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Wall of Text rolls 20. Simon is critically hit.
BESW uses Wall of Text. It's super effective!
It usually is.
I love hats, btw.
You've reminded me of an awesome user from the White Wolf forums - Plague of Hats.
Best prop use ever: the whole group got their PCs hit with mirror duplication that reversed alignment in their duplicates. I played the evil versions of their characters, but one guy was neutral... so the rules said he rolled to randomly determine if his doppelganger was good or evil instead.
He rolled Lawful Good and decided to help the party against the other duplicates, so the player got to run both PCs. He used hats to differentiate which was speaking at a given moment.
@BESW Hats are awesome.
I also have a set of pewter cups that I often use to hold dice or pencils, just to set the mood at the table, but that's not really in the scope of the question.
@BESW Maybe table dressing is a seperate question about mood. It's vital for horror - but not so important for fantasy and action games.
[I'm a sucker for letters. They're easy to make, easy to carry, have a lot of scope as story and plot carriers, and play to my strengths as a writer of dialogue.]
@SimonGill yeah, I'm not too good at using the environment to set mood.
Why the hell did I forget my power brick for my laptop?
@BrianBallsun-Stanton [hefts shotgun]
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Still jetlagged?
@SimonGill nope
@BrianBallsun-Stanton That's a good thing then :)
@SimonGill I use the environment to establish my expectations. A clean, well-lit, hospitable game area without too many fiddly bits to distract the players. It encourages productive, polite, focused play.
Bloody bloody "create an event" for a public recipient list.
@SomeGuy Hey.
Glad to see you're a bit more active on the site these days!
The superbowl is interesting enough as a social thing, but I'm not much interested in Beyonce. So I've temporarily retreated to the Stack
You could always try the Puppy Bowl.
Making my famous 4 layer Puppy Bowl dip. In 1 large bowl put layer of guacamole, then cheese, then sour cream, then the puppies #PuppyBowl
Yeah, I've been meaning to get active on GameDev and RPG general now that I'm coding/gaming again
@SimonGill Aside from the casual murderyness, I've run a couple NPC shopkeepers to that formula.
Hurf. That sim-game question is rubbing me sideways.
@BESW How so?
@SimonGill It's a technically inaccurate and unanswerable question.
(As two of three answers point out, or I'd be in there with the edit-hammer.)
But it's a valid question, in that it comes from a point of confusion over the GNS model.
In that case it's two questions: What does GNS describe? and What games support or encourage S-play to the exclusion of G-play and N-play?
(I'm not intending to do anything about this. Just talking about it here so I don't do unnecessary things there.)
I'd agree that the core of the question is closer to the second one.
On a tangential topic, I suspect that the misconception about GNS as a way of describing games rather than gamers is fed by the common "Playing Wrong" fallacy.
@BESW It could also flip around... GNS can target the game as a proxy for analysis of the developer who made the game.
It's exacerbated by the curious truth that RPGs are unique among games (Calvinball excepted, as always) because they have rules that must be allowed to conform to the people playing them.
With one of my old groups, GURPS was actually a game about sketching out impossible physics situations. And dying in them.
Along with the usual arguing.
Any other game --board, card, video, computer-- ceases to be itself when the rules are changed to the extent that RPG rules are expected to bend and break.
Heya folks
And yet, the rules cannot be ignored. Calvinball is actually a perfect parallel: the only rule is that the rules have to follow the spirit of the game, and the spirit of the game is defined by the rule which must be followed.
@Lord_Gareth Yawp!
@Lord_Gareth Hello!
You know @BESW, when people tell me that they think PFS is the best part of Pathfinder
I think from now on I'ma just link them to this -> giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=270208
What's PFS?
Pathfinder Society, the official Paizo-sponsored play venue. It's...well, it's subject to very immediate errata from the designers and follows PF-only rules with no third party or back-porting
Let us say, for the sake of brevity, that at no point are the official DMs, rules judges, administrators, or designers tested for competence. SKRs hissy fits have altered entire PFS campaigns
Honestly, most of that rant describes the vast majority of poor modules I've read in any system.
