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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

So here is my take: I think that Basic rules citation is a coding mistake on that page entirely. The only time you get citations for things is generally when you are on a page for a very specific thing (not a race like here). So the citation is likely not even supposed to be there. Then, when the paid content gets added the citation (which seems to be anchored to the bottom) appears to refer to the entire page.
@NautArch In my experience, the actual basic rules pages on DnDB are not dynamic and stay the same no matter what content you have purchased
Yeah, just confirmed that Basic Rules pages say exactly the same thing regardless of login status (at least the ones I checked). This seems to be a simple one line citation error.
That snip was taken from the link I posted originally
I'll change the links on my answer using it to mordenkainen, just in case.
@NautArch Weirdly I don't see that when I am not logged in at all.
Ah I see. That was already pointed out.
At least I can keep using Basic Rules pages with confidence as usual.
@NautArch I sent him to this meta
@KorvinStarmast yeah, i linked there twice, too in the comments
@NautArch You may want to remove the reference to the Basic rules as well. Fey Step is not listed in them at all.
@Rubiksmoose cleaned it up and changed the link
Basic Rules P. 21 talks about Cleric class features. And not mention of fey step anywhere in them. (so, I'm not sure how the citation ended up here, but it is a complete error)
@Rubiksmoose ha, i guess that's better!
Basic Rules only include High Elf and Wood Elf.
Yup. [shrug].
minor coding error
@NautArch I thought this was a no-politics chat
@SPavel It means space citizenship
this chat doesnt allow earth politics
@SPavel I can delete, it was more of a Starship Troopers joke.
argh, too late to delete.
flagged myself
@NautArch That whole movie is a joke - I refuse to believe you could fit the entire script in this little text box. :)
@T.J.L. Are you sure?
I'm glad I witnessed someone else do that bc I'm surprised I haven't brought up politics here yet (I'm a bit of a politics geek)
@NautArch So you did your part?
Now I'll make sure I avoid in the future
@DavidCoffron hehe, oopsies.
@Yuuki I got Games and Theory!
@DavidCoffron I love a good politic, but not here
@NautArch reasonably sure, and no... that isn't a challenge. :)
@T.J.L. I accept!
> Polytick, medium aberration
On a fantasy note (but somewhat related) aren't most space forces aligned under Navy?
@SPavel Although we had a great discussion about european politics in the 17th century a bit ago (iirc). Only modern politics a concern then?
@DavidCoffron Too charged. Hard to discuss without breaking the Be Nice rule.
@MikeQ makes sense. If I have the urge to discuss politics I'll go to Reddit lol
IMO anything after the middle ages gets too colonial
@NautArch I've always wondered why that's the case when US space ops is nominally under the umbrella of the Air Force.
Middle ages politics are probably fine but you gotta avoid religion
@Yuuki Am i right in thinking most scifi space forces are Navy?
@Yuuki Militarizing space is forbidden by UN treaty
I've even tried to discuss historical politics, in the context of possible campaign ideas, and that alone seemed to rustle some jimmies and bring up controversial topics
@NautArch I think the idea is Navy = uses ships, space ships are ships, so should be under Navy
@SPavel WMDs in space are forbidden by UN treaty.
@Yuuki It's a question of hardware mobility... orbital space can be managed from the ground, making it an Air Force like task. Navy organizations, by contrast, deal with large vehicles some with smaller vehicles onboard (even some small vessels have embarked helicopters and small boats).
If militarizing space was forbidden, we wouldn't have spy satellites.
@Yuuki Everything in space is a WMD if you de-orbit it
@Yuuki So are laser-satellites, unfortunately.
Sci-fi game plot: Terrorists steal Hubble, reverse its lenses, create deadly space laser
@GreySage Laser satellites are so 1970s... kinetic kill vehicles are the way to go (rods from gods).
@SPavel what if I'm advising on how to design a medieval/renaissance campaign setting. Is using historical evidence allowed to reinforce?
@T.J.L. All I know is I want my Ion Cannon.
@T.J.L. The world has had enough experience with rods from gods. Just ask Ancient Greece.
@SPavel Seems inefficient, you could easily counter it by building a dyson sphere
@T.J.L. So much more efficient to redirect existing kinetic energy of a meteor than to try and create all the energy yourself
> easily
> building a dyson sphere
@Yuuki Sure, just order the parts from IKEA
It was a joke, @SPavel - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disco
@T.J.L. east of iron kurtain, ve do not have zees... deesko
Only form of dance allowed was cossack squat, which was also forbidden
@GreySage Here you go
@SPavel In russia, Disco dances you!
@NautArch Yes, and I think I answered a question like that at SFF.SE a while back. here it is.
@NautArch A friend of mine wrote a monograph in the 90's about the militarization of space. See if I can find it ....
@KorvinStarmast cool- i found a quora about it, too
@NautArch This isn't the one I am thinking about but here is one that seems to predict current events somewhat
Q: Can we encourage askers to provide the source or quote of their things?

