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@SimonGill most of most games will be setting dependent ...
I'm really don't think my players would go for a vanilla game of FATE Core
1 hour later…
@SimonGill I can think of a couple shows that have tried, actually, to follow the Doctor Who model. But they were only able to do it through spinoffs, to greater of lesser success, whereas Doctor Who is built it become its own spinoff at any moment.
The closest thing to that which I can think of is the Star Trek franchise's use of the holodeck to provide single-serving "And Now For Something Completely Different But With The Same Actors Because We Are Cheap" episodes.
There are a number of shows that are able to do New Things every episode (Quantum Leap and Stargate SG-1 come to mind), but they all rely on a solid core cast to cajole the audience into each new scenario. I can't think of any other show with the ability of Doctor Who to throw away part or all of its cast at a moment's notice.
@BESW loved the DS9 episode of the journalist/newspaper business
I guess one needs to apply the pronoun here in chat or it becomes a bit odd.
I loved*
@LitheOhm Yeah, the holodeck has been used to great effect (and very poor effect). It's a brilliant conceit, and even makes sense in-universe.
@LitheOhm that is an excellent episode, I thought Armin Shimermandid particularly well
@C.Ross yeah!
@BESW Honestly, I'm not sure how Dr. Who does it. It comes off silly a fair bit, but you just keep watching...
after not seeing that series for years, I went back to it. It's not as good (acting-wise) as I remember lol
@BESW you know the character Mr Sin?
I have a personal theory about early deep-space missions going utterly insane (see also: Captain Archer) without holodecks, which justifies Voyager's revelation that the holodeck has an entirely separate power system that is completely incompatible with anything else on the ship.
@LitheOhm From The Talons of Weng-Chiang?
@BESW maaaybe..? IMDB said it was a Dr. Who char
Is the main site down for anyone else
@C.Ross yes
@BESW yes
Server Error in '/' Application.

Runtime Error

Description: An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated.
@BESW that guy has been in acting for almost forty years. It's Deep Roy
@BESW I get the same
@BESW yeah, that
SO is up, but everything else is down
@LitheOhm Cool.
and back up ...
back up
It seems like everyone in British performance art has been in Doctor Who at least once.
but not before I got this:

We apologize for any inconvenience, but an unexpected error occurred while you were browsing our site.

It’s not you, it’s us. This is our fault.

Detailed information about this error has automatically been recorded and we have been notified.

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It’s not strictly necessary, but if you’d like to give us additional information about this error, do so at our feedback site, http://meta.rpg.stackexchange.com.
I'm very glad all these FATE questions are popping up. I expect to be trying out the system for the first time in a few months.
Been reading up on it, but don't feel like I've got a solid grasp yet.
(DFRPG, specifically.)
2 hours later…
@BESW Are you present?
Hiya @Novian
@Lord_Gareth I am now. Was taking a nap (recovering from food poisoning).
What is, as they say, "up"?
I return, @BESW
I find myself in an awkward situation
Where I believe a breakdown of the site's quality control system is happening
But I'm not certain how to address it
What seems to be the problem?
the first is that a specific poster (Joer) is frankly objectively incorrect about the balance of the feat/martial content; the comparison he makes to Weapon Mastery ignores the fact that Weapon Mastery is hideously sub-par to the point of total unplayability
The second is that @KRyan's post is seeing downvotes, likely from posters like Joer who have an incomplete or incorrect grasp of system mastery
Which sounded pettier than I meant it to be
But the point is made
First: one downvote is not a trend.
I saw a few
I see +5/-1 on KRyan's answer.
The trouble I'm having is that writing something to address Joer's comment, which relates to the question, is less "Gareth makes a comment" and more "Gareth writes an essay"
(You... may not have the rep yet to see exact rep counts).
(I don't. All I know is at one point he'd had four votes and then been down to 1)
That sounds like a site glitch.
