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@waxeagle @JoshuaAslanSmith Do these "odds" look right to you?
Shortsword(d6+mod) + cunning action + SA(d6) (advantage) = %25
Shortsword(d6+mod) + dagger(d4) + SA(d6) (no advantage) = 20%
Rapier(d8+mod) + cunning action + SA(d6) (advantage) = 40%
Shortsword(d6+mod) + dagger(d4) (no SA available) = 10%
Shortsword(d6+mod) + dagger(d4) + SA(d6) (advantage) = 5%
@Aaron new question then
I am like the worst person to ask this question
It's the odds that you will be able to use that attack
are you saying for how often that would come up?
erm switch the 25% with the 20%
@waxeagle Ok. Thanks your template is perfect.
@GMNoob I am curious why you set Rapier(3) and Shortword(1) as two different possibilities. What is the circumstance that changes which you would choose?
@Grubermensch having the option to throw a dagger or not
Rapier is finesse, but not light
Ah, so (1) is linked to (2)(4)(5)
The shortsword and dagger is the best damage, so you want that. But you might run out of daggers, so you'll just use the rapier instead
@Grubermensch yep
But sometimes you'll want to use the shortsword + cunning action instead of the dagger. And you don't have enough actions to switch it out for a rapier
@GMNoob I thought that was free
It's free for one object
otherwise you need to use the use an object action
wait, is it the best damage? is d8+3*.60 < d6+3*.60 + d4*.60?
I wasn't taking into account the chance to miss with the dagger
I think it's a little ambiguous whether changing to your dual-wield weapons is meant to require extra effort
@Grubermensch It's not if you are empty handed
But they don't want you to stow bow, wield shield every move
I'm looking for an optional, 3rd party or well defined homebrew reputation for 3.5. I want to be able to track the impact of my player characters interactions with the environment, their access to important people etc as they level up and do things in the world. I want it to track:

1. Character overall reputation
2. Character Reputation with specific settlements (Obviously if they have visited and helped a town their reputation would be different there than another town where they are just known)
@Aaron looks good. But specify that you don't want factions.
@GMNoob I suppose that makes sense. So you could drop the rapier to switch, but that would probably be counterproductive.
Cause I can see someone suggesting factions for the cities
Or the shortsword, as it might be.
Added to bottom:

Also Right now there are no Factions in play in the game. They might come into play at a later date though.
Though they did make donning and doffing a shield an action now.
That's true.
@GMNoob Factions would probably fit the city rep nicely actually because mechanically that is what they would be to a reputation system. I just wouldn't call it factions.
Ok readjusted percentages:
Shortsword(d6+mod) + cunning action + SA(d6) (advantage) = %5
Shortsword(d6+mod) + dagger(d4) + SA(d6) (no advantage) = 20%
Rapier(d8+mod) + cunning action + SA(d6) (advantage) = 40%
Shortsword(d6+mod) + dagger(d4) (no SA available) = 30%
Shortsword(d6+mod) + dagger(d4) + SA(d6) (advantage) = 5%
@Aaron Then remove that line :)
I did
When I read the shield rules to my friend, he decided to make two dwarf fighters, Donn and Doff
@GMNoob nice
Basically I'm assuming every other turn you'll have advantage, and 70% of the time you'll have SA
@GMNoob sounds reasonable, tbh I foresee the rogue having advantage more, but that's reasonable for now
@waxeagle It's gonna depend on the DM. I can see many DMs saying "You just tricked them they won't fall for that again"
Also, hinderances
Is there a shortcut for calculating damage?
Technically speaking you should also figure out what the likelihood of imposed disadvantage is.
I don't feel like doing the whole formula 20 times right now :(
@GMNoob Each roll is independent, so you can just take the average on each of them and add them together?
basically, the dice are consistent, it's the mod and hit percentage that changes
I need to get the average damage for levesl 1,5,10,15,20 (twice)
@Grubermensch I'm looking for a static substitution
The best you can do is abstract the dice as their averages and then just multiply things.
