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3.5 players with good memory? A doglike archon with paladin levels, what monster could it be?
And I mean the statblock of the monster has paladin levels in its original incarnation
@Zachiel There's a class of archons called hounds, aren't there?
@Zachiel The Toolkit is basically a discussion of how to hack the Fate dials, with specific examples.
@Zachiel Hound Archon Hero, MM1 17, right next to the ordinary Hound Archon.
It's just an example of a Hound Archon with class levels, not something fancy like the Rakhshasa that gets sorcerer levels rolled into the base monster.
Tweets to Campaign By presents Domiciles & Distilleries:
Every man's home may be his castle, but the police are finding that many of them also are distilleries. OH1920
@Problematic DTS seems to be suffering.
you don't have to tell me
it's still pretty bad down around GCC and OUG
I just came back from there
it's not raining over here though, which is odd after seeing that image
I mean, it certainly looks like it is covering us completely
Feeder bands.
The rain comes and goes as they sweep over the island.
@BESW Epic Prohibition Tweet!
@AlexP Tweets of Old really likes prohibition and hobos.
Now my wife and I are talking about old telephone culture.
Party lines.
Don't talk on the telephone for more than five minutes at one time. Give some one else a chance. NE1910
That is because everyone within a certain range shares a single phone line.
And when someone calls, everyone's found rings.
Like having a single house line for you and your neighbors.
Hank Williams is not a fan of his neighbor listening in on his calls:
Yeah. You'd know if it was for you because of the pattern of rings.
But anyone could pick it up.
@BESW Oh, that's actually very informative!
Like it says in the song!
Cool. I learned a thing.
Several of the novels and series I've read are set in small towns of that era. [grin]
1 hour later…
My friend is really excited about BW Orcs.
Their weird (rather directly Tolkien-inspired) society.
So, orcs are immortal, like elves. And as they age they only grow in intellect and ability.
There's no "prime of your youth" kind of thing.
But they're consumed with hate and destruction. So they don't tend to live that long, really.
He says the overall consequence of this is that your mere age and survival are very powerful socially. More so than the kinds of wealth that elves or dwarves might accumulate (which orcs tend to destroy).
I'm not too excited about that, but it is interesting how much their lifepaths focus on this kind of hierarchy-through-survival. There's a bit of a "noble" class, but really everyone starts out massively expendable. You don't even get a real name unless you're in charge.
Another friend pointed out that this is literally "name level." ;)
1 hour later…
I may consider that and re-hash it for a group of my own some time.
@Trajan [poke]
For a rather different kind of approach to a Fate one-shot, take look at the (free) DFRPG mini-adventure Night Fears.
thats not the one we did right?
It is.
oh ok
@BESW Thanks I'll look into it
@BESW You asked me what I meant by "one-shot" is a unsual term ? How do you call that kind of session ?
"one-shot" is a fine term, it just means different things to different people.
Like whether pre-gen characters are used.
Hello, room.
Greetings, citizen.
The rain is lifting! I'm gonna go do errands and hope the weather doesn't wash me away.
Ugh. Temperature is down below 30 (celcius) here for the first time in a while.
And there's a breeze that slightly breaks the airborne swamp humidity that is our life.
There is a word in Hebrew for the first rain of the year, as well as for the last rain. I wonder if those concepts sound weird in places that have actual weather all year-round.
...never mind. It was a trap.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan We have rainy season, dry season, typhoon season, and the trade winds.
I live in Bretagne, in France, a region known for its rain
going to work, brb from there
@Trajan Oh, if only you had known what terrible things have befallen Bertagne during the 15-odd years of my Ars Magica campaign.
@BESW welcome to my whole day
it actually isn't raining like,... where I am staying
but as soon as I leave I hit a wall of rain
1 hour later…
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan There's a lot of legends to play with.
We've been playing for about 15 years, covering (with large jumps) more than a century of Bretagne.
We've had ghost Roman legions, fairy infestations, necromantic curses, and the usual stock of plagues and famines, murders and assassinations, and (lately) a full-blown English invasion.
I don't know where you live in Bretagne, but chances are it was wiped out at some point in our campaign. :)
What made you choose Bretagne?
Our main storyguide - with a degree and a half in classic and medieval studies - chose it. I don't really know why.
I like the choice, though, since it's relatively isolated, with the atlantic or the channel on most sides.
Rather like how I gravitate toward Italian Renaissance for my settings.
I don't know the area's history enough to be sure it's accurate, but for us in the 12th-13th century, it's one of the least urbanized areas of Europe, with a lot of ambient magic still around, while it's been vanishing from many other places in Europe.