Sean K Reynolds, lead designer for Pathfinder. About as competent as a back-alley surgeon who dropped out of med school and slightly less mature than a three year old.
It boils down to what I'm calling the HATE syndrome: Had A Target Endgame.
@BESW Problem is that modules in PFS or the old D&D Living campaigns are supposed to reward good players with a meta currency. Bad modules just frustrate that urge.
Aye, but that is not the thrust of the complaint, @BESW
The thrust of the complaint, and of the problem, is that PFS is a force that induces and sustains stasis in module design and implementation, whereas, say, WW's Camarilla fan club works with or around these sorts of problems to improve play experience.
PFS provides barriers to creativity and help.
@Lord_Gareth That.... is not the complaint of the post you linked.
It may be underlying that post's frustration, but it not explicit.
That post is concerned with the tendency to control information and choices in order to orchestrate a specific scenario regardless of player agency, and doing so in a hamfisted and illogical way.
Mmmhm. But module writers don't do that. Module DMs do
@Lord_Gareth Then you've got better modules than I do.
But! I must continue this discussion later, as my wife needs the computer.
(Try Expedition to Undermountain it's pretty good)
Now, I'm off!
Granted, I'm not in PF, never have been and doubt I ever will be.
@BESW Not when there's fatey goodness to play with, anyway ;)
But at least 1/3 of the 4e modules I've used have some glaring "but what....? How...? He could just...!" moment.
I frequently leave them in for comedy.
@SomeGuy can tell you about Kalarel, the villain who couldn't get good help.
@BESW Was this the Keep on the Shadowfell villain?
In the original module he was a total goof-up who was defeated solely through his own incompetence.
The description of the letters was highly amusing ;)
[rummages around in his notes]
You mangy fatherless son of a gnome, your nithing lizard-rats need to stop sending me sacrifices. They’re piling up like cordwood, and they stink like only a bowel-voiding half-orc can. I have all I need to complete the rift-pact, and then you’ll be well rewarded in the war, If you don’t attract attention with more thrice-damned superfluous raids! Otherwise I’ll find room to include your rank stumbleclutch in the rites. Do not forget that I am
Your Lord and Master
Kalarel Barakdral
Postscript: Have you tried leashes on the incompetent scute-suckers?
@BESW Ahh yeah, the guy who hired the Kobolds.
That is just making me giggle.
@BESW It is fun to play that up for camp :)
@BESW And then goblins.
With rather similar results, iirc.
The party wisely left alone the barred and nailed-shut door with a crudely scrawled note "DO NOT ENTER (no, really)."
@BESW Maybe he should have left the note off - he may have dealt with his incompetent underlings problem that way.
pictures of plate fragments
@SimonGill They're the ones who put the note up, actually.
They couldn't deal with the marauding monster in the dungeon, so they just locked it in the basement.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Luckily, I can't see it. It's behind a login-wall.
@SimonGill Is free login. Think of the excitement...
Hey, we used to dig stuff like that up in my yard.
Anyway... I'm sleepy (in good time tonight!) so I think it's time for me to go to bed. Before I start napping on my keyboard :P
@SimonGill ta!
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I dunno about Australia, but on Guam you literally trip over 'ancient pottery fragments' on your way to work.
@SomeGuy It's more archaeologically exciting when they're Marianas Red.
Blue china is... WWII.
@BESW Don't tell that to my ex-girlfriend.
Unglazed red pottery, though.... that stuff is pretty awesome, archaeologically.
Means it's Pre-Latte, at least 1,200 years old.
@BESW I'm t my best post latte, really...
pre-latte, I'm a zombie.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton ha ha.