Alright, so then that just leaves me with "I know how to address the complete factual inaccuracy, but doing so would take forever and ever and ever and ever and ever."
Welp, I don't know enough about the subject, and don't have time to read everything there, so hold forth on the specific topic. So let's see.
Well, here's the deal
It's Joer's claim that @KRyan's feat is unbalanced, and the thrust of his claim is because it grants dependent feats or feat-like benefits
There's a specific hitch with Knockout weapons but let's ignore that for now because it's a wording problem
in terms of balance with the rest of the system and balance within the party/vs. monsters the environment, this claim is incorrect. In point of fact @Kryan's feat is still fairly weak.
First off: it looks to me like the comments are veering far from the original question (and in fact KRyan's answer itself might not be totally germane but it's not totally off-topic either so I'll ignore that).
So if in fact the conversation needs to continue, it should move on from that venue. However...
And the biggest reason is that while it provides immediate and bountiful return on the resource investment (to wit: spend one feat, essentially gain one or two more) what you get /back/ doesn't grant you additional options. It increases the power of options that you have, yes, but in the end all of them boil down to "You deal damage"
And even then it's limited in venue since you need to specialize in order to get access to those bigger numbers that suddenly appear
Okay, here's the thing: it really doesn't matter what the specific debate is.
SE is not a forum. It is not a place for debate, and it is not built to support convincing any single person of a truth.
The site's main goal is to provide peer-reviewed information to the public.
I recognize this.
That a percentage of our peerage have very different and potentially wrong ideas is inherent in the concept of peer review.
HOWEVER, I feel that this particular subject is currently relevant. The OP posted a version of their own and asked for balance standards. "

Balanced? Definitely no. It would be better than weapon mastery this way. Every fighting type will take it without a thought. Would you consider such a feat good?" <-But comments like that provide unhelpful information
And they stem from a failure to grasp system mastery
If the OP is looking to judge the balance of their version, then what we're seeing is misinformation being left
Do you feel that only people who have total system mastery should be allowed to contribute to this site?
No. I'm looking for a method by which I might inform the OP of the fact that they're getting bad information.
Since, as you said, debate is not an option
And system mastery is not something in a book that I can reference.
The OP will see the comments (while they last; remember, comments are ephemeral here) and the total +4 upvote on the answer, and be able to draw his own conclusions.
You've made it clear you disagree with the comments made, and if the OP or the commenter have further questions they can research, ask another question, or invite anyone involved to discuss it on chat.
And this is why I come on chat to ask about the best course of action, because my first instinct was to write aforementioned essay >.>
You're concerned about two paragraphs of rebuttal to a lengthy and well-explicated answer.
Yes. I have Someone is Wrong on the Internet syndrome hard. More importantly, I have Someone Is Giving Bad Advice to a Novice Homebrewer Syndrome VERY hard
I take my quality control seriously.
An answer which has received an 83% quantitatively positive response from the community, and a positive comment.
I direct you to the above. I take my homebrew quality control highly seriously.
You might be able to fish an interesting question about what to consider when homebrewing martial feats.
1 hour later…
Sorry, what I meant was, how Extras are constructed is going to be setting dependent.
Interesting; this is the first time I've seen someone on this site explicitly make the point that, when analysing a 3.x type game, comparing the options of martial and magic classes is arguably a misreading of the system. ToB blunts this point, but it's a late-game outlier in an otherwise fairly consistent pattern.
@BESW Where was this said?
As an acerbic aside in an off-topic and absurdly lengthy comment thread.
@Lord_Gareth: (I'm comparing this feat to the other options melee types have, not with the options casters have. Comparing it to caster options is methodologically wrong.) You noticed "without any serious optimization" clause? I assume that NPCs are optimized more or less equally to the party (and without broken stuff), and monsters are used as-is. So, without serious optimization your average melee Joe the Steelclad Fighter is invisibility+silence away from surprising just about anyone, and more subtle types like Unarmed Swordsages don't even need that. — Jeor Mattan 36 mins ago
It could be argued that denouncing the anti-martial-options trend that is so prevalent throughout 3.x, rather than accepting it as an indication of systemic intent, is a textbook case of the fallacy of authorial intent.
