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04:00 - 08:0008:00 - 12:00

@Lyxal Did Ken Thompson know the word "Howdy"? They invented the hello, world instead of the howdy, world program.
@petStorm well they should change it.
Like go back in time and tell him to use the word howdy instead
Yeah. Lets do that
@y'all got a time machine i can borrow
@Lyxal I know a time machine. It's called "transcript".
Unfortunately it only goes back to '11... way before Ken Thompson invented Hello World.
@petStorm i meant one that can go back to that day
@Lyxal When you are looking at transcripts, you have a retrospective feeling that makes you feel like you're in that day.
@petStorm but can I change what happened that day?
Exactly. I didn't think so.
@Lyxal I know an easier way that doesn't involve costly time-travelling.
Make a bot that changes all hello, world programs to howdy, world programs.
@petStorm okay but what if it's something like BF or some other tarpit.
Aint so easy to change text there.
@Lyxal Re-generate the program and then replace it.
You are going to lose the shortest BF hello, world program, but it's worth it.
@petStorm just change the hw challenge to reflect our decision
@Lyxal I mean, the shortest program isn't very easy to generate efficiently...
Considering that we need to change all programs in the 70+ BF replacements. We need to write something very efficent, otherwise it will time out.
Or, simply change the comic strip that affected Ken Thompson.
It's the root of all evil.
@petStorm sure
Why not.
@Lyxal Factoid: Considering that strings in the B language had to be of length-4...
He might as well change the length of the output string to fullfill that.
Y'all need to know what decent memes are.
So here's some high quality memes from reddit
However, howdy is exactly the same length as hello, so it will probably be accepted!
Not stolen, but reposted here because some people have never had the chance to see decent memes.
Although I'm not sure, howdy is a less common word than hello.
@NewMainPosts I'll donate to anyone who ruins (messes up) with my programs. The more you make my programs don't work, the more you'll get!
@petStorm Actually, I'll donate some of my programs to you...
That's all for now
@petStorm *deletes entire program*
Welp, it definitely doesn't work now.
Where's my money?
@Lyxal Gives you the program you just deleted
I clearly said that I will be donating my programs to you.
@petStorm oh sure
*Deletes every single program you have*
Whatcha gonna do now?
@Lyxal The donation is measured in bytes, so the more you delete, the more you get.
Rollbacks to previous system state, gives you every single program I had in the previous state.
@petStorm *deletes all backups and then all files* checkmate.
♫People in chat, apparently few~♫
@Lyxal Aaargh, but I have 100 separate computers with the same file!
@petStorm hmm.
This'll take a bit of thinking.
@Lyxal Breaks your computer, checkmate.
* somehow deletes every single computer* go fish.
But who said I was on a computer?
*makes phone unbreakable*
Hahahahaha i win
@Lyxal But I still have iPads over here.
@petStorm *sets up a system where everything you have gets auto deleted no matter how it's stored*
@petStorm Pour hydric acid over your iPad.
or DMHO or whatever.
@Lyxal iPods are clones of phones that you can actually use. Obviously you made iPods unbreakable for the same reason.
Ha! We sunk your battleship @petStorm
@petStorm but everything you have is deleted
So, uh
@Lyxal With nothing left, I'm going to program with Mathematical Notation with paper & pencil.
@petStorm h*ck
Foiled by something I can't delete
Hmm. Guess I'll go get some flamethrowers to burn the paper.
@Lyxal I can write stuff on my pencil.
@petStorm Add the light bulb character before your program.
@petStorm foiled again by a pencil this time.
@Lyxal If you burned all the paper, I still have the ground that I can write with my hand.
@petStorm puts you in black hole
You can't do anything now.
You don't exist.
@HighlyRadioactive Adding that will just cause Lyxal to burn my paper.
@Lyxal waits until white hole appears
I re-arrange myself and I exist again.
White hole pushes you onto the 1+ stack
@HighlyRadioactive and the 1+ stack puts me to the bottom. /
@HighlyRadioactive brilliant.
I rotate the stack upwards \
There is a language based on DNA
@petStorm It's "<*. you need to learn 1+.
So i delete the program that is your DNA
@petStorm WTF
I move the page to User:A
User:ais523 came and...
@HighlyRadioactive changed his username to User:a.
I partipicate in Rosetta@Home in order to delete COVID-19 without admin.
@HighlyRadioactive Only admins can delete copies of COVID-19 without the help of admins.
That's why admins always live on, forever.
A bettttttter one: I hacked Esolangs.org.
I'm the zyabin on esolangs.org.
What is zyabin?
♫Anyone here, apparently not~~♫
zyabin is a likable person on CGCC who is very talkative. They are very good at creating dramas in chatrooms.
You know, Joe's pretty active around here.
What is Joe?
♫People in chat, apparently few~♫
@petStorm Joe Mama.
That's a good joke
Feb 29 at 8:09, by Lyxal
@Lyxal who's Joe?
Feb 29 at 8:09, by Lyxal
@Lyxal Joe mama!
Feb 29 at 8:09, by Lyxal
Hahaha hahaha haha hahahahahahaha hahaha I'm so funny (that's sarcasm)
I've already done that joke?
@Lyxal That's sarcasm.
Foiled by my own words.
Sdofg is an awesome Operating System, you should try it!
@petStorm sure
But I thought that it was full of updog
^^ A component of Sdofg OS.
Yeah, that's the one that had issues with updog
What is updog?
@petStorm nothing much. What's up with you?
Got em
@Lyxal I am bored. I didn't realize it's a joke...
My lack of humour strikes again.
@petStorm ah.
You need to be educated in the discipline of memes.
You need to know your meme
What the ? (EDIT:)
34 messages?
@HighlyRadioactive Let's continue, get to 100 messages!
Invitation: Come to Increment!
@HighlyRadioactive Discuss it here, we're trying to get to 100 messages...
Do anyone want to create a Narcissus program?
@HighlyRadioactive Narcissus wants to create one.
@Bubbler Read context please.
Background info: "Invitation: Come to Increment!"
OK then.
@Bubbler Nice, you contributed 2 messages to our off-topic conversation!
The 100-Messages Project
For the record : not my idea.
But theirs
@Lyxal Your messages are going to get mad of you...
Because you posted so many messages.
They get stuck around in your phone, your phone black-screens.
@petStorm that's not how Android works
Since phones are unbreakable, there isn't any place to replace your phone.
That's not how any of this works
@Lyxal White screens then
@Lyxal Green screens then.
Rainbow screens
I won
This keeps getting worse
@HighlyRadioactive You got the Nyan Cat virus...
How about UV screens.
@petStorm @Lyxal @HighlyRadioactive Please read ppcg.github.io/chatiquette
wizzwizz4: Moved to chit-chat room
@Bubbler We are contributing messages to the off-topic chat. If you want you can move all the messages to this room.


