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@sai-kartik locally in time, yes! for sufficiently smooth initial data, this has been known for years
@sai-kartik Can I just ask, is it something new? Has anyone been talking to him?
@CalvinKhor yeah i have. just not here
8 messages moved to ­Trash
@CalvinKhor interesting....
ok. thanks
@CalvinKhor is there any way i can talk with you privately ? email maybe?
yes, give me a moment
this is a temporary email [email protected]
please email it and i will reply with a real email
sent email
When in elementary and junior school, teachers punished students for violating rules they set, including being late to school, doing poorly in exam, not doing assignments.
But those teachers selfom awarded students.
Now I see we are naturally punished by various ways even we don't violate some rules by someone.
We are punished by hunger even if we make efforts studying science.
seems you are discovering that mother nature is cruel
Lack of commutative people to talk to is also punishment.
Since the tags allowed says mathematical physics ... I'll leave this here:
Q: Ratio of collision of rate between distributions?

More AnonymousBackground Consider the familiar setting of statistical mechanics, an assembly of $N=4$ distinguishable gas particles. Let, the total energy be $4E_0$. The possible ways energy of sharing energy between the particles gives us $5$ possible distributions $D(i)$: $$\begin{vmatrix} & 0 &E_0 & 2E_0

@MoreAnonymous hello! I don't understand what $D(i)$ is
It's a distribution. Basically I have total energy $4E_0$
Also you use $E_3$, what is that? $3E_0$?
How many ways can I distribute them among 4 paticles
I can give them all $E_0$ energy which corresponds to $D(5)$
I suppose energy is discrete? because if you can give fractional amounts of $E_0$ then there's infinitely many
Yes ... This is a standard procedure in statistical mechansics
well, I don't know any statistical mechanics, you don't have to humour me
so by microstates, you mean exactly how its arranged?
Yes .. If I have 4 particles A,B,C,D

Then I can ask how many combinations are there. For example $D(5)$:

All A,B,C,D have energy $E$ so there is only one way to arrange it
how do you choose wihch D(j) you get when you collide starting from D(i)? Equally random? You're not giving me enough information to preserve momentum
Since only 2 particles in a collisions are allowed (the probability of 3 particles collisions are much smaller). They aren't equally random since you know the micro-states are equally probable.
@CalvinKhor Hope this answers things ^
i think it does
btw is the wrong tag, that's for things like gravity and relativity. There's a tag you can use instead
Ah ohk thanks :)
men in Beauty of Bowl are really good at cooking - their southern Asian food tastes nice.
by the way, I am hungry now.
restaurant name?
I posted a picture in @sai-kartik's room
How do u deal with flag and vote troll?
I have never seen a flag.
act in a way so that all of the flags on your post are invalid
votes, ask a mod maybe, but if it happens for too long it will be caught by the automated system
@CalvinKhor I found the culprit who were doing this in this chat but Mr sai told me to not mention it
will bring troubles he said
you only have two posts atm, i dont think a mod will care and i dont think the system can notice
I got 2 downvote for my answer and 2 up upvotes lol
yeah i saw
that's a net positive in reputation so i think its ok for you
do u know the culprit who has been trolling the chat?
I don't know why M.C. Escher’s Circle Limit III epitomizes a AdS spacetime.
Is it Arjun? He was suspended after being kicked from this chat. I'd rather we don't talk about it. If he's unhappy about that, there's not much we can do. I haven't seen any flags on this chat @SpecterProphet
@CaptainBohemian what is AdS?
well ur guess is right
@CalvinKhor One of the solutions of Einstein's equation with maximal symmetries.
I think teachers in elementary and junior high schools punished students for not doing assignments and doing poorly in exams by assuming every student had people to make food for them and do laundry for them.
and have people to clean house for them.
and have people to provide a habitable house for them.
I feel constantly ignitable because of constant hunger.
you see, when you set out to study, hunger come to haunt.
if you to forage, at least 2 hours pass before you come back.
so how do you do all assignments and prepare for all exams in junior high school?
in junior high school, assignments and exams are of overwhelming amount.
you need to have good father willing to prepare food for you constantly to do all assignments and prepare for all exams.
Man real analysis is all answered by other math boi and girl or in comment section those which is remaining is just not only single real analysis but tons of topic which I haven't even touched or question with lots of downvote
@CaptainBohemian in highh school i didnt make my own food
too much scavenger around
as you grow up, you no longer have father to prepare food for you, teachers don't think you are obliged to do all assignments.
that's why in university, teachers don't punish students who don't do assignments.
OK I feel like I must study more advance material in order to answer questions. Most of them are like undergraduate yr 2 3 and 4 questioms.(ಥ_ಥ)
in university, students who don't do assignments aren't punished because the students are adults and its not the university's responsibility to care if you pass or fail the exam
@CalvinKhor I didn't, either, most of time.
