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@Medix2 I changed my answer while writing it :) I was definitely on the "lose concentration" bit before I realized that there was another option.
@NautArch I actually really like how your answer laid that out
Q: Main help center page: Question collection and voting

Someone_EvilComing from this question what to put on the main help center page, the suggestion is to have a (relativly short) list with important meta questions to help introduce new (and network) users to our site and our practises. This question is for determining which questions to put on, which may inclu...

@Medix2 It took me a bit :)
I surprised myself while I was writing it.
Buyt as I said above, I don't love their rulings.
Y'all got any particularly stupid and/or funny stories from your games to share? I just listened to one called Boxcar Joe the Magic Hobo
How 'bout when the DM got upset with a player for not playing along with their imprisonment and had the character's tongue cut out and served to him along with the carcass of another player's favorite steed?
@Himitsu_no_Yami This one time, in DL:RL, we broke into a telegraph office and then spent half an hour (IRL time) debating whether to forge a telegraph to the villain while a hostage we had looked at us disapprovingly, only to decide we wouldn't. (yes, this is more like "stupid of us" instead of "stupid of our characters")
@NautArch That doesn't sound very funny
@MikeQ You had to be there :P
but it was a mix of funny/notfunny
The DM liked to put it us in obviously bad situations and then get upset when we didn't play along.
@Himitsu_no_Yami There was a scifi/cosmic horror campaign where each PC would inevitably get an insanity-induced dream sequence, played out as a side session
@nitsua60 ah got it, that makes sense
One particularly masochistic player was regularly vocal about how his upcoming dream sequence would be the cruelest and most maddening of all
Argh, I'm trying to remember the famous story about a character whose backstory had them super prepared and hilarity ensued.
and i'm totally blanking
So the GM told him that his side session was postponed, except instead the GM informed the other players that we would plan and participate in the dream sequence, playing distorted caricature versions of our normal PCs
The premise of the dream sequence was an episode of a slice of life anime, where his character was the protagonist
And whenever he died, the episode would restart
This player had a very paranoid character who would often boast about being able to defeat our characters, so he fought our cartoon selves as bosses
@Himitsu_no_Yami Have you read about Old Man Henderson
@NautArch A bit but henderson got kinda boring to me iirc
I had one session I was in where we were a group of like 3 or 4 level 13s against a level 20 demon sorcerer and his army of demons (don't know level or CR for them but most things we fought that campaign had player levels) and the only reason we actually managed to survive was because he decided to head down to the inn/tavern we were staying at and after figuring who he was we slipped a love potion into his drink
Heh, that's pretty clever
@HellSaint Well, now I'm glad I included the multiple answers on the same topic :)
@Someone_Evil your link is broken btw
one nat 20 from a bard with expertise in persuasion and a +5 CHA later (he was drunk from the alcohol and the love potion ended up with him falling in love with that same bard) we managed to convince him to kill himself
Here's another: In a high-level pathfinder campaign, we skipped the BBEG's hq defenses by disguising ourselves as demons and basically demanding to speak with the manager. The guards then told us everything about the BBEG's grand plans.
Or did you mean to use it just as a mouse-over?
Oh, I just realized I should suggest what exactly is written, not just what Q&A is linked. :P
@MikeQ lmao nice. Should've upgraded the Karen defenses
@Himitsu_no_Yami Well that's awfully dark
Yeah it was
I'm generally not a fan of nat 20 skill checks.
especially as encounter bypassers
In the PF scenario, the GM allowed it as an encounter bypass because normally our encounters would take 3-4 hours and he was really tired of them
(This was the same campaign as when the party got instantly TPK'd as soon as they entered the BBEG's chamber)
@HellSaint Yeah, it's just dummy to keep the idea clear (that Q&A doesn't exist yet so I can't link to it)
But yeah, nat 20 on a skill check shouldn't be carte blanche for just anything. There's a reason the wish spell is so inaccessible.
@MikeQ That's a really interseting comparison. A skill check acting like a wish spell.
here's the thing, with the nat 20 (I think there was a use of bardic inspiration too but I'm not sure, this number is assuming a no on that) the total was a 35
@Himitsu_no_Yami I think my point is just because a character wants a certain thing to happen doesn't mean a NPC will act in that way.
It is very possible that the skill in question is simply unable to have the response requested.
Yeah, I once had a player who had like a +25 bonus to diplomacy, and they got annoyed when I didn't let them to mind-control every NPC they spoke with, even after I told them not to build their character that way.
@NautArch that's fair but I'd also like to point out that the sorcerer was drunk and under the effects of a love potion and the person he was in love with is the one who asked it. I don't remember much else about that particular session but yeah