Aren't they both fallacious in the same way?
And you are right, that comment thread is way too long.
Yeah, I think both are strongly denialist dichotomies.
Wizards repeatedly said they wanted 3.x martial and caster classes to be reasonably balanced against each other, but took no effort to actually achieve it until the system had already run its course.
Which means that if you're a person who has to take extreme views you can either side with what they said or what they did.
How does 4e compare for tier balancing?
Much better. I'm not a theory expert or anything, but it removes one of 3.5's basic balance problems: multiple subsystems and overlays.
All 4e classes have the same basic framework, and are differentiated by class features that add to the framework (or in very few cases, massage it a little) but never abandon it.
I'd suspected as much; I think things like WoW have influenced it in that the classic roles (sneaker, healer, tank and caster) have been replaced with newer ideas for the classes (dps, control, tank, healer)
Every level 1 PC (with some exceptions that are balanced in other ways; see psionics) starts out with 2 at-wills powers, an encounter power, a daily power, and a racial power. They each have a feat, a couple of racial features, and the basic features of their classes.
Oooo lots of funkies then :)
@Rob In 4e those roles are explicit: defenders force the enemies to make bad choices about who to attack; leaders buff and heal their allies; strikers do strong single-target damage; controllers damage multiple enemies at once and/or debuff them.
Each class can also take on a different role as a kind of secondary specialty, depending on the class features they choose.
@BESW Aha; I couldn't remember the exact names, but I knew 4e can codified them
What are healing surges then, while we're at it?
I really like what they did with defenders; notice I didn't say they force people to hit them.
Important distinction I suspect
So in 4e is there an actual "agro" concept then?
@Rob Healing surges are an abstract resource that is the foundation of 4e healing. Your number of surges per day are determined by class and Constitution.
Nearly all healing in 4e is done by allowing the "spending" of surges, which heals you for 1/4 your max health.
@BESW Re: healing surges; ah, sounds a little like Earthdawn in that regards then
Everybody has the Second Wind power, which lets them spend a healing surge. After that you need your leader to use his powers that let you spend more, or you can pick up other powers and items that do the same.
If you run out of powers that let you spend healing surges, it doesn't matter how many surges you have left. If you run out of surges, it doesn't matter how many powers you have that let you spend them.
And most o' these powers come on cards?
Generally the powers that let you spend surges recharge at the end of every encounter, while healing surges are a per-day thing.
@Rob Cards are a common method used to track powers, yes.
@Rob 4e has no agro. It has "bad choices."
The one feature every defender class gets is called a "mark." When you mark something, it gets a -2 penalty to attack anyone except you.
Each defender also gets some kind of "mark punishment" which makes enemies think twice about attacking someone other than the defender: fighters get a free attack, battleminds get to reflect some of the damage back at the attacker, wardens can push you around...
So your choice as a bad guy comes down to "attack the squishy, but take a penalty to hit and make get knocked around, or attack the guy with tons of health and high defenses, whose healing surges heal the most hp per surge of the whole group so it's the most efficient use of healing powers."
Ahhhh, nice little touches then.
So it's pretty heavily encounter focused then?
Most of your powers are combat focused, though there are some interesting interplay powers between combat and social, and the use of skills in and out of combat can be made interesting even if it's poorly executed as-is.
Sounds like there's a lot of fun to be had regarding encounters, mind.
Most powers are Encounter powers, which means you get them back after a five-minute rest.
There are also at-will powers and daily powers, which work as you'd expect them to.
4e also has a strong emphasis on gridded combat, by providing players with numerous abilities that let them move, or force others to move, in order to gain advantages. And the GM is provided a number of terrain hazards and effects to use to make each battlefield geographically unique.