A latte stone, or simply latte (also latde), is the term for a pillar (Chamorro language: haligi) capped by a hemispherical stone capital (tasa) with the flat side facing up. Used as building supports by the ancient Chamorro people, they are found throughout most of the Mariana Islands. In modern times, the latte stone is seen as a sign of Chamorro identity and is used in many different contexts. Construction Latte stones have been made of limestone, basalt, or sandstone. Typical pillars range in height from 60 centimeters to three meters, and generally narrow towards the top. The p...
....Hobbs would like that link.
@SomeGuy If you see him in Seattle, say hi from me!
Really, the Superbowl is about large men hurting each other over an oddly-shaped ball. There isn't much reason that it needs to be brought to a grinding halt over a brown out.
What, you wouldn't freak out if the Vashta Nerada were advancing?
I'm just kind of shocked at the mainland reaction to losing power for an hour or two.
People in the stadium are straight up panicking, or going home...
In SC, I panicked during storms because I didn't trust the buildings and I didn't know what kind of root systems the trees had.
But straight-up power outages? There was campus looting before I'd decided to dig out my flashlight.
"Dudes. There's still electricity on the other side of campus. Simmer down and put away the sharpened sticks."
@BESW It's not latte stone unless it dispenses coffee!
... I ... may be slightly focused on coffee
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Believe you me, the novelty items and coffee shop name puns have not gone unmined.
Normally I'd direct this at the now-sleeping Simon, but could someone please take a glance at my question and see if it's coherent? I'm not sure I said it right.
Q: What does a party need to consult on before we start a campaign?

BESWI'm starting up a campaign next month, my first in the FATE system. Reading through Your Story, I've noticed several places that say things like, This [who decides if a character has broken a Law] is something that a gaming group should decide on as a policy for their specific game. (YS234) ...

@KitFox I hope you get this, 'cause I lost the link to the Hotel for Tuesday
@BESW The thing with the modules I've ran is that none of them have problems in the text that I find difficult to solve. Module writers often have to fight with both editors and publishers and always have to deal with slipshod playtesting, so I'm not generally speaking inclined to blame them
@Lord_Gareth Fair enough, but a) regardless of blame, it's a problem and b) modules by their very nature should not require fixing.
@Lord_Gareth I agree. I think overall modules get a lot of hate for pretty minor infractions.
Though as I said earlier @BESW, try "Expedition to Undermountain" sometime. Frankly the only really sucky part they wrote in was handing the PCs a free greater teleport in an environment that is otherwise immune to teleports. I was like, "WHY DID YOU DO THIS THING? WHY?"
Managed to replace it with a callable portal that would take 'em back to the Yawning Portal
(Combat use not suggested)
In a perfect world, a GM should be able to pop open a module that says "Level 5, four players" and run it for a group of four level 5s built within reasonable range of "normal" for power levels. He shouldn't have to "fix" or "solve" it; he bought a module so he wouldn't have to do that kind of work.
The further a module strays from "can be run out of the box under reasonable conditions," and the closer it gets to "a loose skeleton for the GM to work from," the more I'm going to accuse it of failing to be pre-made content.
@SomeGuy I will happily mock a module for having kobolds hide on the wrong side of the bushes, but in a "Oh, you," kind of way.
@BESW I've only run like 3 modules, and one of them was ToH, so I suppose I don't really have much experience, but I've only encountered a handful of things that needed to be tweaked for a normal party.
@BESW And yeah, stuff like that is honestly pretty funny.
But when the entire premise of the module hinges on someone with high mental stats failing to make plans that pass the 5-year-old-advisor test?
Then the mockstick stops poking, and starts beating.
Expedition to Undermountain opens up with Halaster dying a horrific death off screen, the result of which is a magical earthquake that rocks Waterdeep and the Calling, an event that lures hundreds of adventurers to Undermountain, compelled to fix various problems within it to prevent its collapse and the subsequent destruction of the city above.
