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@JourneymanGeek He looks so like Charlie, the maine coon we lost last summer
and he was very good tempered, no other cat would sit this quietly with a stranger shaving of his balls
I meant the giant maine coon in the video
@JourneymanGeek all maine coons are alike each other :)
@C.Koca I was watching a video with an extra big ginger...
Coons seem to be more expressive than most cats :D
@JourneymanGeek expressive how? vocally? taily? or scratchy?
Oh, facially
Most cats don't really have much... facial range. :D
@JourneymanGeek You mean bitey?
Like facial expressions
Cats tend to have the same acting range as Steven Segal
"slightly pinched stare"
@C.Koca Oh maybe you are right but before adding the new "featured" to your new Meta Q&A, I deleted "featured" from other old Q&A; still, the new is not displayed and the old one is still diplayed there.
@Nai45 I had opened too many web browser tabs (I fell down a rabbit hole) and this pushed Litter Box's browser tab out of sight and I did not see that someone posted something, sorry for neglection.
@lila I think those are heavily cached
@lila I do not accept apology. In order to make me accept, please write down "thou shall not neglect Nai45's chat messages" 50 times on one piece of paper. Only then shall I forgive you ;)
@Nai45 There's a horrible pun I can say about that, but I'm not sure if its specific to indian english ._.
9 hours later…
@lila afternoon!
I thoughr I wrote hey too
Am I getting paranoid?
no, chat sometimes does not send the message and says "failure" with options to send again, edit or cancel; if you said "hey" and then closed the web tab, then your "hey" has disapeared without a trace.
I have a SEDE query that you might find interesting for your Trivia Pet suit meta post: data.stackexchange.com/pets/query/1421891
and here is one for tweeted and Hot posts and the time between those events: data.stackexchange.com/pets/query/1421899/…
@JourneymanGeek okay does this mean that it is normal? by the way, it works now.
Well sometimes it breaks and you need a CM to kick it
@Nai45 Hahahaha maybe, but 50 seems a bit excessive and ridiculous, could we agree to make it 47 instead? And second, could we agree to make it in graphic program instead of paper? It will still be handwritten of course!
@JourneymanGeek ok thanks!
@lila hmmmm :/ fine
but must be handwritten ;)
2 hours later…
@rene Thanks a lot for your contribution, both queries are very fitting for the event.
Ouch - no dog walking for me atm. Twisted my knee when Xabi jumped into the leash. And I knew he would (car getting too close for his comfort), was prepared, and still hurt myself. Just stupid.
@Nai45 Thou shalt not disrespect your moderator or be overly demanding ;-)
3 hours later…
@Stephie get well soon!
I never walked a dog in my life
My parents' dog would walk beside me when I gather wood or something and sometimes, trusting me, he would go and provoke other dogs. When I move away he would then rush to me :)
@Nai45 3/47
@Nai45 47/47
Anyone works in image processing? Can anyone tell if this is copied pasted or genuinely written?
@C.Koca Hey it just so happens that I work in image processing, and I had to take closer look and was inspecting it for about half an hour, but my conclusion is that it is 100% genuinely written! Trust me!
@lila You have waaay too much free time :)
@C.Koca I have almost no free time, I am constantly so busy moderating Pets Q&A and Litter Box chat (and working in image processing of course).
@lila I moderate the chat now!
@C.Koca We moderate the chat!
TIL, I learnt a new word diffidence and noticed that con- and dif- are exact opposites
Confidence/Diffidence, Confer/Differ, Conference/Difference
I would have never noticed because -fer in confer is pronounced way different than -fer in differ
Nice thanx for sharing! A few months ago I discovered that "finite" and "infinite" are not pronounced the same in the "finite" part, and this makes no sense!
@lila That was hard for me too
it is pronounced "infinit" vs "fainight"
English is a weird language
@lila btw, a few days ago I followed you to your other chat room
I also think so, how would you pronounce "lighght"?
sorry, I stalked a little :)
@C.Koca nice! do not worry please, I "stalk" Litter Box chat users like this all the time.
@lila layft?
@lila I thought of joining, but I am too politically involved for an SE politics chat room
@C.Koca but isn't the 'gh' in 'light' silent? Shouldn't 'lighght' be the same as 'light'?
@lila The second gh is pronounced as the gh in enough, because why not?
@C.Koca It is just food for thought by the way, I do not have any answer to this ^.^ wow okay, that gh in enough argument is really clever, I did not think of this.
@lila It was a riddle by our physics teacher in high school. What is GHOT?
I opened your avatar image and I am currently preparing to start actually drawing it for you :o
@lila You are too kind :)
@C.Koca "Psychics teacher" makes me see "ghot" as a shorthand for "foton"/"photon"... okay "photon" makes no sense in this context, tell me answer please
@lila Fish. gh as in enough, o as in women and t as in station
@C.Koca If I was really that kind, this drawing would have been ready the next day; instead, I came up with an brand-new excuse each day the last week or so, I cannot keep doing this.
He was making fun of the lack of central structure in English, although he was a native English speaker himself
@lila You are doing a favor! And definitely not an urgent one
Wow I would never think about it like this!
@lila What is that?
@C.Koca ghot
He had some obsession with fish
He also used fish as an example for the wave particle duality
I also have "some" obsession with fish, tell me more about wave particle fish please
He says "Is fish a wave?" everybody says no. Then he goes "Is fish a particle?" incoherent agreement. Then he makes his final comment, "Fish is fish, some properties of it is explained by wave mechanics and some by particle mechanics"
Wow this is really really clever, I remember we were talking in this room about physics 2 weeks ago (the most active day in years on Litter Box) and you said basically the same (minus the fish part); it is correct, light has its specific nature and light is not aware about the concept of particles nor waves.
Warning, "humour":
in The Awkward Silence, Nov 17 '20 at 15:20, by lila
I realize that I'm a bit obsessed on fish and aquariums, maybe it's been enough, okay let's change topic to something different. Maybe let's talk about travel? Okay, so: I like visiting sea coastline small cities, they are peaceful and there are a lot of restaurants with delicious fried fish. And my father has been on a Bornholm trip for hobbyist cod fishing. Now your turn <°)ֆֆֆֆ><
@C.Koca Okay look I came up with alternative solution: 'ghot' is a ghost of a snake. It is ethereal in its nature, so it obviously cannot interact via making audible 'ssssssss' sounds that live snakes make. It is a ghost which lacks 'ssssssss', thus ghot.
@lila Yup, it is all thanks to good old Mr. Ives. And you know, if you still remember your high school physics teacher's sayings, it means he was a very good one
@lila :D
@lila We might start our own Riddler's Den :)

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