I've seen worse happen in our games
@MikeQ in 5e or PF?
PF1. This was the campaign I tried to run, and fell apart because I simply couldn't balance anything.
e.g. When one player has +25 diplomacy and the others have maybe +5, what should be the DC of a "normal" diplomacy check?
Yeah I remember playing PF mythic campaign. shudder that was a nightmare of power creep.
I just remembered why we were fighting that sorcerer too
Our druid found a deck of cards in a pawn shop
the player, thinking it was a DoMT, bought it
He was almost right
Question: I often worry about things like first answers getting more upvotes simply because they were there longer or before other opinions were around. Is the idea of a Meta question that is immediately locked and X amount of time is given for people to construct their answers and then the question is unlocked and various answers come in more-or-less simultaneously a bad idea? If the idea of this is better suited for, well, Meta, I can ask over there
@Rubiksmoose Preparing any encounter - combat or otherwise - entailed spending my nights poring through the pfsrd. It was like a second job.
turned out to be a cursed deck of cards made by that world's god of death and he didn't know that when he drew a card
@MikeQ yes yes yes.
So he draws a card and a tower filled with hundreds of demons rises out of the ground just outside of town
@Medix2 It would be a lot more overhead for quite little gain. Usually the stances comes in fairly quickly, and if an important new point comes up we can feature it if it looks to need the additional attention
@Medix2 This answer came in 3-6 days after the other answers.
@Himitsu_no_Yami hmmm it sounds like agency was taken from the player, but I'm not sure why I feel that way. Like a cheap "ha I got you" trick
@Himitsu_no_Yami Another maybe amusing story from 3.5e: The paladin believed that the other party members were figments of his imagination, because they were normally stealthed or polymorphed as birds. When they actually appeared and spoke, he dismissed them as hallucinations.
@kviiri I'm trying to find in the rules about don/doff armor and shields. Have you seen that yet fo 13th age?
before I ask a mainsite question :)
@ThomasMarkov That was featured, and started in this chat, so it's quite the exception
@Someone_Evil Yeah that's a fair point. Thanks for the thoughts!
@MikeQ lmao
@ThomasMarkov That said it is a great example of why/how late answers can be made less of a problem, so thanks for that too
yay i halped
As a relatively new user, its been really neat for me to see how these significant meta issues are treated and resolved by the moderators and established community members working together toward a favorable outcome. In particular, it seems to me that our diamond mods see themselves as equals with a particular role, rather than superiors just managing things as they see fit. So shout out to @linksassin @Someone_Evil @V2Blast @Rubiksmoose for that.
can someone point me to the Monster Statistics by Challenge Rating table in the DMG? I can't seem to find it. Trying to calculate CR of something but can't find that table
@Himitsu_no_Yami p. 274
somewhere on 273 through 279
@ThomasMarkov there was a period several years ago where moderators did in fact operate like that here for a while, and we learned it absolutely does not work in this community
@NautArch thank you!
Chapter 9, 274
it helps that moderators are just regular elected members
the staff on the other hand are managers, but they operate from a perspective of servant leadership — they're here to support us and provide us with what we need, and to act as intermediaries with the rest of the organisation.
@doppelgreener hmm, I thought there was a whole word for non-elected mods
@Medix2 pro-tem mods, for beta sites that aren't holding elections yet
@doppelgreener Oh! That's what it is. Thank you!
You know you spend too much time on SE when you accidentally write a whole 5 paragraph email in markdown :-/
@ThomasMarkov I'm very happy you've had a positive experience so far. And you happened to come at a time where Meta is practically hopping by RPG.se standards lol.
@Rubiksmoose I once accidentally wrote an email with white text and sent it...
@Medix2 hah!
Did you send a follow-up telling them you were just concerned about spoilers for them?
@Rubiksmoose Oh how I wish I'd thought of that XD
@Rubiksmoose these days I get actively annoyed by WYSIWYG editors
I just want to write things in markdown! It's easy!
@Carcer And I get extra confused when Discord does both
@Himitsu_no_Yami BBEG hilarity tends to stick. Casting locate object on Strahd's underwear to start a madcap chase (of invisible flyer dreadlord) through Ravenloft... conjure animals to make 32 draft horses appear in a phalanx 50' above BBEG....
Suggestion: Make everything on earth support markdown
That and inane conversations. "I want to stab out the [giant constrictor] snake's eyes. Where are the eyes?" "At the front of its head." "Where's its head?" "At the end of its neck." "Where's its neck?" "It's a snake. It's all neck."
Snake, neck snek
@nitsua60 I love that one
And once we had a (5e) character with a passive stealth above 30. It became a table meme that at any point in a scene someone could just say "well, ask $character" and everyone else would turn, just then realizing that she'd made her way into the scene/room/encounter unnoticed.
How on earth did you get a passive stealth over 30
how do you calculate passive stealth
Here's how to determine a character's total for a passive check:

10 + all modifiers that normally apply to the check
@ThomasMarkov 10 + modifier (+5 for advantage or -5 for dis)
from basic rules
10 + 17 + [what goes here] to get it to 30 or higher?
permanent advantage on stealth checks I guess
that would get you to 32.
I guess it may have involved magic items (or similar)?
Im looking for a magic item that gives a flat numberical bonus to stealth and im not seeing one
there are plenty that give advantage on stealth though.
Fighting giant snake
Stab it in the face or neck
all neck, snake is snek'd.
PWT and the infiltrators key in the hands of a level 20 rogue gets a passive stealth of 42.
Ione stone of mastery would give +2 (with expertise), stone of good luck +1
@Someone_Evil this gets us to 35 (or 45 with PWT)
what's PWT?
pass without trace
Power Word Tranquil?
@Himitsu_no_Yami Power Word Turtle
^^if there was ever an appropriate use of all caps, this is it.
*insert ASCII art arrow I'm too lazy to make*
It's really a shame that the middle finger isn't' the pointer. My daughter uses it all the time and it cracks me up. BUt it is the longest finger and great for pointing.
@Himitsu_no_Yami chat would muck it up anyways I think
Let's see:
   : ;;;
   . :.;
     . :
   .   .

@Rubiksmoose almost!
missed it by that much
And.. fixed by the magic of @Someone_Evil I assume lol
@Rubiksmoose Apparently there's an option for code formatting when editing multiline chat messages.
@NautArch arrgh, which of the blurbs of mine was that for?
@KorvinStarmast It was on the question for Ready and concentration.
I'm just very much no longer appreciative of the designers input outside of rules and errata.
9th-level conjuration

Casting Time: 8 Hours
Range: Self
Components: S, M (Keyboard, DNDBeyond Subscription)
Duration: Instantaneous

When you cast this spell, you gain up to 200 rpg.se reputation. If you have already gained reputation on the day you cast the spell, the spell does not allow you to exceed 200 daily reputation.
I also just got the outspoken badge, thanks guys.
@ThomasMarkov Goes to check what that even is... Badges are weird
@NautArch ah, Ok, I need to go and see what I was talking about, thanks.
Oh the stars thing! TIL you cannot reply to your own message
@Medix2 Well, you can, you just have to manually do so
@Himitsu_no_Yami see?
Time to figure out how to do that on Mobile...
:55005000 Maybe?
There's also an option in SOX which adds a reply button to your own chat messages
@NautArch Hmm, the way you approached that question (ready) fits within "seems a reasonable ruling" also.
@Medix2 you just copy the permalink for your message and the number in that is what you put after the :
@Someone_Evil Red Sox, Paw Sox, White Sox? Soap Opera in a boX SOX?
May 31 '19 at 16:56, by Rubiksmoose
Q: Stack Overflow Extras (SOX)

ᔕᖺᘎᕊ SOX v2.4.0 Stack Overflow Extras (SOX) is a project that stemmed from the Stack Overflow Optional Features (SOOF) project. The SOX userscript adds a bunch of optional features to all sites in the Stack Exchange network. These can be toggled on or off from an easy to use control panel (see s...