@Grubermensch sounds like a job for excell then! :)
Man I really want to build a simulator AI that could test these things in a more realistic manner.
It would be an interesting way to discover the optimal tactics for a party.
@GMNoob average of any die with an even number of faces is the die divided by 2 +.5
so a d6 is replaced by 3.5
@waxeagle right that part I have down
it's the 3.5+mod * tohit + 2.5 * tohit I wanted to factor out
+ 3.5 * #SA dice
@GMNoob to hit factors out actually
so its 7 + mod * t0hit + 3.5 * #SA?
x*y + z*y is y*(x+z)
and then 4.5 + 3.5* #SA?
@GMNoob yep
@GMNoob the to-hit has to be factored in with the SA too
because that's dependent on hitting
so it's (7+3.5*SA)* (hit chance- 1) then 2*(7+3.5*SA) * .05
Why 2* on the second half ,and why the -1? Why not just add the "extra" damage?
@GMNoob it accounts for the crit
but actually, the way crit damage is done in 5e...
yes, but the crit is just extra damage
with the same formula as befor
dmg * (hit chance + crit chance) is actually right
oh wait no that doesn't work
because mods aren't doubled
so yeah
dmg * hitchance + extraDmg * critchance no?
(hit chance - 5%)(weap+mod + 3.5*SA) + 10% * (weap+3.5*SA)
or yeah, you can factor that to:
(hit chance)*(weap + mod + 3.5*SA) + 5% * (weap + 3.5*SA)
the lack of maxing means the math is simpler
Glad when I wrote my dice roller for dampes8n.com I made the die an object that does all of these things. $D6 = new die(6); $D6->max(); $D6->average(); $D6->roll(); so on.
Also a dice object that accepts new die() objects into it and does all the things on that.
Is KRyan here? 8)
@Baka-Mastermind he is not pingable, no
if you drop a comment on one of his posts he might pop in, he does frequent here from time to time
Whats the math for AC 11 vs d20+5 to %toHit?
I can do it by hand but I need a formula for excel
@GMNoob you need a 6 so 75%
(tie goes to the roller in 5e...right?)
@Baka-Mastermind He just commented on my post if you want to ping him on it and then delete your comment. rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/44230/…
yeah tie goes to attacker
is that right, d20+11 vs AC 11 equals always hit?
yeah I guess it does :P
k, don't ask me to calculate to-hit for adv, I know the crit chance, but that's easy (39/400)
@GMNoob no, attacks always have a 5% miss chance
but yeah, +11 vs AC 11 hits 95% of the time
(which makes me wonder how CR1 enemies are still going to be interesting)
@waxeagle Are they supposed to be? They should be easily stomped to feel like you've become a badass.
@DampeS8N I'm not sure tbh. The statements they've made seem to indicate that a dozen or two CR 1 monsters should be an interesting fight for a ~L20 party....I haven't seen enough monsters or made enough characters to know yet though
Tuesday can't get here soon enough
Do we know what the max CR for monsters in the starter is yet?
@waxeagle It could depend on other things, like what kind of attack they have. AC isn't the only thing to target. And just cause they die fast, doesn't mean they can't be interesting.
@DampeS8N true. we'll definitely have to see
@waxeagle 5?
Low CR monsters are supposed to be minions
Just there to die, and cause interferance
Level 10 - 11 XP: It's by design. Data shows campaigns stop at 10, we're trying to speed up 10+ a bit so groups can reach 20 in a campaign
@lisardggY sorta makes sense
These numbers don't look right... Should a level 1 rogue be getting 19.5 damage vs ac 11?
@GMNoob with adv?
with all 5 attacks modified by percentage
So, yes with adv and all SA
still doesn't sound right..
@waxeagle I tend to agree. I like low-level play, personally. I get why people would like high-level play. But mid-high levels could drag on, having the complexity of high-level play without the really high-level flair.
