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@anongoodnurse For a CM, it’s an interesting situation. If the CM acted as a participant of the site, they are regular users, where a Parenting mod’s decision (especially a joint decision or based on a community Meta decision) trumps. If the CM acted in their CM role, then that’s binding. Or rather binding if it still stands after a discussion.
But we mustn’t forget the human factor: You said yourself that you sometimes instinctively reach for the moderator tools that you were used to have and Rory and I can confirm that we know the feeling as well from the sites where we are regular users. There’s a small chance that the situation you described happened because the CM could do something their role shouldn’t. I would talk. Under the post for harmless cases, so that the community can chime in or, in private (= mod chat) otherwise.
First clarify what exactly happened and why, then go from there. Keep calm and civil (hot posts are dangerous for mods as well), include as many of the other mods as possible or the time zones permit. Explain, explain, explain, bring Meta Q/A if possible, remember that a CM probably is not familiar with the finer specifics of each site.
(sorry for the delayed 2nd answer, I got interrupted, then fell asleep...)
10 hours later…
@Stephie OK, say the CM isn't a regular user, but comes because it's a HNQ (a monster of another kind). The CM came and saw a frame challenging post had been deleted and then undeleted it, even though it violated specific site policies, would you side with the community or respect the CM's decision? @RoryAlsop,
@SomeShinyObject Thank you, it does answer my questions.
@Stephie - sorry for being a PITA.
@Stephie lol!
@anongoodnurse nah, all good. I hang out on the network too much anyway, but real life takes precedence.
And you know, this is just practice, because unless someone else self-nominates, you three are the mods.
Because on the sites I moderated, emotions run high (the other one was Health/Medical Sciences.
You want to be sure about whoever’s following in your footprints, eh?
@Stephie In a way, yes. But in another way, a more significant way, I'm really giving up control and expectations here. I really am ok with answers that are different than my own. Like I said, I left my boot print here. It's time to let others help the site be what it becomes.
@anongoodnurse I must say I am very proud of the community atm. The migrated post from yesterday immediately triggered my “have to watch this” senses. So while I was prepared to user-moderate (flag, protect, comment), there was nothing!
@anongoodnurse so, having had that happen here, there was a lot of discussion with the CM involved. Quite heated discussion, but I think that has to be the first step - to explain to them what they may have missed in the local scope.
I haven't seen it yet...
@RoryAlsop Yep.
I really liked @Stephie's comment on it - it will come down to whether the CM was acting in a CM role, in which case let's check why; or if they were acting as a user in which case explain the rules and re-close
@RoryAlsop redelete, do you mean?
Of course I can’t say for sure what may have happened and be dealt with during the night, but so far and in memory of what I sometimes refer to as “the series of unfortunate events”, all is good.
@anongoodnurse or that.
The CM undeleted a deleted answer.
All's well that ends well, I suppose, but things don't always end well.
@anongoodnurse yes
The CM who flagrantly disregarded rules on Health pouted for quite a while. :-/
@anongoodnurse I am nobody that blindly follows. Last time I checked I was pretty capable of forming an own opinion. So in the given scenario - which is pretty much the “not familiar enough with the specific site” mentioned earlier - I would definitively start a debate or do some explaining.
And, of course, I was the one who pointed it out to them.
@Stephie I think you will be an excellent moderator. I have no doubt about your opinions.
All of you will be.
This is for everyone, partly to show that moderation isn't all fun and games.
This site is so slow lately (I think), but I don't have the know-how (serious deficiency) to check the numbers.
@anongoodnurse I get that. I have been much more attentive and engaged in network-wide topics since then.
@Stephie - Is that the transgender question?
@anongoodnurse yes.
Ah. I did see it. It didn't strike me as a lightening rod... hmm.
On the other hand, the "I'm so attracted to my son" is still up, last I checked. A troll question.
Community so slow/uninvested that it didn't get the delete votes it needs.
@anongoodnurse Gone now. Forgot to click the button.
Hope that changes, because community moderation is so good, such a relief to mods who have to make the decisions alone.
@Stephie Thank you!
Thanks, all, for engaging.
@anongoodnurse on SA, there’s the rule of thumb that mods will try to cast the fourth or fifth close vote only, putting the community into the lead vs. just hammering. (Not for blatant cases, of course.)
@Stephie Yeah, on this site, I have waited days without a close vote.
Don’t think this will work too well here atm. It certainly doesn’t on Gardening SE.
@anongoodnurse overlapping posts ;-)
And the danger of waiting days is that (imo) people not familiar with the site will see it and think that question is fine here.
It is lovely outside, and I will go out shortly (when my pain meds kick in.) Have a lovely evening, @Stephie, Rory. :)
@anongoodnurse and a good day to you! Take care!

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