@KorvinStarmast And it's actually supported by the rules!
Though I'm guessing there's little userscript support on mobile browsers
@Himitsu_no_Yami Oh it's just wonky on Mobile because I can't copy the link with actually opening it and copying it from there
@Medix2 You can with a userscript :) though that applies to pretty much anything lol
oh dang, ninjad
oh man, ninja'd by myself
@Himitsu_no_Yami Oh... let's see. Expertise, so +12 from proficiency. +5 dex gets 17. Then either cloak or boots of elvenkind, for advantage which is +5 to passive by rule? Sounds right, right?
@Rubiksmoose that takes talent
@nitsua60 ADV is +5 yes
@JohnP I'd definitely rank beating myself up as a one of my strongest skills lol
Oh, there was a stone of good luck, too. I forgot about that.
Also hi @JohnP! How ya doing?
But it was the +5 to passive from advantage that is the easy one to forget.
@Rubiksmoose Not bad, could be better but I suspect about everyone in the US is like that about now.
Q: How much reputation does Power Word: Thomas give me?
This spell says I can gain "up to 200" reputation. Not exactly, up to! This implies some variation but I don't see how I'm meant to determine the final amount. Do I roll a d200? Does anyone even have a d200? Please lend it to me. Please answer soon, my players are getting anxious.
Manual of Quickness of Action x 5 to get to 30 dex
@NautArch I have a daughter who still does it, at almost-10. It's palm-down, though, so nobody's taken offense, yet =)
@JohnP Yeah... I feel ya. I'm glad to hear that you aren't doing exceptionally poorly though at least.
@nitsua60 The fence is probably just preventing people from seeing her. If they took o'fence down, they'd probably be offended.
We need more Power Word spells. Maybe make a buffed version of Hideous Laughter and call it Power Word Laugh
(man, I am in an exceptionally silly mood today. What's in this tea?)
@Himitsu_no_Yami Power Word Joke
Is there data on what is the most common first interaction of a user with the site? Specifically, I want to know if it is providing an answer or making a question, and if possible, some measurement of the quality of such question and/or answer?
@Rubiksmoose The boy came through his heart surgery and is recovering well. The rest is just details. :p
@JohnP yes! That's the big thing. Thanks goodness!
@HellSaint There's possibly a way to get that from SEDE
@HellSaint I suspect that would be difficult due to the amount of deleted interactions (we can't access the user info for any deleted post via SEDE)
@Someone_Evil Do we have a SEDE magician around? I have no idea how that works.
@doppelgreener Im voting to close this question as opinion based, since it depends entirely upon Thomas's opinion.
@doppelgreener I literally have one... And a d120 and a d48 and a bunch of other utterly useless dice XD
@Rubiksmoose Well I wouldn't mind getting the non-deleted data at least haha.
@HellSaint I know miniman and GcL are capable at least. I can hack something together with enough of a good start.
@Someone_Evil Not for deleted things though. As far as I'm aware it cannot track user-information on deleted posts. So if somebody's first post was a now-deleted answer it might not be able to track that... Or hmmm at least not that they had 1 rep... But maybe "first post" is somehow also a thing hmmmmm
@ThomasMarkov you can definitely fluff power word kill as Monty Python's killing joke
Time to search the queries for "find a given user's first post" or something to see if that's a thing
@Medix2 I also don't know if there is an easy way to find first post. My understanding is that that isn't tracked and I don't the SEDE records the user rep when the post was created.
To be clear though, I would definitely be interested in this data if it was available.
I can't read it but there is this
One could ask on MSE and would get a prompt answer. I'm already too many metas deep right now to do that though lol
ohhhhh that makes sense. I suppose you could just look at every user's first post and see if it was a Q or A...
(assuming you're ok with missing the deleted stuff I think)
The reason I'm curious is that KRyan's meta answer assumes (probably right but I'm not entirely sure) that the first interaction of a user with the site would be making a question. Personally, mine was this answer
Hmm.... Having the data for deleted posts sound really useful then, we do delete a lot of answers from new users, though I guess a lot of their questions get roomba'd
But even for non-deleted, it would be some indication
@Someone_Evil Yeah it would be optimal, but if we can't have access to that, we can't have access to that haha
what if everyone collected their own data and somebody aggregated it? I looked at mine and my first post here was a question, while overall my first post on SE as a whole was an answer on code golf (but I’ve been lurking for years before signing up). I wonder if it differs by site...
@Medix2 - Maybe I'm missing something, but other than deleted, can't you just view a users list of questions sorted by age and go to their first one? Such as your first question?
That sounds... slow
Or your first answer a sterling 88 upvote contribution.
@Someone_Evil Why would you want to find everyone's first post? I admit to not reading back
@JohnP To learn whether new users' first interaction is an answer or a question
There are 6 different queries with that name.
Edits probably
91k answers, 39k questions
1200ish tagwiki or wikiexcerpt
29 mod nominations :D :D
29 moderator nominations, so now I want to understand the query to know what it actually represents
This - select OwnerUserId, MIN(CreationDate) as firstdate
from Posts - Selects the owneruserid and first post date.
then it's counted as compared against post type