HellSaintRecently, this question about Eladrin's Fey Step brought some confusion because Eladrin is "talked about" in DMG as an Example Subrace (for creating new subraces) while the actual, playable/official subrace was published in MToF. In D&D questions (in particular for 5e, which I'm obviously more a...

I browse the dtic for stuff on mil matters now and again; this is one I like in that someone did a study on the art of war by a successful culture in southern Africa Diamond gave a nod to their success in Guns, Germs, and Steel.
@KorvinStarmast that was a great book
even though it was all fairly obvious stuff
What I liked about Diamond's synthesis, for some of its imperfections, was how he combined a variety of areas of human endeavor and tried to pack into one blob. Mostly worked.
I read a book recently called "Plagues and Peoples" which I think was a source book for some of Diamond's research. It's a beautiful examination of how diseases spread and impact human culture/history. Really good read.
I liked it so much that I tossed some of what I learned from it into some world building for my home world ... that is a long way from going out of 1e AD&D to 5e. Some day .....
@KorvinStarmast There's a great bit in one of the QI episodes where a guest goes into the Zulu warrior culture a bit
"If you British didn't have guns, you wouldn't have stood a chance"
@KorvinStarmast I hope my historian friend is done with his thesis soon, because he's a good one for putting things like that into the world he builds, as well. (Encouraged by me, because I like such things, but he has the knowledge.)
@SPavel QI means ... what? I guess that's not a TV show that I watch.
@KorvinStarmast Quite Interesting, British trivia panel show featuring Stephen Fry (until recently)
It is quite good but I would skip the first two series because the show hadn't quite got its footing yet
Postmen actually vampires, a Tweet thread
I once posted @cultauthor a letter, and scrawled "ANTI-VAMPIRE LEAGUE" & "NO COMPROMISE: NO VAMPIRES" across it. The postman who delivered it gave him a dressing-down, said it was "disgusting", and if there were any more like it, he wouldn't deliver them. I've always wondered.
2 hours later…
If your DM lets you choose your summons for Conjure Animals, etc, one option is 8 constrictor snakes. They are Large creatures with a CR of 1/4, which means you get 8 of them for a single 3rd level slot. They get an attack with +4 to hit that auto-grapples on-hit, restraining them with a DC14 escape. If there's a lot of mooks to fight in a boss battle, you can use this to get some breathing room and gimp the boss's action economy advantage.
One at a time, have them attempt to constrict a mook of size Huge or smaller, until two snakes are doubled up on one mook, then move on to the next one
Clever, but they could just attack the snakes instead of trying to break the grapple no?
@0xFFF1 Good idea, but restrained creatures can still attack. Depending on bonuses the mooks could attack and kill the snakes.
even if the snakes are overpowered, it's still a hefty distraction for the cost of 1 action and a 3rd level slot and Concentration
those attacks on the snakes would've been attacks on the party otherwise
@0xFFF1 True, but summoning allies is always a good idea.
@0xFFF1 yeah, summon the constrictor snakes becomes a different form of CC for a few rounds.
grappling is still pretty strong, action economy-wise, even before factoring in that they get to do damage AND grapple. It makes the snakes at least a tad stronger than generic attack-option-opportunity-cost-bait summons
@0xFFF1 Kinda -as @KorvinStarmast said it's more of a CC effect. You can lock down a mook from moving and force them to direct their melee attacks against what's in range (the snake), but ultimately they can either melee the snakes without penalty (thus removing them from a problem for YOUR PARTY) or they can fire ranged weapons at the caster :).
@Rubiksmoose I was just about to start an edit on that question
@SirCinnamon Well saved you the effort I guess! Glad we didn't do it at the same time at least. I dislike when that happens.
@Rubiksmoose Certainly tends to lead to merge conflicts (and potentially real conflicts)
@Rubiksmoose which question?
Q: How many short rests can a character take while the party takes a long rest?

