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here's a fun one: Vyxal 3, 14 bytes: 2√①k1*×⌊1'.⎀“, Vyxal It Online!
the tooltip for says it's for the compressed strings thingo, but it's also join on nothing
[RubenVerg] it's join on nothing at the very end of the program only
[RubenVerg] iirc
i tihnk it's just join on empty string only if it's not closing a string
which makes sense
(also, code.golf seems to have disabled implicit printing?)
explicitly too
--disable-output is passed as a flag
quine cheese prevention
@Themoonisacheese it's join on nothing if not closing a string
...which is what you said anyway I didn't read that part I only read the bit about printing being turned off not the part where you clearly stated the behaviour which I happened to repeat without knowing I had been, essentially, ninja'd but that it wasn't a necessary ninja nor a ninja of rapid fire chat, but a silly one
born to be silly, forced to golf :(
@lyxal that's a bit sad, i feel like it's not very fun to add 1 char to every submission just to save a challenge that is silly to beign with
yes, quines are silly, i said it, fight me liberals
@Themoonisacheese I don't fully agree with it either
but I see it as something that keeps the peace, as such
then again you did implement ℗
I stole it from Jelly
@Themoonisacheese do you have a suggestion to do this in a better way?
most of the code is straight up just multiplying a float so i have access to the amount of digits required
that's actually pretty smart
and i feel like there's a simpler way
would be if I had actually implemented "to n decimal places"
@lyxal i actually didn't think this would work, i thought that the precision of 2√ would just be wrong after the default display (or be all 0s), i was pretty surprised to see that it did actually compute up to that
Why wouldn't it work?
Everything is arbitrary precision after all
And surds are stored exactly under the hood
@lyxal that's the part that surprised me
It's the part that makes supporting scala native 0.5 impossible :p
(the underlying library hasn't been version bumped)
@Themoonisacheese exact numbers like that was actually a fundamental design choice lol
Something that was absolutely going to be a thing
Just like it was in v2
Although it was easier in v2 because Sympy is so extensive
yeah i was about to ask if that was why sympy
Half the reason
Exact numbers + symbolic algebra
Even if it did mean ACE exploits :p
And weird fraction representations
Of whole numbers
@lyxal ACE? in your interpreter? it's more likely than you think!
[the cat] can't believe my program which I wrote to execute arbitrary code has the ability to execute arbitrary code
@Themoonisacheese especially when the library you're passing user input to uses exec under the hood and can easily be escaped :p
Meant you could insert arbitrary python calls
Even on the online interpreter
Had to remove all algebra stuff for a while
A: How Turing complete is your language?

emanresu AVyxal, score 11 1+C† k⟇hoĖ ⌈¢ ` ‛p"øV 56S)ŀẊ ⟨⟩|₅ṫ⁽İ$J 4L{ḣτ0€∇iWfḢ… λ;←→wMt∧ Þ∞(„‟[]¬₈Q \01ḊȧḞƛ‡∷¥£Ṫẋ 2ʁṘ⅛≬ḭ'¼¦ɖ*-aNßX:^} For a language to be Turing-Complete, it must be (among other things) possible to loop infinitely. There are several ways to do this in Vyxal: Ė and † evaluate a string as ...

A: Inject arbitrary code into a compiler (robbers)

SegganCracks Vyxal 2.10 `f"{print(1)}"`∆i Prints 1 then errors. Sadly does not work online, but does offline. Exploits the fact that ∆i uses sympy, similar to this. Injected code is everything between the { and }.

then again v2 had arbitrary python eval???
But yes because it was surprisingly useful
The ace problem was that it wasn't disabled online
Even though python eval was
Meant you could write files to the server
... Which people did
Because that's the vyxal way after all
2021 was peak
did v2 not execute in the browser?
[user] No, it executed on the server
1 hour later…
is code.golf/semiprime-numbers#vyxal impossible in vyxal?
given the 5s timeout
i have Vyxal 3, 13 bytes: k2ɾ(n∆æ∑2=¿n, Vyxal It Online! which i'll concede is very much not efficient but it doesn't even reach 1000, much less 10000
[RubenVerg] i have a working 23
[RubenVerg] which can probably be optimized a lot
[RubenVerg] it takes 2.7s
[RubenVerg] and it's much simpler than you think
[RubenVerg] golfed to 18

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