A number of powers also allow the players or enemies to create or adjust terrain.
Rather tactical stuff then
If a group doesn't like minis on grids, 4e is not for them.
My group is quick to admit that 4e has some major flaws, but its flaws are in areas we personally find more overlookable than 3.5's, which is what we were using before.
Horses for courses
(This is partly because I've instituted a couple of houserules, like about skill challenges.)
Sounds like 4e is born out of the magic-the-gathering mindset as well; where you build your character for certain challenges, much like a deck
It definitely looks that way, and I avoided it for years because of that idea.
But the powers are designed to have generic application, though of course they might be more useful in one fight or another.
There's a lot of scope for different things to beat up I suspect :)
I've been trying to head towards a more rules lite system like FATE for my games (having run Rolemaster for eons) but it's hard to find a game
I really want to try DFRPG.
4e is not rules lite. But it is consistent in its rules.
Me too! Just started on the books this year, I've read two of them already - great stuff!
re: 4e That consistency is important if you're dealing with MtG type mindsets :)
I find it very nice because, for example, you can move from one class to another without having to learn a whole new subsystem.
Only psionics really break that consistency.
Instead of encounter powers, they get more at-wills and a number of "power points" that they can spend each encounter to "augment" an at-will to make it the equivalent of an encounter power (eg more damage, or a better debuff). Their power points scale with the number of encounter powers a 'regular' class would have at the same level.
Power points are a tricky thing to manage in a D&D system
yeah. 4e does okay.
The "at-will / encounter / daily" foundation is really what makes 4e able to hold its balance together as well as it has.
Every class can be compared to every other at a fairly obvious yet fundamental level.
Yeah; I can see that'd be an easy comparison distinction so you can classify everything
I guess the relative power of each power scales up through will/enc/daily
And a level 19 encounter power is going to be more powerful than a level 1 encounter power.
at will = wedgie, encounter = super wedgie, daily = atomic wedgie.
Then everything just gets flavored according to class: a cleric's powers are his prayers and miracles, a wizards' powers are his spells and cantrips, a fighter's powers are his maneuvers and forms.
Often a daily will have some effect that lasts the entire encounter, like creating hazardous terrain or giving you the ability to teleport every time someone misses you.
Yep; sounds like a big shake up and balancing of the tiers then. Everyone gets powers, just different fluff around them depending on your class name
Popping a daily usually lets the player shape the encounter to his advantage in a way more significant than "I deal a ton of damage."
@Rob Yes, exactly.
And then there are class features which make the classes play differently.
Different hats?
Like, both rangers and warlocks have an ability that lets them choose a target ("quarry" or "curse," respectively) and deal extra damage each time they hit that target.
Rangers can only make one target their quarry at a time. The strategy for a ranger is to make multiple small-damage attacks per round to increase the change you'll hit at least once to get your quarry damage.
What sort of class are warlocks then? I only really know them from Rolemaster, where they were a class that could self-modify (grow limbs, armour, etc) and curse people :)
@Rob A 4e warlock is a guy who has made a deal with a higher being (devil, fey, Lovecraftian beings from beyond reality...) to get power.
Depending on what your pact is with, you get slightly different effects on your powers and your curse does different things.
They sound a fun concept :)
Warlocks can curse as many targets as they want to spend the actions on, with the caveat that you can only curse the enemy closest to you, so you want to be moving around a lot.
Warlocks move around a lot anyway, because they get concealment (-2 to attacks against them) if they move at least 3 squares in a round.
Groovy; I'll peg them as a class if I ever play 4e
I'm liking controller type classes a lot these days
Never really liked dps
When a creature cursed by a warlock dies, the warlock gets a bonus based on his pact: feypact lets you teleport; starpact gives you a cumulative bonus to a roll you make before the end of your next turn...
