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Instead of repeating same thing again and again and missing what I highlighted, first process this, 'you say world is not Mithya,but is it? If I or someone kill you today, where is Rakesh or his job or his family or wealth? It disappears instantly, you dont even remember your previous birth yet claim to believe in reincarnation. Isnt this the biggest Mithya/lie and bigotry?'
Even an animal knows world is real, how are you better if you also believe in what you see despite reading scriptures of enlightened beings. Brahman is not gender neuter, there is no gender in reality, its a reflection of Purusha and Prakriti. If you think arrangement of bone and flesh in two forms create two genders, you need more reasoning and wisdom.
@RakeshJoshi just by saying Brahman is gender neuter, you havent answered everything, making excuses of reading your answers is just another excuse, what about answers to these questions, what is Atman?where is Atman?How does it stores actions and where? And why did Brahman expanded into Atman in first place? Have you seen Brahman? Can everyone see Brahman? Where does it live? What is the gender of Brahman? Is Brahman conscious or unconscious? How does Brahman expands exactly?
Dont give me some crammed copied experiences of some dead sages but your owns if you have. If I ask you to give me a sentence explaining yourself, will you copy paste from online or direct me to some other site for someone else expression, cant you use your understanding and logic to explain it directly? Thats whats the difference in blind superstition and wisdom/understanding.
If a teacher asks you some question, will you answer it directly or mention some book number and page number and tell questioner to read it himself.
And Mr. by the book, enlightenment and spirituality is about understanding and I am sure any normal wise person can understand what I am trying to explain in the sense of Jagat is Mithya, which basically the same message Krishna gave Arjuna to kill his own relatives for protection of Dharma, because any materialistic person who claims jagat is not mithya like Duryodhan will never kill his relatives.
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