A room for discussion about everything.
@Bubbler We are contributing messages to the off-topic chat. If you want you can move all the messages to this room.
Not my idea but theirs.
@Lyxal [push hell]#
I'm not a moderator so I can't, yet I don't feel good with all the chat with random topic.
@Bubbler Everyone dissatisfied with off-topic discussions should be a moderator. We should hold a 2020 moderator election to elect you.
[Discussion stopped]
How many messages?
@petStorm 81. Now 83.
@HighlyRadioactive Actually, @Adám should request wizzwizz4 to do that, just like the previous off-topic message set.
Adám is well known for being dissatisfied with off-topic conversations, and they're the best hook to contribute messages to the chatroom.
But let us complete the "thomp" project first.
@Lyxal Still here?
@Lyxal Still here?
I have absolutely no idea what this room's topic is.
What should we talk about in this chatroom?
@petStorm it's a place to post good memes
@Lyxal Like, seirous tac?
@HighlyRadioactive what's tac?
But not serious. Just decent memes
"serious cat" intended typo.
@Lyxal Up tac(), down tac()
There are good, funny memes and absolute trash normie memes
"tac" under linux
> absolute trash normie memes

One of them is
@HighlyRadioactive tac "cat" -> "tac", cat "tac" -> "tac".
tac's superior.
Easy challenges
Medium challenges
Hard challenges
Insane challenges
Obviously Medium-Graded challenges
Legendary challenges
@petStorm Yep.
I submit a Howdy program to the hill
howdy "cat" -> "howdy"
howdy "tac" -> "howdy"
I win
@HighlyRadioactive howdy contempts everything.
Does that include itself? Because howdy "howdy" -> "howdy".
cat "cat" -> "cat".
tac "tac" -> "cat"
ping "ping" -> The server cannot be found.
vol "vol" -> The system cannot find the disk drive specified.
`gcc "gcc"` -> gcc: error: gcc: No such file or directory
gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
@HighlyRadioactive Wow. gcc is narcisstic.
python "python" -> python: can't open file 'python': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
`qfind "qfind"` -> qfind v1.1 by Matthias Merzenich, 7 January 2020
- qfind qfind

