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Oh thank god:
@FAE What the fuck? Why does Y get all the cool exclusives?
@SaintWacko most people think X has better exclusives (and better charizard)
Who is going to trade me an Aron?
@SaintWacko I will
@BenBrocka That's what I meant
X has better exclusives
@OrigamiRobot I love Aron and the evolutions
Anything in particular you're looking for?
I'll have to keep an eye out
I'm not very far
Only have 1 badge
If I like the Y Legendary more than the X Legendary, should I just get Y or trade for it?
I prefer to get the game for the legendary since the story is a bit different for it too
Trading for legendaries is always the hardest
It'll be easier to get the X exclusives than to get the X legendary
but it's easier to get someone to just trade the X legendary and trade back than to trade for the Y legendary and keep it
@BenBrocka Why's that?
Any friend with X will usually be willing to double trade Xerneas back and forth. Harder to convince someone to actually lose the legendary forever
If all you want is the pokedex you don't need to keep it
@BenBrocka What's the bonus of doing that?
So if you get Y and don't care about Xerneas except for the pokedex entry that makes it a lot easier
though getting charizardite X/Y will probably be pretty hard, though people can offload/restart games to get pokemon like that
Here's the thing. I was originally planning on X and Fluttershy was going to get Y. He likes the X Legendary more than Y, I like the Y Legendary more than X and he said he'd be willing to just switch. If that's the case though, should we just switch which games we're getting? I kind of like the X exclusives more as well as the Mega Charizard X more. I don't know what to do.
I am probably thinking way too hard about this.
If you're just going to trade amungst yourselves I wouldn't worry about it that much. But note you'll get the story event for pokemon X if you get Version Y...er...stupid names
Though the version specific story seems less pronounced compared to say gen 3
@FAE Have you decided on your starters yet?
@Krazer No. T_T
@FAE Took me three hours to decide on Fennekin, Charmander and what I'm going to do with a mostly fire team
@Krazer I've been trying to decide for weeks. One of my big problems with playing this series is that I end up stuck in analysis paralysis a lot and worrying about getting stuck with poorly evolved/trained things because I made bad decisions and not being able to salvage things and argh.
EVs are resettable this gen
@FAE you can always breed another one~
@BenBrocka What does the Pokemon-Amie do?
I spend way too much time trying to get good IVs from the event Torchic
Added a couple columns to the arqade spreadsheet
To show who has X and who has Y
@OrigamiRobot it just makes pokemon friendly
And what your trainer name is
@Krazer I'm reading up on Breeding and that's also making me go x____x because it's seems rather complex.
@FAE I solved that problem by not actually learning anything about EVs, Natures, or IVs
@Krazer I did this
@SaintWacko Why's there a separate spreadsheet? Could've just made a new page on the general Bridge spreadsheet. That's what we did for AC:NL.
IVs and natures don't exist
@FAE it's srs business, but you shouldn't worry about it and instead enjoy the game and the out fits the come with it
@FAE What's what I did...
EVs are much easier to work with now though
Oh, a new page?
Didn't think about that
@BenBrocka EVs are the easiest now.
@SaintWacko The one that's pinned is separate.
I care about Nature, but not IV
"Much more easier" More...more better...
@FAE Ooh
Hadn't seen that one
@BenBrocka Gooder
great and good
@SaintWacko See, on this one we just made a new page. Then it all stays in one document.
@FAE Right, and that's what I started to do
I hadn't realized there was a separate Pokemon one
Is the Nickname used in any social features? I just set mine to my trainer's name...
@FAE we like to keep our pokeymans to ourselves
@SaintWacko I'm so confuuuuused.
Oh we should copy that back to the main one then
keep the colored columns tho
@BenBrocka that trainer name one really messes up the flow of things
@BenBrocka Working on it
There's weather?!
@Krazer how?
oh the inverted colors?
@FAE yeah, sometimes places that don't rain ALL the time rain randomly
Why does the Champion column matter?
@Yuki Want to remove the pin on the other one and pin that?
I edited the previous pin
@OrigamiRobot to know who's unlocked stuf I guess
@BenBrocka Wait, what?
the live pin now goes to the conjoined spreadsheet
@BenBrocka Okay. Do you want to remove the pin on the old- There we go
oh well I'll just unpin the old one
Star the new one and start it good!
I swear there was a question on whether or not you could trade Mega Stone types from game to game.
I don't see why you couldn't
Oh man, they cost like a million? x_X
At the lumoise store? The price goes down to $10,000 as you become more stylish apparently
which, oddly, has absolutely nothing to do with what you wear
Oh, I was looking at this:
Q: Can I get hold of Mega-Evolution stones for the other Kanto starters in Pokémon X&Y?

NidonocuI've got to the part of the game where you can choose one of the Kanto region starters. I'd like to train a Squirtle this time around but I also would really like to be able to see Charizard Y at some point. I have a Charizard I can transfer up from Pokémon White but I need to know if the megas...

not mine but that looks to be the offical guide
@BenBrocka How do you make a Trainer PR video
I've tried looking at ppl's but I can't get them to play
it's a big purple building in lumoise
@Krazer I need to make one of those...
