i am asking a meta question here because i don't think it is important enough to ask it on the actual meta site. i'm wondering if there is a tag for questions that are about very casual speech, such as Internet writing or common grammatical mistakes that people make. if not, is there a tag for colloquial/casual speech? i'd like to read questions about this.
i'm finding youtube comments and reddit comments far more difficult to understand than tv shows and journalism youtube videos. deepL doesn't seem to help me much with understanding reddit, either!
(my apologies, by the way, if this chat room is linked to a specific question. i'm assuming it is not, since i got to it by browsing the home page of french.meta.stackexchange.com)
update: i found a tag called "registre-familier", which fits "casual speech". but i'm not sure if there's a tag for hyper-colloquial speech, like you would find in Internet comments?
@silph There are already tags for "argot", "verlan", "langage-des-jeunes", "langage-informel" and even "slang" (with 0 questions); but nothing keeps you from introducing your own tag; for instance "branché" is not a tag yet, but if you find some vocabulary that you think belongs to "Français branché" you can refer to it by introducing a tag such as "registre-branché" or "branché".
@silph registre-familier looks to be indeed the best tag to use for this kind of questions. I don't believe there is a need to create new ones. You Tube and reddit comments are definitely places where very non standard (read: non academic) French can sometimes be found, and that's easy to explain.
ok, i'll keep using registre-familier for questions about writing i see on youtube/reddit; and it looks like there are plenty of questions with that tag for me to browse, too. i might browse a few of the other tags that LPH suggested.
@Peilonrayz I do not think it fair that you move messages to trash when I was defending myself and make me look as if I was doing something that is disallowed. And once again, I look the fool.
@Tsundoku While phonology and phonetics are technically different, they are certainly related enough to be merged (or for the phonème tag to be dropped).
@Peilonrayz So I have read the CoC again. I hadn't noticed remarks applied to content were prohibited if they would feel personal. Noted.
@Peilonrayz I also read that paragraph about harassment: "No harassment. This includes, but isn’t limited to: bullying, intimidation, vulgar language, direct or indirect threats, sexually suggestive remarks, patterns of inappropriate social contact, and sustained disruptions of discussion. "