Rule: B3/S23
Period: 0
Offset: 0
Width: 0
Queue size: 2^23
Hash table size: 2^21
Minimum deepening increment: 0
Cache memory per thread: 32 megabytes
Number of threads: 1

(Stopped working)
Oh wait, the "Narcissistic Quine" challenge on CGSE is not "Narcissus program" on Esolangs.
The conversation's GTG, any mods here?
Why am I logged out?
@HighlyRadioactive I don't see the difference except the output format.
@HighlyRadioactive I said the magic word.
@Bubbler The output format matters a lot here.
@petStorm Go hell.
Do y'all ever think of an interesting challenge idea only to find it's a duplicate?
Because I know I do.
@Lyxal Never. My challenge ideas are taken from my 3 magic books.
All ideas over there have never appeared before on CGCC.
@HighlyRadioactive Why? 1 and 0, accept and reject, true and false all have the same meaning.
@petStorm well I base my challenges on real life events
So I guess my life is a dupe of cgcc
@petStorm Namely, Google, Wikipedia, OEIS.
@HighlyRadioactive -- Bubbler
@Lyxal My life is a dupe of Cellular Automaton
So do anyone want to work on the Narcissistic Quine in 1+?
@Lyxal Mine is a dupe of OEIS.
@HighlyRadioactive I'm gonna pass purely because it took me two years to figure out how to make such a quine in a language with more support for strings, input, etc.
So I doubt I'll figure it out
@Lyxal It took you 2 years to write a working program?
@Lyxal It took you 2 years to write a working program?
@Lyxal That's obviously less amazing than the Quest of Tetris project, which took 2 and 1/2 years.
@HighlyRadioactive a working narcissistic quine that is.
But yes
Well, most of the two years was making a quine
And it was a bit less than two years
@Lyxal And the rest was reserved for sleeping.
Actually, probably just 1 year and a few months
Quest of Tetris is much easier if you work with ConwayLife.com people instead of PhiNotPi.
PhiNotPi complicates stuff.
finite-state automaton, push-down automaton, cellular automaton
@HighlyRadioactive Radioactive automaton
pet automaton
@HighlyRadioactive storm automaton
Lyxal automaton
Q: Radioactive Quines

Calvin's HobbiesA radioactive quine is a quine-like program that has an even number of characters and, when run, outputs itself with exactly half of its characters removed. The output itself may be a radioactive quine, so the program can "decay" multiple times. It could be said that the half-life of a radioacti...

^ Radioactive automaton is based on this automaton.
@HighlyRadioactive So you're a quine, but higher.
Q: Make a Virtual Pet

Blake LockleyAnyone remember these things? Your challenge today is to make the shortest program that involves your pet growing into 1 of at least 7 different creatures. Your creature will grow into different forms depending on a random percentage from an RNG and the name you give it (from STDIN or equiv...

@petStorm ...
So you are virtual.
1+ is not a programming language. It's a math notation.
TMN has ambigiousity. For example, if you write 11 down, who will know if you meant eleven or 1 1?
@HighlyRadioactive I mean 2.
These days people don't know the core of concatenative languages.
This is why we need 1+.
@HighlyRadioactive 1+ -> >1
The smallest natural number >1 is 2.
So it does not assume an implicit 1 @Lyxal
♫Anyone here, apparently not♫
> Namely, Google, Wikipedia, OEIS.
Let's create a website called "Namely"!
@HighlyRadioactive Or, name.ly. :)
I mean, there's already a site called namely.com. ^^
Has Your Mid-Sized Business Covered
It seems that namely.org is also taken. It's for sale.
WTF, name.ly is taken again!? namely.net redirects to it.
Great, that one isn't taken
@Lyxal Lyxal: The most prestigious villain of the universe.
@petStorm uh sure.
Whatever you say
But why?
@Lyxal You know where the closest black hole is, you know how to delete the DNA strips of living beings, you know how to write a program that destroys everything satisfying a condition.
@petStorm when you put it like that
Lyxal: The most prestigious villain of the universe.
I guess I'll have to delete cgcc next.
To cover my tracks
Oh no don't.
Please don't.
Please don't.
Oh no don't.
04:00 - 08:0008:00 - 12:00

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