@Nai45 Okay I have written the sentence only once instead of 47 times; I did the first and original one with capital "T", and then I copied it and in the copy I removed capital "T" and replaced it with "t", and also replaced the second letter "h" to further throw off any attempts of pattern finding; you could notice that the 'h' letter in "thou' is the same in all sentences except the first one. I copied it to make 46 instances of identical texts, then ...
@Nai45 ...I marked and resized many (but not all) of them a little: some were elongated in width, some in both height and width, some I shrinked in width, etc. all random combinations, so that first impression makes them look not obviously the same, and any pixel analysis would be thrown off by artifacts created via resizing. I also moved some of the lines a little left, right, up, and down randomly so that they do not immediately strike with unnatural, grid-aligned appearance.