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We've been losing all the fun of earthquakes!
Someday, we need to have an earthquake of 20 on the Richter scale.
That's going to be real fun! Watch as me and everybody else on Earth dies in the earthquake!
That's really going to be a big shake!
See as nobody in it can wake!
Let's see what the earthquake can take!
You know the OpenBSD song "Systemagic"? That song is really silly!
Why is the sky blue?
It's because of you!
How do I change it
Because if I'm causing it to be blue I can cause it to be green
It's because you're too fit.
Your computer has a blue screen instead of a green screen.
So I should get a new computer
With a green background
@Lyxal Green background computers are eco-friendly!
I like your profile picture
I appreciate your effort of conserving your environment!
Okay I'll make it green
@Lyxal Why is my profile picture liked?
I trust you know what you're talking about
@2x-1 it's very amazing
@Lyxal Have you listened to "Systemagic"?
If not, you should really listen to it.
These are the two verses I like the most:
> Penguin [symbol of Linux] lurking under bed
> Puffy [mascot of OpenBSD] hoompa on your head
It's telling people not to use OpenBSD, because it's violent.
Although Linux is less violent, it's bad as well!
So you should use Windows and Mac OS instead!
After I heard this song, I immediately started to hate these two operating systems!
I swear that I'm not going to use these two OS's for my entire life!

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