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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@Someone_Evil Ah, they must have removed GGR for season 9. Didn't know that.
I think it is allowed (the list of +1'able resources is non-exhaustive), but not called out either way
I want free spells in my background.
Do they come in different colors, because if it clashes with my armor the hero poses are totally going to be ruined.
@JohnP No. Babel fish. Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's a common misconception that the fish was named after the tower. It's actually the other way around.
@NautArch yeah; they be goin' through the motions
@JohnP Hmm, tower of tongues, sounds sorta NSFW ...
Never noticed the GGR backgrounds include this text: "If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them", very interesting
Also IIRC, it doesn't actually give you the spells, it just adds them to your class spell list if they aren't already there
@Medix2 As class spells... which is hella nice.
Just double that heat metal duration
I'm definitely not allowing them because what caster wouldn't want them?
Ravinica also had centaurs as medium sized playable race?
@Medix2 In my campaign, I'm offering them as "Faction Perks", which are basically just secondary backgrounds associated with factions in my The-Massive-City-In-An-alternate-Dimenion-is-Definitely-Not-Ripping-Off-Ravnica location. 😋
@Xirema Sharn?
@GcL No, it's an original This-Does-Not-Count-As-Copyright-Violation-At-Least-As-Far-As-My-Limited-Legal-Knowledge-Is-Aware setting.
@Xirema Are you selling it or distributing it widely?
@GcL No, I'm just using it for my campaign.
@Xirema That sounds way nicer. Copyright violate away as much as you like for your personal use.
Also, I'm being a bit tongue-in-cheek, it's actually pretty starkly different from Ravnica except in the "giant city powered by magic that looks like technology" aesthetic.
@GcL I'm assuming Sharn is the name of an actual setting, as I've never heard of it before.
Because if it's actually the name of a Meme or a Trope, then that's been missing me entirely.
@Xirema It a large City in Breland. Actually, largest city on Khorvaire. Eberron setting.
Sky scrapers. Walk ways. Magically powered.
Sharn City of Towers
Ah, okay. Yeah, probably more similar to that.
Had an entire campaign there. L1 to 13
2 hours later…
Q: In Dungeon World, can the Make Camp move be aborted or interrupted?

mcwyrmThe Make Camp moves begins as follows: When you settle in to rest consume a ration. If you’re somewhere dangerous decide the watch order as well. If you have enough XP you may level up. When you wake from at least a few uninterrupted hours of sleep heal damage equal to half your max HP. It ...

Anyone have a moment to help me with a little research?
@BlackSpike \o/
@nitsua60 Thanks
What's the research?
I'm wondering if you fine me (same username) on BoardGameGeek, does it show you my real name?
I just was about to post something, previewed, and saw "blah blah blah. -nitsua60 ($REALNAME)" as the end.
I see A real name ...
(i don't know if it's -your- name, and I'll not post it here
Probably is.
@BlackSpike can you reload and try now?
ok. one moment
I hate that, that should not be information they share with people without explicit buy in
still there. Might take them a while to update? It's on forum posts, and user profile
This is also why i give fake names to a lot of things that ask for a name
Weird. Whatevs. I'll get it sorted out. (It's been out there for six or seven years without causing me trouble I know of, another day won't kill anything.)
@NautArch <3
@JohnP I crave salsa even when I'm not sick
@trogdor I had it in a field for shipping address, for when you buy things through the marketplace. It says, right next to that field, that it's not displayed to other users. Yet somehow....
@nitsua60 Seems to be gone now
@nitsua60 yeeeah that's why I usually give a fake name on that field, i just don't want some mistake on someone else's part to out a part of my real identity :/
@BlackSpike Cool--thanks.
@trogdor TIL =)
Or you Know, the site getting hacked or something
@Xirema AL doesn't "ban" sourcebooks exactly, it just doesn't allow them to begin with. GGTR was never allowed in AL. And the list is indeed exhaustive, @Someone_Evil, as far as I know.
Second request: anyone mind sanity-checking something for me before I post?
@nitsua60 that implies any of us are sane
Carcasonne and Ticket to Ride are free for the next week on EGS: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/free-games
Pandemic was previously reported as planned to be free as well, but it seems they decided to delay that to a "later date", possibly due to the whole coronavirus thing - no reason is officially given, but the EGS page for Pandemic does lead to a 404 error.
(After that, Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Aztez will apparently be the free games from Feb. 13-20.)
@V2Blast The ALPG then seems to operate on a slightly different version of the word "include" than me, but I'm not sure I really care
@nitsua60 I'll give it a shot, but see V2's reply
@Someone_Evil It's a testimonial for a friend's boardgame on BGG. I want to run it by someone just to see if it flows, but not by him, since it's his game. Also, I woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, so I'm not sure my writing's at its best. Here goes:
## Testimonial ##

I've playtested, and just *played*, really, Backyard Battles four times in the last two weeks. Some real quotes from when my kids (7, 9, and 11) played it:

"Oh, there's too many good classes!"
"Daddy, $LITTLE_SISTER keeps kill-stealing me!"
"That little baby doll baddie is freaking me out" (half-jokingly)
"You got a turret? More turrets!"
and, best of all, when we finalized scores on their first game: "can we play again?"

The kids have enjoyed playing this more than Hogwarts Battle. While it's fun to pretend to be Hermione or Neville, in this game you get to be a cool v
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