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@lila update as requested: Pup is doing just fine. We are developing the first semblance of a routine. And together with my pharmacist friend and throwing around a few ideas I finally found a method that allows me to feed him in a reasonable amount of time (which is also appreciated by the hungry partner in this challenge). He will greedily suckle on the paintbrush, but dipping it all the time was wearing both of our patience thin. But the tip of the syringe was simply too thick.
@Stephie Thanks! By the way, photos are also always welcome! ^.^
Even the very thin and flexible tube of a Venofix was too much. But thin enough to refill the brush tip while he’s suckling. I am missing one hand for the exercise, but luckily he was happy to be parked on a plush elephant for the feeding.
@lila as soon as I can get another family member to help ;-)
Still, after each meal he wants a snuggle break and will fall asleep on my palm while I very carefully pet him.
You should have seen the screeching protests when minor 1 tried to pick him up. He went in reverse gear and tried to get away. He all but jumped on my palm when he had the chance.
Next task: Get him used to the minors’ scent, so that we can share the tasks a bit and give them the chance to be more actively involved.
5 hours later…
@lila Don't mistake honesty for humility! :) I'm not a particularly humble person, but I'm very, very honest. Your analysis was eloquent, and I was impressed.
Sometimes - often, really - I wish I could meet the people I converse with on the various stacks I frequent. But honestly, I think their opinion of me would fall far sort of their expectations, because writing is slower than speaking, and one can always decide to change something before pressing send, but that doesn't happen irl.
@Stephie Oh, that sounds like a little bit of heaven, having a bat bond to you! Such a special experience!
Last year, a neighbor called me over to see what was in their bucket. It was a little opossum. They had tried to call the police, the animal control folks, etc., but no one wanted it. They had to go somewhere for the day, so I offered to take it.
Raising a wild baby opossum is illegal here, so I called a wildlife rehabilitator. From the description, she said he was about eight weeks, so could live without mom's milk. She reminded me of the law, and I fully intended to take the baby to her the next day.
The baby was very docile, didn't mind me handling it at all, and as I examined him, I realized he had subcutaneous emphysema over the right chest to the neck, which is a sign of a punctured lung. On closer examination, I found two puncture wounds on that side. A cat(?) had probably dropped him where he was found.
I didn't take him to the rehabilitator, because I feared he would be put down. The biggest risk would be an abcess in the lung which would be difficult to treat/lethal, so I thought I'd just make him comfortable in my home until he either got better or died.
So the docility was actually shock, and once he started getting better, my word he got feisty! He would try to bite me at every feeding! And even though he was a baby, it was scary. Soooo many teeth!
I fell in love. I named him Opie. My bathroom became his territory, and he would hide everywhere. He had food preferences, and I catered to them, digging up - ewww - earthworms from the garden. He loved yogurt and would lick it off my finger. He was partial to grapes and cherries.
That's Opie on the first day.
I cared for him for, like, maybe two months? And he never got friendlier, lol! I finally got up the courage to let him go. I took him to a place where I thought there would be lots to eat and let him go one night. He scurried into the forest without so much as a glance over the shoulder. :)
He was adorable. But then I got Max. Who is also adorable, but unlike Opie, very nice to me.
And completely irresistible.

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