I didn't do a lot of assignments but still passed the exams most of time.
I don't feel there is relation between if I do assignments and passing the exams since senior high school.
in senior high school, I almost didn't do assignments in English and I still almost always got very high score in an English exam.
what to eat for lunch?
though Bowl of Beauty's food tastes quite delicious, I ate there around two days ago.
When the cup of water is placed in the boiling water, the cup is cooler than the surrounding water and heat will flow into it. Eventually, the water in the cup will increase to 100 degree C if any more energy goes into the cup, then the cup will begin boiling.

But at this point, the boiling water in the pot and the 100 degree C water in the cup are at the same temperature. Since there is no temperature difference, there will be no more heat flow into the cup, so it will never boil.
@sai-kartik here is yesterday explaination
I think it means it takes more than 100 degree to boil
question was A cup of warm water is suspended in a large pot of water held at a steady boil.
Will the water in the cup ever boil? Assume that the pot never runs out of water. As a remainder
Kinda contradictory answer it has.
P'$sing me off lol
hunger haunts
clothes awaiting to wash
washing clothes takes much energy
assuming atmospheric pressure is 0.101325 MPa
after washing clothes, my arms will ache.
u sound like my mom lol
nobody has done laundry for me.
my clothes were dirty most of days when I was in elementary school.
don't u have laundry machine in ur country?
yes, but laundry machine costs money to work.
I waste my 1$ wash my clothes every week but it's worth it
dude 1$ is cheap
1$ a week (@_@;)
Are you nosebleed?
mathematically no
What mathematically lol
Approximately yes excluding error bound
long time no see 08
1 hour later…
@SpecterProphet but don't you need to pay house rent and food fee?
I seldom use washing machine. I doubt it can wash clothes cleanly.
@CaptainBohemian well for food I don't really need to care since my high school sells food cheap 1$ for brunch and for dinner 1 to 3$
house rent is not very cheap 200 pound
a month
how bout urs
@SpecterProphet I have never seen so cheap food in the neighborhood. It may be available in Beijing.
burger is 1$ I eat everyday as brunch
double patty
with cheese
just want to buy a pc
You don't have a pc?
don't u have cafeteria in uni?high school
Then how do you study?
I am far from my university.
I had one laptop no no more
But when I was in high school, I didn't use pc to study.
I think computer is only highly needed for my studies when I started to conduct research.
@SpecterProphet yes.
When I just did course work, I didn't use computer much.
I could just used computer in school.
i think i already need computer since I need to do some CS homework in it
also now Matlab and Mathematica code is starting appearing too frequently in my book that I really need a pc
it will be hard to debug on a paper
sounds like u r really living an adult life
Computer course was never a big subject in my course work.
Quantum computation?
I could just use computer in school to work on computer course.
Quantum computation was just a research topic in my previous research center.
oh I forgot to mention I am self teaching myself most of the time than following high school course 😅
As long as you are paid to do research, your institute would provide computer to do research.
So I didn't have my pc when I was in that institute.
There are pros of joining university and getting degree. Too late for me to do so lol.
Man u r lucky.
in this era self taught are least likely to be a successful scientist
I choose a dumb path
@CaptainBohemian do they really pay u for doing it? And how much?
@SpecterProphet I am am theoretically paid now.
I was paid to do research in quantum calculation.
The money units are different in different places on globe.
that's cool
do u think having degree is worth it?
In my country, almost everyone has at least undergraduate degree.
I like academic subjects greatly.
But not everyone goes to university for academic subjects.
I think it better to acquire education early.
I guess I will join university. But relearning some subject will be boring since some of them are already learned by me .
Being ahead of time is not really good as it seems. You are gonna miss some great opportunities.
Because a lot of people think only children should study.
well it's kinda true
lecture is good way to study than from book
book is time consuming
I never had time to study university curriculum in advance.
then how u can do research on quantum computing ?
Well, how did I know what I should study since I hadn't been admitted to a university?
I didn't even know which department I would major before admission.
@SpecterProphet I did that after MSc.
@CalvinKhor I think Hypocrite is a slacker as he asked money from his mother even long after his MSc and let his mother do laundry and prepare food for him even when he has entered university and manipulates to avoid compulsory military service.
poor mom (ಥ_ಥ)
I would rather be a begger than give all responsibility to my mom if I was him lol
if jobless
and no skill
I might indeed fooled a physicist with my yesterday question lol
she i was wrong
becomes semi gas at 100 and after it it becomes gas
I am right but wrong
If $f$ is a continuous function on $[a,b]$ such that $f(a) \lt f(b)$ then by Intermediate Value Theorem can I say “ $f$ assumes all the value between $f(a)$ and $f(b)$” ?