then that is queried to get count by post type.
@HellSaint same, mine was an answer.
FWIW, my first interaction was a question, which was fairly well received, but I'd lurked for a while before posting, and had asked multiple questions on another SE previously (though never answered any).
@JohnP Oh wow that was my first answer? You could've told me that I simply would not have believed it XD
@JohnP that's actually inverted, at least for me.
It's 91k answers and 39k questions
@HellSaint have you two just been answering each other?
sorry, I flipped my numbers. Edited to reflect the correct, otherwise it looked like we had 60k unanswered questions
@HellSaint Yeah, I just caught that. I was looking at fitness which has 16k answers and 8k questions (ish)
Interestingly the first interaction on skeptics looks to be an answer.
@HellSaint So it seems the most common first-interaction is (by a long shot) an answer?
This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, 39.8k questions being from new users and us having 40.5k questions total (no deleted either side) means less than 700 question are asked by established users, which seems way low
@Medix2 If the data is correct, yeah, but I doubt it, as Someone_Evil just stated.
@ThomasMarkov your two latest answers are awfully similar
so are the questions lol
@ThomasMarkov and what do we do with similar questions... :-P
@AncientSwordRage Merge XD
@Medix2 *shudders visibly*
@Medix2 that's... not quite it
@Someone_Evil Aha! I know what Someone_Evil looks like now!
The questions seem to be different questions. One asks how to adjudicate, the other asks how to do better at passing that adjudication.
almost the same question though.
@Rubiksmoose I really want to do an analysis of ways people write and (mis)type hahahahaha and whatnot... Fun meaningless data
@Medix2 You know, I don't see people often type out "hahaha" or variant. I do it a lot though
And maybe thats a distinction without a difference.
My strategy is to mash "h" and "a" quickly for about a second and hit send ;-)
Probability tells us eventually that's gonna produce "hhhaaa" or "aaahhh"
@Medix2 yup! XP
@Someone_Evil I patiently await haaaahhh
@Someone_Evil There are 5k deleted questions on site from 9 years ago, site launch was 10.
probability also tells eventually a partical of dust on the circuit board will permute the h into a j yielding jajajajajaja
misplaced finger mistakes too
"you wanna delete that question but you don't have the votes ah hah ha"
looks like i definitely came in answering before asking
Eh... we also have 92.7k answers and the 91.4k from above suggests only 1.3 answers are from established users, and I think we might have users with that many answers on their own
@NautArch Same, a few answers and then a question, abt 8 years ago.
@Someone_Evil New goal: make thirteen-tenths of an answer...
I don't think that query does what I think it does, or at least not what I thought we were looking for
@Someone_Evil Yeah I'm not sure what it does do, but it doesn't do what we seem to want
Does anybody know what the numbers under names on the users page are?
Oh I figured it out... I had it sorted weirdly
I found our Stack's first ever deleted post and... I'm not gonna try and understand that timeline
@Medix2 isnt it related to rep somehow?
@ThomasMarkov Yeah apparently it sorts by weekly rep or something by default. So I was seeing numbers that just felt horribly low because I had thought they were total rep which they weren't
@Medix2 There's a certain user at -185...oof
@Medix2 Is there one before post id 6?
@Someone_Evil ID 2
OH that would explain it now
TIL a question's timeline includes the deletions of answers to that question
ah, man. I've got 666 bronze badges. can't get another one! \nn/
Could that user have given out a bounty?
I was about to point out that question wasn't deleted
@Tiggerous They have
You know what would be a weird badge... Receive a bounty and put up a bounty in the same day
@Medix2 Hat suggestion?
Actually are there any bounty badges?
@Medix2 2 that i can think of
@Someone_Evil The Winter Hat things? I only saw one of them and IIRC it was controversial or the last one or something
@ThomasMarkov oh, Canada
@Medix2 Couple of bronzes, offer on own, others, and one for awarding
@Rubiksmoose No, that's their location, not name
@Someone_Evil well...that makes sense
The user you're thinking of doesn't have an account here AFAIK (and I think I checked)
@Someone_Evil wasn't actually intending to reference a user. More Canada's anthem
@Someone_Evil Time to look at Altruist and Investor and see those weird stats. Same for Benefactor and Promotor
@Rubiksmoose Ah, that makes perhaps more sense (but I know I first thought it was them and had a real moment)
Wow, apparently 76.1% of first bounties on somebody's own questions are manually awarded and 80.6% of first bounties on somebody else's questions are manually awarded
Based on?
@Someone_Evil The four badges I named earlier, Altruist, Investory, Benefactor, and Promoter
Don't they just cover first bounties of each type?
@Someone_Evil Oh that's... true (edited previous statement)
Oh wait...
So somebody could put up a bounty, not award it manually, and later put up another one that they do award manually... Please ignore the statistics I stated
@NautArch Don't recall any rules for that. My guess is it's a ruling situation, not a rule situation – one generally wears their appropriate armor, after all, in all combats barring exceptional circumstances. (Shields are admittedly a bit trickier if a character alternates between 2H weapons and 1H+shield)
Do ask on mainsite though, I like seeing other systems there
Q: Does the +1 AC bonus from the Warforged racial trait Integrated Protection and the Forge Domain cleric's Blessings of the Forge stack?