Let's replace "urbanized" with "populated".
or "civilized".
Hmm. We've been on hiatus since June. Will be nice to get back to the game.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I live near Rennes, capital city of Bretagne where Anne de Bretagne, a famous duchess, lived, though it's later than what your campaign covered
We're located on a hilltop not far from Vannes, though we don't really keep accurate measure of distances and travel times.
And Brest is the Ducal seat for most of the campaign.
Well, except for the brief period when the Duke was killed and the city run by syndicalistic guild system which turned Brest into a tightly controlled beaurocraticly oppressive city-state. Yeah, this campaign has action.
@Shkeil hi
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Never tried a bureaucratic setting, especially in a medieval setting. Always wanted to, but I'm kind of reluctant with highly populated cities. Too many NPCs and places to describe.
oh nevermind it's already gone
@BESW I'v seen that but the player asking me says "there's this humanoid dog monster (I think it's an angel of some sort) which name I can't remember that is presented with paladin levels and no base creature without them is given, how do I determine which are its starting stats?"
@AlexP same as above
That's fun, the Hound Archon Hero is less intelligent than its without-11-paladin-levels counterpart
I guess they used the array with an 8 in it
@Zachiel Not every monster is meant to be PC. And not every magic item is priced with magic item creations guidelines (to expand on wraithstrike slotless item)
(the price of a Sword of limitless True Strike is laughable)
@Trajan Yet some DMs just go with it. On both sides.
not that an archon can't be a cool pc, but NPC archons maybe can't mechanically be made as a playable PC race
@Zachiel Sure, to each his own. I personnaly think it breaks the game and reward mathematics rather than roleplay, but some DM like that.
@Trajan Oh I also remember seeing a different entry with a hound in armor that's not the hound archon... a planar like the aasimar maybe? Something on par with the ghaele?
3 hours later…
Free d&d 1e module :) dndclassics.com/product/17068/…
Morning All
@JoshuaAslanSmith hi
Good Morning
Good morning!
@Aaron @JonathanHobbs hi
@GMNoob oh is it free even for those that were not part of the DDN playtest?
Free for everyone as far as I can tell.
I feel less special now
@Zachiel I was thinking of changing to a cleric.
I love druids but want to try something new.
Ok perfectly fine. Remember FR clerics are... urgh... forced to take a deity and hence their domains are less free than usual.
Ok. I will tell you which domains I want and you can approve of them.
I suggest you to take a look at the deities' list
I will.
I hoping to take the summoning domain at least.
I don't think it's an option in the setting but I might be wrong
Hello @Garan
I'm not familiar with D&D Next enough to be sure... can you take a feat instead of an ability increase?
So I've been browsing the playtest packet, and I've been very disappointed to find basket-weaving is gone.
@Zachiel That is stated explicitly.
Which is why I am confused as to why someone would take the inferior choice
Ok. So now taking Athletics is a strictly better choice (provided str increase is what you want for your character) but you can only take Athletics once. Next ability increase, you are forced to take str increase
So it's ok for the option to be there
You can take it up to strength level 20
Same is true if you took athletics as a regular feat
@Garan mmmh mind to explain or at least wait me to download the last playtest packet and point me to the file and page?
Or rather, you can take it as many times as you want, but it cannot increase your strength beyond 20, whereas the ability score can
@Garan Oh ok that I knew
But in the case where both are available, there is no reason to take the ability score.
So you can take athletics more than once?
It says explicitly that it can be taken multiple times.
sounds like something you need to feedback
@Garan (1) Then maybe it's just there so you take it instead of the ability score. You have no reason so don't take the ability score. (2) Games often contain crap options like this which are there to make you feel smart for not choosing them.
(Either that or they really just stuffed up)
@Zachiel I shall try
@JonathanHobbs Like many of the 3.5 feats?
@JonathanHobbs 2) bad games, bad.
Or rather, SRD feats.
@Garan M-maybe. I haven't played much 3.5e.
@Garan No, think at how the 3.5 feats got out before the other ones were published. In my D&D 3.0 core only game, Iron Will is a perfectly viable feat for the barbarian. He has more feat slots that feats he needs to do his barbarian job
Of course if he had access to a wider variety of feats he would avoid that one in favor of more damage
@Zachiel Ah. So it was more of a matter of not removing something that used to be practical.
Unless it was a prereq.
@Garan That, or they had no idea of how weak certain options are. Remember that 3.x got playtested up to level 6 more or less. Some feats don't work by RAW as the designers intended them and some others are bad choices with a cool theme.
there are reasons i play fate and you are presently describing one of them Dx
being restricted to the feats/abilities/etc offered and given limited guidance in creating your own ;_;
@Zachiel Unfortunately, it looks like the playtest is currently targeted at lower levels as well.