@CalvinKhor ^^^^ above I have not used the ultimate rigor, but is my conclusion correct?
1 hour later…
@Knight yes that is what ivt says
@SpecterProphet thx, sry @Knight was AFK
@Knight the IVT can be stated in many many equivalent ways, that is one of them
@SpecterProphet but I skipped class often in university.
@CaptainBohemian then u may be a genius
@CalvinKhor when I was a kid I thought afk means a fak lol u know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
john nash skipped lots of class
I get jealous with people with genius IQ they can see things more deeply and clearly (ಥ_ಥ)
@SpecterProphet welcome to the party
@SpecterProphet how do you explain when you are blamed by teachers for skipping their classes?
You say you are a genius?
Hehe that has happened to me
she asked me to solve equation i solved it
was trying to humiliate me
I had skipped whole day that time playing video game
street fighter 2 alpha
but u don't say genius u say u already learned it before
at that time he was teaching exponents
my grammar teacher called me tourist of school lol
@SpecterProphet I have never answered that way when a teacher asked me why I skip a lot of his classes.
u know when u get bullied most of the time u don't really want to go there
it's like prison
I said I self studied so didn't go to class
can i ask a doubt?
no need to ask to ask
@SpecterProphet yes, but there seemed no way for me to skip class in elementary and junior high school.
and so is string
please solve it
brb after a snack
For me, physics questions are not a bigger problem than hunger trouble or pain problem.
If there are people solving my hunger trouble and pain problem, I can figure out a lot more physics problems than when there are not.
@CalvinKhor Okay.
a is acceleration ?
@Knight basically the continuous image of an interval is an interval, much easier to remember lol but the gory version with lots of detail is good practice
I don't know what is that thing in pictures
give details
4T/5 is force?
what is problem with the problem?
@AbramIvanov ?
@CalvinKhor what is a Khor?
@SpecterProphet this is a corollary of the current rules which are an extension of the main math chat rules
@SpecterProphet 许/許 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xu_(surname)
surprised that u have chinese name
the brits put a lot of chinese in malaysia
@AbramIvanov I have no idea how to solve that lol @Knight maybe this is practice for you :P
@AbramIvanov it looks like your triangle is a 3-4-5 triangle (the angle isn't exactly 37º)
@CalvinKhor Lol
in Problem Solving Strategies, 1 hour ago, by Abram Ivanov
i will be better off with a answer, folloed by some discussion
Every student says this, and I disagree. You don't suffer, you don't learn
Also I was gonna draw the pentagram to summon Dr(?) Rennie but turns out you already pinged him in that room
@CalvinKhor from now on u will be k now as the punisher lol not lord calvin
sorry m using only one finger to wrte
other are disabled by doritos
mmmm doritos
what flavour
u don't suffer u don't lern
red cheese
nice nice
good quotes u hav
u like wut flav?
spicy ones
sadly no mount dew
u r true modern mathematician
wut u eatin for diner
ate sum dumplings
@CalvinKhor do you know what is the positive frequency condition in complex fields? I asked this in h bar but nobody replied me.
what's field in this sentence mean lol i guess vector field?
no, i dont know, sorry
physical fields
something like Klein-Gordon fields
but it is a complex.
There are too few physics chat rooms.
I kno klien group but not gordon field hehe
must be from relativity3
@SpecterProphet Klein-Gordon is an equation
@SagarkumarZalavadiya hello!
I have no idea about relativity except faster u move slower time becomes that was discovered by my own
I am preparing resume for my wife and on the address line we are facing issue.. I mean Assress , cell phone, email and Linkindin is not comming into the entire line linkedin is comming to the below the address line how I can fix this issue?
Do i share the overlef links?
we have a tradition after u say hello u post a question
@SagarkumarZalavadiya i dont really do tex tech support, you're free to post them but I don't think I can help
Opps soory
@CalvinKhor O Gold of Malay! As you know, you help me so much and I’m like a man who always need help in some matter (because I don’t have any access to any teachers). So, can we get connected on another social platform? I have found and made everything to work in Latex, all I’m waiting for is your benevolent consent.
@Knight try discord
There's a bot to help you with Tex there
It's called TexBot
why do these senior high school students seem so desperate to find people here to solve their physics questions? I had never been so desperate that way in senior high school. I could easily find a physics teacher in school to solve my physics problems.
@CaptainBohemian Uhh yeah that's exactly the problem, cap. No teachers available 24×7 here..
@sai-kartik what do you mean? physics problems are not as urgent as hunger trouble. I could find my physics teacher easily in school time when in senior high school.