rafael corvinusHow many short rests can you take, while your party is taking a long rest? Yes, we are familiar with XGE and the exhaustion penalty, but if a character makes the roll how many SR can they take in the LR period? Semi-official or official answers please. We are not using alternative rest rules ...

@Rubiksmoose ah. I'm still confused as to what the goal of that question is.
@NautArch I'm 100% confused about that as well. But at least it looks nicer now?
@Rubiksmoose When I saw that question I just went "oh no, not this again ..." rest cheese again. sigh (Was in a few discussions at GiTP on rest that wearied me, and then the coffee lock sorc/warlock cheese thing ...)
> that wearied me
@Rubiksmoose a short one?
maybe you should take a rest ;)
@NautArch Quite possibly!
But seriously, the sleep cheese/shenanigans is very tiresome (pun intended)
@Rubiksmoose I mean. None of them work because it has a minimum (no max) AND the GM has to allow the rest. It's a silly thing to try to abuse
@DavidCoffron Agreed. That is really one of the reasons it is so tiresome. Because it is pointless.
@Rubiksmoose not to mention it makes the game fundamentally un-fun
There are way more fun cheese options to pursue
Or depends entirely on duping a clueless DM. Who hopefully would shut it down immediately the next time it is tried. And yeah, like you said, is completely un-fun.
@Rubiksmoose cheese is only good if it is a lateral fun or positive fun move. Negative fun moves and it's Swiss (if you hate Swiss cheese as much as I)
Agreed. Unless you are playing at a table of viscous cheesemongers. Then I guess it is fine.
@Rubiksmoose I mean theory crafting about cheese cam be fun but only so far as it is reasonable (imo). Like I'm a fan of the infinite damage moonblade and figuring out how to farm damage runes. But I'd never do it in game lol
Same same.
@DavidCoffron Do you have any contributions to make to our cheese thread at RPG.SE meta? There are some fun ones to be had.
@BESW I ended up buying the Cookbook, which just arrived. I thought I bought the Cookbook instead of Tassajara Cooking because it was more easily available, but re-checking now there does not really seem to be a difference in availability. Huh. Anyway,
I'm enjoying the first few pages quite a lot.
@KorvinStarmast I'm guessing there's some naturally occurring cheese in late-stage games, because my vengeance paladin with GWM, Sentinel, PAM on a pegasus is fairly cheesy - and now we have a barbarian with 27AC with the Mobile feat and well over 200 HP :)
@KorvinStarmast It's a bit hard to swallow but there is this answer I posted
A: What is the farthest someone can travel in 8 hours without teleporting?

David CoffronYou can reach 1195 miles in 8 hours (150 mph) with the following technique: The Party Kobolds are selected since they weigh only 25 lbs Barry is a Kobold Barbarian 6 for these features: Path of the Totem Warrior Aspect of the Beast: Elk Warforsh is a guild of 6 Kobold Monks 10/Druids 2 ...

@DavidCoffron I am tempted to nom that for our lovely cheese fondu on meta, but at the moment something has come up.
@KorvinStarmast nice nom pun (even if unintended)
2 hours later…
Anybody have a recommendation on whether the current Humble Bundle "5E Dungeons, Hordes & Horrors" is worth the $15?
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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