I thought the how to play packet says that your stats can't go above 20 unless magically enhanced
I didn't mean to make that a rant against D&D or for Fate but it is pretty nice being able to have a system where you're not limited/subjected to the designers' choices of what you could learn to do.
e.g. I have seen people here being quite against some of the feat taxes in the game
as unnecessarily great
but it's hard to reduce them, apparently
The latest packet for me is almost perfect... and then it breaks a bunch of stuff :(
and it's annoying that it's the last packet
@Garan Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. -Albert Einstein
@Zachiel I like this sentence.
Somehow, sometimes trying to do a different thing looks really similar to doing the same error again.
One day I'll juggle you properly, stupid third ball.
@Zachiel Context: was actually used by Einstein to describe quantum physics, a field he did not much like. At the time, quantum physicists were performing the same experiments over and over. Einstein thought it was pretty silly. However, they were getting different results each time.
@Trajan Every 3.5 monster can be back-gineered to be a playable PC race. Some of them take more work than others, and many shouldn't be, but everything can be.
Because quantum physics is like that. It follows a different set of rules to the ones Einstein was used to (namely: he was used to the determinism of regular physics, in which performing the same experiment over and over would yield the same results each time)
@Zachiel There's the moon dog...
@JonathanHobbs I hope you're not telling me WotC discovered a different set of rules for creating awesome RPGs
The musteval might be mistaken for a dog.
(Mustevals made me so happy conceptually.)
@Zachiel Nope, just sayin': That quote is a whole lot less profound and a whole lot less of a general observation than people use it for.
It was actually just a guy criticising a field of science for doing stuff he thought was dumb based on what he understood (and based on what he didn't realise he didn't understand).
So there's actually some degree of irony in that the origin of the saying was that the people being criticised were doing the smart thing, the person criticising them just didn't realise it or fully appreciate and understand what they were doing and why they were doing it.
@BESW the one I remember is a yellowish-skinned dog (really, those kind of dogs with long dropping doggy ears) with an aloof stare and a full armor. No helm.
@BESW What about them!? :D
@JonathanHobbs Come on, it's a -good- rat!
@JonathanHobbs Mustevals are angelic rats.
@Zachiel Well, I ask that knowing nothing about them.
They are the spies of the guardinals, and often discover/deliver information about evil enemies to heroes.
@JonathanHobbs ah, right, context. We were talking about angelic doglike creatures.
@JonathanHobbs Misguided Lesson of the Day: Never trust a guy who makes this face at the camera.
@BESW That is pretty cool. (And so is the angelic good rat thing)
@BESW I think I just teared my tongue and part of my throath apart trying to deliver a similar face to him.
@BESW Trust this guy instead
Look at him, he's smiling so happily and innocently
And probably baking biscuits or something
Maybe he's happy about how his biscuits turned out
What's there not to trust about this guy
I don't like the colour of his tie
Yeah, that tie. It's too narrow.
Yes I see where you're coming from hm
Also, who leaves the cupboards open like that, and piles stuff up so messily?
you'd be a fool to trust someone with a narrow tie of that colour
This guy is not cool. He's all "Oh, look at my narrow tie. It's so snazzy, you won't even notice I'm a slob in the kitchen and don't care enough to hide it."
@BESW A guy who doesn't have time to clean up! He's cooking!
(In a suit, apparently, hm)
@Phil Yes I suspect he is hiding something
He is cooking in a suit after all, with a narrow tie of that colour even
@JonathanHobbs Definitely something wrong with a guy who can cook in a kitchen that messy and not get any flour on his suit.
I'm starting to think he's a 'shop.
@BESW Maybe it's clever camerawork and his suit is white from the chest down
maybe he doesn't have a 'chest down'
@Zachiel Do you remember anything about the context of this droopy-eared yellow dog?
@Phil the plot thickens
what did I miss
@JonathanHobbs But does it rise?
@BESW No. It might even not be a D&D manual picture. It had the D&D feeling, tho'
@BESW the plot is self-raising
it rises as it thickens
or something
@JoshuaAslanSmith Ummm. I think it started here?
i was wondering the crazy images were related to
@Zachiel Technically a blink dog could be a paladin. It's got the Int for class levels.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Einstein quote by me, earlier on, and Jonathan explaining why the quote was not so clever on Einstein's part
oh my
@BESW I think it was similar to the blink dog as portrayed in Neverwinter Nights. And that remembers me I need to have that blink dog companion dropping from the Neverwinter mini-dungeon
Jake? XD
@BESW now I wasn't expecting that
It's a really full armor
@Phil You try searching "D&D paladin yellow dog OR hound" and see what you get.
mumbles something incoherent and returns to the back of the class
I think I'm getting cuter, not closer.
