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I am not the one advocating the "species" versus "race" deal, I was pointing to Crawford's idea on "culture" versus "race" as a classification or differentiator. (Having just read a book long treatment of the Dark Ages in the past month or so, I think he's on to something)
@KorvinStarmast I know, I'm just unconvinced the conversation changes meaningfully between those two modes.
@Xirema Agreed; it requires fundamental shifts in the way the mechanics are handled because essentialising is baked into them.
@Xirema Red versus blue. There are sides. What I liked about Starcraft (to slightly shift the focus) was that there were three sides, not two.
@KorvinStarmast I adore Starcraft; but Starcraft also has just all the baggage.
Like all of it.
Imagine the Platonic Ideal of Baggage, Itself.
You could ally with anyone if your goals alligned ... but that was RTS not RPG.
eg, replacing race/backgrounds with a variety of granular "influenced by my society and context" features that can be mixed and matched to achieve specific character concepts without reducing any group to a collection of universal traits (ie stereotypes).
And Starcraft, itself not the Platonic Ideal of anything, still has the Platonic Ideal of Baggage, Itself.
Starcraft was the Platonic Ideal of Rock, Paper, Scissors. :)
Or did I get that backwards?
@KorvinStarmast Mechanically, yes.
@Xirema Then I'll try left handed threads the next time. ;)
Warcraft is an especially frustrating version of these tropes, because you can tell at every moment that they're trying really hard to make their stories thematically about the stereotypes and cultural assumptions that are baked into the "Humans↔Normal, Orcs↔Savage" tropes..... But then they lean hard into them anyways because they have like 100 different writers who barely coordinate on individual storylines.
@Xirema One of the nice things about running / GMing / refereeing Empire of the Petal Throne for about 3 years, while also playing D&D as a player, was that I never had orcs, or goblins or even dragons. Mine, and one of the parallel, D&D campaigs were heavily focused on other humans, and undead, as the major opponents of the campaign with monsters being the (very dangerous) exception.
@Xirema So, so, so much this.
@Ash I'm also seriously tired of Fallen Races. Please stop.
@Xirema yep
that's what origionally attracted me to Warcraft and then what made me drop it
I thought "oh look orcs who are discriminated against by humans for stupid reasons"
@BESW Also that yes
@trogdor "Oh but they're still a Warrior Race™ that puts spikes on everything."
@BESW :/
And I say all this as someone who plays WoW a lot and enjoys it - I see it for all it's broken badness.
As Jemisin points out, just because you've invented a diegetic reason for them to be a Warrior Race™ doesn't make them any less a Warrior Race™.
I mean, maybe I would put spikes on everything if I had to legit deal with the Alliance?
(I have Thoughts on where they're taking the current storyline. I am...not pleased.)
but yeah
(Hooray you've justified doing a racism. Congratulations.)
the last thing that made me happy about WoW story was when they made a Troll Warchief
but I think they were just cycling the job around for some reason because later Sylvanas was?
...I really want to find a way to hack Great Ork Gods so it's not about Orks.
which is,... cool because I played Warcraft III and Sylvanas was a straight badass but
....they've ruined Sylvanas now, in my opinion. (sorry to be the bearer of bad news :P)
I feel like it cheapens the job if every year someone else is taking it?
@Ash oh no what did they do?
I think there's room at my table for slapstick violence and petty disdain played for absurd laughs, but I can't laugh very hard when Orks are the target.
legit, she was murdering demons and undead all over the place in warcraft III
she almost got Arthas too
They're leaning very hard into "oh crap if we are going to have A War we need a Villain so....let's make her the most VILLAIN ever in ways that don't really make sense"
the Forsaken weren't supposed to be that
It feels like they're just making her superevil for the sake of needing a big bad for everyone to rally around so it's not really Alliance vs Horde anymore, it's everyone vs Sylvanas (at least, that's how it feels they're pushing it)
yeah I mean to be fair
Like I figured they'd do something because the whole "both sides are AT WAR in an actual active all out war sense" wasn't tenable, but I don't like this choice
they have been cycling it between "Aliance vs Horde" and "oh crap theres a threat that means we have to work together" since before I ever played WoW
@Ash yeah especially because they can't afford a side to win, ever
because people play on both sides
and some if not many are SUPER INVESTED in the side they are on
and even people who play both would be impacted if roughly half their characters were force to do quests around being the losing side or wtv would happen
this (old) question seems very unclear, and survey-esque:
Q: Using NWoD as general game system

zomborI am planning on using the standard new World of Darkness corebook as a baseline for running a Middle Earth game. Nobody in my game group is happy with MERP or the newer Decipher system. What do people think about this? My only concern is developing magical items for characters. There are alread...