@Yuki pls make it goomy
@Krazer Goomy's adorable. So is Goodra.
The entire friggin' line is just so cute.
@BenBrocka I did not do half of those things, but I guess it works more off of "doing X gives Y stylishness" as opposed to "do all these things".
I'm glad they finally explained this, but it still doesn't make sense:
why can't you walk around it?
@Krazer Don't really have room to work around it, judging from the picture.
Okay. I'm getting a Clawitzer. Should I get Water Pulse or Surf?
I'm leaning towards Water Pulse for the confusion chance, but Surf has slightly better base power.
@Yuki Clawitzer is bloody amazing
@Krazer Big reason why I picked X. I just like Clawitzer more than Dragalge.
Never mind, Water Pulse gets the same base power as Surf.
Water Pulse it is.
Yay, Timid Nature Clauncher!
Or should I stick with my Bold Nature one?
What about Quiet?
@Krazer Clawitzer's base Sp Attack is already through the roof. I think I'd be better off emphasizing another stat.
Most people calculating base stats agree that Clawitzer's base Special Attack is somewhere around 130.
i c
Also, Quiet isn't the best Nature if you're going for a Special Sweeper build.
Modest is better because you take points off a stat you don't even use.
does the speed boost from Timid help at all?
@Krazer Something's better than nothing, as far as I'm concerned. Although I think I'm going to go with Bold Clawitzer.
Defensive bulk is always a good option.
And it rounds out my team since Goodra has really good Special bulk.
Oh, and I messed up way back when I likened Clauncher to a mantis shrimp. Actually, a pistol shrimp.
My bad.
To be fair, no one expects more than one species of badass shrimp.
I jumped on X for Xerneas, stuck around for Clawitzer. However, I need to find a way to get my hands on Dragalage, since that Dragon/Poison typing feels sort of sexy.
@Krazer Yet again, that phrasing sounds familiar.
Are you AtlasRune?
@Yuki nope but I remember reading it an thinking the same thing
Poison/Dragon sounds way sexier than any other type combo atm for me
@Krazer I want that for solely flavor purposes. Though I had hoped it would be more purple.
Not a fan of poison as a type, though it has built-in protection from Fairy at least
@Krazer because the grass back there is slightly taller, stupid!
@BenBrocka damn grass better be made of razor blades
@BenBrocka I like poison in any game.
I don't like status effects. Just strike hard and get it over with
Though I do love when I accidentally freeze things with ice moves
I'm fond of both burst damage and DoTs, assassin style.
Waiting just causes more chance for something to go wrong
@BenBrocka Agree
Which is funny because in Borderlands I love DoT. But in turn-based there's no reason to wait. It's nice in Borderlands because you can let your last target burn to death as you start shooting/immolating your next
@BenBrocka make sure to slag them first for bonus fun
Not a big fan of slag myself
@BenBrocka it makes a lot of difference when soloing imo
It does for Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. But that is also part of what I hate about UHVM
Being forced to use something you're already not a fan of is the best way to hate something.
you're not the bridge
@Krazer So, anything you want in trade for Pokerus?
Also, I wonder if Pokerus affects Super Training.
@Yuki I don't think so, and neither does Macho Brace it seems
Ah. Then Pokerus might not be as attractive as it was in previous gens.
I think I'm going to do all my EV training through Super Training now.
how do you reset EVs?
@BenBrocka Get a Pokemon with 0 EVs and beat up the default bag.
Apparently, that gives a chance to drop the Reset Bag.
Oh, huh
Wow, that was fast.
@Yuki praise the goominess!
@Krazer Goomy is love, Goomy is life.
In all honesty, it's a bit ridiculous.
Who cares about Goomy
Goomy's a dragon?
@BenBrocka Yep.
I think that's part of the reason for his cult following.
He's really not what you expect a Dragon to look like.
I hate Goomy already.
Am I the only one who does this: breed a entire team after getting the 8th badge to take on the Elite Four.
Although I'm probably not going go that far this gen. Just going to replace my Blastoise with Clawitzer and one other for Goodra.
@Yuki I'm doing that from the get go.
I will probably try to get some Reset Bags to fix EV distributions though.
I need to get a Modest Deino.
@Yuki Good lord. I might try and make a super ideal team after the...no just not doing that at all
I just grow new pokemon as I go on
I would build an army of super magikarp to fight the elite 4
It's not so much the super ideal team as I run into Pokemon that I want to use.
And if I'm going to use them, I might as well breed the right Natures and whatnot.
Also, good place to get EXP: Battle Chateau thing next to the Daycare.
You have to start early though, because the trainers in there don't increase in level until you start beating them.
And they start at around L15.
2 hours later…
"Hey, I don't travel much for [reasons], could you travel with my Lapras and show it the world?" Sure thing kid, I'll put my top men right on that.
Having gone through a bit of the Battle Chateau, I have to say that most of these Trainers will make you want to punch them in the face.
@Yuki But they're worth so much cash!
@fbueckert And teh EXPs.
I have a Pokerus poke ready for ready if anyone wants it
now two
@BenBrocka Friend Safari is in Kiloude City which isn't until after Elite Four.
@BenBrocka @Yuki you want your Pokerus?
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