I don't mind.
@BESW I want that for my animal companion XD
M'rr. moment.
@BESW Eve, pictured by GENZOMAN. A random chick in bikini top and sexy lingerie with a machinegun and a splinter cell visor. Mel Gibson's Braveheart poster. Kill Bill's poster.
@BESW This is wonderful and I love its power XD
Aaaand I hit ponies. Time for a new search.
@BESW Ponydin
@BESW Do you have wolves on this kind of pictures?
@Shkeil Not looking for them. @Zachiel wants floppy ears.
@BESW There's a helmet shark eating that dog's head
@Shkeil look for "armored dog" and "armored wolf"
I can't search for pictures now... I'm still in workplace
@DampeS8N Advertise that guild on our community ads when you're ready! I'd upvote it :)
I'm going to sleep. Night night y'all, and sweet dreams of Finn running around in a Jake suit, whenever you sleep.
Someone stop BESW before he ends looking even on rule 34 booru
o lord I think I came in at a bad time
@Shiester Hi!
bad time? WHERE?
I'm just looking for D&D-style pictures of humanoid dogs in paladin-like armor for @Zachiel.
what about that thing from King's Quest, the dog general dude
that guy was freaking awesome
@BESW Who already said "close enough" some images ago
let's give felines some love now
cats, my responses will devolve
Now, catfolk get +4 to dex... and that's an heavy armor... I guess I can't get a good character out of that avatar...
@Zachiel I see a beautifull 'Error 404'
i cast flare.
...yeah, I'm running dry.
@Shkeil Ah, how unlucky. A really awesome picture of a humanoid leopard (or a cheetah, I don't want to check) in heavy armor, brandishing a big sword.
I'll see it later
e621? Seriously?
Here, I imgured it.
But felines don't have so much effect on me.
@BESW I can see it now. Thanks
@Zachiel It wasn't a marruspawn, was it?
I think those are too jackal-y.
Okay, I'm done.
@Kryan re: wounds. Really?
@BESW I don't know what it is, I got it on google images
@Zachiel Well, for someone who'd just been saying rule 34 booru was undesirable, e621 is not a step in the right direction.
@BESW uhrrrr, whops ^^"
@BESW It's a kitty !
Resistance against cats and other felines!
@Shkeil I fail that all the time.
I'd like cats more if the ones that like me aren't always the ones I'm allergic to.
I can't really tell if I'm allergic or not. My mother is, so we never have any animal bigger than hamster at home.
@BESW Then how do the 11 paladin levels make the hound archon lose 2 int ?
@Trajan Oh, that's easy.
Let me go double-check my details, but there's a very easy explanation.
@Shkeil Too bad, you can't have a wolf, then
Wolves have to live free.
So, Hound Archons have +4 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis, and +2 Cha.
And I still can have animals later, when I'll have my own house.
That fits the base hound archon's 15 Str, 10 Dex, 13 Con, 10 Int, 13 Wis, and 12 Cha, because he started with 10s and 11s across the board before racial adjustment.
@BESW his 6 HD don't give him any attribute increase ?
No, they're rolled into the racial bonuses. Weird, I know.
Now let's take the Hero's stats and subtract the racial bonuses.
21 Str - 4 = 17 Str; Dex is still 10, Con 16 - 2 = 14, Int is 8, Wis 14 -2 = 12, Cha 16 -2 = 14.
It seems you're right about racial adjustment (look for 'Hound Archons As Characters')
So he's got stats of 17, 14, 14, 12, 10, and 8.
We'll take his 2 points of score advancement from the 11 HD away from his Str to get 15, and look how close we are to the Elite Array from DMG 196!
His 15, 14, 14, 12, 10, 8 almost perfectly matches the elite array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8.
If someone goofed and gave him an extra 1 ability score advance (maybe thinking he's a level 12 instead of level 11 paladin), it'd match exactly.
Conclusion: the Hero didn't start from average 10/11 stats, he either used the elite array, or point buy, or rolled his stats.
That is consistent with the DMG's advice to GMs that important NPCs shouldn't use 10s and 11s.
So Int lost two points because it's his dump stat. He's making up for it with high Str.
didn't knew about the elite array. Nice demonstration, Professor.
If you look at other class-level-advanced NPCs in the manuals, you'll often find that they're using the Elite Array.