@GMNoob no
the largest percentage looks like the average should be:
4.5 + 3 + 3.5 = 11 with a hit rate of 65%
your extra damage for twf is only 1.5
and max avg is 20
or 21.5
Ok, I was adding the mod twice in two different formulas
14.5 sound right?
still too high
shoudn't be higher than 10
probably closer to 7 or 8
Amidst reading this:
"Remember TSR’s old slogan? It was “Products of Your Imagination.” It wasn’t “Products of Your Obsession with Rules.” http://www.critical-hits.com/blog/2014/07/10/dd-breaking-is-bad/
now that I've addded advantage it went up to 15 damage..
@GMNoob can I see the formula?
not going to be helpful... but =((M2*(H2+F2)*0.05)+(E2*(I2+F2)*0.2)+(M2*(J2+F2)*0.4)+(E2*(K2+F2)*0.3)+(M2*(L2+F‌​2)*0.05))+((H2*0.05)+(I2*0.2)+(J2*0.4)+(K2*0.3)+(L2*0.05)*0.05)
maybe share the sheet then :)
I wish you could supply variable names into spreadsheets. It would make things so much more legible.
@Grubermensch aye, but at that point its a programming language :)
@waxeagle It's already a programming language. It's just hard to use.
@Grubermensch troof
Also not Turing-complete, but that's not a necessary condition.
M2 = Advantage odds, E2 = normal to hit
H-L = 5 different attacks
F2 = Ability mod
@GMNoob yep
I got advantage odds from anydice here
output 1
sharing the sheet didn't really help did it... ?
@GMNoob nope,
I find it difficult to read. Your column headings don't match up in places. And also why are attacks set up separately?
copy pasting isn't working either
one sec
this should help
There are 5 possible attacks as defined here:
1. Shortsword(d6+mod) + cunning action + SA(d6) (advantage) = 5%
Shortsword(d6+mod) + dagger(d4) +SA(d6) (no advantage) = 20%
Rapier(d8+mod) + cunning action + SA(d6) (advantage) = 40%
Shortsword(d6+mod) + dagger(d4) (no SA available) = 30%
Shortsword(d6+mod) + dagger(d4) + SA(d6) (advantage) = 5%
what's your to-hit?
+5 and you need 11, so the d20 roll needs to be 6?
+5,6,9,10,11 at each milestone
Oh I see what you mean there. I suggest calling them attack A,B,C,... so as to not imply sequence
you've got that right
I think you're right on
my damage estimates were low
wait no, hold on, SA might be factored twice
or not, is it already accounted for in the Attack 1-5 numbers?
It's calculated into each attack except for attack 4
k, then it's good
Rogues do more damage than I thought!
@GMNoob ok, it's not as high as you've got it. trying to find the mistake in your math
I'm calculating the average for each attack, and I'm getting 11-13
each attack column is only the dice
the d4 is 2'5 or 1.5?
@GMNoob 2.5
did the dropbox link work?
yes, going to quickly craft my own sheet though cuz I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the way your sheet is laid out right now
There must be too much crit damage
@GMNoob not sure. Like I said, checking in a different layout
docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/… here's where I'm working
Found the problem
The 0.05 was only being multiplied on the last crit number instead of all of them
@GMNoob gotcha
that would do it
@GMNoob btw crit w/adv is .0975
that's more in line with expectations
also says fighter is your damage machine
avg damage is 10
with the expanded crits
10 for what?
@GMNoob combined
can't wait to compare paladins and fighters
Ah, k
no wait, I had the numbers wrong on one. 9.17 total with the crits factored right
actually we should factor TWF differently for the rogue
because that second attack matters a lot if they miss the first
@GMNoob here's the thing. if a rogue misses with their first attack with adv, but hits with the second (and still have adv), they get to apply SA on the second attack
doesn't it factor?
so you take your miss chance for the first attack, multiply it by the hit chance of the second, and add that much SA damage in.
@GMNoob nope
now, because this rogue is wicked accurate with this DC, it doesn't matter much
I see
that's going to become a hugely valuable thing at high levels and against tough enemies thogh
That's in addition to the sa allready calculated in?
