Here's the thing. I was originally planning on X and Fluttershy was going to get Y. He likes the X Legendary more than Y, I like the Y Legendary more than X and he said he'd be willing to just switch. If that's the case though, should we just switch which games we're getting? I kind of like the X exclusives more as well as the Mega Charizard X more. I don't know what to do.
If you're just going to trade amungst yourselves I wouldn't worry about it that much. But note you'll get the story event for pokemon X if you get Version names
Though the version specific story seems less pronounced compared to say gen 3
@Krazer I've been trying to decide for weeks. One of my big problems with playing this series is that I end up stuck in analysis paralysis a lot and worrying about getting stuck with poorly evolved/trained things because I made bad decisions and not being able to salvage things and argh.
I jumped on X for Xerneas, stuck around for Clawitzer. However, I need to find a way to get my hands on Dragalage, since that Dragon/Poison typing feels sort of sexy.
Which is funny because in Borderlands I love DoT. But in turn-based there's no reason to wait. It's nice in Borderlands because you can let your last target burn to death as you start shooting/immolating your next