@Trajan I spent seven years trying to get this stuff to make sense. It's with me for life, now.
There was a time when I had the 3.5 DMG pretty much memorized. And I spent a lot of time with the Hound Archon in particular, both as a PC and a GM.
@BESW Did you figure out something that makes sense out of the magic items pricing guidelines ?
@Trajan No.
@BESW Do you suffer from any PTSD now ?
@Trajan A bit.
I'm mostly bitter about the lies.
D&D 3.5 tried to be many things it is not. I spent years forcing that system into unnatural shapes because I thought it should be able to accommodate playstyles that I now understand it actively discourages.
@BESW Damn cake
In hindsight I did really well getting the kind of game I wanted out of a system not designed to encourage such things, but it was eternally frustrating because I didn't know why I had to work so hard.
If the game had come out and said "I am designed to facilitate these particular playstyles. If you are not interested in these playstyles, I am not going to be much help as a system," then I... probably still would've used it. But I would've gone in with my eyes open.
As it is, the manuals deliberately present the D&D engine as capable of support every playstyle imaginable.
One reason I respect the 4e system so much more than 3.5 is that it's honest about the scope of playstyles it's interested in actively encouraging and supporting.
when did you meet D&D ?
I really should sit down and figure it. About nine years ago, I think.
I'd have to count campaigns, I think.
@LitheOhm Yes, really. Wounds are not a thing in D&D; you just lose HP (which may or may not correspond to in-character wounds). Wound rules typically involve penalties for getting hurt, or different styles of handling health. D&D doesn't use them. Your answer is effectively inaccurate.
@BESW This, all the this.
@besw words to live by
@BESW agreed. 3.5 is an inherently dishonest system. It constantly lies about what it is, what it does, what works and what doesn't, and so on
@BESW I really like this image
The New World campaign was Fall '06 to Spring '07, with The Cauldron minicampaign over that winter break. Prior to that was the Valley of Day and Night over the summer of '06 and before that... the Acheron Hades campaign?
@JoshuaAslanSmith hah
That must've been Fall '05, and I can't remember if it continued into Spring '06 or not, but it definitely started Fall '05. I went home summer '05, so no gaming then but I was working on the Hades campaign.
@kryan doubly appropriate for all the 3.5 "batman" builds
The Hades campaign was my second big game, so that means the World of Air campaign was Spring '05.
@JonathanHobbs I will once we are open. :)
@Trajan I was first told I'd be a good GM late in the fall semester of 2004. I took the core books home over the winter break and started my first ever D&D game, as a GM, in Spring 2005.
@JoshuaAslanSmith the Batman guide gets a really bad rap; it was really oriented towards making a wizard who is effective without, as much as possible, stepping on weaker classes' toes or making them pointless.
Im not hating on it or the concept, just commenting is all
@JoshuaAslanSmith as was I, more-or-less
@BESW It seems to be proven right.
And I stayed in 3.5 until... late summer 2011, I think.
Spent a lot of time 2008-2010-ish running minicampaigns for @Trogdor and his brother (The Evil Minion Campaign and The Ajani Games are the ones this chat's probably heard of), then ran The Island of the Scale (AKA Knave Port) for while at the local University that they went to. When that fell apart I ran The Sandbox with them and some of the guys from the university who could still join, and by then 3.5 was chafing enough that we moved into 4e and The Imperial Wars.
@KRyan WhiteWolf systems do it too. And Call of Chtulu sort of does. It really never tells you it's meant to be played Paranoia style but that's what the adventure modules written by its creator say
@Zachiel I think part of it is that the games were early enough in the genre's history (and D&D was so astonishingly dominant in the genre gestalt) that it was hard to really conceptualize or express how the games were different or what they could and couldn't do.
@KRyan wasn't that the class that could live insulated from the rest of the world and call it a day?
But by 3.5, for sure, there was enough experience and learning to be had that failing to address these boundaries and capacities seem less forgivable.
@besw let us not forget D&Ds hubris
@Zachiel no, it wasn't
Let's not forget how marketing has moved from "let's understand what they want" to "let us tell them what they want".
@BESW marketing; it was really clear that Wizards' rules forbade the authors from ever admitting a mistake, barring explicit errata (which they also avoided doing as much as possible)
@KRyan Alas.
@KRyan like "batman has no friends, friends are weaknesses, don't get them"?
@Zachiel no, that was not a part of TLN's guide
TLN's rule was "meatbags are useful magic-accepting platforms; get a bunch of them."
@Zachiel Batman has friends. He just keeps plans to kill them if/when needed.

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