Conversation started Sep 19, 2013 at 19:00.
Sep 19, 2013 19:00
Welcome to Project Update Thursday
So I got nothing, and by that I mean I still have no countertop. Which reminds me, I need to call those countertop people to see why they're dragging their feet.
Disco is back, baby!
Sep 19, 2013 19:35
I bought a solid blade attachment for my weed wacker.
Now you can really do some wacking
And I keep finding yellow jacket nests
Disco is an old tradition around here, the only way to stop it is to have a PUT discussion.
I've been using a leaf blower to encourage them to leave and not come back
(posting random humorous pics can also make the disco ball go away faster)
Sep 19, 2013 19:38
I figured flagging a mod was hard
You may have a dozen disco balls suddenly appear if you did that
So does the leaf blower work, or just really annoy them?
Girlfriend is begging for raised garden beds too.
Umm, the first time it worked great because the nest broke off and rolled down the driveway
The second time it wouldn't budge but I kept the from stinging me so "work" yes, I'd say it "worked"
I recall my childhood when my dad got rid of a nest up in the tree with a shotgun. There was a bang and then a mad race to get back in the house.
My dad would break out this old badminton racket
I'm thinking pole saw, but that may not give me much time/space to get inside. May need backup support with a leaf blower.
Sep 19, 2013 19:43
I live in a place (and time) that using a shotgun will get me arrested, almost had to shoot a raccoon chasing my dog, that would of been worth it though.
haven't you heard, the proper way to get rid of a raccoon is to throw it down the stairs with an overhead toss
I have slugs, I don't mess with rabbies
did you hear they "proved" cow tipping impossible because their isn't a youtube video showing someone do it
I've never tried it, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's just something bored kids in the country try, or use as a way to get girls to play in the fields late at night with them.
Sep 19, 2013 19:51
Oh, we did it
both actually
I have alot of old plexiglass, all is 6"x4'x1/4". Think I can make a raised garden bed with it?
You want a see through box?
I want to not buy expensive cedar for a garden she'll use for a month and then give up on.
Meeting time, later
Personally I like wood, maybe just get a bunch of pots that can be repurposed later on?
we have pots already, she wants to get cedar
A: What is a good alternative to pressure treated wood for raised beds?

Papa BurgundyI wanted to use cedar but didn't want to pay the premium. I found a good article about using cedar pickets, so I built mine like this.

Sep 19, 2013 20:23
@NiallC. I saw this months ago but I can't find any locally
@Jason I guess we keep all the western red cedar to ourselves here on the west coast.
near the cedar forests, crazy idea
Sep 19, 2013 21:00
Thanks for joining us for this week's PUT
Conversation ended Sep 19, 2013 at 21:00.