A few seconds ago, Alice was trying to teach me about the four basic operations.
> +
, -
, ×
and ÷
do exactly the way they taught you at school.
Well, wait, why are there four operations? Shouldn't there just be three?
Based on what I've been taught at school, the three basic operations are and
, or
, and not
Let's see. What do these symbols represent, then?
Oh yes, ×
represents and, +
represents or, -
represents not.
? What in the world is this ridiculous symbol? I have never seen this before!
Does it mean xor? nor? nand?
I think it's just one of Alice's inventions, to make me think that Alice is clever! She's not clever at all!!!
@Lyxal Can you help me with this kind of thing? Alice claims that she'll beat me if I don't understand her a day later.
(rubbing palms) Or we could devise a plan to murder her.