The PCs form the group of the Called that are unwittingly required to fix the biggest problem - a magical convergence that, if unsolved, will result in an explosion that engulfs the entire Sword Coast in an antimagical storm of apocalyptic proportions
'S good shit.
Excusing problems in pre-made content by saying "I can fix them" is like saying "It's magic, it doesn't have to make sense." You're right, but entirely missing the actual problem.
I tend to excuse the authors because generally speaking the problems happen at the quality control stage
PFS being a great example of authors being hamstrung by shoddy developer culture annihilating their work
That's fine, but it's all the same at the consumer end.
The effect is content that isn't what it says on the tin, and results in questions like that poor guy with the spooked player.
By the way, @SomeGuy, I've been playing a shaman in Colin's DS campaign.
I'm not anywhere near as complex as Bharash, but the buff-tracking is maddening... and the buffs are awesome.
@BESW I told you that I passed Richard Bharash's stats, and he burned them right?
I heard something to that effect.
I'm specializing in conjurations, which is.... weird.
But yeah, Shamans have a ton of stuff to keep track of
I have my SC and an immobile encounter conjuration that gives +1 def to allies next to it.
Enemies next to my conjurations grant CA, allies next to my SC get +1 to NADs (untyped).
And I've got two dailies that let me summon even more, one defensive and one that summons FOUR offensive (+1 atk and +1d6 on melee dmg to allies adjacent).
Bharash didn't lie down because he was lazy. He lied down because it helped stop the buffs from spinning.
Also allies I heal next to my SC get +Con mod on heals, which makes the Standard of Healing? do +7 at level 7.
Unfortunately, sometimes I need to be near my SC to get the benefit of my own buffs.
Dude, that battle standard is one of the worst-balanced items I've ever seen.
It was awesome.
Just in the sense that if you don't build to accommodate it, it's almost worthless. But if you do it's HUGE.
Yeeah, that Banner is pretty amazing.
About the only thing balancing it is the standard action it takes to plant it, but, well. You've proven how useless standard actions can be with the right builds.
@wraith808 Hi! How's it going?
@SomeGuy I have a breaking for the Banner.
Rose Scythe of Chauntea
For a character who is a member of a divine class or a primal class, this scythe functions as a staff implement.
Whenever you use a healing power to allow an ally to regain hit points, until the end of your next turn, any creature that hits that ally with a melee attack takes damage equal to the scythe’s enhancement bonus.
Since it's also a staff implement, you can do staff cheese too!
(I'm building a druid sentinel.)
(Druid sentinels have Healing Word as their encounter heal. It still counts as a cleric power. I don't know why, but I need to break it.)
@BESW Pretty good... I was just popping in randomly. :)
@wraith808 Cool.
I'm hoping you might have something to contribute to the DFRPG question I put up a couple hours ago.
There's a "damage" tag. Should there be a "stress" tag?
Is that a meta question?
@BESW magic slips of paper.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I'm probably never going to get to run this guy again, but yes.
If the DS campaign ever goes again, I'll probably be two-manning it as the only player.
.....were it anything but DS, I'd be going for a gnome paladin with the Rose Scythe and a fey panther, accompanied by a beast ranger.
Paladin spends surges on.... anything, triggers Rose Scythe, all three "allies" are now painful to touch.
But I can't think of any non-divine class that enjoys spending it surges so much.
3 hours later…
Am I being dense and missing something here?
A: What does "Your Story" call on a party to consult over before we start a campaign?

SardathrionIn my not so humble opinion, Fate is about story telling and not rule lawyering. Therefore you (as either a player or referee) should be thinking about what makes a good story for all. Use your common sense -- yeah, I know if it were common, we would not have a name for it. The rules are there ...

Not sure I expressed things clearly. I see everything in Fate as being cooperative.
I'm kinda in and out, but I'm here.
/me is at work.
so quick is better than long
I agree. I come from a D&D background and am VERY excited about the FATE philosophy in contrast.