Warlocks are technically strikers, which means DPS. But especially if you go feypact, you can be a potent controller instead.
(Infernal pacts --devils-- are the real DPS powerhouse choice for warlocks.)
Put it this way: one of my players rolled up a feypact warlock. That gave him the at-will power Eyebite. If he hits with it, he's invisible to the target for a round.
Then he took the multiclass feat for paladin, which gave him the paladin's at-will mark as an encounter power. If the target makes any attack that does not include the paladin, it takes damage in addition to the standard -2 penalty from the mark.
We called him the trollock.
I hit you, I vanish, you take damage if you can't hit me - haha
He also specialized in charm spells that made enemies attack their friends.
Sounds like a real PITA for a GM :)
Which, yes, proc'd the paladin mark's damage.
@Rob We had a lot of fun.
Oh dear :)
I feel a bit more enlightened about the world of 4e now :)
Glad to be of service.
Oh, one other major change: multiclassing as it was in previous D&D editions is dead.
Oh ar?
Multclassing is now a minor thing you do through feats: the basic multiclass feat gives you training in a skill relevant to the class, and a limited-use version of one of the class's iconic abilities.
So how does it work then? You still have the same geometric style progression for your class?
Aha, so you get feats to nick abilities from other classes instead
You can then take extra feats to replace your class's powers with the multiclass's powers, on a one-for-one-for-one basis. You also qualify as that class for prereqs.
There's another step up though, called hybrid.
At level 1 you can choose to be a hybrid, in which you get the features of two different classes in equal measure, scaled down to be balanced.
You can choose powers from either class to fill your power slots as you level up. It's usually a bad idea because the class features are designed not to synergise much in hybrids, but if you've got a particular idea in mind --especially if it requires having a lot of powers from two different classes-- it can be fun and maybe even powerful.
I did use hybridising to help one player build a character who never made attack rolls; we needed the power spread from two separate classes to be sure he could fill his slots with non-attack-roll powers.
Is this the "always assume they roll a 1" concept?
Except without even wanting to try.
:) Genius idea; I sympathise with such unluck
So he spent his encounters using standard actions to grant other people free-action attacks.
Even his opportunity attacks were letting someone else shoot the guy in the back.
He frequently spent entire fights prone behind some bushes.
Shouting commands at people.
Interesting side note: in 4e, healers are not all divine.
In fact, the warlord is a powerful martial healer.
Sounds like a character others would like; "what do you do?" "I give you lot lots of extra attacks"
@Rob Yes. The party quickly started optimizing for it; he could really only grant "basic attacks," which for many classes are subpar... but some classes have at-will powers that count as basic attacks.
What was the class a hybrid then?
Warlord and Shaman.
Interesting visual thought, a crazy looking man with a bone through his nose shouting voodoo commands
4e shamans have as their iconic feature the ability to summon a spirit companion. It's a conjuration that they can send out onto the battlefield while they stand in the back (or fight alongside it) and they have powers which originate from the spirit instead of from them.
This guy was a dragonborn with a falcon spirit companion made of black, red, and yellow smoke.
He carried a shield in one hand, and in his shriveled-up other hand he loosely carried a totemic spear (he needed it to qualify for the feat that let him grant attacks to others when he got opportunity attacks; he never actually attacked with it).
(In my campaigns, spirits usually look like 3D tribal tattoos made of coloured smoke.)
Nice :) So there's pet type concepts as well in 4e then as well?
Spirit companions, animal companions, and familiars.
Also summons (which are usually the product of daily powers).
Each is mechanically distinct.
Is there a summoner type class, where you can summon buttloads of minions?
Not really. There are classes with a number of summons (a particular kind of wizard and another kind of druid come to mind) but their summons are dailies so you'd have to pop a lot of dailies at once to do it.
There are plenty of powers that flavor their buffs or debuffs as summoning minions to help your friends or harass your foes, but that's purely flavor.
