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@AloneProgrammer "within scope" is not the only criterion in Stack Exchange, for closing a question.
There's actually several close-reasons given: Lacks detail/lacks clarity, too broad, etc. There's also the option of choosing "community specific reason" when voting to close.
That community-specific reason, could be abandonment of the question. Otherwise, we can just vote to close based on "lacking detail/clarity" instead of "community-specific reason: abandonment" because we need to know more about the problem in order to answer it, and the user hasn't come back to answer the relevant questions. I am not saying the CCSD(T) geoemetry optimization question needs to be closed. That can stay, especially since the OP has come back and is actively engaging with
people's comments. However there's some questions we did close because the user was simply gone. For example a user made their account on May 16th, asked a question on May 16th, and then has never signed into their account even once since then. People have commented saying that more details are needed in order to answer the question, but the user has not come back to answer those questions (and maybe they never will?) so it then takes up space in our unanswered question queue and people that
try to clear the unanswered question queue, will be wasting bounties on it, or wasting time and energy contacting people to answer it, when in fact it can't be answered.
What do you think @Tyberius?
22 hours later…
ooh a gif can be uploaded :) some recent work of mine

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