I'm trying to identify the game-foundation decisions (like how easy it is to die) that the group should be making together, because I know I won't think of them all; my background gives me biases I don't necessarily even recognize yet.
I feel (and maybe wrong) that you are focusing on the rules too much. move away from board games and into "Once upon a time..." territory.
Right, okay. I get it now!
Sorry, being dense.
'sokay, I'm still figuring out how to talk about this stuff.
Do not optimise before running... Let the game dictate those. You're building a story and not a set of simple victory conditions.
But aren't things like "you could die easily, so do everything you can to avoid being taken out" going to be important to have upfront?
The only one I would ask is "What do you expect from the game? What would you like to see? What would you like not to see? Oh, BTW, everything is up for discussion."
Not at all.
....It's important to note that my players have less non-D&D experience than I do....
As I talk about this, I realize that it's perhaps more a matter of schema.
"I agree. I come from a D&D background and am VERY excited about the FATE philosophy in contrast." This! I think so too
I would run a few one offs just to showcase the system to them. What you are doing is building a story and using the rules to facilitate and enhance it.
Think of the game more as free form improvisation drama and less like a board game.
Right, have to run. Code needs to be written. I'll leave myanswer for now but if it attacks downvotes I'll dump it as a comment.
All the best.
I guess... we don't even know what is and isn't an assumption or a choice. The DFRPG manual calls out a few specific ones that it considers important which we might wind up butting our heads against without knowing what's wrong.
@Sardathrion Ta very much!
We want to consider it improv... but it's a learned skill, not a toggle switch.
I've only played on session in Dresden so far
One-on-one actually, and it was pretty much like playing without system at all
It's not a FATE-specific issue, but I've occasionally been very frustrated on this site (not often, thankfully) by answers --and not only to my questions-- that boil down to "l2 shift paradigm faster."
"l2 shift paradigm faster." I think I don't get the reference
@MaurycyZarzycki That... actually makes me kinda glad that one of my players is leaving island before we start DF.
@BESW It was only a two hours long session, not a great example
There weren't any conflicts and anything like that
"l2" = "learn to" in 1337.
I'm basically gonna be running a one-on-one myself.
Any pointers?
@BESW I am a big improviser myself. A good thing to do is to prepare a list of all attack/defense trapping the player can do, grouping them by conflict type (physical, social, psychical)
At first the number of available options might be intimidating
Even better, you might want to introduce only one conflict type per session
Don't worry about the maneuvers, let the player come up with them in the course of play if they can't do it right off the bat
And make sure to use as much aspects as you can, to familiarize the players with them
Most of it is ideas I came up AFTER playing that session, so I haven't had a chance to test them out ;)
Did you do city creation?
Nope, we've played in a completely different setting which was setup up X years after another campaign we've finished together
We've done the character creation though
What changes were made to that process for one player?
We've ignored the last two steps which need you to incorporate "other players"
Now that I think about it was a bad idea, I should've just weaved in two NPCs
I think the book suggests dropping one of them if you have under three players.
Might be
But with only one player I think it will be better to add NPCs
My player will have no problem inventing NPCs, for sure.
I've played a good amount of one-on-one sessions and if there is one thing I've learned from them
It is that you need a good cast of NPCs
I've done a lot of two-player, but not much one-player.
And the longest 1P campaign was deliberately solo, Man Vs World.
So... duly noted. NPCs everywhere.
I'll start practicing my funny voices again.
Maybe not everywhere, but you want to make sure that you yourself can take over the task which is usually taken by other players
what do you see as that task, specifically?
There is no downtime for GM
Usually the players can interact with each other and spend fun time in that way
But when there is only one player, all his attention is directed at you
It's difficult chatting, listening to a podcast and programming at the same time
You're doing well on this end!
Anyway I am not the most experienced GM ever, I've only played for three years or so, and on average one session a month or less
Length of experience is not a reliable indicator of richness of experience.
You've given me some good stuff to think about, thanks.