It is possible to stack up a goodly number of animal companions if you try, but it probably comes at the expense of having... yanno, your character make mechanical sense.
I suspect summon minions is considered pretty powerful (rightly so) if it's a daily then
Umm. Hybrid druid/ranger with multiclass shaman feat and a certain fey hunter theme comes to mind.
That'd get you four.
@Rob Yup.
4e have a lot of splatbooks?
7 PHBs or equivalents, and 30+ other books, including four alternate settings with more player options...
Six power-source-specific splats with extra options for existing classes of each power source type (martial, psionic, divine, etc).
Corks; well, that made them the book quotas then :)
And a number of world-building books about the different planes and so forth.
Plus the online character generator, very clever
And all the mechanical crunchy bits in all of it is available fully searchable on the DDI, and it's kept updated to the latest errata there.
@Rob yes, I find the DDI account more than equitable.
@JonathanHobbs Yawp! How's the jobbery?
So you can research in the DDI what splatbooks you need to buy :)
@Rob You don't need the splatbooks at all, unless you want the fluff.
@BESW It is excellent
The DDI Compendium will tell you which books the stuff is in if you don't have an account, but WITH an account it'll give you all the mechanical details.
@JonathanHobbs Most excellent, dude!
@BESW Aha; werl, cheers for the enlightenment. Knowledge 4e +1 level.
@Rob My pleasure! Hope you find a rules-lite group.
@BESW I'm in a new WoD vampire game and a Pathfinder game, it'll do for now :)
I'm getting my rules-lite kicks from a freeform PBEM
I am also about to watch someone winning a Super Smash Bros Brawl tournament using Zero Suit Samus, who is my favourite character in that game and yet is generally rated only B- or C-tier
That game is a hoot; although I am usually reduced to button mashing
That is one of the games where button mashing actually doesn't lead you to crazy success against someone who knows what they're doing, I think
All so very true, I rarely win, but I get flustered and "ARRRGGGHHH Kill them, use ALL the buttons!"
Due to my minimal exposure to consoles, button mashing is all I can ever manage.
The crazy power-ups in that game are what make it, I feel
Only missing one that turns you into Godzilla...
Wooo lots of snow
I have never seen snow fall AND stick to the ground.
Saw snow on the ground in the Pacific Northwest, and snow falling in South Carolina.
We have no idea what to do with snow in the UK, we get it regularly in winter, but as soon as it falls we panic and the transport system grinds to a halt. Meanwhile in Moscow it's -15 and they're all "it's just another day..."
Heh. South Carolina cancelled classes when snow melted as soon as it hit the ground.
They get snow-on-the-ground once every three or four years.
National holiday ;)
I'm trying to imagine Guam's response to snow.
Zombie apocalypse?
I think our record low EVER was 18C.
We average 24-30.
Our record highs are something like 36.
Pretty consistent then
We do get typhoons and earthquakes, so it balances out.
(But we build for them, so our 1992 7.8R earthquake killed... no one.)
The news agencies sent out reporters to find out what we were covering up.
I think the largest earthquake we've had in the UK was around 4
I take it your houses aren't made from wood then?
Since a particularly impressive typhoon in the 70s, most buildings are concrete.
There are still people who build with wood and tin, and they know exactly what they're getting into.
That's something that suprised me when I visited the US, most houses are wood made
If you can't afford a concrete house, often you'll have your bathroom made of concrete and build wood and tin around it.
In the UK they're virtually all brick
Then your family can shelter in the bathroom during a storm. "God gives us the wood, and God takes the wood away."
So you can still cr@p yourself in the loo as the storm goes over ;)
When I was quite young we lived in a concrete house with a tin roof.
My mother would take me to my grandmother's concrete house while my dad stayed back to try and keep his photography equipment dry.
@Rob Yeah, when I went to college in SC I had trouble knowing how much to trust the buildings during storms.
Get a lot of storms then?
