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I noticed there are 4 places for the carbocation
didn't want to crowd the comment section so shifted the discussion here.
Using methyl shift and hydride shift?
using multiple hydride shifts. It's not very practical but it's possible.
So carbocation at the bottom carbon, right -Cl, right -Me and top carbon
If you go towards the methyl, then it would stop there since 7 H and tertiary is attained.
@AniruddhaDeb Alright.
again not being practical here: treating it like a combinatorics question
so then you would have 8 but that is not an option... only option left is 6 in that case (3 carbocations like you said, then 2 isomers for each)
It's an ambiguous question but if it were to pop up in a paper, I would say 6. Your opinions?
@AniruddhaDeb Me too. However, i have some concerns not knowing anything about the reaction but that it is SN1
Again like I said its ambiguous. Lot of other factors could influence # of products as well.... Close vote with "needs details or clarity"?
@AniruddhaDeb You can't get anymore details though. the question is inherently vague.

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