No problem, 'twas a pleasure
I don't have much chance to play RPG so I like to at least talk about them :)
Fair enough.
I'm very lucky to have had a regular if small core of players for about four years.
I've played with my girlfriend and her friend very regularly, until their friendship kinda ended
It's always sad when that kind of thing happens. I lost a couple people to Drama a while back.
1 hour later…
That's... about the reaction I had to that question.
heya @brian
I have a list type question so I'm gonna post it here in the chat
@Zachiel [hisses and recoils]
It's D&D 3.5 related and with the same sources limitations Brian already knows (I might point them again if necessary)
I need to get a cohort (lvl 17 max) a really high spellcraft modifier
Which feats and other tricks can I use?
As of now I'm considering a fancy lab (+4), ability focus (+3), halruaan adept (+3) and polymorph any object (unknown INT increase)
item familiar
guidance of the avatar (don't recall the bonus type, though)
divine insignt is for one check only
I need this incantatrix to persist something like all the spell his int modifier allows him
ah, incantatrix.
see, guidance of the avatar is for one check, too. And is a 2nd level spell.
get a wand, it will be cheap enough at those levels.
w8, @jeor ...I get the allowed material list in a sec.
@JeorMattan [face/palm] That doesn't even do what it says it does!
@BESW what? +20 competence on a single skill check. are you trying to match the fluff?
Yeah, they didn't do what they set out to do.
well, I agree that this spell is an example of poor design even from purely mechanical viewpoint.
and the author forgot to read skill check mechanic, obviously.
here is the list of the HR
@jeor please don't make comments on how limiting that is. I know.
okay, that rules guidance out, as well as item familiar, but divine insight is still here.
make a wand of that, get +8 to each check.
@BrianBallsun-Stanton Neener neener.
Archspell's Living Spell (30th level): "You can use your Signature Spell as an encounter power rather than a daily power." Archmage's Archspell (30th level): "Choose one daily spell that you know. You can now cast that spell as an encounter spell (rather than as a daily spell)." Neither is useful for the OP, but... they exist? — BESW 2 mins ago
@Zachiel sorry, to that game our response is we don't support custom RPGS with no published rules.
but the cohort can't cast it and I'm not too much into casting a fourth and a second level spell to help him help me. And I'm also not spending daily money on it
I was sure Colin had researched the same kind of idea last year... so I asked him.
Seven minutes for him to track down citations.
@brian it's still a D&D campaign with less than all the material. Like if we didn't have all the books... which is perfectly legit since it is a modular game
@Zachiel oh, sure. Until you get into the maze of twisty rulings all alike.
Almost every single suggestion we've made has been met with "Nope, that was banned because of"
@Zachiel buy. a. wand. 2nd level spell, 3rd level caster = 4500gp for 50 charges of make-me-better. 90gp for persisting a spell is kinda cheap. And at those levels UMD is not a problem.
@jeor I expect to persist all the spells I can and I'm a divine+arcane focus chameleon. It's like 40 spells per day without counting 0 level spells and bonus spells from high stats. I just can't buy one wand per day for I don't gain enough money on a daily basis. Plus, I'm never gonna get the money to buy "pay once, use forever" better equip for a while, that way
I might cast the spell once or twice per day to persist the highest level spells
but I'm looking for every other way to increase my spellcraft check in a permanent way.
Including helping my cohort for a +2
okay, let's reiterate. what DC do you need to beat, can you take 10, what do you already have?
also, do you have followers along with cohort?
er, everyday spells?
are custom magic items allowed?
no custom magic items, sorry
@Zachiel not even from the DMG?
it gives prices and everything
does that cover skill bonus items?
DMG prices for these are reasonable, and there are loads of skill bonus items already, just for other skills.
Any way to take 10 would be appreciated. Since I can only get to lvl 17 and I'd like him to cast shapechange on me I'm not going to multiclass exemplar.