Well, yeah, you could. @Knight apparently can't
@sai-kartik because of lockdown?
Which is why I presume, he comes here for help, and I feel that's justified
@CaptainBohemian maybe, I don't know..
I am thinking to learn physics by my own without books and teacher just nature
how much will I be able to break down hehe
@SpecterProphet good luck, cus physics is hard without a teacher. Try understanding Newton's Principia. If you can do that then you're capable on learning everything yourself.
Hi @ArjunRana!
@sai-kartik hehe I have never learn anything from teacher except at kindergarten school where I learned my ABC
@SpecterProphet interesting
@sai-kartik yesterday the question I asked depends in meaning of boiling
if u mean from semi gas to gas or just from liquid to gas
so u r right in ur own way
@sai-kartik I think it's easy to learn physics by self-study to the level of passing exams in university, but not easy to conduct research.
the answer is yes or no
passing physics exams in university doesn't require to know physics with exhaustive detail; you can still have questions but still pass the exams. But to conduct research, you need to have a guide when you start.
otherwise it's difficult to have publishable results.
university physics is challenging
there are so many constraints than in high shool
@CaptainBohemian how do u find it easy?
@SpecterProphet because I have tried that many times.
I did that because I couldn't understand the lecturers.
@Knight I have no idea what reference "Gold of Malay" is making, for one, we didn't have too much gold, and second, malay refers to a race or a language :) not the country and not necessarily a citizen. With regards to the more substantive part of your message, we might, I don't mind trying, but I think SE will likely be more convenient for me. Which platform?
a lot of lecturers in universities didn't teach physics in an understandable way.
sometimes books itself become intensive lol
I just loop and loop when trying to understand
@sai-kartik this account seems also suspended but only for <2 days?
feels like a monkey using sticks to get banana without enough height lol
@SpecterProphet when I self-study physics books, I can usually have some questions, but not too big ones, so I can still pass exams.
but when I attend lecture, I also usually have some questions.
@CaptainBohemian I was taking a course (Galois theory), I got 95%++ on all assignments, but I had no clue what I was doing. was too scared to take the exam and dropped lol
vote in the MSE election! its almost over
@CalvinKhor hmm weird...
@CalvinKhor how u vote?
@CalvinKhor “Gold of Malay” means the brightest and most precious of all Malay race (lol just trying to be poetic and deferential)
Telegram, I have found a script that will convert the code into maths and we will be happy. I won’t bother you much, it won’t disturb your privacy too, all you need is your mobile phone number for registering into it and then we don’t need mobile number any longer. We find each other on Telegram by username, it’s same like SE but a quicker and more secret type platform for both of us. I know I’m asking too much, but I promise I shall not disturb you.
there's buttons to click "1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd choice"
@Knight I'm not a member of said race. How will I find you on telegram?
@Knight I have a telegram account but I can guarantee you that its less reliable than SE for me
@CalvinKhor how?
i have tried and probabaly solved it
so i was asking for just the answerand if mine did not match i could discusss it over
what could be wrong here?
I didn't know anything about your situation, and it seems it would not apply to you in this case then. My sentiment remains; no pain, no gain @AbramIvanov
i think you took answer as a whole solution to the problem?
I took answer in the same way as Answer on MSE :P If you just posted the answer as an Answer, it would surely be downvoted and deleted
clearly i was not thinking it through
@CalvinKhor never mind, honest mistake
:) sorry
@CalvinKhor ;-)
latex doesn't need {} for the first symbol
this is not working
i still see just mathjax
do you have the bookmarklet?
what is that
@CalvinKhor what exactly should i do?
sorry for my noobness
you need to add the mathjax renderer as a bookmark
@satan29 hello! i should be asleep...
whats the time in malaysia, calvin?
its 11:19 here in india
oh wow
...i rounded up
fair enough...
:P im gonna try to sleep, cya
@CalvinKhor do you isolate yourself from people?
lol cap im going to sleep!! but the answer is yes probably not sure how to understand your question
@CalvinKhor To avoid coronovarius?
How close to a person with coronavirus make inflected with coronavirus?
something like 2 m i guess
I always keep more than 2m from strangers unless it is impossible.
also its only a preprint so maybe its not as good as it could be but if you aren't outdoors much take some vit d
4000 IU should be safe for pretty much anyone to take
You recall me that I have not eaten probiotics and fiber today.
anyways, im so tired lol
But I am sleepy
@CaptainBohemian get some rest too then
Not want to eat.
Hi all
I've got a question if someones available
Provided with a random variable $X$, a random variable $Y$ and a constant $a$. If we have an explicit expression for the CDF of $X$, and we know that $X \coloneqq f(Y) + a$ where $f$ some measurable function. Can we get any information about the CDF of $Y$?

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