@Rob We did. Haven't really had anything significant for almost ten years, which makes me nervous.
But in the 90s we averaged probably two or three storms a year.
Most of them were banana typhoons (only knocked the bananas off the trees), but you can never tell you so gotta prep for them all like they're The Big Ones.
Ha! I like the term "Banana typhoons" :)
There was a weird storm once that was almost entirely dry: just a lot of wind.
But because it didn't have much rain, it had whipped up the seawater into the air and the salt was driven into the plants, so three days later everything green died.
Ick :( Bit devastating then
Also our utilities sucked. Even at the best of times the power plants couldn't make enough electricity for the whole island, so we were on scheduled rolling blackouts most of my childhood.
New powerplant now?
And if a decent storm came through.... days? weeks? months? I wrote my college applications by candlelight.
@Rob Some upgrades, and less thoroughly corrupt management.
"My application: Please can I join your wonderful university, I hear it has electricity."
***** Linux really doesn't want me to delete this file
@Rob Oh, believe you me I milked the "I'm from an exotic tropical island and will contribute to your claims to diversity" theme for all it was worth, and did my best to minimize the fact that I'm a white guy with family roots in Chicago and the Adirondacks.
Then when I got to freshman orientation they thought "GU" was the postal code for the state of Georgia.
@Rob Tell Linux to man up?
:) The USA is huge, I did read once that a majority of yanks don't ever leave the states
@BESW I told it to sudo off
@Rob ...and make you a sandwich?
@Rob Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised at that.
@BESW Exactly :) All hail xkcd
In SC I learned that people think Guam is a) off the coast of Peru; b) in the Caribbean; c) in the Middle East; d) a small town in South Carolina; and that I know English very well for a non-native speaker.
Also that my accent is so impenetrable as to be unintelligible, or that I pronounce my syllables so clearly I must be British.
I have no idea what your accent is like, so I couldn't comment ;)
Most people tell me I "have no accent," which is utterly impossible but should tell you something.
Accents are confusing however; some places in the UK (Like Glasgow and Newcastle) I have a hell of a time trying to understand anyone
The UK is like a tiny little microcosm of accents. It rather fascinates me.
Ever seen "Trainspotting"?
You've got at least as many accents as the USA does in an eensy fraction of the area.
I'm aware of it.
The non-UK release had subtitles so people could understand the Glasgow accent :)
Edinburgh, my mistake.
My mother and I love British films and TV, but we have to put on the subtitles for my dad.
And we were really intrigued by the choice to use each actor's normal accent in Zen.
It's strange how much the accents over here vary in such a little distance; Manchester and Liverpool for example, very close but wildly different accents. All those centuries of no transport
Zen? I think that one passed me by.
@Rob BBC production filmed on location in Rome, cancelled before the end of the first season. Based on a series of books about a Roman policeman who is... less corrupt than everyone else, and how he makes that work for him (or not).
Starred Rufus Sewell.
Very interesting language choices; everything in the background, from newspapers to dialogue, is Italian. Everything in the foreground is English, but with whatever accent the is native to each actor.
It's a translation convention I haven't seen elsewhere.
At least, not deliberately.
That's a strange choice; I like the background idea
I'd not heard of it before
It's... kinda odd.
Aurelio Zen is not a clear-cut good guy. He's just less corrupt than the people around him.
He'll take bribes, but he stays bribed.
He tries to make sure the right people get punished, but he often has to make it look like he framed them... and then he pressures his superiors to give him favors because he went out of his way to frame someone to get the case closed.
He's very much in the Lovejoy school of heroes.
Ahhh classic old series, Lovejoy :)
Yes, we like it quite a bit.
You know Taggart?
We also really like the books --an astonishing range of vocabulary.
I'd highly recommend New Tricks as well, fantastic series
My mother watches Taggert while grading papers.
@Rob We've seen the first disk of that, the rest is in the Netflix queue. We're a little concerned it might depress my dad.
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