@GMNoob yes
its honestly a negligible amount, but it's an interesting thing
and again, matters a lot more when the miss chance is higher
@TRiG I've always felt the draw of pool-based rolling systems was scooping up that ginormous pile of dice you can barely fit in hands and throwin 'em down. Gotta have that feel.
How many attacks can a level 20 fighter make in a turn using two weapon fighting in dnd 5e
@Matt 5
unless he uses an action surge, then its 9
@waxeagle But he can only do that twice.
@Grubermensch right
So all attacks a creature makes are at the same bonus, right?
@Metool yes
A L20 fighter should have +11 to hit
(really, pretty much all the characters are going to have +11 to hit at L20)
provided they are attacking with their main stat
and they take it to 20, which probably makes sense for most characters
So if two weapon fighting requires the use of a bonus action to make the offhand attack dose that mean the fighters extra attack also gives him an extra bonus action?
@Matt nope
you get 1. that's it
so the TWF attack progression is:
2, 3, 4, 5
whereas the other fighters go:
1, 2, 3, 4
We were trying to figure out whether or not GWF was better than TWF as you leveled, and TWF wins in the early levels, but loses in the later ones
@waxeagle If they keep the Great Weapon Master feat as it is in the playtest, that would often be an extra attack if you're fighting a mass of enemies.
Ahhh, ok that's good to know
Really powerful if combined with the Champion crit range boost
Although i don't think I will ever play a champion. Passive powers just seem kinda boring to me.
Oh, definitely. But they'd make good NPCs.
I'm actually rather impressed by 5e so far
The balance between martial classes and spell casters is actually pretty decent
So 5e fixes the linear fighter/quadratic wizard issue (if it even needed fixing)?
What have power players done in the past - start out as a fighter up to 5th -10th level, then multiclass as a magic-user to gain spellcasting powers?
It's going to be hard to tell how that goes without seeing the items available to martial characters.
But I think if you consider how the damage-dealing cantrips are handled, it looks a lot more even there.
So I was inspired by The Bronze Coin's remarkably kinky members to create a D6-Lite variant Google Docs publishes documents oddly. Junk at the bottom is a character sheet on the actual doc.
Your kinky member?
@RobertF No comment.
If you play with feats, and the feats are similar to those in the playtest, that also opens up the possibility for a martial character to know a spell or two.
Interesting fact: there are apparently no Erotic themed RPGs that aren't made by/for 14 year olds. Like for example, FATAL.
Heh. For erotic RP, might as well just use Exalted. It essentially assumes that sex will happen. Probably often. It has a Martial Arts style and a half that rely on it. (and a style that works perfectly with BDSM, that I didn't count above...)
@DavidL This is a pretty common opinion on the internets.
They do have an entire first-party book devoted to the subject.
nearly. They had a preview for it, but then never printed the book. (It might help to understand the preview of the book was released on April 1st T_T)
...unless there was one in First Edition. I didn't play it, I'm afraid.
While not typically first party, there are sexually themed books for quite a few games. But they are generally very juvenile. There are few games/books that aim to support the structure of erotic stories, rather than giving you rules for specific acts.
There is the "Book of Blue Magic" intended for 3.5 and fully Pathfinder compatible that specifically discusses the uses of magic in the bedroom in a typical DnD world.
However, while some of it is rather tastefully written, other parts are not.... I'm thinking of the second level lubrication spell they added :D
@DavidL That's exactly the type of thing I mean. The "Erotic" books out there for RPGs are just overtly sexual, they aren't actually sexy.
They don't really support erotic play, they just let to stick whoozits in whatzits.
@DavidL Hmm so it was. I had thought it was a complete book.
it has some unknown wizard's name attached to it, like some 3e spells still carried some legendary wizards' names on them from some of the greatest campaign settings... and it has a long description of WHY he developed an improved version of "grease" sigh it was hilarious, sure, but it wasn't remotely sexy.