@trogdor Exactly!
I mean, it's relatively obvious to anyone who's played WoW and thinks about this for all of a minute
They have made it impossible to tell a few kinds of particular story because the Alliance and the Horde have people deeply invested in them
giggles yeah, but I like how they try SO hard to try to make it seem like it won't go this way again we promise :P
They do
I didn't think that had changed
Which is frankly silly because the distinctions between the sides are almost entirely cosmetic at this point and the mechanics are just getting in the way of people playing together. It'd be trivial and interesting to have the Alliance and Horde reconcile, give faction-based PvP a different less world-war-y faction motivation, and open up the world.
But then they'd have to tell better stories
@Ash Oh, you're right. Never mind, guys, we're done here. Pack it up!
And I mean, going back for a second, I realize it looks like I was maybe complainning that Sylvanas got to be Warciefe, but I actually think that's extremely awesome, just not so much if everyone is passing it around
@BESW I actually really like that idea
@trogdor She's still Warchief, for the moment. (I suspect she won't be by the time we wrap this expansion up, though)
@BESW @Ash lol
@V2Blast agreed. and wow it is old.
@Ash wait they are totally Garosh ing her?
Evil warchief AGAIN!??!??
@trogdor That's the impression I am getting yes
#_#_*&__$"ing blizzard
So many dumbs in one
I am displeased because once again it's a hard lean into "Horde is where all the evil comes from" and I know Blizz loves their paragons of virtue in the Alliance, but daaaang yo
Why do the bigots get to be the good guys?
It's #_$&$&_ed
The alliance has all the cities and wealth. Is there no corruption?
I mean yeah the Horde shouldn't, I think get to be the only good guys either but they have had plenty of "whoops we are evil now" stories
As far as I know the Alliance doesn't have that happen to them
@MikeQ yes but, that's framed as an outside evil
Nope, the Alliance is always the most stereotypical good guys, and I say that as someone with an Alliance main
Gangs if outlaws for example
The Defias brotherhood for example I think
I mean, I only really know about Warcraft 3, but by the end of Frozen Throne the Alliance were pretty clearly the bad guys and the Horde were pretty clearly the good guys.
(Not that I have strong feelings either way, I have an Alliance patch on one side of my jacket of patched up doom and a Horde one on the other)
No one in the actual Alliance power structure has been framed as evil since Marshal Garithos
@trogdor Boo, that's just a rehash of the "Outsiders are fundamentally bad, Statusquotopia is fundamentally good" narrative
@MikeQ That's WoW's favourite narrative thogh
Back in Warcraft III
Wasn't there a warcraft arc where the alliance and horde had to team up against some common enemy?
@Miniman you mean with Garithos and Jainas dad right? See that was the last time that ever happened
The only actually interesting thing Warcraft ever did, in my opinion, was to group all the fair-humanoid fantasy races and all the monster-humanoid fantasy races, then flip the script. It's also the most obvious subversion in the history of subversions.
@BESW true, but I'm complainning because they still screed that up big time
Also, this.
@MikeQ This is a very common thing they do, yes
@trogdor Not exclusively - that's a big part of it, but they were acting pretty evil through all the campaigns, not just the Orc campaign.
@Ash But they just bunny hop back to the "greenskin vs nongreenskin" stuff afterward?
@Miniman yes, that's fairly true, but my point is that was the last time,... that happened
@Miniman yes also that
as far as I know WoW never portrays the Alliance in a bad light
@MikeQ pretty much
only the Horde or an outside force
which is,... not only messed up but kinda stupid in my oppinion
@trogdor That wasn't meant to be any sort of point, I just think it's really funny.
@Miniman fair enough
it's still kinda a point though
So maybe if everyone in the Horde wore top hats...
@Ash Don't even say Anduin around here XP
All he does is repeatedly say "the light!" As far as I'm concerned
So it is written in the trodornomicon
I think I like the trogdornomicon, if it says things liek that
I'd read it, or maybe listen to the audiobook version
@Miniman My Forsaken wore a Stylin' Purple Hat but the Alliance guards still wouldn't let her into Stormwind.
@BESW that is...certainly a hat :P
And if they're immune to purple with zebra trim, I don't think a top hat is gonna help.
I'd've let her in.
@BESW I guess I didn't just solve racism after all. :(
@Miniman I applaud your valiant effort.
@BESW lol
@Miniman Yeah, sorry. If stylin' clothes were the solution, Cleopatra Jones would've solved it.
Also in the Trogdornomicon, the Night Elves are a third faction who only join the others when they finally make actuall permanent peace
And join into one faction
@trogdor urrgh they keep adding more night elves.
@BESW Now that's how you put an outfit together.
