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@RhysW you mean the letters O and H consecutively?
4 hours later…
@RhysW There's the interjection oh, but in the middle of a word it will take some thinking. "Ohio" is Ohio, of course.
Got one! cohabitation. And I expect we might find more with prefix co- and word root starting with "h".
Without it being meant as a prefix co- (it was in latin I think but not felt like that in french nowadayus) cohésion, cohérence, cohorte
1 hour later…
@Laure Perfect! Thanks for this, I searched through a dictionary for ages trying a similar tactic
@awllower : Puisque tu nous y invites dans ton profil so inform me if some error occurs. Here's to fix French in your prifile.
J'aime les mathématiques.
la seule raison d' étudier les mathématiques
la démonstration de Wiles emploie la méthode (enlever s' )
du jour où l'on étend**ra** les résultats
viz. à savoir
beaucoup des moyennes pour investiguer mathématiques beaucoup d'autres façons de faire de la recherche ne mathématiques
Peut-être que des spécialistes des maths feront mieux que moi sur les expressions purement mathématiques, je ne suis pas scientifique.
10 hours later…
Q: Spelling of the word "connoisseur"

Alexandre P. LevasseurFrom what I gathered on the Web, "connoisseur" is spelled that way because it is derived from the old french verb "connoƮtre" (to know) which has now been spelt "connaƮtre" for close to two centuries. Thus, the spelling I would expect as a native french speaker would be "connaisseur". Is there a...

3 hours later…

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