@DampeS8N My assumption is that no rule will ever be sexy, and so they simply leave those parts of the game entirely up to player description. After all, rules are meant to be used - writing in the rules for actually doing the deed is a tacit disapproval of letting the scene "fade to black", and no one wants to go there.
So with the D6-Lite thing above I'm gonna try to build a framework for placing characters into a situation, develop sexual tension, and basically collaboratively roleplay erotic fiction.
omg you included a strip variant.
To that goal, I've eliminated the GM role.
@DavidL :)
I assume a star is like a "+1" on other parts of the internet, right? I starred your game link. I wish I could do so again :P
....I can't actually PLAY the strip variant, or the game in general, but I wholeheartedly approve.
@DavidL It pins it over to the right. Basically it marks it as important or useful.
Or entertaining.
Mostly entertaining.
@Grubermensch Well, but strictly speaking it isn't supposed to be used for things that are just entertaining.
it would be important to me if my gaming group was a place we could actually play it, does that count?
@DavidL Absolutely!
I made it public and posted it here because i think people could make use of it. If nothing else it popularizes D6-Lite which is a fantastic system for starting totally ad-hoc games from nothing but a single d6.
@DampeS8N "Star this message as useful / interesting for the transcript"
Given that a) we have a recently-turned-13-year-old in the group, and that b) he's still more mature than half the players, and c) the group is all straight men, with possibly one bisexual exception, neither variant of the game would play well at our table :D
interesting works <3 my star shall stand!
But yeah, rules aren't really sexy. So I've tried to have as few as possible. I'm taking a "medium is the message" approach to the design.
I noticed. I am somewhat dismayed by the fact that combat rules still come before sexy rules. You might consider changing their order if you want them to be perceived differently...
@DavidL I'll rework the language once I figure out the right words. But try to consider the combat being used more for BDSM.
the fact that it starts with combat rules, then goes to sexy rules leads me to believe the game is intended for "caveman romance", which I will not disgrace this chat by describing in any more detail than that. Putting the scene rules first and leaving combat as a barely-remembered endnote should help portray the image you want better.
BDSM "combat", however, is perfect. ^_^ I know someone who probably wants to play your game already, even though he doesn't know it exists...
@DavidL That seems fair. The order as it sits is just the order D6-Lite is in with new stuff added afterwards.
makes sense.
it's probably just my screwed up head that said "combat, then sex? Wait, what?" anyway.
@DampeS8N Starting Deathmarch 5. Any ETA on when the random quests will be ready?
@DavidL reload it.
It's all good ^_^
@Aaron No ETA unfortunately. As the other things in my life boom and bust that will determine when I have time to work on Level Up. I am still working on it when I can, though.
@DampeS8N I am assuming the kinky doc you linked to is nsfw?
@Aaron actually, it is safe for work.
@DampeS8N ok
@DampeS8N The bronze coin one?
We've said much less work safe things in here than are in there.
@Aaron yep
@DampeS8N Ah. We have had some interesting conversations in here.
@Aaron I just mean in relation to the doc. The most NSFW thing in it is the word Erotic.
I just moved the Meta Rules to the top, I think they are top-level important.
Despite what you may have heard, Safety is Sexy.
Knowing you have a safe word lets you. Let go. In a way you wouldn't if it wasn't there. Right?
No need to shyly tiptoe into the waters when you know a strong, sexy lifeguard is waiting to save you if needed. Dive into the deep end :D
@Aaron It removes confusion. A lot of kink play centers on giving up or taking control, being ignored when saying No is sometimes part of that. Having another word that isn't overloaded depending on context is important in those contexts. Typically that word is Safeword. It used to be A safeword, but people typically just use Safeword now.
@DampeS8N Really? I did not know there was a common Safeword
Banana was popular. So was Schoolbus.
I always thought it was something dependent on the couple/group
@Grubermensch Well according to one of the daily dnd legends and lore posts their is going to be a fighter sub class that uses combat magic. How they are going to make this different from what you could get from multi-classing or feats I have know idea.