(it makes. Zero sense to me that they join the Alliance, they hated the Alliance and the Horde)
@BESW no no but these ones are different cant you tellllll
@BESW wait what?
none of this
they already pulled that card with the Naga
this isn't allowed
one sub race per race or we are here all millenium
so it is writen so it is in the trogdornomicon
it is done
these wtv elves are not a thing
What about Keebler elves and Santa's elves
@trogdor Okay, so first there were night elves. Then it was revealed that night elves are actually magical trolls. Then we got blood elves, which are night elves that got addicted to the Sunwell. Now there are void elves, which are night elves that got corrupted by void magic. And nightborne elves, who locked themselves up for 10,000 years and got addicted to arcane magic. ...And a new kind of troll from a new island in the middle of the ocean.
Elf on the shelf, a.k.a The Shelfborne, are they alliance or horde?
(Note: all of the above are playable races.)
@BESW kill it
@BESW It offends me that they would say elves with all their "taller than you, gracefuller than you, eleganter than you" crap are trolls. Even ignoring all the ways in which trolls are cooler than elves could ever be, trolls are actually interesting.
Just , get rid of it
@Miniman trolls are da best
Except for Tauren
@MikeQ The Shelfborne haven't been seen in Azeroth for five thousand years, when both they and the Mench on a Bench fought a bitter war over long-forgotten grudges before disappearing entirely.
@BESW snortgiggles
@trogdor Urrrgh why are both my favorite character options even more racist.
@BESW the only allied race I like a lot a lot is Kul Tiran humans but that's just because I get closer to my own body type that way
@trogdor I like my troll and my tauren characters best. (Those are my two hordies!)
@Ash excellent
@BESW I'd argue that elves ("better humans") are inherently the most racist option, certainly moreso than tauren ("cow humans").
My first character was a tuaren and I made like. 4 trolls
@trogdor Right now my Tauren shaman is my fave, they're BIG and I made them enby (and no one can tell me they're not.)
(because I decided, and I make the rules.)
@Miniman Sorry, but tauren and trolls are offensive representations of very specific real-life contemporary people who face exactly the same kind of stereotypical essentialism every day.
@Miniman lore wise, Tauren are a hot racist mess.
As messed-up as the elves are, they don't perpetuate specific bigoted ideas about specific real-life groups.
And they don't generally use actual sacred objects and rituals.
Fair enough.
Even goblins aren't that bad.
Pandaren are though. Just, all of Mists of Pandaria can sit on a chopstick sideways.
@BESW That imagery made me flinch and clench my everything, very effective.
@Ash hehe
@Ash true, it would be way better if they weren't
But that's also what the orcs and trolls are
And yeah pandaren :(
Is the pandaria expansion basically the WoW equivalent of "Oriental Adventures"?
@MikeQ That's offensive to Oriental Adventures.
I don't know what Oriental Adventures is and I agree with @BESW
(And I want to like Pandaria because I am a sucker for cuteness, but yo, hot mess.)
@Ash D&D's best-known foray into Orientalism.
@Ash There's a point-based honor system.
@BESW noooooo thank yooooooou
If you lose too much honor you lose your character permanently.
Thanks, I hate it.
And yet Mists of Pandaria is somehow still worse.
I've not played a lot of MoP (my troll is there but I've not played her much lately) yet but ooooh boy its pretty messy.
Watch at your own risk:
(If the second one makes you think "Was this released during the popularity of Kung Fu Panda?" the answer is. Yes, it was. Same year as the second movie.)
I feel like there's a good space for a tag to exist, covering questions about nonlethal attacks/damage, and perhaps related concepts in other RPGs, but I'm not sure what a good name would be. Is [nonlethal] fine? Would something else sound better?
> Tags are a means of connecting experts with questions they will be able to answer by sorting questions into specific, well-defined categories.
Tags can also be used to help you identify questions that are interesting or relevant to you.
Are there experts in ?
Is that a thing one can be expert in?
There are quite a few questions about nonlethal attacks/damage and knocking creatures out specifically (mostly around the mechanics surrounding that), so I think so. Though I can't think of a good name for it.
@BESW ooooh that explains a looooot
it's actually kind of hard to search for because it's phrased in a number of different ways so a tag would be a good way to organize them together
@V2Blast There. That is what we're looking for when talking about a new tag.
It's a thing you've tried to search for and found difficult.
@V2Blast honestly "nonlethal" seems just fine. intuitive, pithy, searchable, widely applicable.
Earlier today I actually thought there already was a tag for it and searched for it to no avail.
sounds like it fits, then :)
@V2Blast I'm gonna check what Bubblegumshoe calls it.
...never mind, I thought it might have that concept in a novel expression but it doesn't.
It just side-steps the idea completely.

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