NathanSThe Warforged race (from Eberron: Rising from the Last War, p. 36) has a racial feature called Integrated Protection, which among other things, grants the following: You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class The Forge Domain for the cleric (from Xanathar's Guide to Everything, p. 19) has a class fea...

Oh no, another question to thoroughly confound the Medix... To vote to open, to vote to close, to add a history of gaming tag, to leave another comment explaining why these are often closed... They scream for they do not know
@Medix2 [shrug] leave it be for others to work out? :)
If I don't know, I'm in a community of hundreds, and if it's pressing someone else can and will figure it out
@Medix2 For added confusion, the Stack calls 10k privileges moderator tools
@AncientSwordRage In truth I have a trick - it's kind of the "palette cleanser" of "songs in your head". The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers theme song.
That generally replaces the one that is currently in my head, but it is quickly removed once my focus shifts.
Also morning all, how is everyone?
@Ben iTag!
@Ben hmmm smort
@Medix2 at least your flesh is not made of Q&A
For me the MMPR song works, but it's not for everyone. TV themes are tricky. You want a song that's catchy, but you've heard it so much that it doesn't really stick.
@Medix2 You might be able to answer that... While it is all flavour text, there are some interesting tidbits you can find in there. For example, I asked a question a while ago about whether or not Dragonborn come from eggs.
@Ben Nyan cat it is then
@AncientSwordRage XD
Would it be too harsh to add to the "Developer reasons" close reason the anser "because they said so"? :P
@BESW Yeah it gets confusing when I see members who have been here a while use the word moderator to mean all uses with moderation privileges and then I see other people specifically say not to do that...
Stack Exchange: discovering exciting new ways to fail in documentation since 2009.
@Medix2 it's why we have the phrase diamond moderator
/elected moderator/blue moderator/community moderator
@Medix2 I've seen "CM" refer to the whole spectrum from 15 rep and using their flags to the more common (specific) employees at SE
Q: Is a question that ends up only having 'designer reason' answers off-topic even if designer reasons aren't specifically what the asker is seeking out?

CTWindIf a user asks the question of why some game element is the way it is, but the user is not specifically looking for designer reasons and there's a reasonable expectation of an in-materials answer as to why, is the question off-topic just because that expectation was incorrect? This meta question ...

@Someone_Evil Yeah I'm just gonna try to mention reputation-locked things with a specified number and refer to diamond moderators as well... Diamond moderators
The fact that "community moderator" and "community manager" are such DRAMATICALLY different roles, is. A troubling choice to have been made by site devs who should be well aware they're working with a demographic that loves to initialize.
@BESW I don't think I knew those were both even things until just now ...
And a lot of our newer users assume anybody making helpful comments is a "mod" of some sort.
Doubly so anyone who closes a question
@Medix2 Yeah I have seen a lot of "we are all moderators"
@Medix2 I refer to diamond moderators as Shiny Pokemons.
I am still trying to capture a @Rubiksmoose.
I imagine Rubiskmoose as an evolution of SquareDeer
"What? SquareDeer is evolving!"
Which can also evolve into a PyramidElk if evolved in UK instead of NA.
And yes I do realize that the Rubik's does not refer to the cube part, but that was the best joke I could afford in my current mental state.
Maybe Rukismoose is the middle of a three-stage evolution
Q: Do you lose concentration on a Readied spell when you use your reaction for something else?

Medix2The War Wizard gets the Durable Magic feature at 10th level which states: [...] While you maintain concentration on a spell, you have a +2 bonus to AC and all saving throws. The Ready action states: [...] When the trigger occurs, you can either take your reaction right after the trigger finish...

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