The DC is 51, which means I need a +50 check (If I only want to persist spells I can cast myself. Goes up to +59 if I want to persist any spell)
mmmm, hives and nanobots...
massive amounts of supertiny followers aiding another
I already have magical aptitude (+2), focus (+3), halruaan spellcaster (+3), fancy lab (+4), help from my main character (+2), ranks (+20), lucky stone or whatever it's called (+1), ioun stone (+1)
@Brian don't go buggish
@Zachiel bugs? nonsense.
It's like the +1 to damage for every charging ally with summoner folowers
okay, that's +36 not counting int
my natural int would be +12
Does 3.5 have an aid other cap like 4e?
look for a good form to PAO into, int 38 is pretty easy to get
no but I want to be able to do it by myself
That's why I ask. I'm not familiar with PaO. Maybe no halruaan spellcaster and a otherworldly sun elf is better
I can use MMs 1 to 3
@BESW nope!
aaand actually, as a chamelion, you can dip for some of this stuff
so yeah, stuff :)
I think "no archetipes" is starting to go into that field of yours we discussed earlier ^^"
however the character could also fiendshape to morph into a planetar
are the good int forma all outsiders?
how much to hire a character with class levels?
@Zachiel dunno, probably. you need a form with int of 28 (you get +4 inherent bonus from Tome and +6 from headband of int).
And kill it after he knows all I've cast on myself? I'm trying to be secretive! It's me and my cohort.
If I change my race do I qualify for the regional feat?
Apropos of nothing, my song discovery of the night: youtube.com/watch?v=ckToa5Qdqm0
I'm thinking Twitter should leverage it.
I'm cooking now. If you have some other suggestion @ me
and thanks
@Zachiel okay, found one. (ahem) Sarrukh. Int 30 out of the box. With headband of int +6 and Tome+2 you hit Int 38 and +50 spellcraft modifier.
@JeorMattan [jawdrop] Is a sarrukh legal in his game?!
shrugs Serpent Kingdoms were allowed.
er... no wait, caps are appropriate
... is ..
Well, you've won then
that's easy.
are we to degrade to the punpunesque levels?
@JeorMattan dude, you... opened the book
And this game brings out all the worst in me.
it sure is possible, but is outright broken and will likely get banned.
Dude, I ran an campaign about ancient yuan-ti rebuilding their dead empire and decided to leave the sarrukh out of it.
as opposed to just getting a meager amount of Int to persist a handful of buffs.
I used a yuan-ti abomination worm that walks instead, because it was less mean.
@JeorMattan true, but.... um..
you can't use that race, without the gods going "wait, what?"
@Rob Hi!
Afternoon all :)
@BrianBallsun-Stanton to be honest, the list of houserules doesn't look like DM knows what Pun-Pun is, so yes I can.
@Rob Hi!
@JeorMattan oh, there isn't a DM
there are committees (plural) of DMs
It is the kind of game that makes the sadistic social engineer in me sit up and bark.
But the RPer in me flees, sobbing, to bury its face in a kinder, gentler game.
But yeah, for aid-another stuff, I'd basically do the cult.
and go "how much to hire an X"
and just... hire them
@BrianBallsun-Stanton I suppose that's what the followers are for his Leadership.
yeaap, as a function of how much control you have over their build
So, they found Richard III under a car park.
Does anyone still buy into the babes in the tower malarky?
Well I'm expecting a statement from him anytime soon.
I really have to admire how thorough the character assassination of Richard III was.
Well when you're worried about a former Monarch coming back as a zombie, you need to make sure people are pre-scared of him.
See, that right there? That is a campaign hook.
3 hours later…
Q: Links to "D&D Tools"

starwedI've noticed lots of links to dndtools.eu lately. That site seems to have verbatim text from a lot of non-OGL D&D stuff. Obviously, that's really useful as a reference! But the site itself is presumably violating copyright, and if it ever gets taken down, all those links become useless. I...

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