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OK, question about working together... Would your moderating be altered if one of the moderators from the team of three always seemed to hold an opinion contrary to your own? @RoryAlsop, @SomeShinyObject, @SomeShinyObject
As in, say, would it make you doubt yourself? Slow down your moderating? Whatever? Because three is a tricky number.
Q#2: How would you handle a fellow mod (I'm not implying this has happened, btw) who disregards the vague, general consensus of the site, when Meta is so slow? @SomeShinyObject, @RoryAlsop, @Stephie
@Stephie - sorry, I double pinged @SomeShinyObject; I meant to ping you in the first question.
@Stephie, @SomeShinyObject, @RoryAlsop - How would you handle a situation in which a CM who is a user of the site violated site guidelines? (This has happened on both sites I've moderated.)
For example, in a question about a controversial issue that elicits strong emotions, say, spanking, say the CM undeleted an answer that was a blatant frame-challenge?
Trust me to be controversial. :-/
@anongoodnurse I think 3 is okay. Previously we have had disagreements, in all the iterations of the mod team so far, and generally we have gone with the majority (couple of exceptions for good reasons)
@anongoodnurse Discussion - literally, that's the only way. I know I have sometimes overstepped that mark, and you or Joe or Erica had a wee word with me (or in one case it may have been Stephie) and that's fine - things can always be reversed or corrected
@anongoodnurse Can I leave that one until the others have responded? That was an interesting one...
2 hours later…
@RoryAlsop - These are theoretical; I don't want to single anyone out! :) For the record, I have no recollection of you overstepping the mark.
3 hours later…
An uneven number at least increases the chances of a majority ;-)
No, seriously - *constructive* discussion is part of the job description of a mod and everyone with a diamond should be able to engage in such an exchange. In the unlikely event of one especially “hammer happy” solo flier, a candid talk behind closed doors would be in order . I don’t expect the necessity, though.
Nobody wants edit or rollback wars or mods questioning each other on the main site. Regular “I see now that I may have misjudged the post, let’s undo...” are normal.
Yes, Meta is slow. But still the way to go when a formal community decision is needed.
1 hour later…
As they say, three heads are better than one. I don’t doubt that my parenting stance is different from other moderators here or other members here. At the end of the day, to be honest, this is the internet. I think I can separate moderation of the site and being a participating member of the site. Proper communication and dispute resolution are key.
For your question #2, that CM should be held accountable for the action. Based on the infraction they should either be reprimanded and apologize to those they affected and on the extreme, be asked to resign. A diamond, just like a police badge or a military rank, doesn’t make you above the law. It makes people know that you should be upheld to the highest standard of the law.
@anongoodnurse I hope that answers your questions.

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