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@Razetime mining away...I don't know what to mine
I'll mine this anyway
In this Minecraft day
So beautiful
And further down
What's that I found?
I'll mine them.
So FaR i'Ve GoT tWo!!!!!
Greatest song
that's right
I pinged you for a reason
@Lyxal No, it's mine! Give it back to me!
@Razetime Worst song. This song is about a thief stealing my diamonds!
Oh my god. I couldn't predict what will be happening in 2038, what will be happening next year.
I couldn't even predict what will be happening last year!
So far, I know that I have a disorder in my brain that's causing this weird mental behavior.
The last year? If I kill myself this year, what's going to happen last year!? I don't know! :(
So let's go in the future to find out. The future may be very strange.
I'm not sure yet. I'm sorry for not being sure. I'll keep finding out till my brain is completely broken!
I was afraid it would be like a terrible disorder, like I should leave my life to others, I should kill myself, I should be killed!
I wanted to die like myself! I wanted to take the curse!
^ WTF? I don't know why I said that, it's just weird.
Aaaand I'm sorry. I'm sorry, thank you very much. My brain really needs to stop for a moment.

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