the house.
My dad would break out this old badminton racket
I'm thinking pole saw, but that may not give me much time/space to get inside. May need backup support with a leaf blower.
I live in a place (and time) that using a shotgun will get me arrested, almost had to shoot a raccoon chasing my dog, that would of been worth it though.
haven't you heard, the proper way to get rid of a raccoon is to throw it down the stairs with an overhead toss
I have slugs, I don't mess with rabbies
did you hear they "proved" cow tipping impossible because their isn't a youtube video showing someone do it
I've never tried it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just something bored kids in the country try, or use as a way to get girls to play in the fields late at night with them.
Oh, we did it
both actually
I have alot of old plexiglass, all is 6"x4'x1/4". Think I can make a raised garden bed with it?
You want a see through box?
I want to not buy expensive cedar for a garden she'll use for a month and then give up on.
Meeting time, later
Personally I like wood, maybe just get a bunch of pots that can be repurposed later on?
we have pots already, she wants to get cedar
A: What is a good alternative to pressure treated wood for raised beds?

Papa BurgundyI wanted to use cedar but didn't want to pay the premium. I found a good article about using cedar pickets, so I built mine like this. http://ana-white.com/2010/05/hack-natural-rustic-cedar-raised-beds.html

@NiallC. I saw this months ago but I can't find any locally
@Jason I guess we keep all the western red cedar to ourselves here on the west coast.
near the cedar forests, crazy idea
Thanks for joining us for this week's PUT

Project Update Thursday - 2013/09/19

2 hours ago, 2 hours total – 47 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by BMitch

2 hours later…
@Jason Gardening & Landscaping help is available <_< >_> -_-
@NiallC. something something something migratory pests something something something don't move wood

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