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Gordon Moore, from Moore's Law (also the founder of the company Intel) got his PhD in Chemistry.
13 hours later…
@NikeDattani Again here... I don't the activity of users has something to do with the legitimacy of their questions.
@AloneProgrammer This is a legitimate question, but if the user goes away for 2 weeks, then many of us might waste precious time trying to solve a problem for someone that isn't going to see it (or already solved it, or doesn't need the answer anymore). We have other unanswered questions to devote our (limited) energy, and it's not easy. In this case the user came back, so the question has not been hammered closed. We can talk about this on Meta.
@NikeDattani "This is a legitimate question, but if the user goes away for 2 weeks, then many of us might waste precious time trying to solve a problem for someone that isn't going to see it (or already solved it, or doesn't need the answer anymore)." that's exactly not the very initial intention of SE. I think as long as question is legitimate it should remain open and it worth to be answered because it might not help the OP directly but we want to create a Q&A database for other users that have similar questions to find it and hopefully solve their problem without needing to ask it again.
@NikeDattani In fact that's exactly the difference between SE and other forums like reddit or Quora. If a question is within our scope it should remain open and it might be answered even a couple of years from now in the future regardless of the activity of OP, even if the user that asked the question initially removed or whatever happened to their account.
6 hours later…
@TheSimpliFire, @StephenXie, @TAR86 don't forget to try to vote a bit more if you don't mind! We were predicted to have 152 users with 200+ rep by the end of 90 days in Beta, but that has now dropped to 148 users. This is ranked as "okay" instead of "excellent". I am just trying to encourage a bit more voting in general, not to downvote or upvote any specific question :)
I didn't tag Cody since he's already the 5th best voter of all time.
@FelipeS.S.Schneider Nice to see you back. If you can do a bit more voting, it would help even things out a bit. I wrote above about how our A51 stats went down, but actually an even more important reason is that voting in general has gone down, which is unfair to new users that now get an average of 2-3 upvotes/post, while 2 months ago people were getting an average of 10-20 upvotes/post.
2 hours later…
Preface: I'm moving some comments here from an existing post to bring the discussion to the general community. The comments relate to closing posts that have been abandoned (left by the author for greater than 2 weeks without responding to suggestions in the comments)

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