Having a standard is good, and people already were using the word safeword to describe the word so it became the word
@RobertF maybe? jury is definitely still out.
in situations where you may not know or have arrangements with every member of the group, a standard is definitely a good idea.
That way instead of thinking "Ok, what are we using as the safeword again..." you are already primed with Safeword, so it is even safer than using some other word.
We need two major things, firstly the full Fighter list of options, the Basic fighter is pretty passive and makes his living stacking attacks. The Basic Wizard is far more active and makes his living on big single attacks (a la the rogue and cleric)
@DavidL If you do not know or have arrangements with a group, you are doing kink play wrong. But yes.
did I somehow accidentally ignore someone? I seem to only be getting half of the conversation that wax eagle is in.
@DampeS8N True. I guess it depends on if you are with people you are not normally with.
@DavidL oh no, i responded to an earlier comment. Chat can be threaded (and should be if you're replying to someone)
@DavidL He's talking to someone who isn't actually in the room right now.
@DampeS8N I have friends in various convention groups that tend to run things like "72-hour 'meetings'" and more... esoteric behaviors. Not knowing the group is part of the kink.
@Aaron You should never assume anything if someone's life could be ruined or ended in an ambiguous situation. Always be explicit.
and they do use set, convention-wide safewords (typically, Safeword) so that no matter what part of the convention you are in or who is there with you, EVERYONE knows the safe word.
@Aaron Wait is a terrible safeword.
I am surprised but not that there are conventions for this.
@DampeS8N as is ouch
I must away.
See ya
@Aaron Poke me when this convo's over.
@DampeS8N There's a threaded view? How do I turn this on?
@Grubermensch not really, you can mouse over the reply and see what it replies to
@Grubermensch Jeez, If there is I have no idea...
@Aaron I was thinking specifically of two of my friends who each have a single, very specific kink. Their conventions tend to be quite a bit different than mine.
@Metool No, we'll stop talking about it. Don't want to make people uncomfortable!
Ugh bwugh replied to wrong message because scroll.
aye, let's move that to the bar (or a new room), if it wants to continue
eh, I've probably said all I know about the subject.
well then
going to spend tomorrow digging deep on wizard spells.
And poor Matt is scrolling back going "wtl is all this?" :D hiya Matt.
So far it's the only character that actually has significant interesting build choices
and there are a lot of decision points
I found it interesting that the cleric and wizard no longer share a lot of the spells they used to.
@Matt yeah, Clerics can steal from the wizard list via domain spells, but thats only going to be a few
Personally, it's probably a good change.
I think so, they need to have distinct flavor, or conscious overlap (like feats or MCs)
the way I understand caster MC, you get your combined caster level of spell slots (so if your wiz 10, cleric 10, you get all the slots), and none of them are reserved for specific classes....but I'm not 100% sure there
@waxeagle I'm guessing this is one of the things due in the hotly-anticipated Chapter 6 of the Player's Handbook.
@waxeagle I'd imagine if they do have fighter spells (for lack of a better term) then they probably will have the ability to NOT select a specific type of fighter variant. It is somewhat kludgy when you consider multi-classing anyway. So I bet fighters of all stripes will be able to dip into the fighter spells.
It would be a little bit of 4E's powers chocolate in the more old school peanut butter.
@DampeS8N Or it could be a Martial Archetype itself.
@DampeS8N I would like that. I'm looking forward to seeing a maneuver based fighter like some of the early Playtest versions
cuz combat dice were cool
so, I'm completely ignorant of anything DnD after the corebooks for 4e came out. All this talk of a new system has me interested. Can you give me a "probably" or "probably not": As a player who couldn't stand the sameness of characters in 4e and so left the system for Pathfinder, do you think I'd enjoy the new DnD system?
@DavidL probably? It looks a lot like 2e had a baby with 3.5 and named 4e the godparent
^ that's v.1 of Basic D&D 5e. It includes the basic combat rules and character creation.
thanks wax eagle ^_^ I may actually read it if I find time this Sunday, as it stands I'm out of time for today. Fare thee well and such.
@Metool Ping
Cricket. Cricket.

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